河北省抚宁五中高一英语人教版必修1《Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modem hero》(第1课时)》学案

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河北省抚宁五中高一英语人教版必修1《Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modem hero》(第1课时)》学案_第1页
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河北省抚宁五中高一英语人教版必修1《Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modem hero》(第1课时)》学案_第2页
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河北省抚宁五中高一英语人教版必修1《Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modem hero》(第1课时)》学案_第3页
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111Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modem hero第一课时 (词汇课)学习目标:掌握黑体单词和短语的基本用法学习要求:查字典1 上台执政_ come 过去式 _ 过去分词_De Gaulle _ _ _ in 1958. (戴高乐1958年上台)Things have changed a lot since he _ _ _.(自从他上台)2事实上(3个) _ _ _The boy looks stupid, but _ he is bright.A in a fact B as a fact C in a matter of fact D as a matter of fact说真的,我不知道事情真相(truth)。_3 求助于某人 _sb 在危险受罚痛苦忧虑等的处境中 _Whenever he has troubles, he will ask me for help.Whenever he is _ _, he will _ _ _ for help.4 质量品质性质_ The goods(货物商品) are of poor _.A quantity B qualities C quality D quantities改错;Courage(勇气) is one of the quality of a good soldier(士兵).5 active _ be active in _educated一个活泼的小孩 _她年龄虽已70多,却仍活跃。Although she was more than 70, she _ still _.6 devote _ devoted _ 一个忠实的朋友 _Sb devote -to (doing) sth He _ _ his whole life to benefiting mankind.(现在完成时)Sb be devoted to (doing) sth She _ _ to her studies. 她专心于她的学习。7 投票选票表决_把短语和正确的解释连线投票支持某人 投票去做某事 投票赞成反对 就-投票表决 Vote to do sth vote sb vote on sth vote for/against sth8 attack _ attack sb with sth _That man _ _ _ a knife. (那个人持刀向他行凶)。9 equal _ equally _翻译。(汉译英和英译汉)A The two desks are of equal size. _B All men are born equal. _C Be equal to -某人胜任- 我不能胜任这份工作。_10 逃脱 逃避_ He was lucky to escape from the big fire._11 educate _ educated_ education _ educate sb _Sb be educated _The children _ _ in England.12 请求乞求_过去式_ 过去分词_beg sb to do sth 我请求他原谅(forgive)我。_beg sb for sth 她恳求我帮忙(help)。 _13 reward 名词_ 动词_翻译:In reward for my help, he sang a song for me._.How can I reward your kindness?_.14 丧失勇气或信心 _改错:You mustnt lose your heart; sooner or later you will succeed15 sentence 名词_ 动词_ Be sentenced to _他被判处三年监禁。He _ _ _ 3 years in prison.16 意见看法主张_ In ones opinion _依我看,你错了。_.17 set up _ set 过去式_ 过去分词_A学校已经建立一个特别班级来帮助有困难的学生。The school _ _ _ a special class to help students.B 那位科学家提出了一套有关地震的新理论。The scientists _ _ a new theory about earthquake.C在那个遥远的村庄建立了一个新的学校。A new school _ _ _ in that faraway village.(被动语态)18(状态) 失业 be_ 在上班在干活_ (动作)失去工作_ 找到工作 _如果我失业了,我该怎么办?What can I do if I _ _ _ _ ?如果你不努力工作,你会失去你的工作。If you dont work hard, you will _ _ _.He lost his job three years ago and hasnt found one by now. He _ _ _ _ _ for three years.111

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