高一英语人教版必修2同步检测《Unit 5Music》(Word有详解答案)第三课时Learning about Language

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高一英语人教版必修2同步检测《Unit 5Music》(Word有详解答案)第三课时Learning about Language_第1页
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高一英语人教版必修2同步检测《Unit 5Music》(Word有详解答案)第三课时Learning about Language_第2页
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111Unit 5 第三课时 Learning about Language.句型转换1They live in a house, whose windows are made of glass.They live in a house,_ _ _ _are made of glass.2This kind of colorless gas is called oxygen. We cant live without it.This kind of colorless gas is called oxygen,_ _we cant live.3The person you should send this letter to is Mr Ball.The person_ _you should send this letter is Mr Ball.4He has two daughters, and both of them are college students.He has two daughters,_ _ _are college students.5China has a lot of famous writers and Lu Xun is one of them.China has a lot of famous writers,_ _ _is Lu Xun.答案:1.the, windows, of, which2.without, which3.to, whom4.both, of, whom5.one, of, whom.单项填空1My glasses,_I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.Awhich Bwith whichCwithout that Dwithout which答案:D题意:我的眼镜掉在地上摔破了,没有它我就像个瞎子。由题意可知介词应用without,而that不能放在介词后引导定语从句。2The old man has two sons,_is a soldier.Aone of whom Bboth of themCall of whom Dboth of whom答案:A由限定范围two判断,排除C项;由定语从句谓语为单数可排除D项;B项为两并列分句,无连词连接,故A项正确。3Madame Curie,_life had once been very hard, was given two Nobel Prizes.Aof whom Bfor whomCfor whose Din whom答案:B本题考查介词提前的非限制性定语从句。该从句中关系代词充当宾语成分,与be hard连用的介词用for。4Aunt Betty gave us sandwiches for our picnic. _, she gave us a bag of cookies.AIn addition BTo be honestCFor example DBy the way答案:Ain addition此处相当于whats more,意为“而且;除此之外”。to be honest“说实话”;for example“例如”;by the way“顺便说一下”。5Franks dream was to have his own shop_to produce the workings with his own hands.Athat Bin whichCby which Dhow答案:B该定语从句的先行词是shop,定语从句中省略主语和谓语动词,用不定式短语充当目的状语,shop在定语从句中充当地点状语,故用in which引导,相当于where。6I have decided to write about Chaplin, one of_films I saw several years ago.Athat BwhomCwhose Dwhich答案:C先行词为Chaplin,在定语从句中充当films的定语,故用whose代替Chaplins。7She spent a happy afternoon_her coins and stamps she had collected those years.Alooking for Bworking onCsorting out Dturning to答案:Csort out“给分类”,指把物品分门别类地处理。8The English play_my students acted at the New Years party was a great success.Afor which Bat whichCin which Don which答案:Cact in sth.“在某物中扮演”,先行词为play,故用介词in。9He has lost the key to the drawer_the papers are kept.Aon which Bin whichCunder which Dwith which答案:B先行词为the drawer,定语从句中主谓齐全,缺少地点状语,一般文件是放在抽屉里的,故介词用in。10New York is famous for its skyscrapers,_has more than 100 storeys.Athe higher of them Bthe highest of whichCthe highest of them Dsome of which答案:B由从句的限定范围看出应该用最高级;C项构成两并列从句,缺少连词,故排除。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。There was a man playing the piano in a bar. He was a good piano player. People_1_out just to hear him play. But one_2_, a customer told him he didnt want to hear him just play any more. He wanted him to sing a song.The man said,“I dont sing.”But the customer was_3_. He told the bartender(酒吧男招待),“Im_4_listening to the piano. I want that guy to sing!”The bartender_5_across the room,“Hey! If you want to get_6_, sing a song. The customers are_7_you to sing!”So he did. He sang a song. A piano player who had_8_sung in public did so for the_9_first time. And_10_had ever heard the song Mona, Mona Lisa sung the way it was sung_11_Nat King Cole!He had talent he was sitting on! He_12_have lived the rest of his life as a noname piano player in a noname bar, but_13_he had to sing, he went on to become one of the bestknown_14_in America.You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel as if your “talent”is_15_great, but it may be_16_than you think! And with persistence(坚持),most skills can be_17_. You may as well have no ability at all,_18_, if you sit on whatever talent you possess! The better question is not“What ability do I have that is_19_?” It is rather“How will I use_20_ability I have?”1A.came BranCwalked Dlooked答案:A人们“来到”酒吧只是为了听他弹琴。2A.day BnightCmorning Dafternoon答案:B由生活常识可知,酒吧通常在“晚上”营业。A项太笼统。3A.happy BsurprisedCsad Dinsistent答案:D由but及下面这位顾客的话可知,顾客“坚持”让他唱歌。4A.fond of Bgood atCtired of Dlooking forward to答案:C根据上文“he didnt want to hear him just play any more”可知,他已经“厌倦”了(be tired of)听钢琴演奏。be fond of“喜欢”;be good at“擅长”;look forward to“盼望”。5A.shouted BsuggestedCencouraged Dcomforted答案:A根据后面“across the room”可知是“大声喊”。6A.fired BhiredCpaid Dlost答案:Cget paid“得到报酬”。fire(解雇)与hire(雇,租)与语境不符;D项get lost意为“迷路”,不合逻辑。7A.telling BorderingCasking Dpersuading答案:C根据上文可知顾客要求(ask)他唱歌。tell“告诉”;order“命令”;persuade“劝服”,皆不符合句意。8A.seldom BneverCalways Dsometimes答案:B由下面for the first time可知他“从没有”当众唱过歌。9A.very BsoCyet Dtherefore答案:Avery在此处表示为加强语气,强调这确实是第一次。10A.somebody BanybodyCeverybody Dnobody答案:D“没有人”曾经听过这首歌曲用这种方式被演唱。11A.of BfromCby Dfor答案:C由Nat King Cole唱的歌。by此处意为“被,由”。12A.may BmustCshouldnt Dcant答案:Amay此处表示推测。should have done sth.表示过去应当做某事而没做;must have done表示对过去非常肯定的猜测;cant have done表示过去不可能做某事。13A.because BwhenCas soon as Dafter答案:A他之所以走上唱歌这条路,是因为有人坚持让他唱了首歌,所以选A项。14A.pianists BsingersCmusicians Dmillionaires答案:B他因一首歌而一举成名,自然是“歌手”。15A.especially BparticularlyCspecially Dhighly答案:Bparticularly表示“特别地”,侧重特点。especially意为“尤其”,表示程度;specially意为“专门”,表示种类或目的;highly意为“高度地”。16A.worse BlessCmore Dbetter答案:D由上文可知,此处表示可能比你想象得“还要好”。17A.learned BmasteredCimproved Dfound答案:C只要坚持不懈,大部分技巧是可以“提高”的。18A.besides BhoweverCin other words Dafter all答案:B此处前后句为转折关系,因此选B项however。19A.real BspecialCuseful Dbest答案:A“真正的”才能。20A.whichever BwhateverCwhat Dwhich答案:B怎样发挥我所拥有的“任何”才能。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(2010河南焦作市高一上期末)One of the most popular American singers of 20th century was Elvis Presley. Elvis Presley made the music called rock n roll popular around the world. He sold millions of records and made many successful films, and he helped change the direction of popular music in 1960s. Elvis Presley was born in 1935 in a small town called Tupelo, in Mississippi in the southern United States; he came from a very poor family. His parents were simply country people who often took Elvis to church. At church he learned to sing, and he never forgot the kind of songs that he used to sing in church as a child.When he was a school boy, Elvis moved to the town of Memphis in Tennessee. He attended high school in Memphis, but he was not a very good student. His only real interest was singing. He began to sing in the style that is popular in Tennessee, a style called country and westernIn 1955 in Memphis he recorded some country and western songs for his mothers birthday. And the people at the recording studio liked Elviss singing and music. There was something different about it. It was country and western music, but it also sounded a little like the music which black people used to sing I the American south, music called blues.1Elvis Presley will always be remembered by American people as_.Aa film star Ba famous conductorCa great singer Da recorder maker答案:C细节理解题。由第一段第一句话可知。2Elvis learned to sing_.Aat home Bat churchCin Memphis Dat high school答案:B细节理解题。由第一段最后一句话“At church he learned to sing, and he never forgot the kind of songs that he used”可知。3The music Elvis recorded was the style called_.Ablues Bcountry and westernCrock n roll Dpopular答案:B细节理解题。由第二段最后一句话“He began to sing in the style that is popular in Tennessee, a style called country and western”可知。4When he was at high school, Elvis didnt do well in his studies because_.Ahe was only interested in singingBhis family was very poorChe went to church too often Dhe was slow in learning答案:A细节理解题。由第二段前三句话可知,他上学时成绩不好是因为他只对唱歌感兴趣。5At the recording studio, people noticed country and western_.Aused to sing in church Bwas the same as bluesCwas popular in South AmericaDhad a unique style 答案:D推理判断题。由第三段的第三和第四句话可知,他录制的唱片有一种很特别的韵味。111

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