高一英语人教版必修2同步检测《Unit 4Wildlife protection》(Word有详解答案)第二课时Reading

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高一英语人教版必修2同步检测《Unit 4Wildlife protection》(Word有详解答案)第二课时Reading_第1页
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高一英语人教版必修2同步检测《Unit 4Wildlife protection》(Word有详解答案)第二课时Reading_第2页
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高一英语人教版必修2同步检测《Unit 4Wildlife protection》(Word有详解答案)第二课时Reading_第3页
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111Unit 4 第二课时 Reading.单词拼写根据下列句子所提供的汉语提示或所给单词的首字母,写出各单词正确的完全形式(每空限写一词)。1We all heaved a sigh of r_when we heard that they were safe.2Here I would stress the i_of mathematics to the whole of science.3This defeat was a p_blow to the enemy.4It is highly necessary to s_against the dangers of the coming typhoon.5I really a_a good cup of tea.6He needs a high i_to support such a large family.7The station is two miles_(遥远的)from the school.8The_(重要性)of telling the truth can not be doubted.答案:1relief当我们听说他们平安无事时,都松了一口气。2importance这里我要强调数学对整个科学的重要性。3powerful这次失败是对敌人的有力的打击。4secure预防即将来临的台风的危险很有必要。5appreciate有好茶一杯, 我就真乐在其中了。6income他需要很高的收入才能养活这么大一家子人。7distant学校离车站两英里。8importance讲真话的重要性不容置疑。.用适当的介词或副词填空1Put on the sunglasses to protect yourself_the sun.2Some wild animals would die_if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.3When she heard the news, she could not help bursting_laughter.4He was_danger of losing his life then.5Please pay attention_what the teacher is saying.6The drug responded immediately_the patient.答案:1.from2.out3.into4.in5.to6.to.句型转换1Panda is one of the endangered wild animals in the world.Panda is one of the wild animals_ _in the world.2Some of the wild animals are disappearing.Some of the wild animals_ _ _.3The old lady is sleeping peacefully.The old lady is sleeping_ _.4The baby burst into crying in the midnight.The baby_ _ _in the midnight.5A series of miserable failures followed their early success.Their early success_ _by a series of miserable failures.答案:1.in, danger2.are, dying, out3.in, peace4.burst, into, tears5.was, succeeded.短文填空熟读课文并完成填空练习(每空限填一词)。One day, when Daisy woke up, she found a flying carpet by her bed. The carpet asked her where she wanted to go. Daisy_1_that shed like to see some endangered wildlife. The carpet then took her to Tibet, a_2_land where Daisy saw an antelope looking sad. The antelope said they were being killed for the wool. Daisy said she hadnt known about this and she_3_what to do to help them.Then they went to Zimbabwe. Daisy found an elephant there who asked if she had come to_4_its photo. It told Daisy that they were once an endangered species. They were_5_without mercy by farmers, who said the elephants destroyed their farms. So the government allowed tourists to hunt a_6_number of animals if they paid the farmers. The problem was solved. Daisy said this showed the_7_of wildlife protection.After a while they went into a forest. A monkey was_8_itself from mosquitoes. The monkey asked Daisy to pay more_9_to the rainforest and_10_how the animals live together.答案:1.responded2.distant3.wondered4.take5.hunted6.certain7.importance8.protecting9.attention10.appreciate.单项填空1Because of the destruction of forest, many species are_.Adying away Bdying downCdying out Ddying from答案:Cdie out指“(物种)灭绝”。die away或die down“(光、声音的)慢慢消失”;die from“死于”。2Too much smoking and drinking_him greatly, which meant bad living habits had an_on his health.Aaffect; effect Baffected; effectCaffected; effects Daffect; effects答案:Baffect为及物动词,因题干为过去时态,故排除A、D两项;have an effect on.“对有影响”,为固定搭配。3This is a place where children can play without_, but if you are really_please call the number 9919919.Ain danger; dangerous Bdanger; in dangerCdangerous; dangerous Din danger; in danger答案:Bwithout danger“无危险地;安全地”;in danger“在危险中”,指自身处于危险之中。4You really cant_foreign literature in translation.Aenvy BadmireCappreciate Denjoy答案:Cappreciate“欣赏”,含有鉴别并欣赏的含义。envy sb. sth.“羡慕某人某物”为固定搭配;admire“钦佩”;enjoy“喜欢”。5This book_18 articles,_three written by my mother.Acontains; contains Bincludes; includesCcontains; including Dincludes; containing答案:C题意:这本书有18篇文章,其中包括我母亲写的三篇。18篇文章构成了这本书的全部内容,应用contain;介词including意为“包括”,其宾语是整体中的一部分。6To our joy, the local panda reserve has_in raising two great pandas.Amanaged BsucceededCsurvived Dcompeted答案:B题意:令我们高兴的是,当地的熊猫保护区成功饲养了两只大熊猫。succeed in doing sth.意为“成功做某事”,符合题意。manage通常后接to do形式;survive“幸存”;compete“竞争”。7Our company will_your elder as an adviser(顾问)Aemploy BdemandCtake Drequire答案:A题意:我们公司将雇用你哥哥为顾问。employ sb. as.意为“雇用某人为”,符合题意。demand“要求”;take与on搭配后可表示“雇用”;require“需要”。8The police are_the lost boy in the forest.Asearching Bhunting forCfinding Dlooking up答案:B题意:警察正在森林里寻找那个丢失的孩子。hunt for(search for)意为“寻找”,符合题意。find通常强调找到这一结果;look up“查阅”。9You really cant_foreign literature only in translation.Aenvy BadmireCappreciate Denjoy答案:C题意:仅凭翻译你不能真正欣赏外国文学。appreciate“欣赏”含有鉴别并欣赏的意思,符合题意。envy“羡慕”;admire“钦佩”;enjoy“喜欢”。10Horror films will do you more_than good.Aharm BuseCimportance Dtense答案:A题意:恐怖电影给你带来的害处要多于好处。由后面的比较成分good可知,前面应用harm。do sb. harm意为“伤害某人”。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic(技工). One day while walking along the bank of a lake, the girl_1_to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose. After some time the girl_2_the mother would not return to her eggs and she_3_to take them home. There she carefully_4_the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days_5_the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the_6_.Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother._7_, to these young geese, the girl was their mother.As they_8_, the girl was able to_9_her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to_10_. The girl became increasingly worried about this, both when_11_and in her dreams. Later, she had an_12_: She would pilot a plane to guide them in_13_. She asked her father for a plane and he assembled(组装)a small aircraft for her.Caring about_14_safety, the father decided to pilot the plane himself. However, the birds did not_15_or follow him, and_16_slept in the grass.One day, the girl_17_into the plane, started it and soon left the_18_. Seeing their mother take to the air, the birds_19_flapped(拍打)their wings and_20_. She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following.短文解析:本文描述了一位女孩与一群野天鹅的纯真情感。一天,女孩无意中在湖边捡到了数枚天鹅蛋并把它们带回了家。借助于灯的光热,她成功地把小野天鹅孵化出来。但是随着小天鹅们的日渐成长,女孩的担心却与日俱增:野天鹅在家养的环境下根本不会飞行。她央求爸爸为自己造了一架小飞机,并亲自驾驶着飞机,教会了野天鹅们如何在空中飞翔!1A.managed BattemptedChappened Dsupposed答案:C题意:一天,女孩在湖边散步时,她碰巧发现了一只雌性野天鹅所产的20枚天鹅蛋。happen to do sth.表示“碰巧做某事”。例如:I happened to sit by her in the cinema.在电影院我碰巧坐在了她旁边。2A.realized BexpectedCimagined Dadmitted答案:A题意:过了一段时间,女孩意识到那只雌性野天鹅不会再回来孵化这些天鹅蛋,她决定把它们带回家。realize表示“意识到”;例如:Does he realize his mistake yet? 他意识到他的错误了吗? 3.A.helped BdecidedCafforded Dmeant答案:Bdecide表示“决定”;例如:She decided to live in London. 她决定住在伦敦。4A.placed BprotectedCtreated Dexamined答案:A题意:她小心翼翼地把天鹅蛋放置于家中的一盏灯的光热下。place表示“(小心或有意)放置;安放”;例如:He placed cups and saucers on the table. 他把杯子和茶碟放到桌上。5A.ago BoutClater Dlong答案:C题意:几天之后,幼天鹅破壳而出,降生到人间。later表示“以后,后来,随后”;例如:The accident took place a few minutes later. 这意外事故在数分钟后就发生了。 6.A.family BlakeChome Dworld答案:Dcome into the world(to be born)为固定表达,表示“出生,降生人间”。例如:Jesus Christ came into the world to save us from our sins. 基督降世拯救我们摆脱罪恶。 7.A.But BAlsoCThus DStill答案:C题意:因此,对这些幼小的天鹅来说,这位女孩就是它们的妈妈。thus表示“因此,从而,所以”。8A.increased BimprovedCrose Dgrew答案:D题意:随着小天鹅们渐渐长大,女孩能够引领它们在草地里奔跑,; grow表示“长大;长高;发育;成长”;例如:A growing child needs plenty of sleep. 正发育的孩子必须睡眠充足。9A.ask BleadCwant Dallow答案:Blead表示“引领;带路;领路”;例如: She led the horse back into the stable. 她把那匹马牵回了马厩。10A.fly BraceCswim Dsing答案:A题意:但是她却不能教授它们如何飞行。fly表示“飞;飞翔”;例如:A kite was flying above the playground.一只风筝正在操场上空飞翔。11A.asleep BawayCaround Dawake答案:D题意:女孩对此越来越担忧,无论是清醒时分还是在梦境里。awake表示“醒着(尤指入睡前或刚醒时)”;例如:The noise was keeping everyone awake.喧闹声吵得大家都睡不着。12A.idea BopinionCexplanation Dexcuse答案:A题意:后来她想出了一个主意:她要驾驶一架飞机引导幼天鹅们飞行。idea表示“主意;想法;构思”,通常指凭感觉或想象所形成的看法或意见。例如:It would be a good idea to call before we leave. 我们出发之前打个电话是个好主意。opinion表示“意见;想法;看法”,多指初步的或缺乏证据支持因而不十分肯定的意见或看法。例如:He was asked to give his honest opinion. 已请他直言不讳地发表意见。 13.A.sky BheavenCflight Dplane答案:Cin flight(while flying)表示“飞行”。例如:The bird had been shot down in flight. 这只鸟是在飞行中被打下来的。14A.his BherCtheir Dits答案:B题意:因为担心女儿的安全,父亲决定亲自驾驶飞机。15A.respect BrememberCrecognize Dreceive答案:C题意:然而,这群野天鹅既不认可他,也不愿跟随着他。recognize表示“(正式)认可,接受,赞成”。例如:He is recognized to be their natural leader.人们都承认他是他们的当然领袖。16A.so BinsteadChardly Dtoo答案:B题意:相反,它们在草丛中睡觉。instead表示“反而,却”;例如:He didnt reply. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room. 他没有回答,反而转身离开了房间。17A.climbed BlookedCreached Dfell答案:A题意:一天,女孩爬进了飞机的驾驶舱,启动飞机引擎,很快就飞离了地面。climb表示“攀登;爬”;例如:She climbed up the stairs. 她爬上了楼梯。18A.house BfloorCwater Dground答案:Dthe ground表示“地面”;例如:He slipped off the ladder and fell to the ground. 他从梯子上滑了下来摔在地上。19A.secretly BdisappointedlyCpatiently Deagerly答案:D题意:看到它们的妈妈飞向天空,天鹅们急切地拍击翅膀,开始了它们的行程。eagerly表示“急切地;热切地”;例如:I eagerly waited to read his latest novel. 我急切地等待着看他的新小说。注意:take to sth.表示“(尤指为逃避危险)逃往,躲到”;例如:The rebels took to the hills. 反叛者躲进山里。20A.looked away Bset outCwent by Dturned back答案:Bset out表示“出发;动身;启程”;例如:They set out on the last stage of their journey.他们动身开始最后一段行程。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。With the development of the economy and society, our life is becoming better and better. At the same time, the environment is being polluted around us. Many wild animals were dying out. Whats worse, more and more wild animals were gradually in danger of dying out on the earth. As is known to us, if there were no wild animals, man would not live any longer. So something must be done to protect all the wild animals. Especially we should pay attention to the endangered animals.The largest of the great apes, the gorilla(大猩猩)is among our most endangered species. Having gone through decades of civil wars in Central and East Africa, gorillas are confronted by the destroyed results of increased habit at loss, hunting for the bush meat trade illegally and the spread of dangerous diseases like Ebola.Having travelled the seas for over 100 million years, marine turtles have lived longer than almost all of the prehistoric animals with which they once shared the planet. Marine turtles survived from the extinction of the dinosaurs and are still present in the worlds oceans today.The lovable panda is one of the most popular animals in the world. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most endangered. Found only in China, the giant panda clings to survival, facing habitat fragmentation and hunting illegally as its greatest threats. It is estimated that as few as 1,600 pandas remain in the wild today.1What would destroy all the wild animals in the end in nature?AThe bad weather.BThe seas.CToo many mans activities.DIllegal hunting.答案:C野生动物主要是面临来自人类的危害。A项只是影响野生动物生存的一个方面;B、D两项在文中能找到明显的错误根源。2Where can we see one kind of apes now?AIn Asia. BIn America.CIn Europe. DIn Africa.答案:D从文章第二段第二句中“.in Central and East Africa”可知。3Which of the following wild animals died out in the ancient times?APandas. BDinosaurs.CTurtles. DGorillas.答案:B由文章第二至四段可知大熊猫、海龟和大猩猩目前仍在世上存在。从文章倒数第二段最后一句可知恐龙已灭绝。4Why do we protect the wild animals?ABecause we want to eat them for food.BBecause the wild animals are becoming fewer.CBecause the wild animals are mans friends on the earth.DBecause the wildlife can protect man in nature.答案:C由第一段第四、五两句可知。111

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