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111第三课时Learning about Language .用所给词或短语的适当形式填空。1Wait until the children_before you start the lesson.2I enjoy reading, but I_so much reading.3A friend of mine is ill and I hope that she will_soon.4My grandmother_a strange headache since last week.5I have_my clothes; Im ready to go on a holiday.答案:1.settle down2.am tired of3.recover4.has suffered from5.packed up.单句改错1The teacher told us not talk any more._2The doctor said to his wife,“Not wait for me.”_3He asked me who I am._4Mary said that she would see you tomorrow._5Mother asked what the matter was._答案:1.not后面加to2.NotDont3.amwas4.tomorrowthe next day5.the matter waswas the matter.句型转换1“Im going to London next month,”my sister said to me.My sister told me_ 2John said,“Mr. Smith has come here.”John said_ 3“How many people are there in your family?”he asked the boy.He_how many people there were in his family.4She asked me which one I liked best.She asked me,“_?”5He asked whether I had watched the TV play the night before.“_?”he asked.答案:1.that she was going to London the next month2.that Mr Smith had gone there3.asked the boy4.Which one do you like best5.Did you watch the TV play last night.单项填空1(2012吉林省长春市十一中高一期中)Many countries are making great efforts to help the economy_after a difficult period.Aadd Breturn Crecover Dcalm答案:C本题题意:经过了一段困难时期后,许多国家正在努力使经济恢复。recover“恢复”;add“增加”;return“回到,归还”;calm“镇静”。2(2012江西省新余一中高一段考)“Please explain why youre so late.”the boss said angrily.“What did the boss say to me?”“He_.”Aorders you to explain why you are so lateBordered you to explain why were you so lateCasked you to explain why were you so lateDordered you to explain why you were so late答案:D考查直接引语变间接引语。老板对我的问话,应该用order,且时态应该用一般过去时,同时间接引语应该是陈述语序。A项时态不对;B项语序不对;C项asked用词不当,且语序也不对。3The old lady_great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident.Atook BsufferedCsuffered from Dstood答案:Bsuffer用作及物动词时,后面常接pain, defeat, loss, poverty, hunger等名词;suffer用作不及物动词时,常构成suffer from,表示“因而受苦”或“患病”;take与pain连用时,常构成take pains to do sth.或take pains with/over sth.表示“煞费苦心(尽心竭力)做某事;小心谨慎地做某事”;stand表示“忍受”时,后面不接情态类名词。4The mother asked her son_.Awhat did he do the day beforeBwhere did he find his lost walletCwhat time he got up that morningDthat if he had finished his homework答案:C直接引语为特殊疑问句,变成间接引语时需用陈述语气,排除A、B两项;直接引语为陈述句时,变成间接引语可用引导词that引导;直接引语为一般疑问句,变成间接引语时常用if或whether引导,故排除D项。5He said that his car_stolen and he_have to telephone the police.Awas; would Bhas been; willChad been; would Dhad been; will答案:C间接引语虽然是由and连接的两个并列的宾语从句,但时态却不一定一致,因此此句改为直接引语应为:He said,“My car was(has been)stolen and I will have to telephone the police.”车子被盗是过去,而给警察打电话是将来(马上,立即),所以变为间接引语应分别与所对应的时间一致。6He told us he_a concert_.Ahad attended; three days beforeBattended; a week agoCwould attend; since a week agoDwas attending; for a week答案:A考查间接引语。根据直接引语变间接引语时时态一致的原则和时间状语的变化,A为正确答案。7When Tom_, please let me know.Mary said when Tom_, just tell her about it.Acomes; comes Bcame; cameCcomes; came Dcomes; coming答案:C考查动词时态。第一空为状语从句中一般现在时表将来;第二空因主句谓语(said)为过去时,宾语从句中谓语动词应用相应的过去时态。8The teacher said that Columbus_America in 1492.Adiscovered BfoundChad discovered Dhad found答案:A解答本题的关键在于把握整句的语境,确定正确的时态形式。直接引语中有具体的表过去的时间状语,变间接引语时,时态不变,故排除C、D两项;另外,find意为“找到失去的东西或在某个场所发现某人”,与此题题意不符。discover意为“发现了原本存在的事物”。9After the examination, my teacher told me that failure_the mother of success.Awas BisCbe Dbeen答案:B表示“真理,事实”的直接引语变为间接引语时,时态不变。10The child asked his mother_go out to play tennis.Athat he could Bif he couldCif could he Dthat could he答案:B直接引语若为一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,常用if或whether来引导,且从句中用陈述句语序。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。I was working in a store three years ago. I remember one girl who started_1_there a few months after me. I remember always meeting her. I dont know_2_but for a strange reason we would never talk. We would just see each other and smile.She would_3_smile in a really happy way until one day when we got to work in the_4_department again. She_5_as if she was the happiest girl in the world. But I had a strange feeling. So I went up to her and asked,“Whats wrong with you?”She answered,“Why?”I said,“I could feel youre very_6_today and youre trying to hide it.”She was shocked as if I had_7_her deepest secret, so we started_8_. She told me why she was feeling like that and why she was_9_to hide it and we had a good time together. Time_10_and we became good friends. Shed always tell me I had changed her_11_in so many ways, but I could not_12_how it had happened. I would just smile, not understanding what she_13_by that.Today this girl is one of my best_14_. I really dont know what I would do_15_her. She has been there for me in every possible way a friend could be.I guess what Im trying to say is you_16_know when youre helping yourself. I_17_this girl never knowing that at the same time I was helping myself by finding a(n)_18_friend.So the next time you see a_19_,and he looks as if he needs_20_who will listen to him, listen to what he has to say. You never know, you might just end up helping yourself.1A.playing BlearningCworking Dliving答案:C根据文章第一句可知,这里指那女孩也开始工作(work)。2A.why BwhenCwhere Dhow答案:A联系后面的for a strange reason可知“我”不知道是为什么(why)。3A.secretly BhardlyCperhaps Dalways答案:D此处指她总是很开心地笑。4A.great BsameCmodern Dsmall答案:B指他们在同一个部门工作。5A.shouted BcriedCspoke Dsmiled答案:D根据上下文多次提到的smile,结合as if she was the happiest girl in the world可知,此处指她微笑。6A.happy BangryCproud Dsad答案:D联系上文的whats wrong with you和下文的youre trying to hide it可知,此处指女孩其实很“悲伤”。7A.kept BtoldCdiscovered Dwatched答案:C从She was shocked及下文的内容可知她认为“我”发现(discover)了她内心深处的秘密。8A.talking BshoutingCdiscussing Darguing答案:A根据后面的She told me why可知我们开始说话了。9A.planning BtryingCrefusing Dfailing答案:B由上文的youre trying to hide it可知选B。10A.went off Bwent byCwent up Dwent down答案:Bgo by表示时间过去,符合语境。go off“离开”;go up“上升;增长”;go down“下降”。11A.life BhobbyChabit Droad答案:A指从许多方面改变了她的生活(life)。其他选项不符合语境。12A.introduce BpromiseCsuggest Dimagine答案:Dimagine意为“想像”,这里指“我”想像不出自己是怎么改变了那个女孩的生活。13A.meant BwantedCoffered Dreceived答案:A“我”不明白她的意思。14A.classmates BsistersCfriends Dworkers答案:C现在女孩已经是“我”一个最好的朋友。15A.with BwithoutCthrough Dbesides答案:B我们是密不可分的朋友,如果没有她,“我”不知道该怎么办。16A.often BsometimesCforever Dnever答案:D根据下面的never knowing,可知选D。17A.helped BacceptedCrecognized Dpraised答案:A根据下文的I was helping myself,可知此处选helped,说明帮助别人等于帮助自己的道理。18A.kind BrichCtrue Dhonest答案:Ca true friend“真正的朋友”,符合语境。19A.student BstrangerCmanager Dlistener答案:B由上下文语境可知,应选stranger。20A.someone BanyoneCnone Deveryone答案:A指需要某个人听听他的心里话。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。I recently received a scholarship(奖学金)for my good achievements in study. It ought to be an exciting thing for me, but I really cannot be happy because I had to invite all my roommates to have a good dinner. If I refused to, I would be isolated in my dormitory. What a pity that friendship should be based on money. I know that entertaining(招待)is a tradition in China, and I also know the importance of contact with friends. However, I still cant accept this fact. I thought about making some changes on this, but I failed. I had planned to spend some money on the books I longed for as well as some fittings for my computer. These dreams broke up like a colorful explosion.Someone said that present society is one of money and relationships. Someone else said it was quite fair to use the scholarship to entertain friends. I do not agree with this viewpoint. First, we college students have no income, and we have no right to spend our parents money on such meaningless things. On the other hand, if everyone just thinks of what advantages(好处)he or she can get from others, who will work hard to progress?So I think individuals who have made contributions should be rewarded, and others should regard it as motivation(动力)to fight for their own success. It is only in this way that creativity(创造力)and enthusiasm(热情)will be stimulated(激励). I hope the next time I get a scholarship, I will not have to worry about how to deal with the money.1The underlined word“isolated”in the third sentence seems to mean in Chinese_.A孤立 B友好相处C结伙 D产生敌意答案:A拒绝请客,会被孤立。2What do you think of the author(作者)of this passage?AHe is a hardworking student.BHe is lazy and selfish.CHe cares for money more than anything else.DHe is always ready to spend his money for his friends.答案:A由第一段第一句话可推知。3Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage?AThe author couldnt change others viewpoint of friendship.BAt last the author spent his scholarship entertaining his roommates.CThe author didnt want to spend his money on some unnecessary things.DThe author didnt agree with the viewpoint that a person should spend his money on entertaining his friends.答案:D短文第二段第四句作者认为不应该用父母的钱做这些无意义的事,而D选项的句意是:作者不同意用自己的钱招待朋友的观点,两句矛盾。4The passage mainly tells us that_.Awe shouldnt fight for our own successBwe shouldnt take advantages from othersCwe should respect those who have made great achievementsDwe should have a noble idea about others success and reward答案:D全文谴责了得奖学金必须请客的潜规则,告诉我们要正确看待别人的荣誉和成功。111

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