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111课时作业40Unit 4Global warming.短语填空1If she can _ the hardship there,we will take her with us.2His carelessness _ his failure in the midterm examinations.3_,the audience thought that the new movie was pretty good.4How the accident _ remains to be looked into by the police.5The girl has wide interests,like reading,listening to music,painting _.6The police found _ drugs at his home,so he was taken away.7My husband could not be here tonight,but I want to thank you _him.8I like the girl student,_ she can be annoying at times.9I have never _ the view that school days are the happiest days of my life.10She _ strongly _ the idea of working at night.答案1.put up with2.resulted in3.On the whole4.came about5.and so on6.quantities of7.on behalf of8.even if9.subscribed to10.is;opposed to.单词拼写1I _(扫视)up quickly to see who had come in.2I know I can trust her in any _(情况)3Theres a lot of _(分歧)among politicians on this issue.4One of the _(后果) of our planets being warming up is an increase in the number of natural disasters.5Large _(数量)of fish have recently been caught.6Do you know the _(平均) monthly rainfall in this area?7In nature,there are lots of _(现象) which cant be explained now.8Keep the camera _(平稳) while you are taking a picture.9In order to improve his daughters English,he _(订阅)to English Weekly.10The beautiful lady is always leading the latest _(趋势) in fashion.答案1.glanced2.circumstance3.disagreement4.consequences5.quantities6.average7.phenomena8.steady9.subscribed10.trend/tendency.单项填空1Can you finish the forms today?Sure. Ive _half of them already.A. got away from B. got down toC. got around D. got through解析get through完成;get away from逃离;get down to着手做;get around到处走动,传播出去。由题意知D项符合。答案D2The forest fire that resulted _the death of twentytwo people resulted _dry weather.A. in;on B. in;fromC. on;in D. from;in解析题意:导致二十二人死亡的森林大火起因于干燥的天气。result in后跟结果;result from后跟原因。答案B3He is _ my plan while his brother is in favor of it.Aopposed BobjectingCobjected to Dopposed to解析be opposed to反对。答案D4Everyone fails now and then. It is how you react that makes a _in life.A. development B. differenceC. progress D. point解析题意:人人都会偶尔失败。而更重要的是你对此作何反应。make a difference有影响;重要。答案B5_, there are 1,000 visitors to the exhibition a day. A. On purpose B. On the spotC. On average D. On the go解析on average为固定短语,意为“平均”。答案C6You have made a few mistakes in your composition but_,its well written.A. first of all B. on the wholeC. on the other hand D. so far解析题意:你在作文中犯了几个错误,但总的来说,写得很好。B项,总的说来,大体上,符合题意。A项,首先,最重要的是;C项,另一方面;D项,迄今为止。答案B7Time after time she was warned of the _of her actions.A. effects B. resultsC. importance D. consequences解析题意:有人一次又一次地警告过她这样做的后果。consequence作“结果,后果”讲,常指不好的结果,常用复数形式;effect n效果,作用,影响;result结果;importance重要性。答案D8Ever since the operation of birth rate control in China,there is a tendency of the population_.A. in the decrease B. on the wholeC. with the decrease D. on the decrease解析 题意:自从中国实行计划生育以来,人口有下降的趋势。on the decrease在下降,符合题意。答案D9What are you going to do this afternoon?Ill probably go for a walk later on _it stays fine.A. as far as B. so long asC. even if D. as though解析考查连词。答句句意为:“或许随后我会去散散步,只要天一直好的话。”so long as和as long as一样,可以引导状语从句,表示“只要”的意思。答案B10She made it quite clear that she was no longer going to_my selfishness and moodiness.A. put up with B. depend onC. care about D. catch up with解析根据空后的my selfishness and moodiness可知,她不能再忍受“我”的自私和坏脾气了。put up with忍受。答案A11_struck me _I would have an important meeting in Shanghai the next day.A. It;which B. What;thatC. What;which D. It;that解析此题考查it作形式主语代替从句的用法。答案D12Can you hit that bird with your gun,Tom?No! It is out of the _of my gun.A. length B. aimC. distance D. range解析此题考查近义词辨析。length指“(具体物品的)长度”;aim作名词时,意为“目标”;distance指“(两地的)距离”;range可指“射程”,根据后面的gun可知应选D。答案D13As far as I know,he began cycling to _his body after he resigned from the firm.A. take up B. put upC. set up D. build up解析此题考查短语辨析。根据语境骑自行车的目的应是增强体质,故选D。build up意为“增强”。take up占用;set up成立;put up张贴,举起。答案D14Do you _ the idea he put forward?Alead to Bsubscribe toCtend to Dcontribute to解析subscribe to同意,符合句意。lead to导致;tend to倾向于;contribute to有助于。答案B15How is Dennis getting along with his work?Well,he can always _a new idea for increasing sales.A. come up with B. come aboutC. get away with D. get up解析come up with sth.想出(好主意)。come about发生;get away with因做而逃避惩罚;get up起床。答案A.完形填空(2010四川高考)Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting.As we were about to arrive,the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight_1_before setting down.High desert winds had_2_the airport to close all but one runway.He said that we would be_3_the city for a few minutes waiting to_4_.We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened_5_there might be a few bumps(颠簸)Well,that few minutes turned into about fortyfive minutes,including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车)_6_by comparison.The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt_7_and had to use airsickness bags.As you might guess,thats not a good thing to have happened in a(n)_8_space because it only_9_to increase the discomfort of the situation.About twenty minutes into the adventure,the entire airplane became very_10_.There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be_11_noticed.Every passenger simply held on for dear life.except one.A_12_was having a good time!With each bump of the_13_,he would let out a giggle(咯咯的笑)of delight.As I observed this,I _14_that he didnt know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his_15_.He neither thought about the past nor about the future.Those are what we grownups have learned from_16_.He was_17_the ride because he had not yet been taught to fear it.Having understood this,I took a deep breath and_18_back into my seat,pretending I was _19_on a roller coaster.I smiled for the rest of the flight.I even_20_to giggle once or twice,much to the chagrin(懊恼)of the man sitting next to me holding the airsickness bag.1A.mistake Bdelay Cchange Dwind解析根据下一句的“High desert winds”以及第4空前的“waiting”可知,飞机着陆的时间需要推迟(delay)一会儿。答案B2A.forced Bwarned Cswept Dreminded解析除了一个跑道,沙尘暴使得飞机场不得不关闭。force sb./sth.to do“强迫某人/某物做”。warn“警告”;sweep“打扫,拂去”;remind“提醒”。答案A3A.watching Bvisiting Ccircling Dcrossing解析飞机围绕城市盘旋(circle)。答案C4A.arrive Benter Cstop Dland解析飞机围绕城市盘旋的目的是为了等待着陆(land)。答案D5A.if Bthough Cbecause Dwhile解析系紧安全带的原因是因为(because)飞机颠簸。答案C6A.light Bpale Ceasy Dquick解析和坐过山车相比,飞机的这种颠簸会使人害怕,故用pale(脸色苍白)。答案B7A.sick Bnervous Cangry Dafraid解析飞机颠簸如此厉害,使有些乘客感觉不舒服(sick)。nervous“紧张不安的”;angry“生气的”;afraid“害怕的”。答案A8A.empty Bnarrow Csecret Dopen解析根据前面句意“不是一件好事情”,可知后面应该是空间狭窄。答案B9A.happens Bcontinues Cfails Dserves解析四个选项都可以和to搭配。happen to“恰巧,碰巧”;continue to“继续”;fail to“没有做”;serve to本意是“服务,提供”,在此引申为“导致”。飞机颠簸、空间狭窄势必使得状况更加糟糕。答案D10A.quiet Bhot Cdirty Dcrowded解析20分钟后,人们已习惯了这种颠簸,所以人们安静(quiet)下来。其他三个选项都不合题意。答案A11A.partly Bgradually Cshortly Dclearly解析飞机迟迟不能着陆,人们焦急、恐惧的感觉是显而易见地(clearly)。partly“部分地”;gradually“逐渐地”;shortly“不久,很快”。答案D12A.pilot Bbaby Cguard Dman解析大人都知道恐惧、害怕,但小孩子(baby)天真幼稚。根据后面“let out a giggle”可知,应该选择B项。答案B13A.seats Bpassengers Cflight Dairplane解析前面已经交代,“颠簸”肯定是指飞机。答案D14A.realized Bhoped Cagreed Dinsisted解析通过观察小孩,作者终于明白(realize)了孩子对自己的安全根本不知道害怕、担忧。答案A15A.health Bsafety Cjoy Dfuture解析人们之所以恐惧,说到底就是恐怕丢命,而孩子却不知道这些。所以此处选择safety(安全)。答案B16A.teachers Bbooks Cexperience Dpractice解析人们的恐惧是从以往的“经历”(experience)而来的。其他三个选项都不符合题意。答案C17A.learning Btaking Cmissing Denjoying解析由后面的原因状语可知,孩子不懂得害怕,因而飞机的颠簸对他而言,简直就是一种享受,故选择enjoy。答案D18A.sat Blay Cwent Drode解析作者通过观察孩子,明白了孩子不害怕的原因,他长舒一口气,往后一靠。sit back“向后靠着坐”。lie“躺”;go“走,去”;ride“乘坐”。答案A19A.nearly Bfinally Creally Dsuddenly解析由前面的“pretending”可知,作者假装“真地”(really)是坐过山车的一员。答案C20A.attempted Bmanaged Cwanted Ddecided解析attempt“企图”;manage“设法”;want“想”;decide“决定”。根据句意选择B项。答案B.阅读理解(2010四川高考)Alex London Research Laboratory(ALRL)is part of Alex Co.,Ltd.,a major Australian medicinemaking company.Opened in 1992,ALRL specialises in the development of new medicines for the treatment of heart diseases.A position is now open for a Research Operations Manager(ROM)to support our growing research team at the new laboratories in Hatfield,due to open in the autumn of 2010.Reporting to the Director,you will help set up and run the technical and scientific support services of our new laboratories now under construction.You will be expected to provide expert knowledge about and be in charge of all areas of ALRLs Health and Safety,and to communicate(沟通)with support employees at ALRLs laboratories based at University College London.Working closely with scientists and other operations and technical employees,you will manage a small number of research support employees providing services to help with the research activities to be carried out at the new laboratories.Candidates(申请人)will have experience of both management and research support/technical services.Knowledge of research operations and excellent communication skills are necessary.Education to degree level is also desirable.If you are interested in this position,please send your CV(简历)to Alex London Research Laboratory,University College London,Hatfield,London,W1E 6B7 or by email to ALRLalex.co.uk.For more information,please visit www.alex.co.uk.1What can be learnt about the new laboratories from the text?AThey have not yet been set up.BThey are in Hatfield,Australia.CThey belong to University College London.DThey are new workplaces for Australian researchers only.解析推理判断题。根据第二段的“.the new laboratories in Hatfield,due to open in the autumn of 2010”可知。答案A2What are the duties of a ROM,according to the text?aTo carry out research activities.bTo be in charge of ALRLs Health and Safety.cTo help run the technical and scientific support services.dTo manage a small number of research support employees.Aa,b,c. Ba,b,d.Cb,c,d. Da,c,d.解析细节理解题。根据第三段的“.you will help set up and run the technical and scientific support services.”,“.be in charge of all areas of ALRLs Health and Safety.”和“.help with the research activities to be carried out at the new laboratories”可知。答案C3What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?AThe technical skills of a wouldbe ROM.BThe practical experience of a wouldbe ROM.CThe personal information of a wouldbe ROM.DThe necessary requirements for a wouldbe ROM.解析主旨大意题。根据文章出现的几个关键词“experience”,“Knowledge”以及“Education”可推知本段主要介绍的是申请人必备的条件。答案D4What is the purpose of the text?ATo describe the job of a ROM.BTo provide information about ALRL.CTo announce an open position at ALRL.DTo make known the opening of the new laboratories.解析主旨大意题。文章第一段介绍ALRL隶属的公司、成立的时间及其属性;第二段提到要招聘的职位;第三段讲ROM的职责;第四段讲ROM所必须的条件;最后一段讲联系方式。特别是最后一段点明这是一个招聘启示。答案C111

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