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政治全球化,1,The Definition of Political Globalization,Political globalization is the creation of a world government which regulates the relationships among nations and guarantees the rights arising from social and economic globalization. 政治全球化是建立一个世界政府的规管国家间关系的权利和保障社会和经济所产生的全球化。,2,The Globalization Of World Politics 世界政治的全球化,Politics is not only a serious topic ,but also a sharp topic. 政治是一个严肃的话题,也是一个敏感的话题,3,政治全球化受到经济全球化的驱动 。 Economic globalization has become the fundamental driving force for the world political, economic and social development.,4,Signs of Political Globalization 政治全球化的表现,Political globalization is mainly manifested in two aspects(政治全球化主要从两个方面体现出来) 1. Politics from one country goes to the world 幻灯片 6 2. World politics shows multi-polarization 幻灯片 7,5,Politics from one country goes to the world and has close link to international politics. Domestic politics have to obey the international politics 政治从一国走向全球,国内政治与国际政治紧密联系,国内政治有时得服从国际政治。,6,Global politics leads to multi-polarization. 政治走向全球化带来另一个对应的结果是政治多极化。,7,The new phenomenon of international politics under the background of Globalization The politics of scale 全球化背景下国际政治的新现规模政治,8,The Impacts of Political Globalization on International Politics 经济全球化对国际政治的深刻影响,First, the impact on the concept of national sovereignty. 第一,对国家主权观念产生冲击。 Second, dispersing and weakening of state power. 第二,国家权力的分散与弱化。,9,Third, the national treatment in international affairs more cooperative and coordinated way. 第三,国家处理国际事务更多地采取合作与协调的方式。 Fourth, the economic globalization has impact on the world political pattern. 第四,经济全球化对世界政治格局产生影响,10,Globalization has the deepest influences on national politics. 全球化对国家政治产生了哪些深刻的影响,11,Economic globalization has had a profound influence on international politics leading to the changes of world political situation.,12,The Requests of Political Globalization 政治全球化的要求,The era of globalization requires countries to change the ways of dealing with domestic and international behaviors.(全球化时代要求国家处理内政外交的行为方式发生转变 ),13,In the interior, the traditional highest political dominion to internal affairs of central government will be shared by the local government, enterprises and individuals in different degree. 在内政方面,传统的国家中央政府对内事务的最高政治统治权将不同程度地为地方政府、企业乃至个人所分享。,14,A nations foreign policy should be based on the cooperation and coordination. 在对外交往方面,国家应以合作和协调为主。,15,16,


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