高考一轮复习学案人教版必修一《Unit 3 Travel journal》

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111 必修 Unit 3.单词拼写1He _ (毕业于) in law from Beijing University.答案:graduated2All their goods will be _ (运输) abroad by ship.答案:transported3We should learn to manage our things _ (恰当地)答案:properly4There is no reasoning with such a _ (固执的) man as Peter.答案:stubborn5To write a good essay you must first _ (组织) your ideas logically.答案:organize6No matter who points out our _ (缺点),we will correct them.答案:shortcomings7We shouldnt have a wrong _ (态度) towards the students who are poor at their clothes.答案:attitude8Did he claim on the _ (保险) after his car accident?答案:insurance9I think what he said is _ (可靠的) because he is an honest man.答案:reliable10The _ (坚决的) look on her face suggested that she had the confidence to do the work.答案:determined.完成句子1Our teacher often _ _ the importance of being punctual.老师经常强调守时的重要性。答案:insists on2Have you _ _ _ _ to study harder from now on?你已经下决心,从现在开始努力学习了吗?答案:made up your mind3You are late _ _.你像平常一样又迟到了。答案:as usual4He doesnt _ _ others,and only thinks of himself.他一点也不关心别人,只为自己考虑。答案:care about5Nothing can make me _ _ _ you.什么也不能让我向你屈服。答案:give in to.单项选择1(2012厦门模拟)Experts are _ a rapid recovery in economy all over the world this year.AforecastingBbroadcastingCdistributing Dnegotiating解析:句意:专家预测,今年全球经济将会快速回升。forecast“预测”。broadcast“广播,播报”;distribute“分配,散布”;negotiate“谈判,商议”。答案:A2(2012北京模拟)There is nothing more I can try _ you to stay,so I wish you good luck.Abeing persuaded BpersuadingCto be persuaded Dto persuade解析:不定式在句中作目的状语,且persuade和句子主语构成主动关系,故选D项。答案:D3I think I should wear a dress instead of this jeans.Its just a small informal party,so you dont have to _.Awarm up Bput upCdress up Dkeep up解析:考查动词短语辨析。根据题干中的Its just a small informal party可知,后半句意为“因此你没有必要打扮或穿正式的服装”,用dress up符合语境。warm up“热身,做准备活动”;put up“搭起;建起;张贴;留某人住宿”;keep up“保持”。答案:C4(2012重庆调研)The questions listed here are just a few problems that teenagers may _.Acome to Bcome aboutCcome across Dcome through解析:句意:这里列举的问题正是青少年可能遇到的一些困难。come across“偶遇”;come to“达到,到达”;come about“发生”;come through“经历,脱险”。答案:C5Mr.Lee moved to New Jersey in his early twenties and he _ in the United States ever since.Ahad lived Bhas livedClived Dis living解析:考查动词时态用法。句意:李先生在20岁刚出头时去了新泽西,在此之后他一直生活在美国。ever since可以充当连词或副词,意为“自从之后”或“此后”,主句要用现在完成时,故选B项。答案:B6(2012漳州二模)The argument went on for hours as neither side would _.Agive in Bgive awayCgive off Dgive out解析:句意:由于双方都不让步,因此辩论持续了几个小时。give in“让步”;give away“赠送,分发,泄漏”;give off“发出,放出”;give out“筋疲力尽,用完,用光”。答案:A7(2012沈阳模拟)The bridge project has already been completed nine months ahead of _.Aschedule BguidanceCprocedure Dcurriculum解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:桥梁工程已经提前九个月竣工了。schedule“时刻表,日程表”;guidance“指导”;procedure“步骤”;curriculum“课程”。B、C、D三项均与题干不符。答案:A8Every country has the responsibility to ensure a safe,_ and healthy development of the nuclear energy.Aflexible BreliableCavailable Dacceptable解析:句意:每个国家都有责任确保核能源的安全、可靠、健康发展。reliable“可靠的”;flexible“灵活的”;avaliable“可得到的”;acceptable“可接受的”。答案:B9(2012海淀一模)Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun.Isnt it rather risky,_?Athough BalsoCeither Dtoo解析:句意:在结满冰的运动场上玩耍听起来很有意思,但是这样做不是很危险吗?though作为副词可以表示“然而,可是”,常用在句尾表示转折。其他选项无此意义。答案:A10Although Jack has made good preparations for the match,he is still _ about his chance of winning.Astubborn BdynamicCskeptical Dstraightforward解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:尽管杰克已经为比赛做了很好的准备,但是他对于自己获胜的可能性仍持怀疑态度。skeptical怀疑的。stubborn“顽固的”;dynamic“动态的,有活力的”;straightforward“坦率的,明确的”。答案:C11I have _ my husband again and again not to smoke,but I cant _ him.Apersuaded;advise Badvised;persuadeCsuggested;persuade Dsuggested;advise解析:句意:我已经一次又一次地劝说我丈夫不要吸烟,但我没能说服他。advise/suggest建议,劝说,但suggest不用不定式作宾补;persuade说服;故选B项。答案:B12How about going skiing this Sunday?I _ climbing the mountain instead.Aprefer to Bwould likeCfeel like Dobject to解析:考查动词短语意义。句意:“周日去滑雪怎么样?”“我想去爬山。”feel like“想要,喜欢”,后接名词或动名词,object to“反对”与句意不符。答案:C13(2012苏州模拟)To our great _,Geoffreys illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.Aanxiety BreliefCview Djudgement解析:考查名词辨析。anxiety“焦虑”;relief“(忧虑)解除”;view“观点”;judgement“判断”。由后半句得知病情不是那么严重,所以我们松了一口气。答案:B14(2011邯郸一模)Although Mother was ill that day,she was the first in our family to get up _.Aat times Bas usualCon time Dno longer解析:句意:虽然母亲那天病了,但她仍然像往常一样是第一个起床的人。at times“时而,偶尔”;as usual“像往常一样”;on time“按点,按时”;no longer“不再”。根据句意选B项。答案:B15In order to change attitudes _ employing women,the government is bringing in new laws.Ato BwithCon Dabout解析:句意:为了改变对雇佣女工的态度,政府正在引进新法律,attitude to/towards.对的态度。答案:A.完形填空This is my third story.When I was 17,I read a quote that _1_ something like,“If you live each day _2_ it was your last,someday youll most certainly be right.”Since then,for the past thirtythree years,Ive looked _3_ the mirror every morning and asked myself:“If today were the last day of my life,would I want to do what I am about to do today?”And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a _4_,I know I need to change something.About a year ago I was _5_ with cancer.The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable,and that I should _6_ to live no longer than three to six months. They advised me to go home and get my _7_ in order,which is doctors code for “prepare to _8_”Later that evening when the doctors _9_ the cells taken from my pancreas (胰腺) under a microscope,they started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is _10_ with surgery.I had the surgery and,_11_,Im fine now.This was the closest Ive been to facing death,and I hope its the closest I get for a few more decades. Death is the _12_ we all share.No one has _13_ escaped it.And that is _14_ it should be,because death is very likely the single _15_ invention of life.Its lifes change agent.It clears out the old to make _16_ for the new.Your time is _17_,so dont waste it living someone elses life.Dont be trapped by dogma (信条)which is living with the results of other peoples thinking.Dont let the noise of _18_ opinions drown out your own inner voice.And most importantly,have the courage to _19_ your heart and intuition (直觉)They _20_ already know what you truly want to become.Everything else is secondary.解题导语岁月匆匆,人生短暂,人要为自己活着,而不是生活在别人的阴影下。九死一生的坎坷经历让作者刻骨铭心。1A.said BdescribedCwent Dexpressed解析:作者在十七岁时读到一句引言,大概意思如下此处的go表示“(故事、歌词等)内容是”。答案:C2A.unless Bas ifCeven if Das long as解析:如果你将每一天都当作你生命中的最后一天来度过的话as if表示“好像;仿佛”。答案:B3A.in BatCthrough Don解析:三十三年来,作者每天早上都审视镜子“中”的自己,并自我发问。作者的焦点不是镜子,而是镜子中的自己,所以B项不恰当。答案:A4A.row BminuteCsense Dword解析:每当一连多天答案都是否定时,作者知道自己需要做出改变了。in a row表示“连续”。in a sense表示“从某种意义上说”,不符合语境。答案:A5A.connected BinfectedCaffected Ddiagnosed解析:大约一年前,作者被“诊断”出患有癌症。diagnose“诊断(疾病)”。答案:D6A.want BdreamCexpect Dimagine解析:上文提到医生告诉作者这几乎肯定是一种不可治愈的癌症,所以作者对自己生命期限的“预计”应该是不多于三至六个月。答案:C7A.duties BbusinessesCaffairs Dlife解析:医生们建议作者回家把自己的“事情”料理好。B项表示“商店,公司”,在文章中没有信息支持。答案:C8A.work BstartCtalk Ddie解析:医生建议让作者回家隐含的意思是准备“死亡”。答案:D9A.looked BviewedCrealized Dnoticed解析:那天晚上稍晚的时候,当他们在显微镜下“观察”从作者的胰腺中取出的细胞时,他们大叫了起来。view“观看,(尤指)仔细察看”。答案:B10A.curable BpossibleCacceptable Dsuitable解析:他们得出的结果是这是一种罕见的胰腺癌,通过外科手术“可以治愈”。答案:A11A.carefully BthankfullyCanxiously Dhopefully解析:医生本来断定作者必死无疑,结果发现他患的是可以治疗的癌症,作者经过手术后痊愈了,自然非常“感激”。答案:B12A.possession BdestinationCexpectation Dposition解析:死亡是我们共同的“终点”,任何人无法避免。答案:B13A.ever BevenCnever Dstill解析:每个人最终都要死亡,没有一个人“曾经”逃脱过。答案:A14A.when BwhileCas Dsince解析:死亡是芸芸众生的最终归宿,这正是应该有的结局,此处as表示“正如”。答案:C15A.better BworstCworse Dbest解析:下文提到死亡是生命的变革促进者,属于正常的新老更替,由此可知死亡很可能是生命中“最好的”发明。答案:D16A.use Ba differenceCsense Dway解析:死亡清除了陈旧的东西,为新生事物让路。make way for表示“为让路”。答案:D17A.endless BrepeatedCcountless Dlimited解析:本句后半句提到不要浪费时间过别人的生活,由此可知你的时间是“有限的”。答案:D18A.others BothersCanyones Dsome others解析:不要让“别人的”观点淹没你内心的声音。答案:A19A.listen BfollowCtake Daccept解析:最重要的是,要有勇气“跟随”你的内心和直觉。答案:B20A.however BwhateverCsomehow Dsomewhat解析:要相信自己的内心和直觉,它们“不知怎的”已经知道了你真正想成为什么样的人。其他的一切都是次要的。D项表示“有点儿,有几分”,不符合语境。答案:C.阅读表达1You may have seen a dog help guide a blind person,but do you know that monkeys,horses,and parrots can also help people a lot?2It seems that people and animals have worked together forever.Teams of oxen work in the fields,dogs help farm owners make other animals move together in a group,and horses pull vehicles.3Service animals work with humans too,but in a different way.They are specially trained to perform personal tasks for people who cant.Some guide their blind owners through shops and streets; others warn their deaf owners of the sounds of doorbells and babies cries.Animals pull wheelchairs,open and close doors.They can also turn lights on and off,and find and bring back dropped objects._ live more independently,especially for the disabled ones.4Some_animals_are_trained_by_people_to_call_for_help_when_their_owner_has_an_accident.Others provide a psychological service.For example,a parrot that speaks calming sentences during her owners severe mood swings,or a ferret (雪貂) that relaxes his owner during panic attacks.5Surprised that helper animals arent always dogs?Today,kneehigh miniature horses (迷你马) guide the blind,and monkeys provide a pair of helping hands for disabled peopletheyre trained to do everything from scratching an itch (痒),to operating a CD/DVD player,to warming food in a microwave oven!1What is the main idea of the passage?(no more than 8 words)_答案:Many kinds of animals can help people.2Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?Do you feel amazed that not only dogs but many other animals can help people?_答案:Surprised that helper animals arent always dogs?3Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 6 words)_答案:Animals help makes people4According to the text,list two kinds of animals that can help the blind people.(no more than 6 words)_答案:Guide dogs.Miniature horses.5Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese._答案:人们训练一些动物在它们的主人发生意外时去寻求帮助。111

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