高考一轮复习学案人教版必修二《Unit 1 Cultural relics》

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111 必修 Unit 1.单词拼写1His statement to the police was used in _ (证据) against him.答案:evidence2The room was small and contained far too much _ (家具)答案:furniture3We are to get together at the _ (入口) to the park tomorrow morning.答案:entrance4How she wishes for a room _ (属于) to herself.答案:belonging5The house is so poor that it needs _ (装修)答案:decorating6Those presents are too _ (奇特的) for me.答案:fancy7Illegally parked cars will be _ (除去;移开) by traffic police.答案:removed8The building is _ (设计) for classrooms.答案:designed9Luckily,most people _ (从逃生) the earthquake.答案:survived10These wild flowers are so _ (罕见的) that Ill do whatever I can to save them.答案:rare.完成句子1We should _ _ _ those who always help others.我们应高度评价那些乐于帮助别人的人。答案:think highly of2He went _ _ _ a doctor for his sick wife.他出去寻找医生来救他有病的妻子。答案:in search of3 _ _ _ _ _ the accident will affect his future life.毫无疑问这场事故将会影响他将来的生活。答案:There is no doubt that4The place is _ _ _.这地方很值得参观。答案:well worth visiting5He gave her a necklace _ _ _ her kindness.为了报答她的好心,他送给她一条项链。答案:in return for.单项选择1(2012南京二模)The old man _ the Second World War,while his friends died.AsurvivedBlivedCstayed Dkept解析:survive在此意为“挺过,幸存”。live作及物动词时多接同源宾语life;stay“停留”,一般用作不及物动词;keep“保持”。答案:A2The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing.Aseat BseatingCseated Dto be seating解析:remain在句中意为“保持”,其后可跟形容词,现在分词或过去分词,意为“保持某种状态”;seated在句中作表语,强调“坐好的”状态。答案:C3What do you think of his teaching method?It should be popular;it _ practical.Aproves Bis provedChas been proved Dwas proved解析:考查时态和语态。此处的prove是系动词,表示“证明是,表明是”。后三项中的prove都是实义动词,语法结构不太恰当,而且D项的时态不符合语境。答案:A4(2011佛山质检)We all went out _ the lost boy.We had _ everywhere,but didnt find him.Asearching;searchedBsearching;searched forCin search of;searchedDin search of;searched for解析:第一空可用in search of(寻找,搜寻)与searching for(寻找,搜寻),二者皆作状语;第二空用searched,search作“搜查”讲。答案:C5(2012沈阳模拟)Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?Yes._,Im going to visit some homes for the old in the city.AIf ever BIf busyCIf anything DIf possible解析:if possible“如果可能的话”,其完整形式为if it is possible。省略主语it和系动词,是常见的一种状语从句的省略现象。答案:D6Dont be _ by his appearancehe is rude.Ataken apart Btaken outCtaken away Dtaken in解析:句意:别被他的外表欺骗了他很粗鲁。take apart“拆卸”;take out“拿出,取出”;take away“拿走,解除”;take in“接纳,接受;包括;领会,理解;欺骗”。答案:D7(2012宁波二模)Youll find this map of great _ in helping you to get around London.Aprice BcostCvalue Dmeaning解析:句意:你将会发现这张地图在帮助你游览伦敦城方面很有价值。price“价格”;cost“成本”;value“价值”;meaning“意思”。答案:C8Most people are _ bringing down the price of housing because its too high for them.Ain favor of Bin honor ofCin search of Din charge of解析:句意:大部分人支持降低房价,因为房价对他们而言太高了。in favor of“支持”;in honor of“为纪念;为庆贺”;in search of“寻找”;in charge of“负责”。答案:A9(2011大连模拟)Children above 12 are able to take part in skiing (滑雪) or other activities _ for them.Adesigned BdesigningCto design Dhaving designed解析:design与other activities为动宾关系,故用过去分词短语designed for them作后置定语。答案:A10(2012南昌调研)He got to the station early,_ missing his train.Afor fear of Bin search ofCin charge of Dinstead of解析:句意:他很早就到了车站以免错过火车。for fear of“生怕,以免”;in search of“寻找”;in charge of“负责”;instead of“而不是”。答案:A11Teenagers shouldnt be _ from school although they dont do well in studies.Adisappeared BgoneCremoved Dbeaten解析:考查动词词义辨析。disappear“消失”;go“走”;remove“开除”;beat“打”。由题意可知C项正确。答案:C12(2012西安质检)He who is easy to satisfy _ happiness.Ahas BownsCbelongs to Dthere is解析:belong to“属于”(主语为物,宾语为所有者);own“拥有”,侧重财产权(主语为人,宾语为物),have“有”,侧重所属关系;there be“某地有”。句意为:容易满足的人才拥有快乐。答案:B13The building around the corner caught fire last night.The police are now _ the matter.Alooking up Blooking outClooking into Dlooking for解析:考查动词短语。look up“查询,查找;向上看,看得起”;look out“当心,注意;朝外看”;look into“调查”;look for“寻找”。句意为:街角的那座大楼昨晚着火了,警察们正在调查此事。答案:C14Im worn out,_,the bike doesnt work well,so I cant go further.Then,wed better have a rest here.Aapart from Bexcept forCbeside Dbesides解析:besides可用作副词,意为“另外,此外还有”,用于引出下面的话题信息。apart from“除了”为介词,后面要跟宾语;beside“在旁边”。句意:我累了,而且自行车也出故障了,所以我不想再往前走了。那么,我们最好在这里休息。答案:D15What do you think of the furniture on sale?Pretty good.But _ what you bought with the samples I dont think it _ the money.Acomparing;worth Bcompared;worthwhileCcompare;worthy Dcomparing;value解析:句意:你认为正在出售的这件家具怎么样?很好。但把你买的那件和这些样品相比较,我认为这件不值多少钱。设空处所在句子,既无并列连词又无从属连词,由此可知第一空考查分词作状语,排除C项,主句主语I与compare之间为逻辑上的主动关系,排除B项;worth后可跟the money/the price/钱数,故选A项。答案:A.完形填空Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,a _1_ of about eighty miles.It was late and I was in a hurry.However,if anyone asked me how fast I was _2_,Id say I was not overspeeding. Several times I got _3_ behind a slowmoving truck on a narrow road,and I was holding my fists tightly with _4_.At one point along an open highway,I _5_ a crossroad with a traffic light.I was alone on the road by now,but as I _6_ the light,it turned red and I braked to a stop.I looked left,right and behind me.Nothing.No cars,no suggestion of headlights,but there I sat,waiting for the light to _7_,the only human being for at least a mile in any _8_.I started _9_ why I refused to run the light.I was not afraid of being _10_,because there was obviously no policeman around,and there certainly would have been no _11_ in going through it.Much later that night,after I _12_ a group of my friends in Lewisburg and climbed into bed near midnight,the question of why Id stopped for that light _13_ me.I think I stopped because its part of a contract (合同 ) we all have with each other.Its not only the _14_,but its an arrangement we have,and we trust each other to _15_ it:we dont go through red lights.Like most of us,Im more likely to be _16_ from doing something bad by the social convention that _17_ it than by any law against it.Its amazing that we ever _18_ each other to do the right thing,isnt it?And we do,too. Trust is our _19_ preference.I was so _20_ of myself for stopping for the red light that night.解题导语天已经很晚了,作者开着车匆匆忙忙地赶往目的地,但在经过一个四周无人的十字路口时,他却没有闯红灯。之后,作者对自己的这一行为进行了一番思考1A.flight BdistanceCroad Dlength解析:Harrisburg和Lewisburg两个地方之间的“距离(distance)”大约是八十英里。D项表示“长度”,语意不恰当。答案:B2A.thinking BdrivingCcomplaining Drunning解析:本段开头部分提到作者当时开车行驶在两地之间,所以此处描述的是“开车”的速度。答案:B3A.stopped BchangedCstuck Dlost解析:在一条狭窄的道路上,作者好几次被前面的一辆行驶缓慢的卡车“困住”了,即无法超车。答案:C4A.horror BstrengthCunderstanding Dimpatience解析:根据本段第二句中的内容可知作者当时急于赶路,所以非常“不耐烦地”握紧了拳头。答案:D5A.ran off Bcame toCpassed by Dleft behind解析:在一条开阔的公路上,作者“来到(came to)”了一个有交通灯的十字路口。答案:B6A.passed BwatchedCapproached Dfound解析:当作者“靠近(approached)”交通灯时,灯变成了红色,作者于是踩了刹车。答案:C7A.stop BchangeCturn Ddie解析:作者坐在那里,一直等待着交通灯“变成”绿色以便通行。答案:B8A.way BsideCcity Ddirection解析:上文提到作者环顾左右和后面,但是空无一人,由此可知作者是至少一英里之内任何一个“方向”中唯一的一个人。答案:D9A.wondering BsuspectingCstruggling Dregretting解析:虽然当时四周没有一个人,可是作者没有闯红灯,作者开始“琢磨”自己这样做的原因。后三项分别表示“怀疑”“挣扎”“遗憾”,均不符合语境。答案:A10A.abused BfinedCinjured Dkilled解析:作者不害怕被“罚款”,因为四周没有交警。fine表示“处以罚金”,符合语境。答案:B11A.danger BsignCtime Drecord解析:由于当时周围没有人,闯红灯当然不会有“危险”。答案:A12A.met with Bgot overCgot rid of Dcalled back解析:在当晚稍晚的时候,作者“遇到”了一群朋友。后三项分别表示“克服”“除掉”“回电话”,都不符合语境。答案:A13A.turned out to Bcame back toCreferred to Doccurred to解析:上一段的开头部分提到作者不知道自己为什么当时没有闯红灯,此时作者又“回想起”这个问题。答案:B14A.virtue BsuggestionClaw Dorder解析:作者认为自己之所以停下来是因为这是我们所有人彼此之间的合同的一部分,它不仅仅是“法律”,而且是我们共同的一种安排。此外,第17空后面的law也是线索提示。答案:C15A.honor BsolveCbreak Djudge解析:我们彼此信任对方会“执行”这种安排:我们不闯红灯。honor表示“信守,执行”,符合语境。答案:A16A.stopped BprotectedCrejected Dfrightened解析:像我们中的大多数人一样,作者更可能“停止”做被社会常规认为是不好的事情。后三项分别表示“保护”“拒绝”“害怕”,均不符合语境。答案:A17A.speaks of Bstands byCtakes in Ddisapproves of解析:与被法律禁止的事情相比,作者更不可能做社会常规“不赞成”的事情。disapprove of“不赞成”。前三项分别表示“谈及”“支持”“吸收”,均不符合语境。答案:D18A.suspect BtrustCteach Dcare解析:我们曾经彼此“信任”对方去做正确的事情,这非常令人惊奇。此外,第15空前面的部分以及第19空前面的部分都是线索提示。答案:B19A.only BfirstClucky Dliving解析:作者强调的是彼此之间应该互相信任,这是“首先”需要做到的事情。答案:B20A.sorry BdoubtfulCsure Dproud解析:作者通过深思感悟到当时的行为非常正确,因此为那天晚上没有闯红灯感到无比“自豪”。答案:D.阅读理解For the last couple of weeks, I had been stuck in front of my computer working on a project that was very important to me. My every waking hour was consumed by the project and although I imagined that I would feel happy after completing parts of the project, I was confused to find that instead, I was feeling rather depressed. I tried a range of methods to help cheer myself up. I had a relaxing bath, cooked a delicious meal to enjoy with my family and even watched a lighthearted movie, but to_no_avail. It was only when I turned to meditation(沉思) for a solution that the answer came to me: turn to nature!The very next day, I grabbed my camera and a bottle of water and set off to spend a few hours walking in a nature reserve, even though it was pouring with rain. Within a couple of minutes I felt alive again. To be honest, I felt like a young school girl again and had to stop myself from hopping along the path singing Im singing in the rain, a song I used to sing when I was a child. I think as adults we often try too hard to control our inner children and as a result we restrain our own spirits, which only leads to depression and stress.Interestingly, it has been shown that people who spend 40 minutes walking in a nature reserve have a drop in their blood pressure levels, but this does not happen when they spend a similar amount of time walking in a busy city centre.If you feel a little low in spirits and know that you have spent too much time indoors, relax completely, remove your shoes and let your inner child come out and play.解题导语假如你的情绪不佳,那就投入到大自然的怀抱吧!身体得到放松,童心得以萌发,可以尽情玩耍。1The author felt depressed because she _.Acouldnt consume her waking hoursBhad not seen a film for a long time.Chad not finished her work on timeDhad worked on a hard job for too long解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的前两句可知原因是作者做一件艰苦的工作时间太长。答案:D2The author walked in a nature reserve in the rain in order to _.Atake photosBfind a solution to the projectChop along the pathDcheer herself up解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I tried a range of methods to help cheer myself up.”可知作者在自然保护区中散步也是为了“让自己振作起来”。答案:D3The underlined part “to no avail” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”Aunsuccessful BunrelatedCuninteresting Dunexpected解析:词义猜测题。根据画线部分前面的转折连词but可知洗澡、美食和电影都没有效果,都没有使作者振作起来。故A项与画线部分意思最接近。答案:A4In the authors opinion, _.A. a bath can make people relaxedBdepression is usually caused by hard workCwalking in a busy city centre harms peoples healthDits good for adults to wake up their inner children when they are in low spirits 解析:推理判断题。结合第二段最后一句中的内容以及最后一段的内容可推知作者认为成年人唤醒童心能帮助他们摆脱低落情绪。答案:D5The last paragraph mainly serves as a(n) _.Aexplanation BsuggestionCintroduction Dreminder解析:文章结构题。最后一段提到如果你感到情绪低落并且知道在室内待的时间太久,你就要彻底放松,脱掉鞋子,释放自己的童心去玩耍,显然是提供“建议”。答案:B111

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