Unit 5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》同步练习11(人教版必修1)

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Unit 5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》同步练习11(人教版必修1)_第1页
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111必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero 纳尔逊曼德拉当代英雄.单项填空1He is a man who lacks experience and determination,and I think he is not_the job.Aable forBequal toCequal for Dable to2Everybody present at the meeting agreed to stick to the_that everyone should be treated fairly.Apurpose BambitionCprinciple Dlevel3She devoted herself entirely_helping the children who suffered a lot from the earthquake.Ain BforCto Dwith4She is always_to help others at school and every other student wants to play with her_.Awilling;willing Bready;willingCwilling;willingly Dready;ready5_his experience,he has done a good job,so you should give him something as a(n)_AConsidered;award BGiven;rewardCRegard;gift DConsidering;price6Though he killed a boy,he was_to 20 years imprisonment instead of death because of his good attitude and active help in breaking the case.Asentenced BreportedCgiven Dattacked7He says he has an uncle living in Taiwan.Nonsense!_,his father doesnt have brothers at all.AMore or less BAs a matter of factCIn addition DAt least8Ms Black is considered a_lady by her neighbors,for she often helps the poor old man next door.Agenerous BhopefulCmean Dselfish9The old man became very worried,standing at the gate,unable to find a man_he could turn for help.Afrom whom Bat whomCinto whom Dto whom10(2009年上海调研)_I toured Jiu Zhai Gou,I was deeply impressed with his beautiful scenery.AFor the first time BAt firstCIt was the first time DThe first time11I told your friend how to get to the hotel,but perhaps I_have driven her there.Acould BmustCmight Dshould12_by keeping down costs will PowerData hold its advantage over other companies.AOnly BJustCStill DYet13People_a monument to honour those people who devoted their lives to their country.Aset out Bset downCset up Dset on14Ive lost in the game again._,you still have more chances.AWhat a pity BDont lose heartCDont lose your heart DIm sorry for you15Dont_what he says._yourself,and you can do it very well.Abelieve in;Believe Bbelieve;Believe inCbelieve in;Believe in Dbelieve;Believe.完形填空(2010年启东中学期中检测)Mr Glen is a millionaire.Five years ago,after returning from abroad to his motherland,he_1_up his small company.Speaking of success,Glen often tells us a story about his_2_expensive “school” fee.He always owes his success to it.At that time,Glen,who already got a Ph.Degree,decided to return to the homeland,starting a company.Before_3_,he bought a Rolex watch with the_4_made through years of work after school and the scholarships.At the airport he had to accept the routine customs check.The watch on his wrist was also demanded to be_5_down for inspection.Glen knew that carrying the_6_goods out had to pay the tax.And he worried about paying_7_for his watch.So when he was checked,he told a lie that his watch was a worthless_8_.When he was_9_of his “smarts”,immediately,_10_the presence of Glen,the officers hit the watch,which_11_nearly ¥100,000,into pieces at hearing Glens words.Glen was amazed._12_he understood why,he was taken to the office to be_13_strictly.For many times of entryexit_14_he knew that only those people in the “blacklist” would “enjoy” this special treatment.The officers looked out every thing carefully in the box,and warned him_15_time of entry and exit he must accept the check and if_16_reusing and carrying fake and shoddy (劣质的) goods,he would be charged according to law!Suddenly,his face turned red,and he had nothing in mind after_17_the plane for long.After returning to the homeland,he often told the story to his family,and his employees,too.He said that this made a deep_18_on him,because the additional high“school”fee that he had ever paid made him realize the value of_19_,which he would_20_as the secret of his success forever.1. Aset BcameCwent Dcalled2. Agood BbadCextra Dfew3. Astaying BleavingCliving Dcoming4A.books BthingsCsavings Dpounds5. Aput BlookedCtaken Dlied6. Aordinary BcommonCspecific Dmany7. Aone BitCthem Dthese8. Apresent BtradeCtoy Dfake9. Aafraid BproudCwell Dhard10. Ain BonCbefore Dafter11. Apaid BspentCtook Dcost12. ABefore BAfterCIf DThough13. Aappreciated BbeatenCspoken Dexamined14. Aconditions BexperiencesCexperiments Dchances15. Ano matter what Bno matter howCno matter when Dno matter why16. Acame out Bfound outCsent out Dset out17A.landing BflyingCcatching Dboarding18A.expression BideaCthought Dimpression19A.honesty BliesCgoods Dthings20A.remember BlearnCrevise Dread.阅读理解(2010届湖南岳阳一中质检)According to a recent survey on money and relationships,36% of people are keeping a bank account from their partner.While this financial unfaithfulness may appear as distrust in a relationship,in truth it may just be a form of financial protection.With almost half of all marriages ending in divorce,men and women are realizing they need to be financially savvy,regardless of whether they are in a relationship.The financial hardship on individuals after a divorce can be extremely difficult,even more so when children are involved.The lack of permanency in relationships,job and family life may be the cause of a growing trend to keep a secret bank account hidden from a partner,in other words,an“escape fund”Margarets story is far from unique.She is a representative of a growing number of women in longterm relationships who are becoming protective of their own earnings.Every month on pay day,she banks hundreds of dollars into a savings account she keeps from her husband.She has been doing this throughout their sixyear marriage and has built a nest egg worth an incredible$100,000.Margaret says if her husband found about her secret savings hed be hurt and would take this as a sign that she wasnt sure of the marriage.“Hed think it was my escape fund so that financially I could afford to get out of the relationship if it went wrong.I know you should approach marriage as being forever and I hope ours is,but you can never be sure.”Like many of her fellow secret savers,Margaret was hurt in a former relationship and has since been very guarded about her own money.Coming clean to your partner about being a secret saver may not be all that bad.Take Colleen for example,who had been saving secretly for a few years before she confessed to her partner.“I decided to open a savings account and start building a nest egg of my own.I wanted to prove to myself that I could put money in the bank and leave it there for a rainy day.”1. The trend to keep a secret bank account is growing because_.A“escape fund” helps one through rainy daysBdays are getting harder and harderCwomen are money sensitiveDfinancial conflicts often occur2The underlined word “savvy” in Paragraph 1 probably means_.Asuspicious BsecureCwise Dsimple3Which inference can we make about Margaret?AShe is a unique woman. BShe was once divorced.CShe is going to retire. DShe has many children.4. The author mentions Colleens example to show_.Aany couple can avoid marriage conflictsBprivacy within marriage should be respectedCeveryone can save a fortune with a happy marriageDfinancial disclosure is not necessarily bad5. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?ASecret savers BLove is what its worthCBanking honesty DOnce bitten,twice shy.短文填词To learn with your classmates is important in learning process.At the b_I thought that learning was 1._none of others business.I kept telling myself the truth_the harder you study,the better grade 2._you get._(遗憾),the truth seemed no 3._truth to me.It doesnt w_ on all exams of 4._mine.No matter how hard I worked,I still_(不及格)Each time I didnt pass the 5._exam,I thought I hadnt studied hard e_for 6._it.The situation didnt look up_my 7._teacher suggested I should learn with my classmates.One day I came a_a difficult problem.Keeping my 8._teachers advice in_,I turned to one of my 9._classmates for help and solved it_(顺利).10._.单项填空1B句意为:他是一个缺乏经验和意志薄弱的人,所以我认为他不能胜任这份工作。equal意为“胜任的”时,常与介词to连用。2Cprinciple原则,stick to the principle坚持原则,符合题意。3Cdevote常与介词to连用,意为“献身于”。4Cwilling意为“愿意的”,be willing to do意为“愿意做”;willingly是副词,意为“乐意地”,修饰动词短语play with。5Bgiven此处相当于considering,意为“考虑到;鉴于”;reward在此处是“奖赏”之意,常指赏金或酬金。6Abe sentenced to imprisonment意为“被判入狱”。7Bas a matter of fact相当于in fact,意为“事实上”。8A结合语境“for she often helps the poor old man”推断出她很“慷慨(generous)”。9D本题考查“介词关系代词”引导定语从句,此处介词的判断很关键,由句意“老人想求助于(turn to)别人”可知介词为to,故选D。正常的语序为“.unable to find a man whom he could turn to for help”。10D考查句型结构。the first time可充当连词引导一个时间状语从句,for the first time只是一个介词短语,在句中作时间状语;at first首先,开始,含义不对;It was the first time这是我第一次,此处句型结构不对。11D考查should have done本来应该做某事而没有做。根据所提供的情景“I told your friend how to get to the hotel,but perhaps”可判断出本来应该用车把她带到那里的。12A考查倒装句。题意是“PowerData公司只有限制成本才能保持对其他公司的优势”。从will PowerData hold可知此句用了部分倒装语序。四个选项中,只有only加介词短语“by keeping.”放在句首时,句子需要倒装。13Cset out意为“开始;出发”,set down意为“着手”,set up意为“建立”,set on意为“攻击;前进”。14B由语境可知应用B项来鼓励对方。What a pity真遗憾,Im sorry for you真为你难过,可惜,与题意不符。15Bbelieve相信某人(所说的话);believe in信任;信仰。.完形填空【语篇解读】俗话说“贪小便宜吃大亏”,在生活中诚信显得很重要。本文通过描述Mr Glen的一段亲身经历说明了这一道理。1A考查固定搭配。set up设立,成立;come up走近,出现;go up上升,增长;call up召唤,使想起。由语境可知选A,他成立了他的小公司。2C根据全文可知,Mr Glen把这次教训当做交了一次“额外的”学费。extra额外的,不包括在价目内的。文章最后一段中because an additional high “school” fee也有暗示。3. B根据前文decided to return to the homeland可知,此处表示“离开”。4C空后的made through years of work after school and the scholarships可知,表是他用他的积蓄(课外工作所得和奖学金)买的。saving存款,积蓄。5C考查固定搭配。take down拿下,摘下;put down放下,拒绝;lie down躺下;look down俯视,跌价。此处的意思是:手表也要摘下来进行检查。6C根据后文中nearly¥100,000可排除A和B,从had to pay the tax可知,携带特定的物品出境需要缴税。7. Bit代指前面的the tax。8. D根据后文中carrying fake and shoddy (劣质的) goods可知。9Bbe proud of以自豪。他以为自己的小聪明会得逞,正洋洋自得。10Ain the presence of Glen当着Glen的面。11. D定语从句的引导词which指代the watch,cost的主语为物,spend的主语为人。12. A根据Glen was amazed可知答案。他还没有明白过来是怎么回事,就被带到了办公室。13. D根据后文“他知道只有黑名单上的人才享受这种特殊待遇,工作人员仔细检查了他的箱子”可以判断,应选D项。14B此处指根据多次出入境的经历,他知道15A工作人员警告他无论什么时候出入境,他都必须接受检查。16B这是一个省略的虚拟语气句。If (he was) found out reusing and carrying fake and shoddy (劣质的) goods,he would be charged according to law!find out查明(真相)。17Dboard the plane登机。18D固定短语make a deep impression on表示“对留下深刻的印象”。19A根据前文故事可知,他的经历让他懂得了诚实的重要性。20A他将永远牢记诚信他成功的秘密。.阅读理解【语篇解读】根据最新调查,36%的人偷偷地开户攒起了私房钱。透过这一现象,我们看到了现代人对婚姻关系的不确定。1A推理判断题。由全文特别是文中第二段可知,离婚后一个人如果经济不宽裕,生活将会很艰难,如果有孩子会更难。所以人们趋向攒私房钱是为了应对不稳定的婚姻关系、工作和家庭生活所带来的不时之需。2C猜测词义题。因为几乎有一半的婚姻以离婚告终,所以人们意识到他们需要在财政上保持“明智”,故选C项。3B推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Margaret was hurt in a former relationship”可推知,Margaret曾离过婚。4D推理判断题。由最后一段可知,作者举Colleen的例子是想说明向你的爱人坦白你藏“私房钱”并不是那么坏的事,也就是证明最后一段的第一句话。5A主旨大意题。根据全文内容,特别是第一段引出的话题可知,本文主要向我们介绍了婚姻中出现的藏“私房钱”的现象。.短文填词1beginning2.that3.Unfortunately4.work5failed6.enough7.until/till8.across9mind10.smoothly111


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