Unit 4《Earthquakes》Using Language学案6(人教版必修1)

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111Unit 4EarthquakesPeriod ThreeUsing Language1拓展归纳congratulation“庆祝,祝贺”,常用复数形式,并与介词on搭配。congratulate为动词形式,常用于congratulate sb.on sth.,congratulate oneself that等结构中。congratulation应用于成功、结婚、毕业等个人性的祝贺,不用于节日致辞;表“祝词”时常用复数形式,但表示抽象意义时,不用复数形式。Its your birthday today?Congratulations!今天是你的生日?恭喜,恭喜!I offered my congratulations on her success.我对她的成功表示祝贺。Congratulations on winning the prize!祝贺你获奖!congratulate,celebrate(1)congratulate意为“祝贺”,可以以个人或团体的形式向个人或团体口头上或以实物的形式表示;(2)celebrate意为“庆祝”,往往以某种具体的形式并且不止一个人的形式表示。完成句子(1)我刚刚通过了考试。Ive just got a pass in the examination.祝贺你!Congratulations!(2)他们收到了很多祝贺信。They received many letters_of_congratulation.2Your speech was heard by a group of five judges, all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year.(P30)拓展归纳judgejudging from.由来判断,引导的是一个独立成分,不能改为judged。in ones judgement按的看法pass judgement on sb.对某人宣判I cant judge whether hes right or wrong.我不能判断他是对还是错。They judged him to be in his middle twenties.他们估计他有二十五、六岁。完成句子(1)你不该以貌取人。You cant judge a person by his appearance.(2)根据你的话可以看出,他应该能成功。Judging_from_what_you_say,he ought to succeed.(3)一个人应该从他的所作所为来判断,而不是根据他的话来判断。A man should be_judged_by_his_deeds,not_by his words.(4)从他脸上的神情看,他觉得这酒并不怎样。Judging_by_the_look_on_his_face,he doesnt think much of the wine.3拓展归纳do honour to纪念;给带来荣誉have the honour有做某事的荣誉do sb.the honour (of doing sth.)使某人有特殊的荣幸(做);做而给予某人面子in honour of为向表示敬意;为纪念;为祝贺honourable adj.可敬的,值得敬佩的We should show honour to the old.我们应该尊敬老人。I felt highly honoured by your trust.能得到您的信任,我感到十分荣幸。It is a great honour to be invited.承蒙邀请,十分荣幸。翻译句子(1)他以勇气赢得大家的尊敬。He_won_honour_for_his_courage.(2)今晚你能赏光与我共进晚餐吗?Would_you_honour_me_by_dining_with_me_tonight?(3)士兵的英勇行为为他带来了荣耀和赞美。The_soldiers_brave_deeds_brought_him_honour_and_glory.(4)我认为能被邀请参加晚宴是很大的荣幸。I_consider_it_a_great_honour_to_be_invited_to_dinner.4拓展归纳 向某人表示/表达某事express oneself表达自己的意思an express bus/coach/train特快公共汽车/长途汽车/列车完成句子(1)言语无法表达我的愉快心情。Words_can_not_express how pleased I am.(2)十几岁的孩子在表达思想方面经常有困难。Teenagers often have difficulties in_expressing_themselves.(3)他要坐特快列车去那儿。He will go there on_an_express_train.1 用法点拨句中的as引导非限制性定语从句,as代替主句内容,在从句中作主语或宾语。as作为关系代词,既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。(1)as 引导限制性定语从句时,通常用于the same.as.和such.as.句型中。在定语从句中as可用作主语、宾语和表语。I want the same car as he drives every day.我想有一辆他每天开的那样的轿车。(2)as引导非限制性定语从句时,往往修饰整个主句,代表主句所表述的内容。as引导的定语从句,可放在主句前,也可放在主句后,而which引导的定语从句只能放在主句后。完成句子(1)众所周知,发光的并非全是金子。All that glitters is not gold,as_everybody_knows.(2)据说,他们要派我们去帮助那些欠发达地区的儿童。As_is_said,they will send us to help the children in the lessdeveloped areas.(3)据上周报道,在这家外国公司的帮助下,他们将要发射另一颗人造卫星。They would send up another manmade satellite,as_was_reported_last_week,with the help of the foreign company.(4)她学习很好,这使她父母很满意。She did well in her studies,which_made_her_parents_satisfied.We are pleased to tell you that you have won the high school speaking competition about new Tangshan.我们很高兴地告诉你,你在以新唐山为主题的中学演讲比赛中获得了第一名。2 用法点拨此句中含有由that引导的宾语从句,从句用的是现在完成时,表示动作已经完成了。be pleased to do sth.表示“很高兴做”。be pleased with对感到满意be pleased at his success对他的成功感到高兴be pleased with oneself对自己感到满意be distinctly pleased显然很满意be highly pleased非常满意翻译句子(1)亚当,我看到你真高兴。Im_pleased_to_see_you,Adam.(2)能和你一起做生意,我太高兴了。I_am_only_too_pleased_to_do_business_with_you. (3)我为自己能够帮上忙感到很高兴。I_was_very_pleased_to_be_able_to_help.3 Our office would like to have you speak to the park visitors on July 28 at 11:00a.m.我们办公室(的人)想请你在7月28日上午11点给来公园的参观者进行一次演讲。用法点拨 “havesb.do sth.”句型意为“让/叫/使某人做某事”。此结构中的have是使役动词,sb.作宾语,其后的do sth.是省略to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语。have sth.done与have sb./sth.doing(1)have sth.done表示sth.与过去分词之间是被动关系。We had the machine mended just now.我们刚才请人把机器修好了。(2)have sb./sth.doing表示sb./sth.与现在分词之间是主动关系,且动作正在进行。We cant have that sort of thing happening.我们不能允许发生那种事。完成句子(1)我们很高兴你和我们一道工作。Wed be delighted to_have_you_work_with_us.(2)我会找人给你修理自行车的。Ill have_someone_repair the bike for you.中国,河北唐山市政府办公室200_年7月5日亲爱的_:恭喜你! 我们很高兴地告诉你,你在以新唐山为主题的中学演讲比赛中获得第一名。评委会的五位评委听了你的演讲,都认为你的演讲是今年最好的。你的父母和你的学校会为你而骄傲!下个月我们市将开放一个新公园,以纪念在那次可怕的灾难中死去的人们。并向那些曾经为幸存者提供过帮助的人们致敬。我们办公室想请你在7月28日上午11点给来公园的参观者进行演讲。你知道,三十_年前的这一天正是唐山发生地震的日子。在这个特殊的日子里,我们邀请你把家人和朋友一起带来。诚挚的, 张沙.单词拼写1Im glad you raised that point.2He is preparing his speech for the meeting tomorrow.3The firemen rescued three women from the burning house.4After the battle they buried(埋葬)the dead.5I am honoured to be asked to speak.6We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all useless(无效)7I really think I ought to get out and get some fresh air.用所给词的适当形式填空1Please take the smelly fish out of the refrigerator.(smell)2This tie is dirty,so Ill take it to the cleaners.(dirt)3He traveled in several European countries this summer.(Europe)4WTO is short for World Trade Organization.(organize)5Speech is silver,silence is golden.(speak)6There is not even electricity or running water in his house.(electric)7Judging from what he said,he must be an honest man.(judge)8I did little preparation for the examination.(prepare).用恰当的短语填空at an end,thousands of,be proud of,one third,fall down,right away,in ruins,instead of,be filled with1In the earthquake thousands_of people became homeless.2Not all the students like this idea. In fact one_third of them are against it.3Instead_of going home after school he went to the cinema.4He returned to his country after the war was at_an_end.5Dont worry!Youll get the ticket right_away.6He is_proud_of his beautiful hometown.7After the flood many houses in the village fell_down.8At the good news he was_filled_with joy.完成句子1I am too_busy_to_go_with_you(太忙而不能和你一起去)2He thought_little_of(评价不高)the film.3She gets up early on weekends as_usual(像平常一样)4He seemed_to_be_ill(看来生病了),so I called in the doctor.5The number_of(的数量)guests will be more than 100.6I would like to go out instead_of_staying_at_home(而不是呆在家里)in such fine weather.7The earthquake happened while_people_were_asleep/sleeping(人们正在睡觉的时候)8As_we_know(正如我们所知),the earth is nearly round.单项填空1The rich _ not always happy.Aare Bis Chas Dhave答案A解析“theadj.”表示一类人时,通常表示整体的含义,后面谓语动词一般使用复数形式。2Do you remember _ he came?Yes,I do. He came by train.Athat Bwhen Chow Dif答案C3Threefourths of the surface of the earth _ covered by water.Ais Bare Cwere Dhas been答案A解析分数of名词(代词)作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于其后名词(代词)的形式和意义。4When did she leave Beijing?At seven oclock _ the evening of March 8.Ain Bon Cat Dfor答案B5Can you tell me the name of the school _ you visited last week?Awhat Bwhere Cwho Dwhich答案D解析本题考查定语从句的用法。定语从句中的谓语动词visited是及物动词,和先行词school是动宾关系,应选择关系代词which作它的宾语。6Some of the boys whom _ didnt come.AI invited them BI invited CI invite them DI invite答案B解析定语从句中的宾语是引导词whom,再用them就加了多余的宾语。因此排除A、C两项。D项时态使用不当,故应选B项。7The American Civil War _ four years _ the north won.Awas lasted;until Blasted;beforeCwere lasted;when Dlasted;after答案B8When she opened the can(罐头),it _ a bad smell.Agave away Bgave in Cgave up Dgave out答案D9World War _ in 1939.Many countries of Asia and Europe suffered a lot from it.Abroke out Bbroke into Cburst out Dburst into答案A 10He talked about the things and people _ he had met in the USA.Awhich Bthat Cwho Dwhere答案B解析当先行词既包括人也包括事物时,引导词使用that。11Occasions are quite rare_I have the time to spend a day with my kids.Awho Bwhich Cwhy Dwhen答案D解析when此处为关系副词,引导定语从句,修饰先行词occasions,when在从句中作时间状语。12What happened to the priceless works of art?_.AThey were destroyed in the earthquakeBThe earthquake was destroying themCThey destroyed in the earthquakeDThe earthquake destroyed them答案A解析句意为:“那些珍贵的艺术作品怎么了?”“它们在地震中被毁了。”故排除了B、C两项,显然动作不是正在进行,而且应该使用被动语态。D项从语法上讲没有错误,但承接问语不自然。13The two sportsmen congratulated each other _ winning the match by shaking hands.Awith Bon Cin Dto答案B解析congratulate sb. on (doing) sth.表示“就某事向某人表示祝贺”,是固定搭配形式。14It was not until midnight_ they reached the camp site.Athat Bwhen Cwhile Das答案A解析考查强调句。15I have done nothing but _.Ato think deeply Bthought deeplyCthink deeply Dthinking deeply答案C解析but在这里表示“除之外”的含义,其后面常常接动词不定式to do sth.。但当句中出现实义动词do,动词不定式的标志符号to需要省略。.阅读表达London has more than nine million visitors every year.They come and visit some of the most famous places in England:Big Ben,the Tower of London and the River Thames.You can see some of the most interesting places in the city by getting on one of Londons tour buses.It has an open roof and let you off at anyplace you want to visit.The River Thames is Londons main waterway.It has shaped the capitals landscape,history and geography.So one_of_the_best_ways_of_making_sense_of_the_city_is_to_take_a_trip_along_the_river.Much of the riverbank can now be walked along,particularly the south bank.The clock tower of the Houses of Parliament,Big Ben,has become one of the main symbols of London.It rises up nearly 100m to a golden point above the clock and a 13ton bell.The sound of the bell,which you can hear at the beginning of many television and radio programmes,has become wellknown throughout the nation.No visit to London is complete without a look at the Tower of London,in the eastern part of the city.After Big Ben,the Tower may be Londons most visited tourist spot.Sightseeing in London is great,but it can get very _.So,the best way to start the day is to fill up on an English breakfast.For starters,have an egg,bacon,sausages,tomatoes,mushrooms,black pudding and fried bread.Then finish off with toast and jam,and a large pot of tea.You can buy an English breakfast in nearly every hotel,and at many restaurants and cafes.An English pub is a good place to stop for lunch and a drink.You can get hot or cold food and try one of Englands beers.Or you can sit outside one of the many roadside pubs and cafes in London,and simply watch the busy world go by.1What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)答案Visiting_London2Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?It is very regretful if you dont go to the Tower of London when visiting London.答案No_visit_to_London_is_complete_without_a_look_at_the_Tower_of_London.3Please fill in the blank in paragraph five with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)答案tiring4Which place of London do you want to visit most?Why?(Please answer within 30 words.) 答案My_favourite_place_is_the_River_Thames.We_can_get_further_impression_of_the_citys_history,geography_and_culture.The_landscape_of_the_river_is_wonderful.5Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.答案想了解这个城市的最好方式是沿河旅行。.书面表达假设你是一名记者,请根据以下提示,用英语向China Daily写一篇有关四川大地震的当日新闻报道。时间:2008年5月12日14时28分震级:8级损失:至12日22时,已有7 651人死亡,数万人受伤,许多人被困;造成停电,通讯中断,房屋、桥梁倒塌,交通受阻。严重性:近三十年以来最强烈的地震。注意:1.词数120150。2生词提示:8级magnitude 8 参考范文At 1428 pm. on May 12,2008,a terrible earthquake of magnitude 8 shook Sichuan.By 2200 pm.,the death toll(死亡人数)in the earthquake had reached 7,651.As many as tens of thousands of people were injured.And more people were trapped in the fallen buildings or were still missing.The earthquake had the electricity cut off,the communication broken off,the traffic stopped and a great many buildings and bridges destroyed. The earthquake caused heavy losses of lives and economy,which is the worst in China during the past three decades.The director had her assistant _ some hot dogs for the meeting.(全国高考)Apicked up Bpicks up Cpick up Dpicking up答案C解析本题考查have sb. do sth.结构。句意为:主任让她的助手为会议准备一些热狗(食物)。“让某人去做某事”,其中的不定式应该省略to。课文原文Our office would like to have_you_speak to the park visitors on July 28 at 11:00a.m.Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?Yes,I did.You know,my brother_in the match.(安徽高考)Ais playing Bwas playing Chas played Dhad played答案B解析句意为:你昨天看篮球赛了吗?看了。你要知道,我的弟弟在那场比赛中上场打球。故此处应该用过去进行时态。课文原文Strange things were_happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei.He was busy writing a story, only_once in a while to smoke a cigarette.(辽宁高考)Ato stop Bstopping Cto have stopped Dhaving stopped答案B解析句意为:他在忙着写一个故事,只是偶尔停下来抽支烟。此处应为现在分词短语作伴随状语,表示与write伴随的动作。A项通常作目的状语和结果状语。课文原文Mice ran out of the fields looking_for_places_to_hide.The performance_nearly three hours,but few people left the theatre early.(全国高考)Acovered Breached Cplayed Dlasted答案D解析考查动词的用法及与句意的结合。last意为“持续”。课文原文People began to wonder how long the disaster would last.The road conditions there turned out to be very good,_ was more than we could expect.(全国高考)Ait Bwhat Cwhich Dthat答案C解析句意为:那里的路况证明是非常好的,这超出了我们的想象。which引导非限制性定语从句,which指代前面整个句子的内容。A、B、D三项均不能引导非限制性定语从句。课文原文It was felt in Beijing,which is more than two hundred kilometres away. 111

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