Unit 3《Life in the Future》同步练习5(人教版必修5)

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Unit 3《Life in the Future》同步练习5(人教版必修5)_第3页
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111Life in the future. 语法和词汇知识1. His proposal is very _. We do not need any explanation.A. abstract B. faithful C. loyal D. concrete 2. Be _ to finish your homework before supper.A. shy B. sure C. nervous D. serious 3. Food supplies may _ towards the end of the trip, so we cant waste any food.A. run out B. run up C. run in D. run away4. Waste paper, waste glass, and waste iron can all be _.A. made B. taken C. recorded D. recycled5. I rely _ her to pay back the money.A. to B. for C. on D. at6. To keep the town clean, the truck _ garbage is prevented _ entering the town.A. loaded with; 不填 B. loading with; from C. loaded of; from D. loading of; 不填7. She was _ for helping the murderer to escape. A. searched B. brought C. arrested D. determined 8. He made a living _ teaching. A. with B. by C. to D. over 9. The army officer _ his men to fire as soon as the enemies came up. A. requested B. commanded C. begged D. suggested 10. You can take as many books as you like here for they are free of _.A. fare B. charge C. money D. pay11. The hotel _ 50 yuan for a room for the night.A. offered B. charged C. paid D. gave12. Wait till you are more _. Its better to be sure than sorry.A. alternative B. satisfied C. optimistic D. certain13. When can I see you, Mr Black? Three oclock this afternoon? Oh, no. I _ a meeting then. A. will have B. will be having C. am having D. have14 What will you be doing at 4:00 tomorrow afternoon? I _ in my office. A. will be typing B. am typing C. am about to type D. will type15. Because the shop _, the T-shirts are sold at half price. A. has closed down B. closed down C. is closing down D. had closed down. 阅读理解 Life in 2060Let us suppose it is now about A.D. 2060. Lets make believe (假装;虚构) it is about sixty years from now. Of course, things have changed and life is very different.Voyages to the moon are being made every day. It is as easy to take a holiday on the moon today as it was for the people in 1960 to take a holiday in Europe. At a number of scenic spots on the moon, many hotels have been built. The hotels are air-conditioned, naturally. In order that everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the moon, every room has at least one picture window. Everything imaginable is provided for entertainment (娱乐) of young and old.What are people eating now? People are still eating food. They havent yet started to take on heir (继承) supply of energy directly as electrical current or as nuclear power. They may some day. But many foods now come in pill form, and the food that goes into the pill continues to come mainly from green plants.Since there are several times as many people in the world today as there were a hundred years ago, most of our planets surface has to be filled. The deserts are irrigated with water and crops are no longer destroyed by pests. The harvest is always good.Farming, of course, is very highly developed. Very few people have to work on the farm. It is possible to run the farm by just pushing a few buttons now and then.People are now largely vegetarians (素食者). You see, as the number of people increases, the number of animal decreases. Therefore, the people have to be vegetarians and we are healthier both in our bodies and in our minds, and we know the causes and cure of disease and pain, and it is possible to get rid of diseases. No one has to be ill any more.Such would be our life in 2060.1. When was the passage written?A. In about A.D. 2060. B. In about 1960.C. In about 2000. D. In about 2004.2. According to the passage, what will be on the moon in about A.D. 2060?A. Many tourists. B. Many other animals.C. Many plants. D. A sea.3. What will people eat then according to the passage?A. Biscuits in pill form. B. Foods in pill form.C. Foods in water form. D. Foods in gas form.4. The passage tells us that in 2060, _ on the earth than now.A. there are fewer population B. there are more pestsC. there is less water D. the crops are getting better5. Why are people largely vegetarians in 2060?A. Because they dont eat meat.B. Because doctors advise them not to eat meat.C. Because the number of animals decreases.D. Because all the animals have died of diseases.The key:. 语法和词汇知识1. D 句意为“他的提议非常具体,我们不必再解释”。concrete 具体的,abstract 抽象的。2. B 本题考察固定搭配,be sure to do表示“一定做某事”。3. A run out“用光、花光”,无被动语态;run up“竖起,升起”; run in意为“顺便探访”;run away意为“逃跑”。4. D 句意为“废纸,废玻璃以及废铁都可以回收利用。” 只有D项符合句意, 5. C 本题考察固定搭配,四个选项中,只有on可以与rely搭配,构成rely on sb. to do sth,意思是“指望,依靠;相信某人会 ”。句意为“我相信她会还钱的”。6. A load sth with sth意为“装载某物”,故首先排除C、D项,该句用过去分词作后置定语。 7. C 帮助凶手逃跑,应该被逮捕。故选C。句意为“他因帮助那个凶手逃走而被拘留” 。8. B 本题考查介词。从句意判断,应该使用表示方式的介词短语。故选B。介词by可以表示“方式,手段”。如:We can learn English by using it.我们可以通过使用英语来学习英语。9. B 依据语境,应该选用command。command sb. to do sth表示“命令某人做某事”。10. B fare“运费、车费”; pay“工资、报酬”;charge“费用、收费”,free of charge意为“免费”。故选B。11. B 句意为“在旅馆住一夜一间房要价50元”。pay money for sth 花钱买东西,因此不能选C。 A、D后面常接双宾语, 构成offer / give sb. sth.;charge 意思为“要价,索价”,符合句意。 故选B。12. D 词义考查题。alternative“二中择一的、交替的”;satisfied“感到满意的”;optimistic“乐观的”;certain“感到有把握的、确信的”。根据Its better to be sure than sorry可知,答案应为D。13. B 此处用将来进行时强调在将来某个时间正在进行的动作。故选B。14. A 该题考查将来进行时的用法。将来进行时表示在将来某一时刻正在进行的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,例如:this evening, on Sunday, by this time, tomorrow, in two days, tomorrow evening等。15. C T桖杉正以半价销售,这说明商店还没关张,故选C项,用现在进行时表示将来的动作。. 阅读理解作者通过对2060年人类生活的描述,为读者勾勒出一幅美好的生活图画:月宫上度假生活,用水浇灌的沙漠,没有虫害的庄稼,健康的绿色食品等等。1. C 数字计算题。由第一段第二句“Lets make believe it is about sixty years from now.”可推知本文写于大约2000年。2. A 细节考查题。由短文第二段可以知道,到2060年,月球上将会有度假的人们、旅游景点和许多宾馆。因此答案为A。3.B 细节考查题。由第三段第五句“But many foods now come in pill form, and the food that goes into the pill continues to come mainly from green plants.”可得出答案。4.D推理判断题。由第四段可知到2060年的人口将更多,沙漠用水浇灌,庄稼不再被害虫毁坏,收成总是很好。因此答案为D。5.C细节考查题。短文第六段第二句和第三句告诉我们2060年的人口数目大量增加,导致动物数目的下降,因此大多数人们成为素食者。111

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