高一英语备课《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》 test学案 外研版必修2

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高一英语备课《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》 test学案 外研版必修2_第1页
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111Module 6 Films and TV ProgrammesLearning paper 5 RevisionLearning aim: to review what we have learnt in Module 6Important and difficult points: some language points that the students havent mastered. Learning methods: group work; discussion; etc一单项选择1. - You dont look very _. Are you ill?- No, Im just a bit tired.A. good B. well C. strong D. healthy2. I dont often visit my uncle as a result of my business. I visit him _. A. at all time B. all the time C. always D. sometimes3. How _ can you finish the drawing? A. often B. soon C. long D. rapid4. Bob _ Helen last year. A. married to B. married with C. married D. was married with 5. He seldom got a chance to read, _ he? A. didnt B. wasnt C. did D. was6. Judy is second to none in English in our class, but believe it or not, she _ passed the last English exam.A. easily B. actually C. surprisingly D. hardly7. It is said that the film is _ seeing. A. very worth B. quite worthy of C. well worth D. rather worthy of8. A havent seen _ little animals eat _ many insects.A. such; so B. so; so C. such; such D. so; s5c(9. - _ do you go back home? -Every five days. A. How soon B. How often C. How many timeS D. How long ago10. We s(ould do more speaking _, even out of school. A. now and then B. by and by C. step by step D. more or less二单词拼写1. This is an e_ tale. Most of the children like it very much.2. I found all the c_ in his play very interesting.3. He _ (使感兴趣)me in football.4. Mr. Zhang Yimou _ (导演) Hero.5. How often do you change _ (频道) in an evening?6. He is usually on time, but o_ he is late.7. Zhang Ziyi is a beautiful and very g_ actress.8. _(喜剧) is a programme that makes people laugh.9. Where and when a film takes place is the s_.10. Zhang Yimous film is a true _.(杰作)三翻译句子1. 周末我们有时去海滨。2. 令我们吃惊的是, 她是两个孩子的母亲。3. 他是这个学校的学生。(belong to)4. 迟早你会对此感兴趣的。5. 在过去的五年里,我们村发生了很大的变化。6. 我昨天晚上遇见的就是小王。7. 普遍认为我们应该遵守交通规则。8. 既兴奋又吃惊,他高兴的跳了起来。四完形填空 Emilys wedding dress arrived before high tea. Her marriage was only seventeen hours away. But the dress was much too big for her. Emily was in tears. Here minutes later Emilys cries called her mother. “Take it back to the tailors shop, they must alter(重做) it tonight. Hurry now. Take it off and go.” Mrs. Bale said. The door of the tailors shop was 1. “CLOSED FOR ONE 2 HOLIDAY”, said a 3 on the door. Fresh tears 4 Emilys face. She ran home again to her mother. “This is 5 ,” Mrs. Bale said, “ but what are you going to do? Shall I ask Mrs. Peter for 6 ? She was a dressmaker 7 . Im sure she 8 alter 9 for you.” Mrs. Peer was wrong. She had to cut off many 10 at the front, and that was a big job. 11 she almost made it again. At about en oclock, the work was finished, and Emily 12 her dress on. It fitted her 13 . The three women were having a cup of tea 14 the door bell rang. Mrs. Bale opened he door and caught sight of he worried look of a young 15 . She was carrying a large 16 .“Does 17 live here?” she asked. “Yes, she is my daughter.”“Oh, Im glad Ive found you. Theres been a 18 . Your daughter has my wedding dress, 19 I have got hers. And Ill 20 tomorrow!” she held out the box to Mrs. Bale.1. A. open B. broken C. closing D. locked2. A. WEEK B. WEEKS C. NIGHTS D. YEARS3. A. note B. poster C. notice D. message4. A. came down B. filled with C. burst into D. rolled out5. A. happy B. exciting C. unlucky D. surprised6. A. money B. dress C. tea D. help7. A. once B. always C. forever D. already8. A. must B. ought C. can D. had to9. A. that B. it C. where D. what10. A. cloth B. dresses C. materials D. clothes11. A. After all B. In fact C. However D. Otherwise12. A. took B. put C. tried D. had 13. A. nice B. very good C. too much D. beautifully14. A. when B. while C. as D. before15. A. boy B. man C. girl D. dressmaker16. A. dress B. box C. cup D. material17. A. Mrs. Bale B. Miss Emily C. Mrs. Peter D. the tailor18. A. matter B. accident C. mistake D. misunderstanding19. A. but B. and C. because D. so 20. A. marry B. come C. call D. work 111

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