高一英语备课《Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines》测试(外研版必修2)

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111Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines单元过关测试题I单项选择1. You should _ your lessons.A. be concentrate B. being concentrated C. concentrate on D. concentrate2. _ I am reading Student English Times, I can also learn how English is used.A. While B. Since C. That D. For3. Beyond _ stars, Chinas first taikonaut Lieutenant Colonel Yang Liwei saw nothing but _ space.A. the; / B. /; the C. /; / D. the; the4. The time is up _ I could finish the paper.A. as B. since C. until D. before5. He took 200 photographs _ planet earth _ total.A. for; on B. of; on C. for,; in D. of ; in6. - Dont you know our school well?- No, this is the first time I _ here.A. have been B. am coming C. come D. was7. By the time we _ the airport, the plane _.A. arrived; had taken off B. had got to; took offC. got to; had taken off D. arrived at; took off8. _ you work, _ youll be at your lessons.A. Harder; better B. The harder, the betterC. The harder; and better D. Harder; and better9. - Why are you looking pleased?- Oh, Ive just had a job_.A. offered B. offering C. to offer D. being offered10. - Im going to the post office.- _ youre there, can you get me some stamps.A. As B. While C. Because D. If11. - Everyone says you are a good student. You never fall asleep in class, do you?-_.A. No, I didnt B. Yes, I did C. Yes, never D. Yes, sometimes12. I wont tell him the exciting news now. Ill give him _.A. in surprise B. surprisingly C. a surprise D. by surprise13. - Where _ you put my dictionary?- I left it on your desk when you _ to Tom.A. have; spoken B. did; were speaking C. have; had spoken D. did; were spoken 14. The company, _ in 2003, is one of the most famous of the companies.A. founded B. found C. founding D. to found15. It was between 1830 and 1835 _ the modern newspaper was born.A. when B. which C. where D. thatII. 完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题给的四个选项(A.B.C和D)中,选出最佳答案.On my last day in Nairobi, I decided to visit the game reserve(野生动物保护区). On 1 my hotel ,I b-ought a map and hired a car. On the way I 2 to take photos of many interesting 3 , A little lateral was very pleased when I saw notices 4:“Be careful: Lions.5 in your car.” I didnt mean to get out and 6 across a shallow river, I was halfway across when my 7 began to turn round and round without 8 a bit: the car had stuck in the mud.Full of 9 , I looked round carefully. There was not a lion 10 , I was soon in the 11 and my clothes got wet and muddy, and there was 12 I could do. The car didnt 13 though I pushed it hard.There was a 14 quite near. I didnt dare to go there. So I had to get back into the car. I felt very 15. I wondered how long it would be16 I was discovered by the lions. The lions would quite 17 a tasty meal of a human being 18 !I was wild with 19 when, several hours later, a keeper drove up in a jeep and 20 my car onto dry land.It took me some time to explain to the clerks what had happened to me when I returned to the hotel, but I do not think that anyone really believe me!1. A. leaving B. reaching C. visiting D. seeing2. A. stopped B. drove C. rode D. forgot3. A. keepers B. animals C. cars D. lions4. A. writing B. printing C. marking D. saying5. A. Stay B. Eat C. Sleep D. Look6. A. walked B. drove C. jumped D. stepped7. A. wheels B. legs C. feet D. home8. A. shopping B. working C. moving D. turning9. A. fear B. anger C. surprise D. pleasure10. A. in the stream B. in my car C. in the distance D. out of doors11. A. river B. car C. seat D. clothes12. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing13. A. move B. rise C. open D. start14. A. hotel B. village C. forest D. keeper15. A. worried B. surprised C. safe D. brave16. A. before B. when C. after D. since17. A. hate B. enjoy C. thank D. refuse18. A. dead B. fresh C. alive D. young19. A. anger B. fear C. surprise D. joy20. A. pulled B. pushed C. lifted D. carriedIII. 阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A.B.C.D)中选出最佳选项。AIn 1865 the famous French author Jules Verne wrote two books. One was entitled From the Earth to The Moon and the other was entitled Around The Moon. In these books Jules Verne described man landing on the moon. In 1969 man actually did land on the moon. Many of the details of the real moon landing had been described with amazing accuracy in Jules Vernes books. For example, Jules Vernes spaceship had an initial of 36,000 feet per second. Apollo 11s initial speed was 35,533 feet per second. Last, Jules Vernes spaceship took 87 hours, 13 minutes, and 20 seconds to reach the moon. Apollo 11 took 103 hours and 3 minutes. The door of Apollo 11 opened at exactly 10:56 p.m. on July 20, 1969, and a man stepped out onto the surface of the moon. Jules Verne had predicted it with great accuracy over hundred and four years earlier.1. What Verne described in “From the Earth to the Moon” is similar to the 1969 Apollo 11 landing on the moon in _ ways. A. three B. four C. two D. five2. The underlined word “entitled” refers to _. A. made B. created C. named D. given a rightBIf you go to Brisbane, Australia, you can easily get a small book called Discover Brisbane free. The book tells you almost everything in Brisbane: the restaurants, the shops, the cinemas, the streets, the buses, the trains, the banks, etc. Here is something about banks on page 49:ANZ Banking GroupCnr. Greek & Queen Sts-228 3228Bank of New Zealand410 Queen Street- -221 0411Bank of Queensland229 Elizabeth Street-229 3122Commonwealth Banking Group240 Queen Street-237 3111National Australia Bank Ltd225 Adelaide Street-221 6422Westpac Banking Corp260 Queen Street-227 2666Banking hours are Mon.-Thu. 9:30 am to 4pm. Fri. 9:30 am to 5 pm. All banks close Sat. Sun. & Public Holidays.Australia has a decimal currency(十进币制)with 100 cents to the dollar.Notes available are $100, $50, $20, $10, $5Gold Coins are $2 & $1Silver coins are: 50, 20, 10 & 5 centCopper coins are: 2 & 1 cent3. You can find ANZ Banking Group on _.A. Queen StreetB. Elizabeth Street C. the corner of Greek Street and Queen StreetD. the corner of Queen Street and Elizabeth Street4. _ seems to be the most important street in Brisbane.A. Greek Street B. Elizabeth Street C. Queen Street D. Adelaide Street5. On Saturdays, you can go to _ to put your money in or take your money out.A. ANZ Banking Group B. Bank of Queensland C. National Australia Bank Ltd D. no bank6. In Australia, the banks have their longest service hours on _. A. public holidays B. Sundays C. Saturdays D. FridaysCWho is there among us who hasnt dreamed of having his or her own small (maybe, several years later, even big) business, and having wonderful freedom, both from a boss and from the time clock: the freedom to make up our own rules for our work, and our own planes - arranging our own hours of work? That way work would be both painless and fun. Or, so we imagine.Well, in fact it isnt quite as simple as that. Yes, it is true that being the boss has its satisfactions and that you can arrange your working hours freely if you own your own small business. But in those early years of starting your own business, you shouldnt think of a free day, not to mention flying off for a months vacation. It is not unusual for new business owners to work seventy or eighty hours a week, and if there is a day off, that day might need to be devoted to accounting.But this negative picture doesnt destroy the beautiful hopes. The possibility of getting something wonderful in return - both material and mental - continues to drive that large number of people who start up small businesses each year in the United States.7. From the first paragraph, we know that everybody hopes _.A. to rule othersB. to be his or her own boss C. to get a time work D. to be free from work8. Most new business owners have to _.A. work more than 10 hours a day B. devote himself to accountingC. fly to some places in the world D. have a day off in a week9. The expression “negative picture” most probably means “_”. A. a terrible experience B. a poor picture C. limited freedom D. unpleasant situations10. The beautiful hopes will never be destroyed because _. A. people love beautiful things by nature B. people have a strong desire to seek personal gains C. small businesses make big money each year in the US D. small businesses have advantages over big companiesDGiving backingFair WayThe Westborough High School golf team had taken the official photos with the state prize. The other teams, disappointed, were on the bus heading home. And then Westborough instructor Greg Rota noticed something wrong on one of the score cards. A 9 had been recorded as a 7. They were not the state prize winner; Wobum High had won. “No one would have known,” said Wobums instructor, Bob Doran. For Rota, it wasnt difficult decision: “The prize wasnt ours to take.”Coin Stars“College students are lazy, but they also want to help,” says University of Pennsylvania graduate Dana Hork. So she made it easy, placing cups in rooms where students could leave their spare coins, and handing out cups to first-year students to keep in their rooms. Her “Change for Change” effort has collected $40, 000 for charities(慈善机构), which were decided upon by students.Never ForgottenA school in Massachusetts received a $9.5 million check from Jacques LeBermuth. But it took officials several days of digging to discover his connection to the school. Records showed that on hard times, he was offered free room and board. LeBermuth became a trader, owned shares of AT&T and lived off the earnings until he died, at age 89.11. What did Greg Rota probably do in the end? A. Took photos of Doran B. Had meeting with Doran C. Returned the prize to the organizer D. Apologized to Wobum High school12. Greg Rotas decision shows that he was _. A. honest B. polite C. careful D. friendly13. The underlined word “change” in the second paragraph means _. A. Idea B. Decision C. Cups D. Coins14. What did the school officials do after receiving the check from Mr. LeBermuth? A. They tried to find out why he gave them the money. B. They went to Belgium to pay their respects to him. C. They dug out the records that were buried underground. D. They decided to offer their students free room and board.15. Jacques LeBermuth gave the money to the school because _. A. the school asked for it B. He had no need for that much money C. the school had helped him in the past D. He wanted to be remembered by the studentsV.单词拼写(10分)1. Scientists have been searching for _(外星人)for a long time .2. It is hard to become an _.(宇航员)3.This _news made us happy.(惊人)4.It is an _(经济的)to buy good shoes; they cost more, but they last much longer than cheap ones.5. Football has many _.(球迷)6. He is thinking of going into _.(政界)7. It is a good way to know what is happening in the world by reading the _(标题)in the newspaper.8. She dreams to be an _.(演员)9. The _ (编辑)didnt think highly of her novels.10.Sometimes _(新闻工作者)work very hard while interviewing war event.I单项选择:1. C 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. DII 完形填空15 AABDA 610 BACAC 1115 ADACA 1620 ABCDA III 阅读理解1-5: ACCCD 6-10DBADB 11-15CADACIV.单词拼写:. 1. aliens 2. astronaut 3. surprising 4. economy5. fans 6. politics 7. headlines 8. actor 9. editor 10. journalists111

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