高一英语备课《Module 4 Fine Arts—Western Chinese and Pop Arts》the 2ed Period教案 外研版必修2

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高一英语备课《Module 4 Fine Arts—Western Chinese and Pop Arts》the 2ed Period教案 外研版必修2_第1页
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高一英语备课《Module 4 Fine Arts—Western Chinese and Pop Arts》the 2ed Period教案 外研版必修2_第3页
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111Period 2Grammar 1; Grammar 2 整体设计教材分析This period is composed of two parts. The first part is Grammar 1. In this part first lead the students to read some sentences from the reading and vocabulary part. The students can be required to know about the -ing form and the infinitive through the True or False exercise. And then they read the verbs in the second activity understanding what they all mean and divide them into two groups according to which form can follow them, the -ing form or the infinitive. Thirdly, have the students to read through the verbal phrases and catch their meanings on the basis of which they complete the following sentences. In the last activity they to fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb in the bracket. Whats more, you can also ask the students to work in groups and brainstorm as many verbs they have learnt before and can be followed by the -ing form and the infinitive as possible. You can also hold a competition to consolidate their knowledge on this grammar item.The second part to be dealt with is Grammar 2,which is based on the first part. First have the students read the given sentences with the -ing form as subject and make sure they understand their meanings completely. Then the students need to fill in the blanks using the -ing form of the given verbs. Finally, the students compare their answers in pairs to deepen their understanding of the uses of the -ing form as subject. If the class is of higher level, the teacher can design more activities for the students to do more practice. 三维目标1. 知识与技能1)Develop the students reading ability.2)Enlarge and enrich the students grammar knowledge.2. 过程与方法1)Explanations to make the students master the two grammar items.2)Make the students know how to make use of the -ing form as well as the infinitive correctly through individual or pair work.3. 情感与价值1)Make it fun to cooperate with others.2)Make the students be interested in and love arts.3)Try to raise the students cooperation awareness in their study by pair work or group work. 教学重点1. Learn to research by cooperation.2. Learn to make use of the -ing form as well as the infinitive correctly. 教学难点1. Lead the students to take an active part in class.2. Make the students learn how to use the -ing form as well as the infinitive correctly.3. Help the students learn by heart all verbs that can be followed by the -ing form as well as the infinitive. 教学过程Step 1 Review and Lead-inOption 1DictationThe teacher reads out the following and the students have a dictation.like, dislike, artist, colourful, contemporary, delightful, drawing, paint, painter, painting, scene, traditional, alive, aspect, imitate, observe, reality, style, adopt, aim, standOption 2TranslationThe students translate the phrases according to the Chinese meanings.1. 同时6. 作为而闻名2. 喜欢7. 对着迷3. 无法容忍8. 逐渐对产生兴趣4. 立体主义画派9. 遵照中国传统的绘画方式5. 对感到厌倦10. 模仿某人的生活方式Suggested answers:1. at the same time6. be known for2. be fond of7. be crazy about3. cant stand8. develop an interest in4. cubist artists9. follow the traditional Chinese style of painting5. get tired of10. imitate ones way of livingStep 2 Grammer 1First divide the students into groups of four to have a discussion on the definition of the gerund as well as the infinitive and what the italic part in the following sentences function in Part A and Part B.1. Part A1)Franciscos first love is swimming.2)Francisco enjoys swimming more than spending time with his girlfriend Diana.3)Francisco gives swimming all of his energy and time.4)When Franciso wore dive fins to class, everyone knew that he was devoted to swimming.5)One day last summer, Francisco and his coach were swimming at Daytona Beach.6)A great white shark ate Francisos swimming coach.7)Now Francisco practices his sport in safe swimming pools.Suggested answers:1)Swimming=subject complement of the verb is2)Swimming=direct object of the verb enjoys3)Swimming=indirect object of the verb gives4)Swimming=object of the preposition to5)Swimming=present participle completing the past progressive verb were swimming6)Swimming=present participle modifying coach7)Swimming=present participle modifying poolsPart B1)To wait seemed foolish when decisive action was required.2)Everyone wanted to go.3)His ambition is to fly.4)He lacked the strength to resist.5)We must study to learn.1)subject2)direct object3)subject complement4)adjective5)adverb2. The teacher may first tell the students the following words. The students listen carefully and then work in pairs to discuss the question.In sentences, verbs may have “-ing” or “to do” forms when they are used as objects. Can you find out in what cases they have these forms? (Different students have different answers. )3. Option 1Ask the students to read the listed sentences in the first activity on P35 individually and carefully and complete the true or false exercise. Then put the students into pairs to compare their answers. Next, show the correct answers on the screen for the whole class to refer to. Or call back the answers from the class.Suggested answers:A. FB. FC. TOption 2Show the following sentences on the screen for the students to read individually and make sure they understand them completely. If they come across problems they can not solve by themselves, the teacher can give some necessary explanations. Then put the whole class into groups of four to have a discussion on the rules of the use of the -ing form and the infinitive. Finally, ask a few representatives of some groups to report their answers to the class.(Show the following on the screen. )1)I enjoy listening to pop music greatly.2)She is looking forward to hearing from you soon.3)Thank you very much for helping me out in time.4)We want to give our new English teacher a warm welcome.5)Youd better stop working now and have a short break.6)They need to search for more relative information on the Internet.Suggested answers:verb. +prep. +doingverb. +doingverb. +to do4. Option 1The students first read the words in activity two on P35 individually and make sure they understand what they all mean. Then get the students into groups of four to divide them into two groups, the first of which can be followed by the -ing form while the second the infinitive. The less time they and the more correctly the verbs are chosen for each group, the better it is. Ask some group representatives to report the verbs they have chosen in each group to the whole class. Representatives are chosen to count them and check if they are correct. Finally choose the group which choose the most correct verbs for each group using the least time. It will be the winner.Suggested answers:like to do/like doing; decide to do; enjoy doing; hope to do; agree to do; hate to do/doing; dislike doing; love to do/doing; plan to do; refuse to do; aim to do; attempt to do; promise to do; learn to doOption 2The teacher organizes and holds a competition. First get the whole class into two big groupsBoy Group and Girl Group. Each group needs to brainstorm as many that can be followed by the -ing form and the infinitive as they can. Limit the time they make use of to do this. When time is up, check which group offer more correct verbs by asking the representatives of each group read what they think out aloud to the whole class or just letting them write the verbs on the blackboard. The more, the better.5. Consolidation1)Activity threeOption 1The students read through the listed verbal phrases in the box individually and make sure they understand their meanings completely, knowing they should be followed by nouns, pronouns as well as the -ing form. Then let them match the left part containing these verbal phrases with the right part by themselves to make up complete sentences and catch their meanings. Next, the students work in pairs to compare their answers. Finally, the teacher asks several students to report their answers to the whole class.Suggested answers:(1)g(2)h(3)c(4)a/i(5)d/e(6)a/f(7)i(8 )b(9)a/eOption 2Reads these verbal phrases one by one as the students follow you. Give some explanations when necessary. Then require the students to look through the two parts of the sentences quickly and try to catch what they mean. Next, divide the class into three big groups, each of which is requested to complete three sentences by matching the two parts. Finally, each group sends a representative to write their complete sentences on the blackboard while members of the other two groups check if they are correct or not.2)Activity fourOption 1The students fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs in the bracket first. Then they work in pairs to compare their answers. Finally, the teacher calls back the answers from the class or just shows the correct answers on the screen for the whole class to refer to.Suggested answers:1)to buy2)starting3)to finish4)to take5)visitingOption 2The teacher reads the sentences one by one while the whole class speak out their answers. The teacher can confirm the correct answers and repeat them aloud once again for the students who give wrong ones to write down them. Finally, ask the students to read the sentences and learn the verbal phrases appearing in them. Step 3 Grammar 21. BrainstormThe students have learnt the uses of the -ing form as object, so you can lead them to reviewing it and instruct them to brainstorm other uses of the -ing form, or exactly the gerund, through pair work or group work. Then ask some students to report them to the whole class. Others check if what they say is correct. If necessary, give them some explanations.Suggested answers:Gerunds function as nouns. Thus, gerunds will be subjects, subject complements, direct objects, indirect objects, and objects of prepositions.2. Have the students read through the given sentences silently and quickly, underlining the -ing form in them and thinking what they function as.Suggested answers:They all function as subjects of the sentences.If there are any students have any difficulty in understanding this, the teacher can give some explanations about subject according to the following: In a sentence, every verb must have a subject. If the verb expresses actionlike sneeze, jump, bark, or studythe subject is who or what does the verb. Take a look at the examples below: 1)During his biology lab, Tommy danced on the table.Danced is an action verb. Tommy is who did the dancing.2)The speeding Toyota crashed into a telephone pole.Crashed is the action verb. The Toyota is what did the crashing.Not all verbs are action verbs. Some verbs are linking. These are verbs like am, is, are, was, were, seem, and become, among others. Linking verbs connect the subject to something that is said about the subject. Take a look at this example: 1)Rons bathroom is a disaster.Bathroom is the subject. Is connects the subject to something that is said about it, that the bathroom is a disaster.2)The bathroom tiles are fuzzy with mold.The word tiles is the subject. Are connects tiles to something said about them, that they are fuzzy with mold.Generally, but not always, the subject of a linking verb will come before the linking verb.3)First, read out the words in the box and the students repeat them after you. Or they can read the words individually or in pairs. No matter what way is chosen, make sure they understand what they all mean. Then they complete the listed sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs they have just read if necessary. Next, the students work in pairs or groups and compare their answers. Finally, call back the answer from the class.Suggested answers:1)Being able to2)drinking3)Copying4)Drawing5)Helping6)Spending3. ConsolidationUnderline the gerunds or gerund phrases in the following sentences and label how they function in the sentence. (subject, direct object, subject complement, object of preposition)1)Swimming keeps me in shape.2)Swimming in your pool is always fun.3)Telling your father was a mistake.4)The college recommends sending applications early.5)He won the game by scoring during the overtime period.6)Her most important achievement was winning the national championship.7)Going to work today took all my energy.8)Fighting for a losing cause made them depressed.Suggested answers:1)Swimming keeps me in shape. subject2)Swimming in your pool is always fun. subject3)Telling your father was a mistake. subject4)The college recommends sending applications early. direct object5)He won the game by scoring during the overtime period. object of preposition6)Her most important achievement was winning the national championship. subject complement7)Going to work today took all my energy. subject8)Fighting for a losing cause made them depressed. subjectStep 4 Summary and HomeworkThe teacher recalls what the students learnt in this class. The students first learnt something about the -ing form and the infinitive as object. Then they learnt the -ing form as subject. In addition, they also learnt some important and useful language points. Then assign the homework to the studentscomplete activity one to activity six on Pages 85-86. 板书设计Module 4Fine ArtsWestern, Chinese and Pop ArtsPeriod 2attempt to do sth. be difficult forbe good for cant standgive up look forward toput off succeed in活动与探究Divide the students into three big groups, each of which is given a task. Group One discuss how to remember all the uses of the gerunds and make use of them correctly. After the discussion, design an exercise to practice and consolidate it. Group Two deal with that of the infinitive and Group Three the participles just as Group One do. Finally, exchange their exercises to do more practice. 备课资料Comparing Gerunds and InfinitivesThe difference in the form of gerunds and infinitives is quite clear just from comparing the following lists: Gerunds: swimming, hoping, telling, eating, dreamingInfinitives: to swim, to hope, to tell, to eat, to dreamTheir functions, however, overlap. Gerunds always function as nouns, but infinitives often also serve as nouns. Deciding which to use can be confusing in many situations, especially for people whose first language is not English.Confusion between gerunds and infinitives occurs primarily in cases in which one or the other functions as the direct object in a sentence. In English some verbs take gerunds as verbal direct objects exclusively while other verbs take only infinitives and still others can take either. Many such verbs are listed below, organized according to which kind of verbal direct object they take.Verbs that take only infinitives as verbal direct objectsagreedecideexpecthesitatelearnneedpromiseneglecthopewantplanattemptproposeintendpretendExamples: 1. I hope to go on a vacation soon.(Not: I hope going on a vacation soon. )2. He promised to go on a diet.(Not: He promised going on a diet. )3. They agreed to sign the treaty.(Not: They agreed signing the treaty. )4. Because she was nervous, she hesitated to speak.(Not: Because she was nervous, she hesitated speaking. )5. They will attempt to resuscitate the victim(Not: They will attempt resuscitating the victim. )Verbs that take only gerunds as verbal direct objectsdenyriskdelayconsidercant helpkeepgive upbe fond offinishquitput offpracticepostponetoleratesuggeststop(quit)regretenjoykeep(on)dislikeadmitavoidrecallmindmissdetestappreciaterecommendget/be throughget/be tired ofget/be accustomed toget/be used toExamples: 1. They always avoid drinking before driving.(Not: They always avoid to drink before driving. )2. I recall asking her that question.(Not: I recall to ask her that question. )3. She put off buying a new jacket.(Not: She put off to buy a new jacket. )4. Mr. Allen enjoys cooking.(Not: Mr. Allen enjoys to cook. )5. Charles keeps calling her.(Not: Charles keeps to call her. )Verbs that take gerunds or infinitives as verbal direct objectsStartBeginContinueHatePreferLikeLoveTryRememberExamples: 1. She has continued to work at the store.She has continued working at the store.2. They like to go to the movies.They like going to the movies.3. Brent started to walk home.Brent started walking home.Forget and rememberThese two verbs change meaning depending on whether a gerund or infinitive is used as the object.Examples: 1. Jack forgets to take out the cat. (He regularly forgets. )Jack forgets taking out the cat. (He did it, but he doesnt remember now. )2. Jack forgot to take out the cat. (He never did it. )Jack forgot taking out the cat. (He did it, but he didnt remember sometime later. )3. Jack remembers to take out the cat. (He regularly remembers. )Jack remembers taking out the cat. (He did it, and he remembers now. )4. Jack remembered to take out the cat. (He did it. )Jack remembered taking out the cat. (He did it, and he remembered sometime later. )In the second of each pair of example sentences above, the past progressive gerund form having taken can be used in place of taking to avoid any possible confusion.Sense verbs that take an object plus a gerund or a simple verbCertain sense verbs take an object followed by either a gerund or a simple verb(infinitive form minus the word to). With many of the verbs that follow the object, the use of the gerund indicates continuous action while the use of the simple verb indicates a one-time action. Still, sometimes the simple verb can indicate continuous action if one-time action wouldnt make sense in the context.FeelHearNoticeWatchSeeSmellObserveExamples: 1. We watched him playing basketball. (continuous action)We watched him play basketball. (continuous action)2. I felt my heart pumping vigorously. (continuous action)I felt my heart pump vigorously. (continuous action)3. She saw them jumping on the bed. (continuous action)She saw them jump on the bed. (one-time action)4. Tom heard the victim shouting for help. (continuous action)Tom heard the victim shout for help. (one-time action)5. The detective noticed the suspect biting his nails. (continuous action)The detective noticed the suspect bite his nails. (one-time action)6. We could smell the pie baking in the kitchen. (continuous action)We could smell the pie bake in the kitchen. (continuous action)Sometimes the simple-verb version might seem unconventional, so its safer in most cases to use the gerund version.111

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