高一英语学案:b2m1(2) 外研版

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111Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语finger, hand, house, mother, taste, lie down, examine, write a prescription.b. 语法Nouns used as verbsWill / be going to for future actions2. Ability goals 能力目标Introduce the word formation nouns used as verbs and guide the students to enlarge their vocabulary in this method.Enable the students to use will and be going to correctly and reinforce their language sense.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to use will and be going to correctly.Teaching important points教学重点How to express your intention and prediction with will and be going to.Teaching difficult points教学难点How to use a noun as a verb and how to use will and be going to correctly.Teaching methods教学方法Discovery approach.Teaching aids教具准备 Multimedia.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionT: Good morning, class! First, lets do some revision. Please take out a piece of paper and write some sentences. I say them in Chinese and you write in English. 1. When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously.2. I dont have a sweet tooth.3. Id rather eat a nice piece of fruit.4. Im not overweight so I never have to diet.5. I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.6. Last winter, almost all my classmates got flu.7. I am captain of the class team at school.8. As you can see from what Ive said, Im a normal kind of person.Step II Grammar 1T: OK, you did a good job. Please look at the first and the fourth sentences you wrote just now. In the two sentences, please pay attention to the three words: head, eye and diet.The students observe the words.T: Weve learnt these three words. What are the meanings of those words when we first learn them?Ss: 头,眼睛,饮食。T: Thats right. Which word class do they belong to?Ss: They are nouns.T: Thats right. Which word class do they belong to in the two sentences?Ss: They are verbs.T: Yes. Here, they are used as verbs. Now, lets find their meanings. In the first sentence, what does the verb “head” mean? Does it still mean “头”?Ss: No, it means “向什么地方行进”.T: Good. Quite right! What about the word “eye”? Does it still mean “眼睛”?Ss: No, it means “注视”.T: Good. In the third sentence, what does the word “diet” mean as a noun?Ss: It means “饮食”.T: Whats the meaning of the word in the fourth sentence?Ss: It means “节食”.T: So as you can see from our analysis, some nouns can also be used as verbs. Thats the meaning of the title of Grammar 1: 名词动用. Now, since you know this point, please finish Activity 2.After the students finish it, check the answers and explain something to the students.Sample answers: mother(溺爱), houses(给房子住), finger(触摸),taste(品尝),hand(传递).T: Now, I have some more exercises for you. Please look at the big screen and finish them.练习: 把下面每小题中划线的名词转化为动词填入该题的空中,注意使用正确的动词形式。1. (1) He went to Europe by ship. (2) The products will be _to Europe.2. (1) Are we allowed to take pictures in the museum? (2) The artist_her as a Spanish dancer.3. (1) This flower smells. (2) Apple trees _ in Spring.4. I need some water to _ the rose.5. (1) The doctor advised him to take more exercise. (2) To keep healthy, she _ every day.6. (1) He is reading a book in his room. (2) Did you _ a seat on the plane?7. (1) I cant study in this heat. (2) Ill _ some milk for coffee.8. (1) The southern face of the building _ the park. (2) Id like to live in a room whose window_ south.9. (1) My sister is a nurse in the Peoples Hospital. (2) She_ her husband back to health.10. (1) My father works in a middle school. (2) He is going to _ a boy.Key: 1. shipped 2. pictured 3. flower 4. water 5. exercises 6. book 7. heat 8. faces, faces 9. nursed 10. father Step III Grammar 2T: Now lets come to Grammar 2. Please read and observe the sentences carefully, and see what the difference between will and be going to is. And discuss this question with your partners.The students read and discuss.T: OK, class, what is the usage of will? Sentence 1: Can you lie down, please, and Ill examine you? Does the doctor prepare for a long time or have a plan before the decision is made?Ss: No.T: The second one? Ill write you a prescription. Does the doctor carefully think about this decision for a long time?Ss: No.T: The doctor makes his decision as he is speaking. He didnt carefully plan it for a long time, right?Ss: Right.T: So, we can say you use will when the speaker decides to do something as he speaks. That is will 可以表示说话时决定马上要做的动作,多数情况是听了对方的话语后所做出的反应.What about the third one? My wifes going to visit her this afternoon. Is this decision made when speaking? Ss: No.T: Of course, not. Obviously, his wife has made this decision before. So, you use be going to when someone has decided to do something before. 就是说,be going to 表示经过事先考虑或安排后的意愿。Its the same case as the next sentence. Now, please take out your listening materials and analyze these sentences through context by yourself. Let the students do it.Step IV ExerciseT: Now, lets do some exercises. First please finish Activity 2 and then well check the answers. A few minutes later, check the answers. T: Now, turn to page 67 and do the Exercises 1 to 3.Sample answers to Exercise 3:1. When are you going to get up in the morning? Im going to get up at six in the morning.2. What are you going to do at midday? Im going to have lunch with my uncle.3. What are you going to do in the afternoon? Im going to swim.4. What are you going to do in the evening? Im going to watch TV at home.Step V HomeworkT: Now, todays homework is in our WORKBOOK. Turn to page 68 and finish Exercise 4. 111

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