高三英语一轮复习:Module1 Unit1《School life》点词组、句型汇总

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111高一英语第一模块第一单元重点词组,句型汇总Welcome to the unit1. a magazine article about school life 关于学校生活的一篇杂志文章2. two other articles about school clubs 另外两篇关于学校俱乐部的文章3. talk about school activities谈论学校活动4. discuss daily school life with your partner和你的同伴讨论学校生活5. report your school activities to your class teacher将你的学校生活向你的老师报告6. make a poster for a new school club为一个新的学校俱乐部做海报7. High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work. 高中是一个发现,学习和辛苦工作的时间8. the differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students中国和英国高中学生生活的不同9. What is your dream school life like?你梦想中的学校生活是什么样的?Reading 10. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.去英国的一所高中呆一年对我来说是一次愉快而令人激动的经历.11. This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.这意味着我可以比平时晚一个小时起床因为中国的学校8点前开始上学.12. attend assembly参加晨会13. tell us about the rules of the school告诉我们关于学校的规则14. the best way to earn respect赢得尊敬的最好的方式15. achieve high grades获得高分16. sound like听起来象17. the average size 平均规模18. move to different classrooms for different classes去不同的教室上不同的课19. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school. 我发现家庭作业不象我在原来的学校那么重a bit challenging for sb.对某人来说有点挑战性20. improve a lot提高很多21. spend an hour each day reading English books in the library 每天花一个小时的时间在图书馆读英语书22. at lunchtime 在午餐时间23. e-mail sb. back home for free免费给某人发会邮件24. an extra French class一节额外的法语课25. on Tuesday evenings每个星期二晚上26. hold a party举办晚会27. drop some subjects放弃一些学科28. choose some subjects挑选一些学科29. miss sth/sb. a lot非常想念某人/某物30. lots of desserts 许多甜食31. main meal主食32. play on the school field在学校操场上玩33. relax under a tree在树下放松34. sit on the grass坐在草地上35. experience this different way of life经历这种不同的生活方式36. get a general idea of获得的总的意思37. find certain information找到特定的信息38. scan the text for key words and phrases扫描课文找出关键词和短语39. word by word逐个单词地40. in short sentences用简短的句子41. on average平均42. according to 根据,按照43. encourage students to work hard鼓励学生努力学习44. be back in Manchester回到Manchester45. in an interesting way以一种有趣的方式46. test your ability测试你的能力47. make something ready准备好某事48. give up放弃49. sweet food eaten at the end of a meal在一顿饭后吃的甜食50. first of all 首先51. introduce myself to you向你介绍我自己52. at the weekend在周末53. surf the internet上网冲浪54. at assembly在集会上55. think of sb. immediately立刻想到某人56. I didnt realize how different schools in the UK are from schools in China until I read your article. 直到看了你的文章我才意识到英国的学校和中国的学校有多么不同.57. have many chances to do sth.有许多机做某事58. Im very interested in knowing what life is like in a Chinese high school. 我对于了解中国高中的学校生活很感兴趣.59. pass sth. to sb.将某物传递给某人60. what subjects do you like best and least?你最喜欢和最不喜欢的科目是什么?61. What subjects would you like to take if you could choose? 如果可以选择你会选那些科目?Word power62. at the school entrance在学校的入口处63. the quickest way to get to sp.去某处最快的路64. walk towards 朝.走65. go between . and . 在.和之间走66. walk/go past 走过67. go straight on直走68. my appointment with the headmaster我和校长的约会69. go back to the dormitories返回宿舍70. afternoon classes下午的课程71. much more than you expect比你期待的多许多72. a library with over 18,000 books有18,000多藏书的图书馆73. Twelve science labs are available for different experiments.12个科学实验室可以用来做不同的实验74. The indoor swimming pool is open all year round for students who like swimming.室内游泳池常年对喜欢游泳的学生开放75. Each room comes with its own bathroom and Internet access.每个房间都配有浴室和网络76. a modern medical center一个现代化的医疗中心77. experienced nurses有经验的护士78. on campus在校园里79. during break times在课间休息的时间80. a lot of pieces of equipment许多件设备Grammar and usage81. in the same way 以相同的方式82. no longer 不再83. graduate from从毕业84. speak very good Chinese讲很好的中文85. develop an interest in养成对.的兴趣86. He donate most of them to our school. (donate sth. to sb.) 他把当中大多数都捐给了学校.87. display in the assembly hall在集会大厅中展出88. school open day学校开放日89. invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事90. make a speech about sth.做关于的演讲91. 30 minutes for questions and answers 39分钟的问答时间92. miss the chance to do sth.错过做.的机会93. at the open day在开放日94. our storytelling contest我们的讲故事比赛95. the monitor of our class我们班长96. function as起作用97. be replaced by被.替代98. relate to 与相关99. She seems to be a person who cant pay attention to one thing for long. 她似乎是个不能把注意力长时间集中在一件事上的人.100. Youre one of those people who everybody will find hard to please. 你是大家都认为很难取悦的人中的一个.101. Im not a person who is hard to please. 我不是一个难以取悦的人Task102. activities to be done要进行的活动103. things to be achieved要实现/完成的事情104. in short form以缩略形式105. save space节省空间106. in several ways以几种方式107. speech on Chinese history关于中国历史的演讲108. fire prevention消防109. make decisions/a decision作决定110. make comparisons作比较111. have more choices有更多的选择112. order a copy订购一本书113. on the back/front cover在封底/面114. report to your class teacher向你的班主任报告115. compare your class timetable with the programme 将你的时间表和方案对比116. in a public place在公共场合117. make your notice clear and attractive使你的通知清楚引人118. Thank you for your kind attention感谢你的关注Project119. read the outline阅读提纲120. be run by the students由学生管理121. approve the idea同意了这个想法122. some special messages that the teachers want us to broadcast一些老师要我们播出的特别信息123. a special programme that tells students the things they should or shouldnt do for preparation 一个告诉同学们在准备是考试时该做和不该做的事的节目124. inform the parents of events such as outings and school plays 通知家长们关于远足和校园演出的消息125. Poets of the Next Generation未来诗人126. read sth.out loud大声读出127. be required to do sth.被要求做某事128. a little scary有点害怕129. circle everyone around the old tree让大家围着大树坐一圈130. design a poster设计海报131. advertise a new school club为一个新的学校俱乐部做广告132. vote to decide which to choose投票决定选择哪个133. be responsible for对。负责134. achieve their goals达到目标135. consist of由。组成136. attract the viewers吸引观众137. come up with your own ideas有自己的想法138. draft the poster为海报达草稿139. your pervious research and discussion你以前的研究和讨论140. try to make it as attractive as possible 尽力使它尽可能的吸引人141. give suggestions on its wording and design就它的措辞和设计给出建议142. win the competition赢得竞赛111


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