高考英语复习牛津译林版模块选修7练习《Unit 3 The World online》网上世界

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111.单词拼写1What are the a_of a paperbased dictionary over an electronic dictionary?【答案】advantages2The class is d_in opinion.【答案】divided3She was shy and asked them not to discuss the issue when she was p_.【答案】present4That plane crash o_only minutes after it took off.【答案】occurred5The children waited p_in the hall in the hope of seeing the magician.【答案】patiently6We should not judge a person by his_(外貌)【答案】appearance7The boys listened to my story with_(热切的) attention.【答案】eager8Her careful description enabled us to form an_(准确的) picture of what had happened.【答案】accurate9The books in the library are_(分类) by subject.【答案】classified10I couldnt believe he did give me a_(合理的) explanation.【答案】reasonable.完成句子1你必须提前一周订票。You must book the tickets_ _ _ _.【答案】one week in advance2他没想到她会拒绝他的邀请。_ _ _ _him that she would refuse his invitation.【答案】It didnt occur to3不习惯他工作地点的寒冷天气,他不得不提早回家。_ _ _the cold weather where he worked,he had to come back home earlier.【答案】Not accustomed/used to4从所有症状判断,他一定是患了流感。_ _ _ _ _,he must be suffering from flu.【答案】Judging from all the symptoms5你有把握已把一切都考虑到了?Are you quite sure you have_ _ _ _?【答案】taken everything into consideration.单项填空1I shall always_your friendship greatly for friendship is more important than money.AvalueBpay high respect Crespect Dstore【解析】句意为:我会很珍视你的友谊,因为友谊比金钱更重要。此处value用作动词,表示“珍视,重视”之意;若选B项,则pay high respect之后要加介词to。【答案】A2Sun light as well as air and water is fundamental_the growth of crops.Afor BwithCin Dto【解析】句意为:阳光、空气和水对庄稼的成长十分重要。be fundamental to是固定词组。【答案】D3Why do you look sad?There are so many problems_.Aremaining to settle Bremained settlingCremaining to be settled Dremained to be settled【解析】句意为:你为什么看上去不开心啊?有很多的问题待解决。remaining 是现在分词作定语,remain 是不及物动词,无被动,与被修饰词之间存在主动关系。remain 后用to do,根据句意应该是被动。【答案】C4We feed the leftover food to the chicken,which_otherwise be thrown away. Awill Bought toCneed Dwould【解析】句意为:“我们把剩余的食物给小鸡吃,否则的话(如果不给吃的话),这些食物会被扔掉的。”这里考查含otherwise的虚拟语气的用法。【答案】D5(2009年北京卷) All of them try to use the power of the workstation_information in a more effective way.Apresenting BpresentedCbeing presented Dto present【解析】句意为:他们所有的人都努力利用工作台的优势以一个更有效的方式来呈现信息。这里用不定式作目的状语。【答案】D6After five hours drive,they reached_ they thought was the place theyd been dreaming of.Athat BwhereCwhich Dwhat【解析】此处what引导宾语从句且在宾语从句中作主语,they thought在此作插入语。【答案】D7He_full marks,but he was so careless to make a spelling mistake.Amust have gained Bcan have gainedCcould have gained Dmust gain【解析】句意为:他本可以得满分的,但是粗心犯了一个拼写错误。could have done表示“某事本可能发生,却未发生”。【答案】C8I cant make friends with the boy with no_.Amanner BmannersCbad manners Dgood manner【解析】句意为:我不能和这个无礼的男孩做朋友。manners 作“礼貌”讲,只用复数形式。【答案】B9Please be patient_him.Im sure that hell_his goal.Awith;reach Bof;arrive atCwith;get Dof;come to【解析】句意为:请对他耐心一点,我确定他能够达到目标。be patient with对有耐心;achieve/reach the goal达到目标。【答案】A10_by his accent,the boy must have come from a North European country.AHaving judged BTo judgeCJudged DJudging【解析】句意为:从口音判断,这个男孩必定来自于北欧的国家。Judging by常用作评判性状语。【答案】D.易错模块1The weather turned out to be fine yesterday.I_the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.Ashould have taken Bcould have takenCneednt have taken Dmustnt have taken【解析】句意为:昨天天气转晴了,我没必要费劲带着伞。neednt have been本没有必要;should have been本应该;could have been本可能;mustnt 不用于表推测。【答案】C2(2009年南京九中)All of us have the desire to visit the three main temples in Athens,especially_that contains a gold and ivory statue of Athena.Athe one BoneCthat Dthat one【解析】句意为:我们都想要去雅典看三个主庙,特别是那个里面有雅典娜的黄金象牙雕塑。里面有雅典娜雕像的庙是特定的,所以用the one代替the temple。其中干扰项为B。本题考查代词的知识。【答案】A3(2009年南京九中)The majority of us strongly disagreed to this sales plan.The manager insisted on carrying it out,_.Athough BalthoughCwhile Dyet【解析】句意为:我们大部分人都强烈的反对这个销售计划。然而,经理却坚持要实施这个计划。Though放在句中或句末可以表示转折。【答案】A4(2008年江苏泗阳中学)Peter,if you dont like to swim,you_as well watch TV at home.Ashould Bmay Cmust Dwould【解析】句意为:彼得,如果你不想游泳,你最好还是呆在家里看电视。may as well动词原形,意为“最好,满可以,倒不如”。【答案】B5(2008年江阴澄西中学)Excuse me,everybody!_we get started?We have a lot to do.We_,sir.Some files havent been prepared up.ACan;wont BMust;needntCShall;cant DWill;wont【解析】句意为:我们可以开始了吗?我们有很多事要做。不可以。因为一些文件还没有准备好。shall 表示请示或提出建议时用:Shall/I/we.?can 常用于否定句、疑问句,表示疑惑、惊讶或不相信等意思。【答案】C.完形填空(2010届成都摸底测试)As waiters,we deal with customers every day and when something goes wrong,somehow we have the ability to keep on going.Its our responsibility to_1_the customer.I remember my first_2_job was at a fine restaurant.One afternoon,the manager informed all the cooks and waiters that a VIP_3_were coming for lunch.The group were_4_VIPs in the citys fashion industry.After the group arrived and got_5_comfortably,drinks were_6_.Normally,the head waiter would be in charge of wine service._7_,the manager asked me to serve that afternoon.I had_8_done wine service,nor had I ever served a group of twelve.I arranged 12 wine glasses on the tray and went to the table.As I_9_one of the glasses in front of the first customer,somehow I had_10_my grip (抓,握) and six glasses fell on top of a young woman,and then to the floor and_11_in pieces.I felt frightened and my face turned red.I apologized many times to the_12_and to the rest of the group.Quickly,the manager_13_my aid and helped in the cleanup,and sent out their drinks right away.I didnt understand why,but the group were forgiving me and the young woman_14_informed me it was OK.My manager pulled me to the side and said,“If you know why an accident happened,_15_from it and move on.You still have a table to serve and you cant show your_16_or your disappointment.Mistakes and accidents do happen.Keep your_17_up and be confident.The glasses are replaceable.”I understood why he was truly a well_18_restaurant manager within the neighborhood.His_19_relationship with the group made the situation_20_and the group forgave me for that.语篇解读作者在饭店中给贵宾服务时不慎失手,经理在处理完僵局后非但没有指责,反而悉心传授服务秘诀。作者赢得了客人的谅解,对经理的敬佩之情油然而生。1A.welcome BfeedCinvite Dplease【解析】上一句提到服务员每天都与顾客打交道,出现问题时,服务员有能力用某种方式让事态顺利进行,由此可知让顾客满意是服务员的职责。please使满意。 【答案】D2A.waiter BcookCservant Ddirector【解析】第一段的开头部分明确提到作者是“服务员”,此处选A与之相呼应。【答案】A3A.group BnumberCfamily Dclass【解析】根据下一句的开头部分以及下一段的开头部分可知前来就餐的是一个非常重要的“团体”。【答案】A4A.let in as Bmade up ofCadded up to Drecognized as【解析】be made up of表示“由组成”,本句的意思是“这个团体是由本市时尚界的重要人物组成的”。【答案】B5A.introduced BsatisfiedCseated Ddressed【解析】上一段提到这个团体来到饭店是为了吃午餐,所以此处表示的是他们舒服地“就座”后。A项在文章中没有信息支持;B项与本句中的comfortably搭配不合理。 【答案】C6A.bought BsoldCordered Dgot【解析】这个团体来到饭店舒适地就座后,“点”好了饮料。此处的order表示“点(饭菜)”。前两项都不符合常识;根据下文可知他们当时还没有得到饮料,所以D项错误。【答案】C7A.Therefore BHoweverCBesides DThough【解析】上一句提到正常情况下,领班负责酒类服务,本句提到经理让作者在那天下午为客人服务,由此可推断此处表示的是转折关系。【答案】B8A.often BonceCnever Dlittle【解析】本句后半部分提到作者也从未给12个人的团体提供过服务,而且本句后半句又是倒装结构,由此可知前半部分表示的同样是否定意义,所以作者“从未”进行过酒类服务。【答案】C9A.set BbrokeCcleaned Dshook【解析】上一句提到作者把12个酒杯放在托盘上并朝餐桌走去,所以是把其中一个酒杯“摆放”在第一位顾客的面前。打破酒杯是后来发生的事情,因此B项错误;C、D两项不符合常识。【答案】A10A.got BcaughtCforgot Dlost【解析】本句后半部分提到6个酒杯掉在了地上,由此可知作者当时没有握紧,所以使用lost,表示“失去”。【答案】D11A.stood BlayCkept Dstayed【解析】根据常识可知酒杯打破后应该是“躺”在地上,碎片遍地。如果选择C项,需要使用被动形式;D项表示“停留”,语意不恰当。【答案】B12A.manager BguestCman Dwoman【解析】本段中间部分提到6个酒杯掉在了一位年轻女士的头上, 所以作者多次向这位“女士”道歉。【答案】D13A.took over Bcame toCgave up Drushed against【解析】经理闻讯迅速“赶来”帮助作者进行清理。take over表示“接管”;give up表示“放弃”;rush against表示“与碰撞”,都不符合语境。【答案】B14A.repeatedly BregretfullCimpatiently Dangrily【解析】上一段最后一句提到作者多次向那位女士和团体中其他的人道歉。本句叙述的是这个团体宽恕了作者,由此可知女士“重复地”告诉作者没有关系。【答案】A15A.hear BtellCchange Dlearn【解析】此处是经理在向作者传授经验,显然是让作者从中吸取教训,“学”到新的知识。【答案】D16A.apology BexcitementCnervousness Dcarelessness【解析】经理告诫作者不要有”紧张”和失望的表现,过错和事故时有发生。作者的过失已经发生,因此D项不正确。【答案】C17A.nose BfaceChead Dhand【解析】根据本句中的confident一词可知经理鼓励作者昂“首”挺胸。【答案】C18A.behaved BrespectedCvisited Dunderstood【解析】虽然作者一时失手打破了几个酒杯,并冒犯了其中的一位重要顾客,可是经理并没有指责,而是迅速控制了局面,并向作者面授经验,由此可推断这位经理非常受人“尊重”。【答案】B19A.new BfamousCterrible Dclose【解析】上文中提到女士和这个团体的其他人员宽恕了作者的失误,本段中提到饭店经理在附近地区颇受尊重,由此可推断经理和这个团体的关系十分“密切”。B项在文章中没有信息支持。【答案】D20A.calm BcomfortableCspecial Dpossible【解析】经理的声望以及同团体之间的密切关系让事态“平静”下来,并为此赢得了团体对作者的宽恕。 【答案】A.阅读理解Autumn means different things to different people.It all depends on your personality,said British naturalist Richard Mabey.“Personality shapes your view of the season,” he said.“You may see it as a fading away,a packing up,or as a time of packing in another sensethe excited gathering of resources before a long journey.”If this is true,perhaps it tells us a little about,for instance,Thomas Hood,the 19th Century English poet.About November,he wrote:No warmth,no cheerfulness,no healthful easeNo shade,no shine,no butterflies,no beesNovember!On the other hand,another English poet John Keats,already sensing he was seriously ill,was inspired by a late September day to pen one of the greatest poems in the English language,To Autumn.He wrote to a friend afterwards,saying there was something comforting about autumn.According to Richard Mabey,Keats has the biological evidence on his side.Autumn is not a time of slowing down,but a time of new beginnings and great movements of creatures.For example,just at the moment that Keats“gathering swallows (燕子)”(in To Autumn) are leaving for Africa,millions of creatures from the frozen north are fleeing into Britain.Wild geese arrive from Iceland,Greenland and Russia to winter along the east and south coasts.People might argue that it is the coloring of the leaves and their eventual fall that make people feel sad about autumn.But no one is sure why trees drop their leaves in the first place.It may be to rid the poisonous material trees collect over the summer.More likely,it is a way of reducing the loss of water,which tree roots find hard to take in from cold soil.A century after Keats,the American poet Loren Eiseley wrote:Suppose we saw ourselves burning like maples in a golden autumn.And suppose we could disintegrate (消逝) like autumn leaves.Would not our attitude towards death be different?语篇解读文章列举了许多著名诗人对秋天这一季节的不同理解和心情。1The best title of the passage would be_.AAutumns many facesBPoems about autumnCAutumnthe only theme of poemsDNot a time of slowing down【解析】考查文章的标题。文章在开头“Autumn means different things to different people.It all depends on your personality,.”就开门见山,给出了主旨大意。【答案】A2Which of the following is more likely to make people sad?ASwallows leaving for Africa.BWild geese arriving in Britain.CThe fall of tree leaves.DTheir lack of knowledge of trees.【解析】考查细节理解。结合第四段“People might argue that it is the coloring of the leaves and their eventual fall that make people feel sad about autumn.”可得答案C项。【答案】C3Because of his personality,Keats felt_ when autumn came.Aexcited BcomfortableCdisappointed Dsad【解析】考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“He wrote to a friend afterwards,saying there was something comforting about autumn.”可判断“当秋天来到时,济慈感到舒适”。【答案】B4We can infer from the last paragraph that_.ALoren Eiseley was also a botanistBnobody can avoid deathCLoren Eiseley would like to be a maple leaf in autumnDwe should take a positive attitude towards death【解析】考查推理判断。结合文章最后一段的内容可判断“先谈论了对秋天一种消极的态度,然后谈论了另一种相反的态度(积极的态度)”其中关键词:a golden autumn。所以D项符合题意。【答案】D111

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