高三单元测试:Book5 Module 6《Animals in Danger》外研版必修5

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111Book5 Module 6单元测试题(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. Once a species becomes _, nothing can be done to bring it back to life again.A. rare B. dangerous C. extinct D. precious 2. We lost the game at the last moment. _ But at least you have entered the next round.A. So what? B. Its a pity. C. Its OK. D. Oh, go ahead.3. Winning such a game _ more than skills and courage. It needs luck, too.A. focuses B. displays C. includes D. involves4. The scientist returned to his hometown many years later _ he spent his childhood.A. where B. when C. which D. that5. India was a British colony _ and thats why many people there could speak English.A. at no time B. in no time C. at a time D. at one time6. Many people like green, for it _ peace and life.A. calls for B. stands for C. cares for D. goes for7. The incomes of male professionals went up. _, part-time women workers saw their earnings fall. A. Or B. Instead C. Thus D. Meanwhile8. Poachers make the wool of antelopes into shawls, _ they can make a huge profit.A. which B. what C. from which D. in which9. The town, _ buildings were destroyed in the flood, used to be a tourist attraction. A. most of whichB. that C. most of whose D. of which 10. Dont you think its a _ of effort on what seems impossible? Anything is possible if I keep on trying, Im sure.A. lost B. wonder C. waste D. risk11. Its no use holding it back from your mother. She seems _ all about it.A. knowing B. to be knowingC. having knownD. to have known12. I arrived at the station at 10:30 that day, by which time the train for Beijing _.A. was startingB. has startedC. started D. had started13. _ about the future of these wild animals, people set up reserves to protect them, especially the _ species. A. Concerned; endangered B. Concern; endangeredC. Concerned; endangering D. Concerning; endangering 14. You can use my car for the party tonight _ you promise not to drink.A. only if B. until C. even if D. although15. What do you think of this book? Wonderful. Its worth _ a second time. A. to read B. to be read C. being read D. reading 二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Many pet owners say their pets have a sixth sense. Jim Fulstone says his farm dog, named Austin, gives 16 about 15 minutes before earthquakes and 45 minutes before storms.“Hell 17 around in circles and look at you. If you sit down, hell 18 with you. If you are outside, he will come up to you and smell your leg. Hes a lot more 19 ,” said Fulstone. “For the quakes, he was very alert (警觉的) and 20 barking and doing his run-around movements.”Scientists have 21 that animals sense bad 22 because of changes in barometric pressure (气压) or other factors and dogs have low blood sugar or other medical 23 because of hormonal (荷尔蒙的) changes. But they havent figured out what alerts pets to earthquakes, bad news or other 24 or if its just in the eyes of their owners. 25 do pets show their concerns?Some people said their pets tried to hide in a(n) 26 place. Some said they cried or barked. Some said they became more active or made strange movements. 27 , they use more than one form of 28 .If a storm is 29 , Emma, 3, a longhaired dog, will be in low spirits, make noise and 30 under the bed. When owner Timothy Gilbert gets a cold, “Emma will stay with me. She can 31 when things are wrong. She kept talking to me, letting me know it would be OK.”Gilbert 32 all animals are born with a sixth sense, and theyre more likely to 33 it if they have strong feelings with their 34 . Otherwise, “Humans will think they have a 35 dog or an unhelpful dog,” he said. 16.A. writingB. singingC. sayingsD. warnings17.A. turnB. flyC. runD. travel18.A. sit downB. get upC. set outD. turn up19.A. friendlyB. activeC. foolishD. hungry20.A. consideredB. startedC. allowedD. finished21.A. suggestedB. feltC. heardD. ordered 22.A. newsB. soundC. weatherD. smell23.A. examinationsB. skillsC. materialsD. problems24.A. peopleB. eventsC. animalsD. results25.A. HowB. WhenC. WhyD. Where26.A. darkB. safeC. bigD. empty27.A. YetB. StillC. OftenD. Although28.A. traditionB. celebrationC. exerciseD. communication29.A. leavingB. disappearingC. comingD. forming30.A. hideB. sleepC. listenD. live31.A. dreamB. tellC. forgetD. expect32.A. explainsB. noticesC. findsD. believes33.A. mindB. discoverC. showD. accept34.A. neighborsB. parentsC. friendsD. owners35. A. lazy B. small C. cheap D. dangerous三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) A It was very cold and I had been watching a homeless man make himself comfortable in a “shelter”(住所) next to the river bank. He had been living there for over a month. During the period, I passed by and I never saw him with warm clothing or food. But that day, I knew what I wanted to do.I was young, living at home, and when I told my parents what I wanted to do they were alarmed. I could be putting myself at risk, taking a box to a homeless person in the night! But I knew that I would be safe. I went to the store, got an apple box and filled the box with some things he needed. Then I put a Christmas card on the top of the things. It said, “Even though we hardly know each other, I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!” I put ten one-dollar bills inside as well.My father insisted he accompany (陪伴) me to the area as it was 10:00 pm on Christmas Eve. I said he could drive me but he had to stay in the car. He agreed. I took the box, which by now was heavy with all those gifts and walked towards his “shelter”. I called out to him, “Sir, I have a Christmas box for you!” He walked towards me and I was surprised by two of the most beautiful, gentle, and blue eyes. “Why are you doing this, boy?” he asked.“Because I want you to be happy,” I said. Tears came to his eyes and he thanked me. I watched him carry the box like it was filled with gold. It was the biggest act of kindness I had done and it forever made me want to do more!36. What does the writer mean by saying “I knew what I wanted to do”?A. Taking a risk to give an apple to the homeless person.B. Giving some warm clothing and food to the person.C. Sending a Christmas card to the homeless person.D. Telling what had happened to his parents.37. The underlined word “alarmed” in Paragraph 2 means “ ”.A. pleasedB. movedC. sadD. worried38. The father asked to accompany the writer to .A. help him with the heavy boxB. learn what had happenedC. make sure the writer was safeD. say “Merry Christmas” to the person39. According to the text, we know the homeless man .A. enjoyed himself though he was poorB. felt thankful to the writerC. would help other people like himD. thought there was gold in the box40. Why did the writer write the story?A. To share his experience of kindness with readers.B. To advise more people to act like him.C. To tell us a homeless mans miserable life.D. To get praises from others.B New Zealand is one of the most famous tourism destinations in the world. Travelers traveling to New Zealand need to consider the following things:BookingsSince most of the activities are done in a group like arranging hotels and meals, it is important that people travel as a group. They can enjoy special offers and discounts from the travel agencies, which will save them a lot of money. But individual travelers cant enjoy those things. Travelers should also select their dates of starting and book their travels ahead of time.SeasonsTravelers should also find out the season that New Zealand is now experiencing. This will help them carry the right clothing for the given season during their travels. Travelers traveling during summer should carry light clothes and their swimming suits if they are to enjoy the sunny beaches in New Zealand. But those traveling in winter should carry heavy clothing including hats and boots.The rental (租赁)Travel agencies have rental houses, bikes and motorcycles for tourists wishing to enjoy these services. For travelers wishing to get car rental, they must have driving licenses and must be allowed by the New Zealand government.The culturePeople traveling to the country are also encouraged to learn the culture of the people of New Zealand. This will enable them to be freely accepted into the country by the locals since they will be doing many things that they will consider acceptable. Learning the local language and the culture will help the tourist enjoy his New Zealand visit. People wishing to travel during holiday seasons will spend more money, so it is important to look at the holiday packages (包价游) and make the best decision.41. From the text we can learn that . A. the culture of New Zealand is difficult to learn B. learning the local language will do you goodC. you can book your travel at any time you like D. you should travel as an individual traveler42. What does the underlined word “discounts” in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Good food and hotels. B. Reductions in the usual prices. C. Very beautiful scenery. D. Very interesting activities. 43. If you find out the season you will take with you . A. light clothes B. swimming suits C. suitable clothing D. heavy clothing 44. Which of the following will take you a lot of time to get? A. Bike rental. B. Motorcycle rental. C. House rental. D. Car rental.45. This text is written mainly to tell readers . A. the people of New ZealandB. holiday packages are good for tourists C. something that tourists should notice D. New Zealand is the best destination CAbout six years ago my husband and a co-worker drove to see the sister company to the business my husband was running in Edmonton and then decided to drive to see the co-workers family. This co-worker is one of 17 children. These people live in an average house without TV. I admire anyone who has taken the time to raise their children in the old-fashioned way where the children entertain themselves and each other. This really touched my husband. Not only did these people still have the majority of their family at home but they had taken on two foster children (收养的孩子). Over the two days my husband felt worried about these two little girls. When my husband returned home, he said, “Andrea, I have something I need to talk to you about.” He told me about these little girls and how he really wanted to adopt them. At that time I had a 4-year-old, a 2-year-old and a 1-year-old child. I understood what he wanted to do but I had to take our children into consideration. His biggest concern was that these two little girls would be split up (分开).Time moved on and the years passed. These two little girls came into our thoughts often. Did we do the right thing or not? This question was asked too frequently.As the years passed this co-worker left the company and eventually, so did my husband. Just over a year ago my husband had a meeting with one of the sales managers for the sister company. My husband met with this gentleman over dinner one night. I am not sure how these little girls came into the conversation, but my husband must have been telling this gentleman about his trip. During that dinner I received a phone call from my husband. He wanted to introduce this gentleman to me over the phone. I talked for a few minutes. I was really puzzled. This gentleman and his wife had adopted the two girls we were looking to adopt years before. They were not able to have children and had so much love to give. The girls are where they belong. We get information frequently and have been sent pictures of what the girls look like now. There is a higher being who looks after us, you know!46. Why do you think the author admires anyone who brings up kids in the old-fashioned way? A. Because she had three kids.B. Because she is warm-hearted.C. Because she wanted to help the family.D. Because kids in a large family can play happily together. 47. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that the authors husband felt . A. sympathetic to the family B. confident about the familyC. uncomfortable with the family D. disappointed with the family48. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The author seemed a bit cruel.B. The big family lived a hard life. C. The authors husband always obeyed her. D. The authors husband was a wealthy man.49. What can we learn from the passage? A. The two girls joined in the conversation.B. The gentleman had met the author before.C. The co-worker worked for the sister company. D. The authors husband had planed to adopt the two girls. 50. After learning that the girls were where they belong, . A. the author wanted to see the two girlsB. the author felt happy for the two girlsC. the author began to believe in God sinceD. the author felt sorry for not adopting the two girlsD DOHA (AFP) The destruction of natural habitats in Europe is wiping out butterfly, beetle and dragonfly species across the region, the updated European “Red List” of endangered species showed Tuesday.Scientists examining Europes 435 butterfly species found that the populations of one in three species are falling and nine percent are already threatened with extinction.“Most butterflies at risk are in southern Europe,” said Annabelle Cuttelod, coordinator of the European Red List at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).“Their main threat is habitat loss, most often caused by changes in agricultural practices, either through intensification (强化)or abandonment, or to climate change, forest fires and the expansion of tourism.”Logging has led to a decline in the population of some beetle species that depend on decaying wood. Known as saproxylic(食腐) beetles, they play an important role in ecosystems (生态) by recycling nutrients.Some 11 percent or 46 species of them are at risk of being lost from the region, while seven percent are threatened with extinction worldwide.“The main long-term threats to saproxylic beetles are habitat loss due to logging and the decline in the number of mature trees,” said the IUCN.For dragonflies, it is the overuse of freshwater resources that is causing these species to drop in numbers.Five percent of dragonfly species are threatened with global extinction, while some 11 percent are considered to be threatened within Europe.“Increasingly hot and dry summers combined with overuse of water for drinking and irrigation are causing the dragonflies wetland habitats to dry up,” said the IUCN.51. What is the main cause of habitat loss of butterflies in Europe?A.Changes in agricultural practices.B. Climate change. C.Environmental pollution.D. The expansion of tourism.52. The main threat facing the dragonflies is _.A. cutting down treesB. the decreased number of mature trees C. the lack of fresh water resourcesD. the hot and dry weather 53. Saproxylic beetles can _. A. improve ecosystemsB. do harm to ecosystemsC. be the food of other insectsD. get nutrients from soil 54. How many species of beetles feeding on decaying wood are threatened with extinction worldwide? A. About 11. B. About 15. C. About 25. D. About 29. 55. We may learn from the passage that _.A. 11 percent of the dragonflies in Europe wont be found outside EuropeB. dragonfly species are well protected in other parts of the worldC. wildlife is generally well protected in EuropeD. the disappearance of natural habitats is largely due to human activities四、书面表达(共两节,满分45分)第一节 阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)1 Looking to improve your language skills, but you dont have the time to go overseas to attend school? More and more universities around the world are offering opportunities for students to get degrees online (distance education) from the comfort of their own homes, and many of these institutions are accredited, meaning that they have met certain standards of excellence. 2 If you decide to take language courses online, be sure to compare the benefits of studying online with those of going abroad. The advantages of studying online are that the costs are usually lower, you can study at your own pace, and you have access to the materials 24-hours-a-day from almost any computer in the world. However, you wont get the human interaction(相互作用) of meeting people face to face like you would if you were physically attending a school overseas. 3 On the other hand, _ may include day-to-day opportunities to learn a new culture, meet new friends with whom you can use and practice the language, and chances to see different parts of the world. However, there may be a number of disadvantages for some including expense, time away from ones school, family, or work life, and the challenge of adapting to a new culture and way of life.4 Whatever you do, consider a distance education program that meets your educational needs and is within your budget(预算). And equally important, it provides you with opportunities to grow beyond the classroom through cultural and educational activities.56. List three disadvantages of attending a school by going overseas. (no more than 20 words) _ _ _57. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about? (no more than 8 words)_ 58. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)_ 59. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?It is necessary to make a comparison between studying online and going abroad for those who want to learn language through the distance education program. _ 60. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese._ 第二节 写作(满分30分)某英语论坛就“手机报的利与弊”这一话题展开了讨论。请你根据以下讨论结果写一篇英语短文,并谈谈自己的观点。优点缺点方便快捷信息量少环保省材翻页频繁注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考答案: 1-15 CBDAD BDCCC DDAAD16-35 DCABB ACDBA BCDCA BDCDA3655 BDCBA BBCDC DABDB ACADD56. higher expensetime away from ones home the challenge of adapting to a new culture and way of life.57. The advantages and disadvantages of studying languages online.58. the advantages of going overseas59. If you decide to take language courses online, be sure to compare the benefits of studying online with those of going abroad.60. 不管你做什么,都应该考虑参加一项满足你教育需求且在你的预算范围之内的远程教育课程。One possible version: The mobile phone newspaper, a source to help people keep up with the world, has become more and more popular.The mobile phone newspaper offers fast access to the news. And it only takes up space on the cell phone which is easy to carry. Better still, it is environment-friendly. No trees are required to make paper for the pages of the newspaper. However, some people dislike it because it offers less information than the traditional newspaper. Sometimes it bothers readers too much by having to turn pages quite often. Everyt

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