高二英语同步练习《Unit 1 Living well》人教版选修7 Listening material for Unit one, Module Seven

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高二英语同步练习《Unit 1 Living well》人教版选修7 Listening material for Unit one, Module Seven_第1页
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高二英语同步练习《Unit 1 Living well》人教版选修7 Listening material for Unit one, Module Seven_第2页
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高二英语同步练习《Unit 1 Living well》人教版选修7 Listening material for Unit one, Module Seven_第3页
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111Listen to the textAN AMAZING ACHIEVEMENTBarry Minto (B) has just made a successful climb of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. Listen to him being interviewed on the radio by Joan (J).Listen again and fill in the blanks.J: Barry, welcome to our _ and congratulations on that great _!B: Thank you. Its good to be here.J: Now, Barry, it was a _ climb, wasnt it?B: Yes, thats right. _ of the group had very bad eyesight or were _ like me, and the other half were _ people who came along to help us.J: How old were the _?B: Well, the weak-sighted and blind group were between _ and _ years old.J: And the sighted climbers?B: Between _ and _. J: I see. Now, why did you make such a _ climb?B: For _ main reasons: one is to prove that we can _ whatever we decide to do; the other is to raise _ for other people with weak sight.J: Mmm. Well done! I know Mount Kilimanjaro is the _ mountain in Africa. But how high is it?B: About _ metres.J: Thats very high! So how many of you reached the _?B: Of the _ poor-sighted and blind climbers, _ made it to the top. Of the _ sighted climbers, _ did.J: Well done!B: Yes, it just shows how _ the poor-sighted and blind climbers were.J: How long did it take you? B: _ days to go up and _ to come down.J: Well, Barry, Im full of admiration for you and your _. What do you plan to do next?B: Oh, Im going to _ next year, but my next climbing _ is to go up Mount Qomolangma one day. J: Amazing. I wish you every _ in the future, Barry.B: (fading out) Thank you, Joan.Workbook-ListeningListen to Part 1.LUCY LEARNS THE WAYSara, who is blind, has just returned home from a guide school where she learned how towork with her new guide dog. Lucy. A teacher from the school has come to Saras house toteach her and Lucy how to find their way around their own town. Listen again and fill in the blanks.S=Sara P=Phil M=MotherS: Mum, this is Phil. Phil, this is my _.P: Pleased to meet you, Mrs Robison.M: Please, _ me Jane.P: Umm, right, Jane. Saras told me a lot about _.M: Only _ things, I hope.P: Definitely. She told me how much youve helped her since her _.M: Well, Ive done my best, But I know Sara wants to be _ independent.P: Well, with Lucys help she will be. Hows Lucy _ in, by the way? M: Oh, its like shes always _ here, isnt it, Sara? S: Yes. Shes been _ everything in the house and she knew which was my _ right away. P: Thats good. So, Sara, what shall we teach Lucy _? S: How to take me to _. Mums been driving me but I want so much to be able to get there by _ on my own, like I used to _ the accident.P: Well, lets get started. First well show Lucy the _ to the train station (fading out)Listen to Part 2An hour and a half later, Sara, Lucy and Phil return home. (Pause, then sound of door opening and closing and two sets of footsteps)Listen again and fill in the blanks.S: (very excitedly) Mum, where are you?M: In _, dear. S: Lucy did it! She found her own way to the _ and onto the train.M: Wonderful! Clever girl, Lucy. How she go _ the street?P: She was _. She sat down at the crossing and waited _ the cars stopped S: Then she stood up and took me _across the road. I wish you could have seen her. M: Me too, but Ill get the chance once youve _ her training. So whats next?P: Well give Lucy a bit of _ and then well ask her to take Sara to the station again.S: Then Phils going to _ Lucy how to get off the train and take me to my office. In a few _, Lucy and I will be going to work on our own. M: Thats _. Im so pleased for you. Now, would you like some _, Phil, while Lucy is having _ break? (fading out)Workbook-Listening Task MY HERO: LOUIS BRAILLEGood afternoon, everyone. Today Id like to tell you about Louis Braille. He made it possible for blind people to _ and _.Louis was born in _ in 1809. Sadly when he was a little boy, he had an _. By the time he was _ years old, he was completely _. However, at the age of _ Louis was lucky enough to go to one of the _ schools for blind children in _. At this particular school they had _ books. They were written in _ French but the letters were raised up off the _, so that the students could feel the _ of the words and read them. But there were two problems with this system, First, the letters were _ and difficult to _. Second, the books were very _ so the school library only had _ altogether. Louis, who was very clever and _, thought of a better way to _ books for blind people to read.In 1821, when Louis was _ years old, a _ came to his school. This man had invented a system for soldiers to send and receive messages in the _. _ this idea had not worked very well, Louis became very _ and began experimenting with it. By the time he was _, he had invented a system which used only six _. And by 1827 the first book using his system was _.It still took a long time before people _ what a wonderful invention Brailles system was. In fact Louis _ in 1852 and did not live to see the _ of his system, which has been adapted to almost every _ in the world. Thanks to him, blind or weak-sighted people are able to read or write as well as any _ person.111

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