高一英语备课 课堂导学《Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications》教学素材 外研版必修1

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高一英语备课 课堂导学《Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications》教学素材 外研版必修1_第1页
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高一英语备课 课堂导学《Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications》教学素材 外研版必修1_第2页
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高一英语备课 课堂导学《Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications》教学素材 外研版必修1_第3页
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111课堂导学文本感知.READING AND VOCABULARY1.The second paragraph mainly tells us of _.A.the first computerB.the first networkC.the development of NSFNETD.uses of the network答案:B2.From the third paragraph,we can conclude that _.A.English will be replaced by Chinese on the Web in the futureB.English will still control the Web in the futureC.Chinese will become one of the main languages on the Web in the futureD.you wont get information from the web if you dont know Chinese in the future答案:C3.The idea of the World Wide Web appeared in _ by _.A.1969;DARPAB.1984;NSFC.1991;Tim Berners-LeeD.1989;Tim Berners-Lee答案:D4.The World Wide Web is used to _.A.share information with other computer usersB.store important informationC.carry information to other computer usersD.make thousands of millionaires答案:A5.The best title of this passage is _.A.Berners-Lee,the Inventor of WWWB.Want to Be a Millionaire?Go to WWW!C.The Development of the InternetD.The Uses of the Internet答案:C.CULTURAL CORNER1.Why do people prefer to use text messages instead of talking on the phones?A.They want to keep secret.B.They want to save money.C.They want to make jokes.D.They want to play word games.答案:B2.If you want to understand the emoticon,youd better look at _.A.upside downB.in the faceC.from the upsideD.from the side答案:D3.The passage is mainly about _.A.how to make your phone call cheaperB.text messages and emoticonsC.how to read text messages and emoticonsD.how to shorten your text messages答案:B4.From the passage,we know that _.A.it is easy to understand some short messages if you are a ChineseB.it is hard to understand the emoticons if you dont know English.C.the short messages cannot be made by ChineseD.short messages sometimes make us puzzled答案:D难句透视1.A CD-ROM is a separate disk that contains lots of information.一个光盘只读存储器是一个可以容纳大量信息的单独的圆盘。剖析:CD-ROM是compact disc read-only memory的缩略词,意为“光盘只读存储器”;separate是形容词作定语修饰disk,意指“单独的”;contain意为“容纳”。information是不可数名词。2.The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world,and its accessible through a computer.因特网是世界上最大的信息来源,可以通过电脑获取。剖析:source指“来源”;is accessible意为“可使用的”。3.It consists of millions of pages of data.它是由数百万页资料组成的。剖析:consist of 由组成;pages指“网页”; data是复数名词,单数是datum,意为“资料,信息,情报”。4.NSF-Network became known as the Inter-Network,or “Internet”.NSF-Network 作为互联网络或“因特网”而变得著名。剖析:become/be known as 作为而出名,被称为,叫做;be 强调状态,become 强调(由不为人所知到为人所知的)变化。5.At the moment,about 80 percent of web traffic is in English,but this percentage is going down.现在,百分之八十的网络信息是英文的,但是这一比例正在下降。 剖析:at the moment意为“目前”;traffic是不可数名词。80 percentage of web traffic作主语,web traffic为不可数名词,谓语用单数形式is。go down (价格、价值、程度、数量等)下降;降低6.He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland.1989年在瑞士工作时,他产生了互联网的想法。剖析:came up with 提出,想出;while he was working in Switzerland是时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”。7.Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet,not just universities and the army.贝尔纳斯李让每个人使用因特网成为可能,而不仅仅是大学和军队。剖析:made it possible属“make+宾语+宾补”句式,意为“使成为可能”;it是形式宾语;for everyone to use the Internet是真正的宾语。not just意为“不仅仅”。8.Within five years,the number of Internet users rose from 600 000 to 40 million.在五年中,因特网的用户从600 000增长到40 000 000。剖析:within强调在五年内,不超过五年;the number是主语。rose from.to.从增长到了9.At this point,China passed the US to become the largest mobile market in the world.在这一点上,中国已超过美国,成为了世界上最大的手机市场。剖析:at the point是习惯用语,意为“在这一点上”。passed是及物动词,意为“超过”;to be come the largest.是不定式作结果状语。要点解读一、词汇详解1.contain v.包含;容纳;控制【典型例句】The book contains all the information you need.这本书包含着你需要的所有信息。The stadium is big enough to contain 100 thousand audience.这个体育场可以容纳十万观众。An adult should be able to contain oneself.一个成年人应当能够控制自己。【相关链接】include和contain的区别两者都有“包含”的意思,contain用于表示包含所含之物的全部或部分内容; include则只是包含一部分内容。例如:The book we are using includes a revision module.我们正在用的书包括一个复习模块。 单项填空Where can I get the latest news about the Athens 2004 Olympic Games?Go to the Internet;A lot of websites will give you the most recent news, _Sina, Sohu,Yahoo,etc.A.includedB.containingC.including D.contains提示:including Sina,Sohu,Yahoo,etc.包含新浪网、搜狐网、雅虎网等。答案:C2.access n. 接近;通路;使用vt.&vi. 接近;使用【典型例句】Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case.只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。The only access to their house is along that narrow road.只有沿着那条狭窄的路走才能到达他们的房子。You can access the information from anywhere in the Internet.你能够在网上的任何地方使用这个信息。【知识小结】access常构成have access to短语,意为“能够使用”。to是介词,后接名词或代词作宾语。【相关链接】accessible adj. 可进入的;可使用的Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.药品不应放在儿童容易拿到的地方。单项填空(1)There are a lot of _websites on your subject;its only a matter of a click.A.enableB.possibleC.accessibleD.obtainable提示:accessible可以使用的。答案:C(2)For professional athletes,_ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books.A.accessB.attachC.appealD.approach 提示: access进入,使用;attach是动词,意为“系,附加”;appeal作名词用时,意为“吸引力”;approach作名词用时意为“途径,靠近”。答案:A3.log vt.记录;登录【典型例句】We cannot log on because the computer has crashed.我们不能登入,因为电脑死机了。Log off this address and try another.退出这个网址,再试一个。【知识小结】log on 登入,进入log off 退出单项填空Robin,I may not be able to _ on Yahoo tonight as I may not have a PC that has access to games Yahoo.A.enterB.logC.useD.access提示:log on yahoo 登入雅虎。答案:B4.source n.来源;出处【典型例句】The news comes from a reliable source.这消息来自一位可靠人士。Do you know the source of Amazon River?你知道亚马逊河的源头吗?【相关链接】resource n.资源The exploitation of natural resources was held back by the lack of technicians.自然资源的开发因缺少技术人员而受阻。单项填空The Internet is of great value as a data _.A.resourceB.sourceC.wealthD.basis提示:句意为“因特网作为一个信息来源是很有价值的”。答案:B5.consist of 由组成【典型例句】Air consists chiefly of nitrogen.空气主要由氮组成。The committee consists of twenty members.该委员会由二十名会员组成。【知识小结】consist of 没有被动形式,在语意上相当于be made up of.【相关链接】consist in 在于Happiness consists in contentment.幸福在于知足。consist with与相符His conclusions do not consist with the facts.他的结论与事实不符。单项填空(1)The Group of Eight_ the eight richest countries in the world.A.consists byB.consists ofC.is consisted byD.is consisted of提示:consist of意为“由组成”“由构成”,consist无被动式。答案:B(2)This machine is _hundreds of different parts.A.made ofB.made fromC.made up ofD.consisted of提示:be made of和be made from由材料制成。前者看得出原材料,后者看不出;D项没有被动用法。答案:C6.as well 也【典型例句】He knows French,and he knows English as well.他懂法语,他也懂英语。Im fond of surfing the net as well.我也喜欢上网冲浪。【知识小结】as well常用于肯定句句尾,表示“还,也”等,相当于too。【相关链接】as well as 还有;不但,而且I can speak Japanese as well as English.我不但会说英语,也会说日语。(重点在于会说日语)单项填空Dr.White has got plenty of information about UFO.Hes promised to offer it to me.I have as much.Would you like to have mine_?A.as wellB.as possibleC.so farD.if so提示:句意:“怀特博士有足够的关于UFO的资料。他答应提供给我。”“我也有很多,你也愿意要我的吗?”,此处用as well表示“也”。答案:A7.via prep.途经;经由;通过【典型例句】He flew to New York via Hong Kong.他经过香港飞往纽约。I sent a message to Mary via her friend.我通过玛丽的朋友带信给她。单项填空Now we can watch various live TV programmes _ the communication satellites.A.onB.inC.fromD.via提示:句意:现在我们可通过通讯卫星观看不同的直播电视节目。答案:D8.go down下去,下降,落下,记下【典型例句】If the wind goes down,we may be able to sail tomorrow.如果风变小了,我们明天就可能出海。Shares have gone down again by six points.股票又下跌了6点。The ship went down like lead.这只船像铅似的下沉。He will go down in history as a national hero.他将作为一位民族英雄名垂史册。单项填空Since the computer price has _,why not buy one,Madam Kin?A.brought downB.put downC.gone downD.taken down提示:价格下降,可用be brought down或go down。put down 放下,镇压;take down 记下,拿下来。答案:C9.come up with (针对问题等)想出;提供;赶上【典型例句】He came up with good ideas for the product promotion.他想出一个推广产品的好方法。He could not come up with a proper answer.他想不出一个合适的回答。We came up with a group of tourists.我们赶上了一群旅游者。单项填空The manager is very happy with the names that we have_ for the new company.A.put up withB.caught up withC.kept up withD.come up with提示:put up with 忍受;catch up with 赶上;keep up with 保持同步;come up with 提出。答案:D10.design vt.设计;构思:绘制;打算将用作n. 设计;图案;计划【典型例句】The experiment is designed to test the new drug.实验的目的是试验新药。The gloves were designed for extremely cold climates.这些手套是为严寒地区制造的。I like the design of that rug.我喜欢那地毯的图案。The design was to build a new library.计划是建造一个新图书馆。单项填空Children above 12 are able to take part in skiing(滑雪)or other activities _ for them.A.designedB.designingC.to designD.having designed提示:designed是过去分词作后置定语,修饰activities,意为“为而设计的活动”。答案:A11.concentrate v.全神贯注,精神集中,专心致志;集中,集合;浓缩【典型例句】We should concentrate all our efforts on improving education.我们应该集中精力努力改进教育工作。 Troops are concentrating south of the river.军队正向河的南边集结。 【知识小结】concentrate on 聚精会神;集中思想She is too distracted to concentrate properly on her study.她过于心烦意乱,无法集中精力学习。单项填空Anne couldnt concentrate _what she was doing while her family were watching TV.A.toB.onC.forD.in提示:concentrate与介词on形成固定搭配。句意:全家人都在看电视,安妮不能集中注意力做她正在做的事情。答案:B12.compare vt.比较,比作vi. (可与)相比,匹敌【典型例句】Please compare the translation with/to the original.请拿原文同译文对照。Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把人世比作舞台。These oranges are sweet,compared with those I bought yesterday这些橘子比我昨天买的要甜。London is large,compared to Paris.和巴黎比,伦敦要大些。Compared with mine,your work is hard.和我的工作相比,你的任务要艰巨些。【知识小结】compare.to.多用来说明相似之处,常译为“比作,比为”;也可用于比较之意;但compare.with.往往强调“与比较”之意,不用于“比作”。单项填空(1)He rudely _my homemade bread to a lump of rock.A.preferredB.comparedC.matchedD.thought提示:句意:他把我家做的面包比喻成硬石块,真是无理。答案:B(2)In the 16-19 age group,32 of women smoke _ 28 of men.A.comparing toB.comparing withC.compared to D.compare with提示:表示“与相比”,我们既可以用compared to也可以用compared with。答案:C二、句型剖析1.it作形式宾语【典型例句】He found it very important for the students to learn English well.他发现对于学生来说学好英语很重要。I heard it said that youve got an unusual stamp.我听说你得到了一枚罕见的邮票。I try to make it possible to contact with you at any time.我努力使得随时与你取得联系成为可能。He thought it annoying to live in the noisy city.他认为生活在吵闹的城市里真烦人。【知识小结】及物动词后面接不定式或that从句时,如果有宾补,则要用it作形式宾语,放在宾语的位置,把真正的宾语放到句末。适用于这种句式的谓语动词有:think,find,believe,feel等。单项填空(1)I dont think_ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A.thisB.thatC.itsD.it提示:it作形式宾语,代替真正的宾语to master a foreign language without much memory work。将C改成its也对,那么该句就由简单句变成了I dont think后接宾语从句的主从复合句。 答案:D(2)Ive heard _ said that Elizabeth is a tough businesswoman.A.itB.herC.whatD.that提示:it是形式宾语,said是过去分词作宾补,真正的宾语从句在宾补后。实际上此题考查It is said that.。答案:A2.与现在事实相反的虚拟语气【典型例句】If he were here,he could help you.如果他在这里,他会帮助你的。If I knew his telephone number,I would call him.如果我知道他的电话号码,我就给他打电话了。【知识小结】在与现在事实相反的非真实条件句中,if从句的谓语动词用过去式(动词be通常用were),主句的谓语可用“would/could/might/should+动词原形”。如果if虚拟条件句含有were,had或should,还可使用倒装式,即将if省略,将were,had或should放在主语之前。例如:If we had time,we would go with you.如果我们有时间,我们就跟你去。=Had we time,we would go with you.【相关链接】如果与将来事实相反,if从句用一般过去时/were to+动词原形/could/should+v.,主句用could/should等情态动词+动词原形。如果与过去事实相反,if从句用had done;主句用could/might/would+have done。单项填空(1)If I _plan to do anything I wanted to,Id like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.A.wouldB.couldC.had toD.ought to 提示:此题考虚拟语气的用法。从整句话的含义可判断“if”引导的从句须用虚拟语气。答案:B(2)If Harry did not attend the conference last night,he _ too much work to do.A.had to have hadB.had hadC.must have hadD.must have提示:句意:如果哈利昨天没有参加会议的话,他肯定有许多工作要做。注意条件句中的时态是did not attend,所以判断这不是叙述过去情况的虚拟语气。空格处是对过去情况的猜测他一定昨天晚上有很多工作要做,所以才没有去参加会议的。答案:C三、语法详解冠词(零冠词和定冠词)1.定冠词特指。最主要的几种用法:(1)表示上文提到过的人或事。I bought a dictionary yesterday.The dictionary is very useful.我昨天买了一本字典,这本字典很有用。(2)用于说话人和听话人心中都明白的人或事。Shut the door,please.请关上门。(3)表示世界上独一无二的事物。The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。(4)放在复数姓氏前表示一家人或夫妇。the Turners 特纳一家人或特纳夫妇(5)用在序数词和形容词的最高级前。the first,the second,the most beautiful(6)用在表示方位的名词前。the north,the west,the east(7)放在形容词前,表示一类人。the poor,the rich,the wounded,the sick(8)放在一些专有名词前the UK,the USA,the Great Wall(9)用在乐器前She plays the piano very well.她的钢琴弹得很好。2.零冠词不使用冠词(1)季节、月份、星期、三餐、 呼语、家人称谓、节假日、球类和棋类She likes spring best.她最喜欢春天。Please give each other gifts on Christmas Day.请在圣诞节互赠对方礼物。(2)表示总数的复数名词前Children like cartoons.儿童喜欢动画片。(3)学科名称前English is difficult to learn.英语难学。(4)表示职位的词,在句子中作表语、补语、同位语时He was chosen chairman of the meeting.他被选为大会主席。(5)某一些词,如:church,school,hospital,prison,bed,college等表示抽象意义时。He was put into prison.他被投进了监狱。(6)用于固定结构中in public,in use,in favor of等。单项填空(1)When you come here for your holiday next time,dont go to _ hotel;I can find you _ bed in my flat.A.the;aB.the;/C.a;theD.a;/提示:这道题考查冠词的用法。句意是“下次来度假时不要住旅馆了,在我的公寓里给你找张床”。答案:A(2)Mr. Li decided to have _ supper at home on _ Mid-autumn Festival.A.the;aB.a;theC./;theD./;/提示:一日三餐之前不加冠词,“中秋节”前常使用定冠词。答案:C(3)_ meeting held last night was _ great success.A.A;aB.A;/C.The;aD.The;/提示:success用作可数名词,表示成功的人或成功的事。答案:C(4)What _ public is concerned about is whether medical workers and scientists will be able to find _ cure for this new disease in a short time.A./;/B./;theC.the;/D.the;a提示:the public公众,选项B没有用定冠词the, 不对;cure表“治疗方法”时为可数名词,所以选项C也不对。public跟the连用才是指“公众,大众”。答案:D(5)_ recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S. would be higher than the number of English speakers by _ year 2090.A.A;theB.A;/C.The;/D.The;a提示:该题考查冠词的用法。由于report是可数名词单数,所以加不定冠词;由于year是特指(2090),因此加定冠词。答案:A课文回顾下面的一段文章为课文原文的浓缩,仔细阅读,根据原文章内容将其补充完整,并尽量背诵。The Internet is the biggest _ of information in the world.It _ millions of pages of data.In 1969,a US defence organization _ a network of computers _ DARPANET for the US army.In 1984,the US NSF started the NSFNET network,which made it become possible for _ to use the system _.NSFNET is _ the Internet.In 1989,an English scientist _ the idea of the World Wide Web,and in 1991,he _ it.Then he made _ possible _ everyone to use the Internet. _,the web and the Internet grew._, about 80 percent of web traffic is in _,but this percentage is _.By 2002,much web traffic could be in Chinese.答案:source;consists of;created;called;universities;as well;known as;came up with; invented; it;for; From that moment on;At the moment;English;going down111


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