浙江省义乌三中高一英语《Unit 4 Earthquakes》(人教版必修1)学案

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浙江省义乌三中高一英语《Unit 4 Earthquakes》(人教版必修1)学案_第1页
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浙江省义乌三中高一英语《Unit 4 Earthquakes》(人教版必修1)学案_第3页
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111Unit 4 Earthquakes一. 单词拼写1. J_ from his accent, he must be from Guangdong. 2. We were s_ when we heard of the news that the ship had sunk in the storm.3. The boy b_ the dead bird in the backyard.4. We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all u_.5. There is not even e_ or running water in his house.6. The fire d_ all my books.7. So many d_ happened to them in a single year that they could hardly live on.8. There were two people i_ in the car accident.9. Workers built s_ for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.10. They r_ a boy from drowning.11. The hot weather l_for a whole week, which made everybody tired and sleepy.12. I am h_ to be asked to speak13. Dont eat that food. It is already s_.14. After the big fire, all of their houses were in r_.15. When he was riding, the tyre e_二翻译下列单词或短语1. right away_ 2. a number of _3. dig out _ 4. give out _5. thousands of _ 6. at an end _7. be injured _ 8. 最重要的方式方法 _9. 在黑暗的天空 _ 10. 疯狂的事情 _11. 破旧的窗户 _ 12. 使成废墟 _三. 单项选择.从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday? Thank you Id love to, _Ill be out of town at the weekend Abecause BandCso Dbut2We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very well Aworked out Btried outCwent onDcarried on3Have you seen the film “Titanic”, _ leading actor is world famous? A itsB itsC whoseD which4His invention _ of no use by the scientists of that timeAconsidered being Bconsidered to be Cwas considered to be Dwas considered being5Id like to listen to VOA program but sometimes I cant _ on my radio Apick up it Bpick it out Cpick it up Dlook for it6As your spoken English gets better, _ your written EnglishAso does Bso will Cso do Dneither will7The man _ was a friend of mineAyou just talked to Bwhom you just talked to him Cwho you just talked to him Dwhich you just talked to8Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _I could answer the phone Aas BsinceCuntil Dbefore9How long _each other before they _married? For about a year Ahave they known; get Bdid they know; were going to get Cdo they know; are going to getDhad they known; got10The missing boys were last seen _ near the riverAplayingBto be playingCplayDto play11The famous basketball star, _ tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention Awhere Bwhen Cwhich Dwho12He is a man of _ and he had a lot of interesting _ in his lifeAmuch experience; experiences Bmany experiences; experience Cmuch experience; experience Dmany experiences; experiences13Towards _evening, there was _ heavy rain in the countryside Athe; a Ban; 不填 C不填; a Dthe; 不填14How long did it _ to control the floods in Anhui? Aspend BtakeCpayDcost15_I have to say _ all of you AWhat; refers B. What; refers to C. That; refersD. That; refers to四. 单句改错1. Judge by her dress, she may be of the Yi nationality. _2. He destroyed his car in the accident, but he has had it repaired now._3. Two-fifths of the money have been used up. _4. Im using the pen which he bought it yesterday. _5. The man whom I spoke is from Canada. _6. July 1, 1999 is the day when well never forget. _7. Im going to work in the school where needs me most. _8. The students want to buy tickets write down their names. _9. The students and things which you spoke of are known to us. _10. The teacher is praising the girl because whose homework has been handed in. _五、完形填空 Every morning at eleven, a bright new car drove through the central park in New York. Inside the car 1 a driver and his boss, a well-known millionaire.Each morning the millionaire 2 a poorly-dressed man 3 on a park bench. The man always sat 4 staring at the hotel in which the rich man lived. One day the millionaire was so 5 in the man that he asked his driver to stop the car and he 6 to the bench He said to the poor man, “Excuse me, 7 I just have to know why you sit staring at my hotel every morning ”“Sir, ”said the poor man , “Im a failure I have no job, no family and no 8 . I sleep on this bench and every night I dream that 9 day I will sleep in this hotel ”The rich man had 10 . He said to the poor man “Tonight your dream will come _11. Ill 12 for the best room in that hotel for you for 13_.” The millionaire smiled and felt 14 of himself A few days 15 , the millionaire went by the poor mans room to ask him how he 16 himself To his great 17 , he found that the poor man had moved out of the hotel, back to his park bench When the millionaire asked why, the man said, “You see, when Im 18 here sleeping on the bench I always dream Im up there in the hotel Its a wonderful dream But when I was up there in the hotel, I dreamed I was 19 here on this cold bench It was 20 dream and I could not get any sleep at all ” 1 A stayed B stood C seated D sat 2 A had B noticed C laughed D heard 3 A thinking B lying C sitting D resting 4 A down B up C there D here 5 A interested B surprise C strange D nervous 6 A rushed B swam C raced D walked 7 A but B so C and D because 8 A food B bed C home D shoes 9 A each B one C that D every 10 A a talk B an advice C a friend D an idea 11 A easy Bhere C true D real 12 A pay Blook C work D prepare 13 A the first time Btwo days Ctwo times Da whole month 14 A pleased B proud C glad D sorry 15 A past B ago C later D before 16 A liked B enjoyed C treated D satisfied 17 A joy B surprise C anger D sorrow 18 A down B below C up D under 19 A still B just C left D before 20 A a terrible Ba frightened C a moving D an exciting六、阅读理解AThere are labels(标签) inside all new clothes The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water A sweater label may tell you to wash in cold water The label on a coat may say “dry clean only”, for washing may ruin this coat If you do as the directions (说明)on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best for a long timeMany clothes today must be dry cleaned Dry cleaning is expensive When buying new clothes, check to see if they will need to be dry cleaned You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washedYou can save money if you buy clothes that are well made Well-made clothes last longer They look good even after they have been washed many times Clothes that cost more money are not necessarily(不一定) better made They do not always fit better Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes1If you want to save money, you had better buy clothes that _ Adont fit you Bdont last long Cneed to be dry cleaned Dcan be washed2The labels inside the clothes tell you_Ahow to keep them looking their bestBhow to save money Cwhether they fit you or not Dwhere to get them dry cleaned 3We learn from the passage that cheaper clothes _ Aare always worse made Bmust be dry cleaned Ccan not be washed Dcan sometimes fit you better4The best title for the passage should be _ ABuy Less Expensive Clothes BTaking Enough Money When ShoppingCBeing a Clever Clothes Shopper DChoosing the Labels inside New Clothes5 “Well-made clothes last longer” means _.A. Clothes that are well made will be the last for you to choose. B. Clothes that are well made are mostly longer than cheap ones.C. You can wear well-made clothes for a longer time. D. You can wear well-made clothes for a long time if you wear them at last.BA Narrow EscapeShortly after the war, my brother and I were invited to spend a few days holiday with an uncle who had just returned from abroad He had rented (租) a cottage in the country, although he hardly spent much time there We understood the reason for this after our arrival: the cottage had no comfortable furniture in it. Many of the windows were broken and the roof leaked (漏水), making the whole house wetOn our first evening, we sat around the fire after supper listening to the stories our uncle told of his many adventures in distant countries I was so tired after the long train journey that I would have preferred to go to bed; but I could not bear to miss any of my uncles exciting stories, He was just in the middle of describing a rather terrifying experience he had once had when there was a loud crash(倒塌声) from the bedroom above, the one where my brother and I were going to sleepWhen we got to the top of the stairs and opened the bedroom door, a strange sight met our eyes A large part of the ceiling had fallen right on to the pillow(枕头)of my bed 6The uncle disliked the rented cottage for the reason that _ Athere were no beds in it Bthe windows were broken and the roof leaked Cit was too old for him to live inDit was very rainy in the area7On the first evening, the writer was very sleepy, _Abut he did his best not to miss any storiesBso he had to go to bed early Cbecause he was tired of his uncles storiesDand he was gradually falling asleep while listening8The writer was attentively(注意地)listening to a story _ Awhich his uncle read in a book Bwhich was very funny Cwhen his brother cried for being afraid Dwhen he heard a loud crash from the bedroom9If the writer had not been able to stay up late, _ Ahis uncle would have stopped telling storiesBhis uncle would have been very sorry Che would have been injured or killed Dhis brother wouldnt have been, either10. A narrow escape means _. A. A person runs away from a danger through a narrow door. B. A person escapes a danger by luck. C. A person escapes a danger easily. D. A person runs away from a danger easily. 111


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