内蒙古乌拉特中旗一中高二英语导学案《Unit 2 The United Kingdom》Period 3(新人教版必修5)

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内蒙古乌拉特中旗一中高二英语导学案《Unit 2 The United Kingdom》Period 3(新人教版必修5)_第1页
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内蒙古乌拉特中旗一中高二英语导学案《Unit 2 The United Kingdom》Period 3(新人教版必修5)_第2页
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内蒙古乌拉特中旗一中高二英语导学案《Unit 2 The United Kingdom》Period 3(新人教版必修5)_第3页
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111【学习目标】1.复习过去分词作定语,表语。 2.掌握过去分词作宾语补足语。 3.比较现在分词与过去分词作宾语补足语的异同。【课前自学】1过去分词的构成: 规则动词: absorb _; instruct_ determine _; announce _; carry _; cry _不规则动词:foresee _; fly _; write _; break _2. 判断过去分词在句中的功能。He is a respected leader. ( )She looked worried. ( )He found himself tied to the tree. ( )Yesterday I had my hair cut. ( )My elder sister had her wallet stolen on a bus last month. ( )He explained the problem to the students again to make himself understood. ( ) 【课内探究】在英语中,过去分词可以用作_, _, _。过去分词一般表示被动意义或完成意义,有时候两者兼而有之。作宾语补足语的过去分词与宾语有逻辑上的动宾关系,即宾语是过去分词动作的对象。现对常见几种用法进行分析:解释例子过去分词用在表示状态的动词_, _等的后面They kept the door locked for a long time.Dont leave the windows broken like this all the time.Have+_+_表示两种含义1) 表示让某人做某事I have my bike repaired.2) 表示遭遇到不幸;受打击My elder sister had her wallet stolen on a bus last month.在_+宾语+过去分词这种结构中,过去分词的动词必须表示结果I raised my voice to make myself heard.They managed to make themselves understood using very simple English.过去分词常用感官动词watch, _,_ ,listen to ,notice, feel, find等的后面When we got to school , we saw the door locked.We can hear the windows beaten by the heavy rain drops.过去分词用在want,wish,expect, like, order等表示“希望,愿望,命令”这一类动词后面作_。 The teacher wouldnt like the problem discussed at the moment.I want the suit made to his own measure.过去分词用在with的复合结构即_中,过去分词与宾语之间是动宾关系。The thief was brought in with his hands tied behind his back.With many brightly-colored flowers planted around the building , his house looks like a beautiful garden.【当堂检测】1. We must get the house _ during the holidays. A. painted B. painting C. paint D. to paint 2. Five books on the shelf are found _.A. tear B. tearing C. tore D. torn 3. He watched the whole house _ down. A. burn B. burning C. burnt D. to be burnt 4. He said he never heard this word _ in spoken English. A. use B. used C. using D. to use 5. She felt herself _ by her friends. A. misunderstand B. misunderstanding C. misunderstood D. to misunderstand 6. We had a photo _ with the foreign friends. A. take B. took C. taking D. taken 7. The result of the test was rather _ He was very _ at the result. A. disappointed, disappointed B. disappointing, disappointing C. disappointed, disappointing D. disappointing, disappointed 8. There were two roads _ to the station. A. lead B. led C. leading D. to lead 9. I observed two men in raincoat _ the hall. A. enter B. entering C. entered D. to enter 10. A man was seen _ to break into the house. A. try B. trying C. tried D. to try 教学流程设计及探究设计点拨板书设计教学反思 111


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