高中英语 Unit 4《Wildlife Protection》单元测试 新人教版必修2

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高中英语 Unit 4《Wildlife Protection》单元测试 新人教版必修2_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 4《Wildlife Protection》单元测试 新人教版必修2_第3页
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111Unit 4 Wildlife Protection1.【原创】If no measures are taken, the special wild plant will _ some day.Adie out Bdie awayCdie down Ddie off【解析】die out “渐渐消亡”; die away “(声音、光线、风等)逐渐消失”; die down “(火、情绪、风暴等)由强变弱”; die off “(家族、种族等)相继死亡”。【答案】A【教材原句】As a result these endangered animals may even die out.2. 【原创】He writing a new book these days. A has been employed in B is employed in C was employed in D is emplying 【解析】be employed in “忙于。”。根据时间状语 these days用现在完成时。【答案】A【教材原句】Can they be employed to work in the park and not hurt the animals?3.【2012四川省自贡市高三第一次诊断性考试】As you know,it is my duty to_my younger sisters from being hurt when they are in danger.ApreventBsave CstopDprotect【解析】句意为:你们知道,保护小妹妹们在危险之时不受伤害是我的职责。prevent阻止;save挽救,节省;stop阻止;protect保护。【答案】D【教材原句】Im protecting myself from mosquitoes.4. 【2013临沂市质量检测】With no better way to express feelings of love and_,its easy to see why everyone turns to a flower shop on Mothers Day.AappreciationBinspirationCsatisfactionDambition【解析】考查名词。appreciation感激,欣赏;inspiration激励;satisfaction满足,满意;ambition抱负,野心。句意为:因为没有更好的表达爱和感恩的方式,这就很容易明白为什么在母亲节大家都去花店。【答案】A【教材原句】You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.5. 【2012河南六市联考】Hearing the disappointing news,he was too sad to_himself.AcontainBincludeCmanageDcommand【解析】考查动词词义辨析。contain oneself意为“控制情绪”。【答案】A【教材原句】It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.6. 【2012福州模拟】Was it in April, 1970 that China _ sending its first satellite into space?Yes, thats right.Asucceeded in Bmanaged toCattempted in Dtried to【解析】根据语境可知选A, succeed in doing sth.表示“成功做某事”。【答案】A【教材原句】What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed?7. 【2012青岛模拟】Most children need encouragement in time of failure _ they can cheer up again.Aso that Bin caseCbecause Dif【解析】句意:失败时,大多数孩子需要鼓励,这样他们才能再次振作起来。so that “以致于”,引导目的状语从句; in case “以防万一”。【答案】A【教材原句】The flying carpet traveled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbabwe.本单元语法现在进行时的被动语态8. 【2013届河北省衡水中学第一次调研】I have just received another message, telling me I have won a big prize. Dont jump on it. You _. Ashould be cheatedBare being cheatedCare cheatingDmust have cheated【解析】句意:-我刚刚收到另一个信息,告诉我我中了奖。-别急于行动。你在被骗。考查进行时的被动语态。看信息的时候就正在被骗。【答案】B9. 【2012南通一模】Now the worlds attention _ the stocking markets, as they have great influence in the worlds economy.Ais fixing on Bhas fixed onCis being fixed on Dhad been fixed on【解析】attention和fix on之间是被动关系,故排除A、B两项,再根据Now,可知应用现在进行时的被动语态。【答案】C10. 【2012上海交大附中模拟】You are not allowed to go into the meetingroom. A secret plan _ there.Ais being made Bis madeCwas made Dis making【解析】句意:你不被允许进入会议室。一个秘密计划正在那儿被制定。由句意知应选A项,表示被动及动作正在进行。【答案】A完形填空【原创】The banned sport of hare hunting is on the increase in certain parts of the country, the BBC has found. The blood sport was banned in England and Wales under the 2004 Hunting Act to protect the endangered brown hare. But evidence suggests in some areas hares are still being hunted by illegal hunters. One illegal hare hunter spoken to by the BBC admits to invading private land since the law came into force in 2005 changed. Its not cruel, he said, I suppose its gone more underground. Over the last year or so more people have come back into it. Its sort of on the increase again. Asked if he was worried by the fact that hare hunting is now against the law, he said: It doesnt bother me at all. A number of farmers say they have been threatened by illegal hare hunters. Farmer Mark Leggott, whose Lincolnshire farm is frequently invaded by illegal hare hunters, estimates the activity in the county alone has increased by 800% since the ban. He said: Ive been treated badly on more than one occasion. Its the oral abuse(辱骂) that leaves you wondering whether you can go out at night. Threats such as were going to burn your house down. Hunters say they often hide behind holes in the law to avoid being caught. Pc Martin Green of Lincolnshire Police said: Before the act came in, hare hunting was popular around the county. After the act came in, hare hunting fell a lot. Theyre not scared of the hunting act. A spokesperson for the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs, said: It does not prevent hunts from meeting and riding within the law.1. A defend B protect C ban D stop2. A suggests B plans C believes D supposes3. A hidden B frightening C illegal D terrifing4. A allows B permits C forbids D admits5. A force B power C fashion D being6. A believe B suppose C imagine D realize7. A if B and C or D but8. A raise B decline C decrease D increase9. A against B for C off D to10. A works B farmers C hunters D officals11. A involved B included C invaded D increased12. A alive B lively C lonely D alone13. A ban B law C rule D suggestion14. A allowed B treated C crued D spoken15. A which B where C that D when16. A who B when C why D whether17. A Arrangement B Advice C Comforts D Threats18. A allow B lead C avoid D cause19. A increased B fell C rose D raised20. A scared B frightened C worried D lost解析:1. B 保护(protect)濒临灭绝的棕兔。Defend保卫;防御。2. A 证据表明(suggest),在一些地区,一些非法的(illegal)猎人还在捕杀兔子。3. C 从下句One illegal hare hunter中的illegal可知答案。4. D 一个非法猎人承认(admits)。5. A come into force 开始生效。6. B 我认为(suppose)已经转入地下。7. C or so 大约。8. D on the increase在增加。9. A against the low 违反法律。10. B 由后句中的farmer可知答案。11. C 他的农场经常受到非法猎人的侵略(invade)。12. D 单独(alone)这一个国家就增加了80%。13. A 根据首段第二句The blood sport was banned in England可知答案。14. B 根据下文他受到不好的对待(treat)。15. C its.that这里是强调句型。16. D 考虑是否晚上要出去。17. Dwere going to burn your house down这是威胁(threat)的话。18. C 免于(avoid)被抓。19. B 禁猎方案实施后,猎兔行为有所下降(fall)。20. A 由最后一句话It does not prevent hunts from meeting and riding within the law.可知他们不害怕(scared).阅读理解A【原创】The cost of keeping tigers alive in the wild is about $80m per year, say conservationists(自然资源保护论者)- but only about $50m per year is being guaranteed. The figures come from a new assessment(评估)that suggests targeting efforts in 42 selected breeding sites.About 3,500 tigers remain in the wild, and only about 1,000 breeding females. Although conservation programmes are operating in some countries, notably India, the tiger has actually disappeared from vast areas of Asia where it used to live.Once found from Turkey to the eastern coast of Russia, it is now concentrated in small areas of South and East Asia, though even here it is extinct in some countries such as Pakistan and down to fewer than 50 individuals in others, including Cambodia, China, Laos and Vietnam.The animals are found in only about 7% of their historical range. But the new study suggests conservation would benefit from concentrating efforts into still smaller areas - specifically, into 42 “source sites” that make up only about 6% of the tigers current range, or about 0.5% of the area it used to span.“The immediate priority(优先做的事), however, must be to ensure that the few breeding populations still in existence can be protected and monitored. The figure of $80m per year is the cost of safeguarding and monitoring populations in these key sites. More than half of the figure is already being provided by the range states themselves, by international donors and by conservation groups.The big hope this year is the Tiger Summit, to be hosted by Russias Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg. Originally planned for this week, it has been postponed until November in the hope of attracting a greater number of national leaders.1. Tigers have disappeared in _.A. India B. Cambodia C. China D. Pakistan2. Whats the primary task of conservationists according to this passage?A. Enlarging the areas of tigersB. Assessing the situation of tigers furtherC. Providing more money for tiger protectionD. Protecting and monitoring the breeding female tigers3. How much is lacking to protect one tiger in the wild?A. About $80m B. About $50m C. About $30m D. About $20m4. What can we know from the last paragraph?A. Russia does best in tiger protection in the world.B. Plans for tiger protection are difficult to carry out.C. Some national leaders pay less attention to tiger protection.D. More money is sure to be provided by Asian countries to protect tigers.5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. There are about 3,500 tigers in the world.B. Tigers mainly appear in South and East Asia nowadays.C. The tigers current range decreased by 99.5% than it used to be.D. More than half of the money used to protect tigers comes from the governments at present.参考答案1. 选D。细节理解题。根据第三段“it is extinct in some countries such as Pakistan”可知在巴基斯坦,老虎已灭绝。2. 选D。细节理解题。根据第五段“The immediate priority, however, must be to ensure that the few breeding populations still in existence can be protected and monitored”可知目前自然资源保护论者的主要任务是保护与监管具有繁殖能力的雌性老虎。3. C。细节理解题。根据第一段“The cost of keeping tigers alive in the wild is about $80m per year, say conservationists - but only about $50m per year is being guaranteed”可知保护每只老虎还差$30m。4. C。推理判断题。通读本段可知推迟峰会的目的是吸引更多的国家领导人参加会议;据此很容易推测出一些国家的领导人不重视老虎保护。5. 选B。细节理解题。根据第三段“it is now concentrated in small areas of South and East Asia”可知目前世界上的野生老虎主要集中在南亚和东亚的较小的地区。B【黑龙江省海林市高级中学2012-2013学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题】Lots of kids go through times when theyd like to change their hair. Often, its girls who are most concerned(关心的), but boys may be interested in how their hair looks, too. Sometimes hair will change as you get older-all by itself-when you go through puberty(青春期). Maybe it used to be lighter and now its darker. Or maybe its oilier than it used to be, and now you need to wash it more. Its also normal, as youre getting older, to notice your appearance more often. You might suddenly decide you want a hairstyle like other kids at school have. But some styles and looks require chemical treatments and long hours in the chair at the hair salon. Some people dye(染)their hair a different color, get a bunch of braids(辫子), or make their hair straight when its curly(卷曲). Are these treatments OK for kids? Thats something you should discuss with your parents. At any age, any chemical or heat applied to(应用于) the hair can damage the hair or cause it to break off.Any styling that pulls hard on the hair can also hurt the scalp(头皮) or cause hair loss. Styling tools, such as curling irons and straightening irons, get very hot and can cause burns. And chemicals used to color, curl, or straighten hair can be very harmful if they get into your eyes or onto your skin.63. The word “kids” in this passage refers to _.A. girls B. boys C. students D. not only girls but also boys64.Which of the following is NOT the cause of changes of ones hair mentioned in the passage?A. Change the hair style to act in a play.B. It changes naturally with the age. C. You want to make yourself look beautiful or cool.D. A boys hair may be darker and darker when he gets older.65. Whats the main idea of the last two paragraphs of this passage?A. If you want to change the color of your hair, you have to use chemical.B. Hair can be straightened with an instrument. C. Youd better change your hair with the help of your parents. D. Hair change by chemicals or instruments can harm the hair or the scalp.63.【答案】D【试题解析】从文章第一段第二句Often, its girls who are most concerned(关心的), but boys may be interested in how their hair looks, too(通常,女孩最担忧/最关心的,但男孩也可能对他们的头发看起来如何感兴趣), 说明此处kids既指代女孩,也指代男孩。 故选D。64.【答案】A【试题解析】选项B It changes naturally with the age.(它随年龄改变。);C You want to make yourself look beautiful or cool.(你想让自己看起来漂亮或酷。);D A boys hair may be darker and darker when he gets older.(当一个男孩年纪大了,他的头发可能会越来越黑。)分别在文中第二段Sometimes hair will change as you get older-all by itself; now its darker;be interested in how their hair looks体现,而选项A. Change the hair style to act in a play.(为了在剧中表演改变发型),文章没有提及。故选A。65.【答案】D【试题解析】选项A只有第三段提及,最后一段没有提及,所以排除;选项B最后两段都提及了,但只是陈列其中之一事实而非主旨大意;选项C只有第三段提及,最后一段没有提及,所以排除;选项D分别在第三段尾句和第四段首句出现,而“Are these treatments OKcan cause burnsvery harmful”也说明化学品或者仪器改变发型会伤害头发或者头皮。 故选D。C【江苏省上冈高级中学20122013学年度高一下学期期中考试】任务型阅读(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)Did you know that falling down is the leading cause of injury death for Americans aged 65 and older?Each year 35 to 40 percent of older adult Americans fall at least once.Falling down is not just the result of getting older. Falling can be caused by a variety of circumstances, and many falls can be prevented.Here are 4 simple steps you can take to significantly reduce your risk of injury from falling down.Improve Your Body Balance with Exercise to Prevent Falling If you dont have a regular exercise program, start one. Lack of exercise leads to weakness, and that increases your chances of falling. Exercises can improve your body balance and flexibility at any age. Try exercises like Yoga and Tai Chi. If you are over 50 and havent exercised regularly, check with your health care provider about the best type of exercise program for you.Increase Your Homes Accessibility and Safety to Reduce Falling RisksAbout half of all falls happen at home. To increase accessibility and make your home safer: Remove items you might trip over from stairs and places where you walk. Remove small throw rugs(易滑地垫)or use double-sided tape to keep rugs from slipping. Have grab bars installed next to your toilet, and install grab bars in your tub or shower. Improve the lighting in your home. Make sure all stairways have handrails and sufficient lighting. Wear shoes that give good support and have thin non-slip soles.You might also consider avoiding lightweight slippers ( especially backless styles), which can reduce your feeling of control.Prevent Falling : Watch Out for Medication Side EffectsAge can effect the way some medications work in your body, so if you have been taking any over-the-counter medications for a while, its important to tell your health care provider. He or she will be able to tell you if they are still safe for you to take. Look out for drugs that have side effects including drowsiness(困倦). These side effects can increase your risk of falling . this especially important with over-the-conter cold and flu medications, which can often increase drowsiness. And dont forget herbal remedies(草药). Some remedies increase sleepiness and many react with other types of medication, which could increase your risk of falling down. Be sure to check with your health care provider before trying new medication. Want to Prevent Falling? Have Your Vision Checked RegularlyVision problems can increase your chances of falling.You may be wearing the wrong glasses that cause vision problems or limit your vision.To reduce your risk of falling , have your vision checked by an eye doctor every nyear for early detection and correction of vision problems. If you cant see something, its harder to avoid it, and this increase your risk of falling.How to Reduce Your Risk of Injury from Falling(76) Detailed suggestionsMake your body (77) with exerciseTry exercise (78) like Yoga and Ta Chi.Make clear which is the best type of exercise program for you in advance.Increase your homes accessibility and safetyRemove items that might cause you to (79) (80) items that will support you when needed.Improve the lighting in and out of your room.Wear non-slip shoes.Be (81) of medication side effectsDo check with your health care provider to ensure your (82) of taking any over-the counter medications, (83) you have taken them or not .Protect your vision carefullyDont (84) the wrong glasses that damage your vision.Have your vision checked regularly to detect and correct your (85) vision problems.【文章大意】文章开篇指出跌倒是在美国年龄65岁及65岁以上的人群中造成死亡的主要原因。文章从四个方面讲述了如何降低摔倒的受伤风险,分别是:改善身体平衡、增加家里通道畅通及安全、当心药物的副作用以及视力定期检查。本篇难度有点偏大。事实细节题较少,多数都是信息转换题。76 【答案】Steps/ Measures/Ways 概括归纳题。根据下面表格中的内容: make increase.be.protect,可知,这些讲的都是减少受伤风险的方法、途径。77【答案】balance 信息转换题。这题在增加身体平衡部分出现。Exercises can improve your body balance可以得知。78【答案】regularly信息转换题。If you dont have a regular exercise program, start one以及Try exercises like Yoga and Tai Chi.可知答案79【答案】fall/slip信息转换题。这出现在增加家里通道畅通及安全部分。原句Remove items you might trip over 转换成Remove items that might cause you to,所以填fall ,或slip.80【答案】Install 信息转换题。Have grab bars installed next to your toilet, and install grab bars in your tub or shower.81【答案】careful 信息转换题。本题出现在药物副作用部分。文中原句Watch Out for Medication Side Effects。Watch Out for当心、留意,这里替换成be careful of 82【答案】safety信息转换题文中原句:to tell you if they are still safe for you to take.83【答案】whether信息转换题。还是从82题文中的句子:to tell you if they are still safe for you to take.由if 转换成whetheror not.84【答案】wear 直接信息题。本题出现在视力检查部分。文章中You may be wearing the wrong glasses that cause vision problems可以得出答案。85【答案】Potential信息转换题。文中句子To reduce your risk of falling , have your vision checked,为了降低视力下降的风险,每年检查一次你的视力,得出to detect and correct your potential vision problems.书面表达:请根据以下要点,以Wildlife Protection为题,一篇短文,说明为什么要保护野生动物。词数为120 词左右。要点: 1. 目前有很多动物面临着濒临灭绝的危险; 2. 导致野生动物灭绝的主要原因:污染、人类的过度捕猎、气候的变化 3. 我们应该采取措施来保护野生动物,例如: Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example,with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrower and narrower. Many of the wild animals now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat. In order to protect our resources of ecology,people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source and a source of natural beauty. Therefore, measures of the following should be taken .Pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons;killing off certain rare species is prohibited,national parks should be set up as wild life reserves. Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved. 一句多译:1. Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly.改译:With the environment changing, more and more wild animals are in the danger of extinction.2. Many of the wild animals now are confronted with food crisis.改译: The food that wild animals feed on is becoming less and less.3. Therefore, measures of the following should be taken .改译:Therefore, its time that we took the measures as follows .4. Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved. 改译:Only by taking active measures can we protect wild animals.111

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