高中英语 Unit1 Section Ⅲ《Learning about Language Using Language》课时跟踪检测 新人教版必修2

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高中英语 Unit1 Section Ⅲ《Learning about Language Using Language》课时跟踪检测 新人教版必修2_第1页
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高中英语 Unit1 Section Ⅲ《Learning about Language Using Language》课时跟踪检测 新人教版必修2_第3页
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111Unit1 Section Learning about Language Using Language课时跟踪检测.完成句子1It was his courage rather than his skills most.(strike)最打动我的不是他的技能而是他的勇气。答案:that struck me2 to see if theres something wrong with it.(take) 将它拆开,看看它是否出了什么故障。答案:Take it apart3 he will resign next year. (whisper) 有传言说,他明年将辞职。答案:It is whispered that4It is reported that the government will to build tall buildings. (remove)据报道,为了修建高楼,政府将拆毁这座广场。答案:have the square removed5 he should not know about it. (surprise)他竟然不知道这件事情,让人感到惊讶。答案:It is surprising that.多项选择1His heart _ at the thought of losing the game.AfellBsankCset Dwent解析:空格处所缺的是谓语动词,因此首先排除D项;fall“倒下;摔倒”;sink“下沉;沉下”,可以用于心理描述。答案:B2Scientists are not sure about the existence of water on Mars. They are considering using manmade satellites to find more _.Aevidence BresultsCexamples Dsource解析:句意:科学家还不确定火星上水的存在,他们正在考虑使用人造卫星找到更多的证据。evidence“证据”;result“结果”;example“例子”;source“根源;来源”。答案:A3Firefighters were called when a gas tank _ in the back yard of a home on Beihai Road.Aexplored BexploitedCexploded Dexposed解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:北海路上一住宅的后院里的油罐爆炸了,消防队员被叫来灭火。这四个词词形相似,但意义不同。explore“探索”;exploit“开采”;expose“暴露”。只有explode有“爆炸”之意。答案:C4He works at the _ post office and married a _ girl.Anatural; single Bnative; lonelyClegal; national Dlocal; local解析:natural“自然的”;native“本族的”;legal“合法的”;local“当地的”;lonely“孤独的;荒凉的;偏僻的”;single“单一的;单身的”;national“国家的;民族的”。句意:他在当地邮局工作,娶了一位本地姑娘。答案:D5You should _ the TV set to find out whats wrong with it.Apack up Bbreak downCsearch for Dtake apart解析:此题考查短语辨析。根据to find out whats wrong with it可知,应拆开(take apart)电视机,故选D项。pack up“打包”;break down“坏掉”;search for“寻找”。答案:D6It was _ that the train arrived on time, for we had been planning for a late arrival.Aamazing BfrighteningCboring Dtiring解析:句意:火车准时到了,让人感到惊讶,因为我们估计会晚点的。amazing“让人感到惊讶”,符合题意。答案:A7There is no point in trying to _ with her because she will never change her mind.Aexplode BcompeteCcompare Ddebate解析:句意:与她辩论是毫无用处的,因为她不会改变主意。debate with 意为“与辩论”,符合题意。答案:D8Though the experiment isnt very successful, we think _ of his work in the field.Apoorly BhighlyCill Dlittle解析:句意:尽管这项实验没有成功,但是我们对他在这一领域所做的工作给予了高度评价。think highly of 意为“高度评价”,符合题意。答案:B9Through a series of _ they found a new way which could work out the chemistry problem.Ausages BhelpsCtrials Dtroops解析:句意:经过一连串的试验,他们终于找到了解决这道化学题的新方法。trial“试验”,符合题意。答案:C10Im not getting along quite well with Tom. What is your advice for _ the misunderstandings between him and me?Aremoving BmovingCthrowing Dsearching解析:remove意为“消除;除去”。此处指“消除我与汤姆之间的误会”。答案:A.完形填空My friends and I had just finished lunch at a hotel when it started to rain heavily. When it became _1_, I decided to brave the drizzle (毛毛雨) to get my car which was _2_ near my company three streets away.My friends said that I shouldnt go, _3_ because I was seven months pregnant (有孕的) then. I _4_ them that Id be very careful. _5_ of them wanted to come with me, but I insisted that she _6_ another friend who needed help with her baby.I walked out of the hotel and started _7_ my way to the car. At a bus _8_, a passenger got off the bus with an umbrella. _9_ I knew what was happening, he walked right _10_ me and told me he would escort (护送) me to my destination. I kindly _11_ his kindness, but he was very persistent (坚持的)During our walk, he told me that a kind stranger died one month ago after saving his daughter. He did not even get his name and all he could do now was _12_ on the kindness. When we got to the car park, he _13_ me the umbrella and soon disappeared from my _14_. I discovered that my eyes were filled with tears.So _15_ did I pay it forward? I was at home when I _16_ two construction workers walking in the heavy rain. They were probably on their way to the construction site near my house, which was a long _17_. I went out and passed them the _18_. They were surprised by my _19_, and I told them they should take the umbrella and keep it. They probably _20_ why a stranger offered such kindness.语篇解读:一名陌生的男士护送有七个月身孕的“我”到了停车场并把自己的伞给了“我”,为了将他的这份爱心传递下去,“我”把伞给了两名在雨里行走的建筑工人。 1A.thinnerBstrongerClighter Dslower解析:根据后文“brave the drizzle”可知此处应该是当雨下得小一点的时候。答案:C2A.standing BparkedCwaiting Dpacked解析:“我”的车就停在“我”的公司附近,离这有三条街那么远。答案:B3A.generally BspeciallyCentirely Dmainly解析:朋友不让“我”去,主要是因为“我”有七个月的身孕。generally“一般来说”;specially“尤其地”;entirely“完全地”;mainly“主要地”。答案:D4A.believed BadvisedCreminded Dpromised解析:我向他们保证“我”会很小心的。believe“相信”;advise“建议”;remind“提醒”;promise“许诺”。答案:D5A.Each BNeitherCOne DEvery解析:其中一个朋友要陪“我”去,但是“我”坚持让她和另一个需要照看孩子的朋友待在一起。答案:C6A.stay with Bget along withCmeet with Dget rid of解析:见上题解析。stay with“与待在一起”;get along with“与相处”;meet with“遇到”;get rid of“摆脱”。答案:A7A.producing BmakingCbuilding Dordering解析:“我”走出了旅店并向车的方向走去。produce“生产”;build“修建”;order“命令”。make ones way to .“前往”。答案:B8A.studio BstopCfactory Dgarage解析:根据后文“a passenger got off the bus”可知是在一个公交车站。答案:B9A.Before BWhenCSince DAfter解析:在“我”弄明白发生了什么事情前,这名男子就走到了“我”的旁边。答案:A10A.around BbesideCabout Dbeyond解析:见上题解析。答案:B11A.understood BacceptedCrefused Ddoubted解析:根据前文“he would escort me to my destination”可知,“我”好意地拒绝他。答案:C12A.leaving BtakingCrecording Dpassing解析:他现在能做的就是传递这份爱心。pass on“传递”。答案:D13A.sent BhandedCcarried Dreturned解析:当到了停车场,他把伞给了“我”,然后就消失在“我”的视野里了。答案:B14A.view BpointCscene Dcase解析:见上题解析。答案:A15A.what BhowCwhy Dwhen解析:由前文可知,这位男士想传递救了他女儿生命的陌生人的爱心。当爱心传递到“我”这里时,“我”不知道如何将这份爱心继续传递下去。答案:B16A.looked BtaughtCnoticed Dheard解析:当“我”回到家的时候,“我”注意到两名建筑工人在雨里行走。答案:C17A.sleep BwalkCwork Ddrive解析:建筑工地离“我”的家有很长的一段路。答案:B18A.key BhatCjacket Dumbrella解析:根据上文可知,那位男士把自己的伞给了“我”,“我”看到两名建筑工人在雨里行走时,就把伞给了他们。答案:D19A.action BwordCactivity Dsuggestion解析:当“我”这位陌生人把伞给这两名建筑工人时,他们肯定会因为“我”的举动而吃惊。word“话语”;activity“活动”;suggestion“建议”。答案:A20A.remembered BwonderedCimagined Dexamined解析:他们肯定想知道为什么一位陌生人会如此善良。答案:B.阅读理解XianIt was called Changan in ancient times. As the cradle (发源地) of Chinese civilization, it has a really long history. The city passed through the Zhou Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty and some other dynasties as the capital city. It enjoys the title of the “four major ancient civilization capitals” with ancient Athens, Cairo and Rome.LuoyangIt was the capital city of 13 dynasties, and it was listed as the worlds largest city six times in history. Luoyang once was the starting point of the Silk Road in eastern countries. It connected Europe and North Africa with Asia.KaifengAs early as the Neolithic Age (新石器时代), our ancestors lived here. Its history can be traced back to the Xia Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty. It was the capital city of the Later Jin Dynasty, the Later Han Dynasty, the Later Zhou Dynasty as well as the Northern Song Dynasty. It achieved great prosperity (繁荣) in the Northern Song Dynasty.YangzhouAs one of the 24 famous historical and cultural cities listed by the State Council, Yangzhou has a history of about 2,500 years. It reached great prosperity in the Han, Sui, Tang, and Qing Dynasties. It used to be an important business center and a center of transportation.ChengduIt is an ancient cultural city, with two miracles in Chinese history. One is that its name has been the same for 2,000 years; the other is that it has always been the capital city of Sichuan region. Its a capital with a glorious history.语篇解读:本文向我们介绍了中国一些拥有着古老历史的文化名城。1What is this passage mainly about?AFive of the largest cities with a long history in China.BFive famous modern cities with a long history in China.CFive of the most beautiful cities with a long history in China.DFive famous ancient cultural cities with a long history in China.解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,可知本文主要向我们介绍了中国一些拥有古老历史的文化名城,故选D。答案:D2Which of the following cities is linked to ancient Athens, Cairo and Rome?AXian. BKaifeng.CLuoyang. DYangzhou.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段关于西安的介绍It enjoys the title of the “four major civilization capitals” with ancient Athens, Cairo and Rome.可知应选A。答案:A3In the Han, Sui, Tang, and Qing Dynasties, Yangzhou was most probably famous for its _Ahistory BcultureCeconomy Dbeauty解析:推理判断题。根据第四段关于扬州的介绍It reached great prosperity in the Han, Sui, Tang, and Qing Dynasties. It used to be an important business center and a center of transportation.可推断在那几个朝代,扬州以其经济繁荣而闻名。答案:C4This passage is probably taken from a website on _Abusiness BschoolingCparenting Dtraveling解析:推理判断题。本文主要是关于历史名城的介绍,应该在与旅游有关的网站上能读到这篇文章。答案:D111

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