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ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/5中国合格评定国家认可委员会认 可 证 书 附 件(注册号:CNAS L5995)名称:广东加多宝饮料食品有限公司检测中心 地址:广东省东莞市长安镇长青北路签发日期:2016年02月16日 有效期至:2019年02月15日附件1 认可的授权签字人及领域序号姓 名授权签字领域备 注1张明珠全部检测项目2刘云全部检测项目3胡翠芳化学检测项目CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENTSCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS L5995) NAME:Testing Center of Guangdong Jiaduobao Drink & Food Co., Ltd. ADDRESS:Changqing North Road, Changan, Dongguan, Guangdong, China Date of Issue:2016-02-16 Date of Expiry:2019-02-15 SCHEDULE 1 ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPEName Authorized Scope of SignatureNote1Zhang MingzhuAll accredited testing items2Liu YunAll accredited testing items3Hu CuifangAccredited Items on chemical testing 中国合格评定国家认可委员会认 可 证 书 附 件(注册号:CNAS L5995)名称:广东加多宝饮料食品有限公司检测中心 地址:广东省东莞市长安镇长青北路认可依据:ISO/IEC 17025以及CNAS特定认可要求签发日期:2016年02月16日 有效期至:2019年02月15日附件2 认可的检测能力范围序号检测对象项目/参数检测标准(方法)名称及编号(含年号)限制范围说明序号名称1食品1水分食品安全国家标准 食品中水分的测定GB 5009.3-2010只用第一法2灰分食品安全国家标准 食品中灰分的测定 GB 5009.4-20103蛋白质食品安全国家标准 食品中蛋白质的测定 GB 5009.5-2010只用第一法4还原糖食品中还原糖的测定 GB/T 5009.7-2008只用第一法5蔗糖食品中蔗糖的测定 GB/T 5009.8-2008只用第二法1食品6密度食品的相对密度的测定 GB/T 5009.2-2003不做第二法7总酸食品中总酸的测定 GB/T 12456-2008只用酸碱滴定法8亚硫酸盐食品中亚硫酸盐的测定 GB/T 5009.34-2003只用第一法9菌落总数食品安全国家标准 食品微生物学检验 菌落总数测定 GB 4789.2-201010大肠菌群计数食品安全国家标准 食品微生物学检验 大肠菌群计数 GB 4789.3-2010只用第一法11粪大肠菌群计数食品安全国家标准 食品微生物学检验 粪大肠菌群计数GB 4789.39-20132饮料1可溶性固形物饮料通用分析法 GB/T 12143-2008 42总黄酮饮料通用分析法 GB/T 12143-2008 附录G3粘度液体粘度的测定 GB/T22235-2008只做旋转黏度计法2饮料4pH值罐头食品的检验方法 GB/T107862006 55吸光值化学试剂 分子吸收分光光度法通则 GB/T 9721-20063食品包装材料1高锰酸钾消耗量食品包装用聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯成型品卫生标准的分析方法 GB/T 5009.60-2003 42蒸发残渣食品包装用聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯成型品卫生标准的分析方法 GB/T 5009.60-2003 53重金属食品包装用聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯成型品卫生标准的分析方法GB/T 5009.60-2003 64脱色试验食品包装用聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯成型品卫生标准的分析方法 GB/T 5009.60-2003 74凉茶原料1干燥失重中国药典 一部 2010 附录 G 干燥失重测定法2水分中国药典 一部 2010 附录 H 水分测定法只用干燥法3炽灼残渣中国药典 一部 2010 附录 J 炽灼残渣测定法4灰分中国药典 一部 2010 附录 K 灰分测定法5浸出物中国药典 一部 2010 附录 A 浸出物测定法只做热浸法6二氧化硫中国药典 一部 2010 附录 U 二氧化硫残留量测定法5灌溉水1悬浮物水质 悬浮物的测定 重量法GB 11901-19895灌溉水2全盐量水质 全盐量的测定 重量法HJ/T 51-19993高锰酸盐指数水质 高锰酸盐的测定 GB 11892-19894化学需氧量水质 化学需氧量的测定 重铬酸盐法GB 11914-19895灌溉水5阴离子表面活性剂水质 阴离子表面活性剂的测定 亚甲蓝分光光度法 GB 7494-19876粪大肠菌群水质 粪大肠菌群的测定 多管发酵法SL 355-20066生活饮用水1色度生活饮用水标准检验方法 感官性状和物理指标 GB/T 5750.4-2006 12浑浊度生活饮用水标准检验方法 感官性状和物理指标 GB/T 5750.4-2006只用2.13pH值生活饮用水标准检验方法 感官性状和物理指标 GB/T 5750.4-2006只用5.14总硬度生活饮用水标准检验方法 感官性状和物理指标 GB/T 5750.4-2006 75电导率生活饮用水标准检验方法 感官性状和物理指标 GB/T 5750.4-2006 66溶解性总固体生活饮用水标准检验方法 感官性状和物理指标 GB/T 5750.4-2006 86生活饮用水7阴离子合成洗涤剂生活饮用水标准检验方法 感官性状和物理指标 GB/T 5750.4-2006只用10.18磷酸盐生活饮用水标准检验方法 无机非金属指标 GB/5750.5-2006 79硫化物生活饮用水标准检验方法 无机非金属指标 GB/5750.5-2006只用6.110氯化物生活饮用水标准检验方法 无机非金属指标 GB/5750.5-2006只用2.111硫酸盐生活饮用水标准检验方法 无机非金属指标 GB/5750.5-2006只用1.112硝酸盐氮生活饮用水标准检验方法 无机非金属指标 GB/5750.5-2006只用5.113亚硝酸盐氮生活饮用水标准检验方法 无机非金属指标 GB/5750.5-2006 1014六价铬生活饮用水标准检验方法 金属指标GB/T 5750.6-2006 1015菌落总数生活饮用水标准检验方法微生物指标 GB/T 5750.12-2006 116总大肠菌群生活饮用水标准检验方法微生物指标 GB/T 5750.12-2006不用2.3法7矿泉水1色度饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.37矿泉水2浑浊度饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.63pH值饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.74溶解性总固体饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.85总硬度饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.96总酸度饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.117总碱度饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.108氯化物饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008只用4.37.19硝酸盐饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008只用4.40.1,10亚硝酸盐饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.4111碳酸盐和碳酸氢盐饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.4212硫酸盐饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008只用4.43.1、4.43.213阴离子合成洗涤剂饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-200814大肠菌群饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.5215粪链球菌饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.5316铜绿假单胞菌饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.547矿泉水17产气荚膜梭菌饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008 4.558土壤1有机质土壤检测 第6部分:土壤有机质的测定 NY/T 1121.6-20062水分土壤检测 第3部分:土壤机械组成的测定 NY/T 1121.3-2006 附录A土壤 干物质和水分的测定 重量法HJ 613-20113pH值土壤检测 第2部分:土壤pH的测定 NY/T 1121.2-20064氯化物土壤检测 第17部分:土壤氯离子含量的测定 NY/T 1121.17-20065有效硫土壤检测 第14部分:土壤有效硫的测定 NY/T 1121.14-20066阳离子交换量石灰性土壤阳离子交换量的测定NY/T 1121.5-2006森林土壤阳离子交换量的测定LY/T 1243-19997全磷森林土壤全磷的测定 LY/T 1232-1999只做碱熔-钼锑抗比色法No. CNAS L5995 第 9 页 共 44 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version.ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/5 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENTSCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS L5995) NAME:Testing Center of Guangdong Jiaduobao Drink & Food Co., Ltd. ADDRESS:Changqing North Road, Changan, Dongguan, Guangdong, China Accreditation Criteria:ISO/IEC 17025 and relevant requirements of CNASDate of Issue:2016-02-16 Date of Expiry:2019-02-15 SCHEDULE 2 ACCREDITED TESTING SCOPETest ObjectItem/ParameterTitle, Code of Standard or Method Limitation NoteItem/ Parameter1Foods1MoistureNational food safety standard Determination of moisture in foods GB 5009.3-2010Accredited only for the first method2AshNational food safety standard Determination of ash in foodsGB 5009.4-20103ProteinNational food safety standard Determination of protein in foods GB 5009.5-2010Accredited only for the first method4Reducing sugarDetermination of reducing sugar in foods GB/T 5009.7-2008Accredited only for the first method1Foods5SaccharoseDetermination of saccharose in foods GB/T 5009.8-2008Accredited only for the second method6Relative densityGeneral principles of physical and chemical examination GB/T 5009.2-2003Except for the second method7Total acidDetermination of total acid in foods GB/T 12456-2008Accredited only for the acid-base titration method8SulphiteDetermination of sulphite in foods GB/T 5009.34-2003Accredited only for the first method9Aerobic plate countNational food safety standard Food microbiological examination:Aerobic plate count GB 4789.2-20101Foods10Enumeration of coliformsNational food safety standard Food microbiological examination:Enumeration of coliforms GB 4789.3-2010Accredited only for the first method1Foods11Enumeration of faecal coliformsNational food safety standard Microbiological ecamination of food hygiene-Enumeration of faecal coliforms GB 4789.39-20132Beverage1Soluble solids contentGeneral analytical methods for beverage GB/T 12143-2008 42Total flavoneGeneral analytical methods for beverage GB/T 12143-2008 Appendex G3ViscosityDetermination for viscosity of liquids GB/T 22235-2008Accredited only for the rotational viscometers method4pHAnalytical methods of canned food GB/T 10786-2006 55AbsorbencyChemical reagent - General rules for the molecular absorption spectrophotometryGB/T 9721-20063Food containers and packaging materials1Consumption of potassium permanganateMethod for analysis of hygienic standard of products of polyethylene polystyrene and polypropyrene for food packaging GB/T 5009.60-2003 42Evaporated residuesMethod for analysis of hygienic standard of products of polyethylene polystyrene and polypropyrene for food packaging GB/T 5009.60-2003 53Heavy metalsMethod for analysis of hygienic standard of products of polyethylene polystyrene and polypropyrene for food packaging GB/T 5009.60-2003 63Food containers and packaging materials4Decoloring experimentMethod for analysis of hygienic standard of products of polyethylene polystyrene and polypropyrene for food packaging GB/T 5009.60-2003 74Herbal raw material1Loss on dryingPharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 2010ed. Part 1 Appendix G Determination for loss on drying2MoisturePharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 2010ed. Part 1 Appendix H Determination for MoistureAccredited only for the drying method3Residue after ignitionPharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 2010ed. Part 1 Appendix J Determination residue after ignition4Herbal raw material4Ashharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 2010ed. Part 1 Appendix K Detrmination for ash5ExtractsPharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 2010ed. Part 1 Appendix X A Test Method for extractsAccredited only for the hot dipping method6Sulfur dioxidePharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 2010ed. Part 1 Appendix U Determination for Sulfur dioxide Residues5Irrigation water quality1Suspended substanceWater quality-Determination of suspended substance-Gravimetric method GB 11901-19892Total saltWater quality-Determination of total salt-Gravimetric method HJ/T 51-19995Irrigation water quality3Permangnate IndexWater quality-Determinaion of permangate index GB 11892-19924Chemical oxygen demandWater quality-Determination of the chemical oxygen demand-Dichromate method GB 11914-19895Anionic surfactantsWater quality-Anionic Surfactants-Methylene blue spectrophotometric method GB 7494-19876Enumeration of faecal coliformsWater quality.Determination of multi-tube zymotechnique fecal coliform group SL 355-20066Drinking water1ColorityStandard examination methods for drinking water-Organoleptic and physicalparameters GB/T 5750.4-2006 16Drinking water2TurbidityStandard examination methods for drinking water-Organoleptic and physicalparameters GB/T 5750.4-2006Accredited only for the 2.1 method3pHStandard examination methods for drinking water-Organoleptic and physicalparameters GB/T 5750.4-2006Accredited only for the 5.1 method4Total hardnessStandard examination methods for drinking water-Organoleptic and physicalparameters GB/T 5750.4-2006 75ConductivityStandard examination methods for drinking water-Organoleptic and physicalparameters GB/T 5750.4-2006 66Drinking water6Total dissoluble solidStandard examination methods for drinking water-Organoleptic and physicalparameters GB/T 5750.4-2006 87Anionic surfactantsStandard examination methods for drinking water-Organoleptic and physicalparameters GB/T 5750.4-2006Accredited only for 10.18Total phosphorusStandard examination methods for drinking water-Nonmetal parameters GB/T 5750.5-2006 79SulfidesStandard examination methods for drinking water-Nonmetal parameters GB/T 5750.5-2006Accredited only for 6.16Drinking water10ChloridesStandard examination methods for drinking water-Nonmetal parameters GB/T 5750.5-2006Accredited only for 2.111SulfatesStandard examination methods for drinking water-Nonmetal parameters GB/T 5750.5-2006Accredited only for 1.112Nitrogen as NitrateStandard examination methods for drinking water-Nonmetal parameters GB/T 5750.5-2006Accredited only for 5.113Nitrogen as NitriteStandard examination methods for drinking water-Nonmetal parameters GB/T 5750.5-2006 1014Chromium ()Standard examination methods for drinking water-metal parameters GB/T 5750.6-2006 106Drinking water15standard plate-count bacteriaStandard examination methods for drinking water- microbiological indicator GB/T 5750.12-2006 116total coliformsStandard examination methods for drinking water- microbiological indicator GB/T 5750.12-2006except for 2.37Mineral water1ColorityMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.32TurbidityMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.63pHMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.74Total dissoluble solidMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.87Mineral water5Total hardnessMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.96AcidityMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.117AlkalinityMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.108chlorideMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008Accredited only for 4.37.19Nitrogen as NitrateMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008Accredited only for 4.40.110Nitrogen as NitriteMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.417Mineral water11Carbonate and bicarbonateMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.4212SulfatesMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008Accredited only for 4.43.1,4.43.213Anionic surfactantsMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-200814Enumeration of coliformsMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.5215Streptococcus faeciumMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.5316Pseudomonas aeruginosaMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.547Mineral water17Clostridium perfringensMethods for examination of drinking natural mineral water GB/T 8538-2008 4.558Soil1Organic matterSoil Testing Part 6:Method for determination of soil organic matter NY/T 1121.6-20062Water contentSoil Testing Part 3:Method for determination of soil mechanical composition Appendix A NY/T 1121.3-2006Soil-Determination of dry matter and water content-Gravimetric methodHJ 613-20113pHSoil Testing Part 2:Method for determination of soil pH NY/T 1121.2-20064Chloride iron cntentSoil testing Part 17:Method for determination of soilchloride iron content NY/T 1121.17-20068Soil5Available sulphurSoil Testing Part 14:Method for determination of soil available sulphur NY/T 1121.14-20066Cation exchange capacitySoil Testing Part5:Method for determination of soil cation exchange capacity in calcareous soilNY/T 1121.5-2006Determination of cation exchange capacity in forest soilLY/T 1243-19997Total phosphorusDetermination of total phosphorus in forest soilLY/T 1232-1999Acceredited only for Alkali fusion Mo sb colorimetric method 中国合格评定国家认可委员会认 可 证 书 附 件(注册号:CNAS L5995)名称: 广东加多宝饮料食品有限公司检测中心 地址:广东省清远市佛冈县汤塘镇汤塘荣埔工业园认可依据:ISO/IEC 17025以及CNAS特定认可要求签发日期:2016年02月16日 有效期至:2019年02月15日附件2 认可的检测能力范围序号检测对象项目/参数检测标准(方法)名称及编号(含年号)限制范围说明序号名称1食品1糖精钠食品中糖精钠的测定 GB/T 5009.28-2003只用第一法2苯甲酸食品中山梨酸、苯甲酸的测定 GB/T 5009.29-2003只用第二法3山梨酸4乙酰磺胺酸钾饮料中乙酰磺胺酸钾的测定 GB/T 5009.140-20035苋菜红食品中合成着色剂的测定GB/T 5009.35-2003只用第一法6柠檬黄7胭脂红8亮蓝9日落黄1食品10诱惑红食品中的诱惑红、酸性红、亮蓝、日落黄的含量检测高效液相色谱法 SN/T 1743200611总砷食品中总砷及无机砷的测定 GB/T 5009.11-2003只用第一法12铅食品安全国家标准 食品中铅的测定 GB 5009.12-2010只用第一法13铜食品中铜的测定 GB/T 5009.13-2003只用第一法14镉食品安全国家标准 食品中镉的测定 GB 5009.15-20141食品15总汞食品中总汞及有机汞的测定 GB/T 5009.17-2003只用第一法16镁食品中铁、镁、锰的测定 GB/T 5009.90-200317铁18钙食品中钙的测定 GB/T 5009.92-2003只用原子吸收法19镍食品中镍的测定 GB/T 5009.138-2003只用第一法2凉茶原料1铅中国药典2010版 一部 附录 B 铅、镉、砷、汞、铜测定法2镉3铜4六六六中国药典2010版 一部 附录 Q 农药残留量测定法2凉茶原料5滴滴涕中国药典2010版 一部 附录 Q 农药残留量测定法6五氯硝基苯7对硫磷8甲基对硫磷9乐果10甲胺磷11二嗪磷12乙硫磷13马拉硫磷14杀扑磷15敌敌畏16氯氰菊酯2凉茶原料17氰戊菊酯中国药典2010版 一部 附录 Q 农药残留量测定法18溴氰菊酯19六六六桑枝、金银花、枸杞子和荷叶中488种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 GB/T 23200-200820滴滴涕21七氯22艾氏剂23狄氏剂24异狄氏剂25五氯硝基苯26溴氰菊酯27氯氰菊酯28氰戊菊酯29联苯菊酯2凉茶原料30灭线磷桑枝、金银花、枸杞子和荷叶中488种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 GB/T 23200-200831甲拌磷32特丁硫磷33氯唑磷34三氯杀螨醇35水胺硫磷36除草醚37甲基异柳磷2凉茶原料38异柳磷桑枝、金银花、枸杞子和荷叶中488种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法GB/T 23200-200839马拉硫磷40杀扑磷41克百威42毒死蜱43地虫硫磷44甲胺磷45治螟磷46甲基对硫磷47乐果48绿原酸中国药典2010版 一部 附录VI D 高效液相色谱法49木犀草苷50甘草酸51甘草苷2凉茶原料52迷迭香酸中国药典2010版 一部 附录VI D 高效液相色谱法533,5,o-二咖啡酰基奎宁酸54牡荆苷55灰毡毛忍冬皂苷乙56川续断皂苷乙3矿泉水1钾饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-2008只用4.12.22钠3矿泉水3钙饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 8538-20084镁5铁6锰7铜8锌9铅10镉只用4.21.211汞只用4.22.212硒只用4.32.313砷只用4.33.44生活饮用水1铁生活饮用水标准检验方法 金属指标 GB/T 5750.6-2006只用2.1直接法2锰只用3.1直接法3铜只用4.1和4.2.1直接法4锌只用5.1直接法5砷只用6.16硒只用7.17汞只用8.18铅只用11.19镉只用9.110钾只用22.111钠只用22.15土壤1缓效钾土壤速效钾和缓效钾含量的测定 NY/T 889-20042速效钾3交换性钙镁土壤检测 第13部分:土壤交换性钙和镁的测定 NY/T 1121.13-20064砷土壤质量 总汞、总砷、总铅的测定 原子荧光法 第2部分:土壤中总砷的测定 GB/T 22105.2-20085土壤4砷土壤和沉积物 汞、砷、硒、铋、锑的测定 微波消解原子荧光法 HJ 680-20135汞土壤质量 总汞、总砷、总铅的测定 原子荧光法 第1部分:土壤中总汞的测定 GB/T 22105.1-2008土壤和沉积物 汞、砷、硒、铋、锑的测定 微波消解原子荧光法 HJ 680-20136铅土壤质量 铅、镉的测定 石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法 GB/T 17141-19977镉8铜土壤质量 铜、锌的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法 GB/T 17138-19979锌10镍土壤质量 镍的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法GB/T 17139-199711铬土壤总铬的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法HJ 491-200912钾森林土壤全钾、全钠的测定 LY/T 1254-199913钠5土壤14六六六土壤中六六六和滴滴涕测定的气相色谱法GB/T 14550-200315滴滴涕No. CNAS L5995 第 44 页 共 44 页 The scope of the accreditation in Chinese remains the definitive version. CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENTSCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS L5995) NAME:Testing Center of Guangdong Jiaduobao Drink & Food Co., Ltd. ADDRESS:Tangtang Rongpu Industrial Park,Tangtang ,Fugang,Qingyuan,Guangdong, China Accreditation Criteria:ISO/IEC 17025 and relevant requirements of CNASDate of Issue:2016-02-16 Date of Expiry:2019-02-15 SCHEDULE 2 ACCREDITED TESTING SCOPETest ObjectItem/ParameterTi


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