英语外研版必修1 Module6《The Internet and Telecommunications》教案5th period

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英语外研版必修1 Module6《The Internet and Telecommunications》教案5th period_第1页
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111The Fifth PeriodThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period well get the students to stress important information according to the specific situation.We will review the usage of the definite article and zero article.The students are required to practise writing a paragragh giving the opposite view.Teaching Aims1.Get the students to stress important information.2.Review the grammar:Articles.3.Improve the studentsability of writing by practising a paragragh in English.Teaching Important Points1.The definite article and zero article.2.Writing.Teaching Difficult PointHow to finish the task of writing.Teaching MethodsRevision,practice and writing methods.Teaching Aids1.a projector2.the blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Greetings and LeadinT:Hello,everyone!S:Hello,teacher!T:Sit down,please.Today well go on with Module 6.Now first of all,lets deal with PRONUNCIATION:Decide which should be stressed according to the different situations.Step 2 PresentationT:Now lets look at Activity 1:Look at the extract from the interview.Underline the words that you think are important and should be stressed. StepsMethods1Ask the students to decide individually which words they think should be stressed by underlining them.Let them compare their ideas with a partner.2Play the relevant extract(摘录) from the tape for them to check. Correct their mistakes.Then work in pairs,reading the dialogue again.3Collect the answers from the class.Get the students to finish Activity 2.Suggested answers:Interviewer:How often do you use the Internet?Tom:Every day.Interviewer:At school or at home?Tom:At school and at home.Interviewer:How much time do you spend on the Internet at home?Tom:As much time as I can.About five hours.Interviewer:Five hours a week?Tom:No!Five hours a day!T:Now lets come to Grammar 2.We are going to review the basic usage of articles.(Brainstorming method)Now who can tell us the main usage of definite article and indefinite article?Volunteers?(Ss say out the main usage of definite article and indefinite article.)T:Next,Ill give you a group of sentences which contain the basic usage of definite article,indefinite article and zero article.You are required to fill in a proper article where necessary.(Show the sentences to the students on the screen.)(1)_boy is waiting for you out of the school gate.(2)There is _famous university in this small city.(3)Everyone has _mouth, _nose,two eyes and two ears.(4)There is only_ little ink in the bottle.(5)Please show me _photo of the boy.(6)Which is_ biggest, _sun, _arth, or_ moon?(7)I get up at about 6 oclock in_ morning.(8)He can play_ piano.(9)In my hometown, it is not cold in _winter.(10)I have never been to _Japan.Keys:(1)A(2)a(3)a, a(4)a(5)the(6)the, the, the, the (7)the(8)the(9)/(10)/T: Now attention, please!Do you know why we use definite article “the” in the sixth sentence? Now I tell you. We use the definite article before them because they are all unique(独特的,独一无二的)there is only one of them.(Teacher asks the students to complete Activity 2 by themselves.)Possible answers:Continents: Asia, Europe, Oceania, America, Antarctica(南极洲)Countries: China, Argentina, Australia, India, France (exceptions: The Netherlands, the Lebanon)Cities: Beijing, London, New York, Sydney, Shanghai (exceptions: The Hague 海牙荷兰中央政府所在地)Plural and uncountable nouns in general statements: Snow is cod. Guns are dangerous.Step 3 Practice1. Get the students to read the passage of Activity 1 of this part and try to find the supporting sentences.2. Ask the students to discuss in groups and make a list of supporting oppositive ideas.(The more, the better.)3. The students pick out the statements which they support most, write a short passage using some of the words and expressions given in Activity 2.Possible version of the writing:Some of my classmates think that we can learn all we need on the Internet, but I dont agree with them. As you know, we can surf the Internet and get useful information to help us with our English. However, we cant completely depend on the Internet. In my opinion, we should turn to our English teacher when we meet with problems. Besides, we students should work together and help each other. Sometimes we cant get the proper answer from the Internet. In that case, it would be difficult to turn to the Internet. Also, it is harmful to our sight to spend too much time looking at a computer. So I give the opposite view.Step 4 Summary and HomeworkT: In this period weve learnt how to stress important information in a dialogue. Also, weve learned the usage of definite article and zero article. Now please write a paragragh giving the opposite view after class. So much for today. Goodbye, everyone.Ss: Googbye, teacher.Step 5 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardModule 6The Internet andTelecommunicationsThe Fifth PeriodUseful expressions:I dont agree with this opinion.In my opinion Its very important to It would be very difficult toStep 6 Activity and InquiryMethods of writing a paragragh:StepsStudentsActingTeachers Organizing1The students read the paragragh of Activity1 and try to find the supporting sentences.The teacher organises the teaching.2Work in groups and write down the sentences of supporting opposite ideas.Get the students to make a list of supporting opposite ideas.3Pick out the arguments which you like best and try to write a short passage according to the given sentence patterns given in Activity 2.The teacher instructs them.111


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