高一英语备课《Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines》the 3rd Period教案 外研版必修2

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高一英语备课《Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines》the 3rd Period教案 外研版必修2_第1页
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高一英语备课《Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines》the 3rd Period教案 外研版必修2_第3页
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111Period 3Grammar 2; Pronunciation; Everyday English; Function 整体设计教材分析This period contains three parts, that is, Grammar 2, Pronunciation and Everyday English & Function. Grammar 2 deals with adverbial clauses of reason. Through the study of this part, students should know the rules of adverbial clause of reason, and learn to use it. To deepen their understanding of this grammar, some exercises may be offered. Pronunciation deals with the pauses in sentences. Through listening, students can know where to pause in sentences and find out the sense groups. Last comes Everyday English & Function, of which the purpose is to help the students learn some expressions people usually use to show belief and disbelief. You may first give them some examples and then make them have a conversation with their partners using the expressions they have learned. 三维目标 1. 知识与技能1)Make students learn about adverbial clauses of reason.2)Train students to pause in long sentences and find out the sense groups.3)Make sure they know how to use some expressions to show their belief and disbelief.2. 过程与方法1)Motivate studentsenthusiasm in taking part in the class.2)Listening to make students know where to pause.3)Individual work and pair work to make individuals finish the tasks.3. 情感与价值Through learning this period, students should know how to use adverbial clauses of reason.Learn to pause properly in long sentences and show their belief and disbelief in conversations. 教学重点1. Learn adverbial clauses of reason.2. Learn to pause properly long sentences.3. Learn to show belief and disbelief. 教学难点1. Use the adverbial clauses of reason properly.2. How to pause properly long sentences.3. How to show belief and disbelief. 教学过程Step 1 Revision1. Greet the whole class as usual.2. Check up their homework. Step 2 Grammar 21. Read these examples and answer the questions.1)Read the three examples with the class. Ask the students to pay much attention to the words in bold.2)Read through the three questions and make sure they can understand all of them.3)Ask the students to answer the questions individually, and then check with a partner. They may discuss the differences among their answers and try to find out better answers to the questions. Teachers may walk around in the classroom, and try to solve the problems the students might come across.4)Collect the answers from the whole class and teachers help students to clarify these problems: (1)Because, since and as all present reasons, but because is more formal than since and as.(2)When “now that” is used to show the reason, it is usually the reason known to people and is usually translated into “既然”Suggested answers:1)as/since2)less formal3)something they knew2. Complete these sentences.1)Ask the students to complete the sentences individually, and then swap with a partner for peer correction. Teachers may walk around the classroom, and help them to solve some problems they come across while discussing with their partners.2)Collect some examples for each sentence from the whole class.Suggested answers: The answers to this activity are open. These are example model answers.1)Id like to give you a present.2)He no longer says anything.3)Shes going to visit the sights of London.4)He didnt have any friends.5)He has begun to understand something of the culture.3. Consolidation1)Ask the students to do exercise 4 on workbook individually to consolidate the grammar of adverbial clauses of reason.2)After they have finished the exercises. Ask the students to swap their sentences with their partners.3)Collect their answers with the whole class.Suggested answers:1. Since the story is in the newspaper, everyone believes it is true.2. As he was the first Chinese person to travel in space, he is a national hero.3. Now that I have a telescope, I can look at the stars.4. As Lus parents were born in China, he was able to speak to Yang in Chinese.5. Since the Prime Minister is in China for a week, he will have time to visit Beijing. Step 3 PronunciationBefore listening to the tape, teachers may ask the students, “While reading the sentences in Chinese, if the sentences are very long, what should they do? ”“Yes, they can pauses while reading, according to the meaning of this sentence. So it is with English. ”1. Listen and repeat paragraph A in Reading and listening activity.2. Notice where the speaker pauses.1)Ask the students to read through paragraph A on page 45.2)Play the recording through and let them follow.TapescriptAAmateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise. “I saw aliens on the moon, ” he said. “They were getting out a spaceship. ” Since no one else saw the aliens, not many people believe Mr Bates.3. Listen to paragraph B. Mark “/” to show when the speaker pauses.1)Repeat the process outlined above with paragraph B.2)Then play the recording again for them to mark the pauses.3)Play it once more for them to check.4)Collect the answers from the whole class.5)Pair the students to repeat the paragraph.TapescriptBThe British Prime Minister landed at Beijing Airport yesterday/at the start of a five-day visit to China. /“This is my first visit to China, ” he said, /“and Im delighted to be here. /Now that I have made this first visit, /I hope I can come many more times. ”4. Read paragraph C and mark a “/” to show where you think the speaker will pause. Now listen and check.1)Ask the students to mark the text individually, then check with a partner.2)Collect their suggestions you may wish to write the paragraph on the board and mark it as directed by the students.TapescriptCAmerican singer/Bobbie Sharon/was in London/yesterday. She went to a TV studio, /where she sang a song from her new album. /While she was waiting for a taxi outside the studio, /she met Sam Parrish, /who was two meters tall. /“Im your biggest fan, ” said Parrish. “Well, /youre my tallest fan, ” replied Sharon. /“Could I possibly have your autograph on my arm? ”/Asked Sam. /“As youve asked me so nicely, ”/said Sharon, “Id be delighted/to sign your arm. ”5. Play the recording through for them to check. You may need to play it at least twice. Step 4 Everyday English & Function1. Read this conversation and answer the questions.1)Ask the students to read the conversation by themselves.2)They should then answer the questions individually and check them with a partner.3)Collect the answers in a whole-class setting, having a student ask the question and another answer it.Suggested answers:1)You dont believe in aliens, do you?Oh, come on!I cant believe you said that!I dont believe a word of it!Its a crazy idea.You must be joking!It simply isnt possible. You cant be serious!2)Theres some interesting evidence. Yes, its quite possible. You never know. Stranger things have happened. Im not so sure.3)Yes, there is a friendly, informal tone about the conversation.2. Extension1)Go through the dialogue with students, getting them to practice exclamations with some expression.2)Pair students to practice the dialogue. Encourage them to be expressive. Teachers may walk around the classroom and listen to their dialogues carefully and pay attention to some points they should pay much attention to. Then point the points out after they have finished the dialogue.3)When the students have done it once they should change roles and do it again.4)Ask some pairs to come to the front and act the dialogue out.3. Work in pairs. Complete the conversation with expressions of (dis)belief.1)Ask the pairs to use expressions from activity 1 in appropriate places. They should write them in.2)Then they can practice the dialogue in pairs.3)If you wish, collect suggested answers from the whole class and/or have pairs perform for the class.4. Now listen and check. Dont worry if you have different answers.TapescriptA: It says here in the newspaper that by the year 2050, there will be cities on the moon.B: Oh, come on!Thats impossible!A: Well, you never know. We have the technology to do it.B: Its a crazy idea!Who wants to live on the moon? A: I think it would be very interesting.B: You cant be serious!It would be terrible!A: Well, strange things have happened. I may want to do it myself.B: In 2050? You must be joking!Youll be nearly sixty years old!Step 5 Summary and HomeworkThe teacher summaries what has been learned in this period. This period students mainly learned adverbial clauses of reason. Through the study of this period, they are sure to gain the gist of this grammar and learn to use it through some exercises in the textbook. Besides, they have learned to pause properly in long sentences and know how to find out the sense groups. Everyday English & Function, through which they know some expressions to show their belief and disbelief. Then through some exercises in the textbook, the students can use the expression showing belief and disbelief to hold a conversation. At the end of this period, some homework is assigned.Homework: 1. Memorize the new words.2. Do exercises 10, 11, 12 and 13 on the workbook. 板书设计Module 5Newspapers and MagazinesPeriod 31. Conjunctions: sinceasbecausenow that2. Expressions showing belief and disbelief1)You dont believe in aliens, do you? 2)I cant believe you said that!3)Yes, its quite possible.4)I dont believe a word of it!5)You must be joking.6)You cant be serious!活动与探究When doing group work, students are required to discuss first as a reporter write down the information they have summarized. If they have any questions they may turn to the dictionary or ask teachers about them. Then at last, the reporter may represent the group and read out their conclusion. Group work is a good form for every student to participate in the activities in class. 备课资料1. 原因状语从句引导词,because, as, for, since 的比较。because表因果关系的语气最强,用来回答why的问句,所引出的原因往往是听话人所不知道或最感兴趣的。You want to know why I am leaving? I am leaving because Im fed up with the job and boss.My friends dislike me because Im handsome and successful.在主句是否定的情况下,because从句的理解有两种情形。I didnt attend the meeting because he was present too. 可能有以下歧义: 因为当时也有他出席,所以我没有去参加这个会议。我出席这次会议并不是因为有他参加。I didnt marry her because I loved her. 因为我爱她,所以我决定不跟她结婚。我并不是因为爱她才和她结婚。since表示人们已知的事实,不需强调的原因,故常译成“既然”,通常放在句首。Since Monday is Bobs birthday, lets throw him a party.Since everyone is here, lets get started.Since you are free tonight, why not drop in and play chess with me? as与 since用法差不多,所引出的理由在说话人看来已经很明显,或已为听话人所熟悉而不须用because加以强调。She didnt hear us come in as she was asleep.I left a message as you werent there.As Monday is a national holiday, all government offices will be close.I have to speak English with them, as the guys I live with dont know any Chinese.for对前面分句的内容加以解释或说明。The days were short, for it was now December.It rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning.比较: Because it rained last night, the ground is wet this morning.It must be morning, for the birds are singing.Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes.比较: as, for引导的主从句,重要性相对平等; because从句则显得比主句重要,强调原因; since则从句次于主句,重在说明将要做什么事。2. 意群和停顿句子可按照意思和结构分为若干段,每段称为一个意群,英语中称为sense group。每个意群有其特殊的意义。在朗读每篇短文前,你应找准意群。这样你可以在说话和朗读时,意群和意群之间可稍作一定的停顿,也可以在此处换气,使意思表达更为清楚。你还须注意在同一意群中各个单词之间应一口气念完而不可停顿。意群和意群之间根据需要而停顿,也不是非停顿不可。朗读实例: A four-year-old girl/is lying/in the arms of a doctor. /She has just become motherless. /Her pink clothes are bloodied/and her eyes stare at something/only she can see. /She has suffered from a bombing/near her home/in southern Iraq.111

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