高一英语《Module 5 A lesson in a lab》学案(2)(外研版必修一)

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111 课题 BookI Module5课型revision学习目标1). Use the different meanings of the vocabulary freely2). Make sentences with the vocabulary learned3). Use these words and phases to improve the ability 学习重难点Revise and master the usage of ordinary and used to.导学设计Study investigation and lead-in 【学情调查,情境导入】1. 得出结论_ 对.做出反应_ 最后,总之_ 总共是,总计为_ 增加_ 理应,应当_在.的领域_2. 地球表面的三分之二是水。_the earths surface _ water.3. 地球比月球大49倍。 The earth is _ the moon.4. 天越来越亮了。 Its getting _.5. 你靠的越近,看到的就越多。 _you are, _you will see.6. 在过去的20年里,有七位加拿大科学家已获得诺贝尔奖。 _,seven Canadian scientists _ the Nobel Prize.7. While riding her bike, she lost her _(平衡) and fell off.8. Since it was founded, EU has been _(扩大).9. At last we came to the _ (结论)that he was a cheat.10. In order to prevent the disease, we should_(形成) good health habits.根据记忆完成填写Presentation and co-work【问题展示,合作探究】探究一:ordinary 的用法总结 Ordinary 意为_,强调_. Common 意为_,强调_,可修饰_. Usual 意为_,强调_,有_ 之意。 Normal 意为_,强调_.practice 用normal,common,usual,ordinary 填空 1. He is out of the _ among the children. 2. We are open during _ working hours. 3. Today he came earlier than _ ,for it was not an ordinary day. 4. The plants are _ here. 2. form的短语及用法 短语汇总:1.采取.形式 _2.填表格 _ 3.状态良好/不好_4.养成.的习惯_Practice: 1). 我以书信的形式写的。I wrote it _a letter. 2). 退休后他养成了每天遛狗的习惯。He _ walking the dog every day after retirement.短语的用法探究二:the + 比较级3. The +比较级,the +比较级,意为_. 一个人读得书越多就越聪明。 _ a person reads, _ he will become. 我妈妈越忙越高兴。 _ my mom gets, _ she is. 你越细心,犯得错误就越少。 _ you are, _ you will make.4. 比较级and 比较级 他的脾气变得越来越坏了。 His temper gets _. 她的收入越来越多了。 Her incomes become _. 我们学习越来越努力了。 We study _. 他变得越来越富裕了。 His becomes _.重点单词及用法Practice and consolidation【达标训练,巩固提升】A级:1. The doctor says _ may be necessary for me to have an operation. A. It B. That C. Which D. what 2. _ the temperature is, _ water turns into steam. A. The high,the fast B. Higher; faster C. The more high; the more fast D. The higher; the faster3. _ is known to us all is that the 2012 Olympic Games will take place in London. A. It B. What C. As D. WhichB级:4. There used to be a temple at the foot of the hill, _? A. Used there B. Usednt there C. Used it D. Usednt it5. - i have studied gardening as a hobby. Could i make some suggestions? -_. A. Go ahead B. You will make it C. Dont mention it D.take it easy学会猜测词义Summary【知识梳理,归纳总结】What have we learnt in this class? 1. Ordinary, common, usual,and normal 2. Form 的短语 3. The +比较级, the +比较级 4. 比较级 and 比较级Preview and new lesson links【预习指导,新课链接】【预习目标】 通过预习,学生自己能够:l Preview and remember the words and phrases in module 6.2. Finish the exercise of module 6. 3. 通过对经典句式的进一步学习,能更熟练运用并完成导学案上的相关练习。【预习重点】 熟练地掌握两个经典句式。【预习难点】 正确地使用他们仿写句子和造句。111

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