高一上学期牛津译林版M2《unit1 Tales of the unexplained 》期末复习巩固练习

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高一上学期牛津译林版M2《unit1 Tales of the unexplained 》期末复习巩固练习_第1页
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高一上学期牛津译林版M2《unit1 Tales of the unexplained 》期末复习巩固练习_第3页
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111 模块2 第一单元复习巩固练习重点词汇列表动词disappear, witness, occur, dismiss, exist, convince, search, murder, support, 名词creature, witness, research, possibility, case, evidence, progress, treasure, strength形容词puzzled, puzzling, disappointed, similar 重点词组step up, due to, show up , make up, take charge of, look into, belong to, make ones way to(一)单项填空1. Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _ physical and mental health. A. of; at B. by; in C. of; on D. on; at 2. Kathy _ some French while she was away on a business trip in France. A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up3. The _ boy made the police and his family _. A. gone; puzzled B. missing; puzzled C. missing; puzzling D. lost; puzzling 4. Liu Xiang is believed _ over $ 20 million in advertisements last year alone. A. to earn B. have earned C. to have earned D. having earned 5. _ your help, I passed the examination without any difficulty. A. Because of B. Owing to C. Due to D. Thanks to6. Finally she _ that Tom was guilty. A. was convinced of B. was convinced C. convinced D. was convincing7. Every time he returned from work, Paul would _ his favorite music to relax himself. A. put on B. take on C. get on D. set on 8. Our teacher told us that she was rather _ at the _ result of the test. A. disappointed; disappointing B. disappointing; disappointed C. disappointing; disappointing D. disappointed; disappointed 9. The research group _ 15 members has made great achievements in recent years. A. is made up of B. makes up C. made up of D. making up of 10. While our manager is away on business, our company will be _ Mr. Zhang. A. in the charge of B. in charge of C. taken charge of D. taking the charge of (二) 单词拼写1. We havent heard much from our uncle _(最近). 2. There is convincing _ (证据)of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.3. On _(平均), he lost two pounds of weight every month. 4. Theyre _(研究)the effects of the chemical on the environment. 5. Mr. Smith takes several part-time jobs, because he has a large family to _ (供养).6. There are some _ (相似) between these two paintings. 7. The _ (可能性)that he knew about the stolen files cannot be ruled out.8. This custom came into _(存在)at the beginning of last century. 9. My friend Jack has dived in the Indian Ocean many times looking for _ (财宝).10.The boss asked you about the _(进展)of your research work. (三) 选择合适的短语并用其正确形式填空。 A step up, due to, show up, according to, look into, make up1.When John found he was going to be late, he _ his pace. 2. The Government set up a working party to _ the problem.3. Girls _ 45% of the student population in our school. 4. Ill do it _ your instructions. 5. She must have gone out early, for she had not _ for breakfast. 6. The accident was _ his careless use of the gun. Btake charge of, so far, be similar to, go missing , run after, on average1. The technology would _ that used to clone animals. 2. I asked him to _ the business while I was away. 3. The little girl _ several days ago, but the police havent got any clue about it. 4. If you _ two hares(兔子), you will catch neither. 5. We received 20 calls a day _. 6. I havent got any reply from her _. (四) 综合填空1. - Is your sick sister still weak? - Yes, she doesnt even have enough _ to walk upstairs. 2. - Did our school football team win the game as we had expected? - No, it was so _. They lost the game by playing too riskily.3. - Did they find any valuable things like gold and jewels in the tomb? - Yes, they took away all the _ there and became rich overnight.4.- Have scientists been convinced that there are Yetis? - Not really, they are still looking for evidence to see whether Yetis really _. 5. - What will you leave in the snow if you walk on it? - _.6. - Have the police found anyone who saw the accident and could tell how it really happened? - No, they havent found any _ yet.7. - Look, the clouds are gathering. Is it likely to rain? - Yes, theres a high _ that it will, especially in this season. 8. -Can todays advanced science and technology really explain why and how the Egyptian pyramids were built ? -No, it still remains _. 9. - Is Liu Xiang a household name all over the country? - Yes, he is a _ hero. 10.- Have you ever tried riding that strong black horse? - No, its so _ that I cannot even get close to it. (五) 短文填空 Justin Foster, an American high school student, (1) missing last Friday night. Police are puzzled about it and have stepped up their (2) for him. People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to (3) of puzzling lights in the sky and reports of alien visits around the time of his disappearance. Police have found Justin did (4) return home that night, because Justins two friends and some (5) have provided some evidence for that. His sister, Kelly, also heard Justin return home at about 11p.m. (6) to Kelly, a bright light then appeared outside her window and a large spaceship was flying outside, with strange-looking (7) in it. Just then she heard Justin shout and the UFO disappeared. She hasnt seen Justin ever since. She believes the aliens took him, but her parents said she was only (8) . Some other people, like Mavis Wood, also say they have seen aliens.Police think there is no hard (9) that Justin was taken by aliens, and they are looking into other possibilities. And they wont give up until they (10) out what happened.模块2 参考答案(1):(一) 1-5 CABCD 6-10 BAACA(二) 1. lately/ recently 2. evidence 3. average 4. researching 5. support 6. similarities 7. possibility 8. existence 9. treasure 10. progress(三) A: 1. stepped up 2. look into 3. make up 4. according to 5. shown up 6. due to B: 1. be similar to 2. take charge of 3. went missing 4. run after 5. on average 6. so far(四) 1. strength 2. disappointing 3. treasure 4. exist 5. Footprints/ Footmarks6. witness 7. possibility 8. unexplained/ unknown/unsolved 9. national 10. wild(五) 1. went 2. search 3. sightings 4. actually 5. witnesses 6.According 7. creatures 8. dreaming 9. evidence 10. find111

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