高二英语《Module7 Unit4:reading1》牛津译林选修7

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111Contents:M7 Unit 4Reading 1主备人答疑电话审核人审批人备课时间上课时间总课时数李姗蔓15250899768憨丽娜丁晓云4.23一:Aims of this class: 1.get some information about the first underground in the world;2.know how to get general idea of each paragraph with the help of some key words;二教学重点:know how to read tourist brochure;三教学难点:use what they have learned to talk about the things around themselves. Step1课前回顾a )从方框里选出合适的选项填入文章空白处,使文章完整通顺。A. to take off B. safe C. dangerous D. have to E. catch F. also G. more H. or I. too many J. too much K. window L. whenMany people like to travel by plane, but I dont like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You 1._ get there early and wait for hours for the plane 2._ and it is often late. You cant open the 3. _. You cant choose the food. And it also takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city. I like traveling by train. I think trains are 4. _ . Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train, you can 5._ another one. You can walk around on the train. You can 6._ see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little 7._ time. I also like cars. You can start your trip 8._ you want to, and you dont need to get to a railway station 9. _ a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are 10. _ cars on the roads. Step2 课前预习a) Words1. 铁路 2.外表的 3. 出租车 4.运送 5. 不幸地 6.难以置信的 7. 大都会 8.凭借 9. 延迟 10.隧道 11. 部分 12.间隔 13. 窒息 14.承担 15. 产权 16.权利 17. 建筑师 18.主要的 19.部长 20.扩大 21.便于使用的 22.周年纪念日 23.地铁 24成长 b) Phrases 1被用于_ 2.什么的数量_ 3. 如此以至于_ 4.导致_ 5.批准,同意_ 6.要求做某事_ 7.大量的_ 8.地表 _ 9. 连接_ 10.提供某物给某人_ 11.以便于_ 12.清新空气_ 13.加速步伐_ 14.建立_ 15.允许某人做某事_ 16.碰巧 _ Step2.课堂练习 a)Development of the LU system In 1854: In 1860: In 1863: In 1868: In1884: In1993: In 1918-1938: After 1945: In 1977: c)选择Which of the followings is NOT the unusual use of the underground system during the Second World War?A. Bomb shelter. B. An anti-aircraft centre.C. A hospital. D. Meeting rooms for thed)Who made great contributions to improving the system?What did he do? Step 3:练习:一、根据句子意思以及所给中文或首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式。1. After the terrible earthquake , the Japanese government _ (运送)people to safer places.2.It is _ (难以置信的) that such a famous company should play a trick on its customers.3. Call me later. I must have a little peace and quiet to (集中精力)on these figures. 4.Can you imagine that the Zhaozhou bridge is still _ (起作用) after 1500 years?5. He won a (声誉)for his contribution to society. 111


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