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111外研版六册全模块复习题(高二假期作业)四川省泸县第九中学三、读写篇I. 短文填空 1 用方框中的词汇完成下面短文lost interest in , burst out , raise , knock over , theft , financially , close , trust Roy was my friend. I still remember when we first met. That day , he always telling joking. When he reached the final line, everyone 1 laughing. We 2 each other . Unfortunately , his father was 3 by a car and died a few days later. So his family had to move to a much smaller house in order to manage 4 . From then , Roy , who was very 5 to his father , he completely changed . He seemed to 6 his study. Last week we 7 much money for a charity. But next day , the money had been stolen. The teacher asked anyone who thought they might something about the 8 . I know it must have been done by Roy , but I didnt know what I should do . 1 _2. _3. _4. _5 _6. _7. _8. _短文填空 2 用方框中的词汇完成下面短文true for, depressed, share the feelings and ideas with, make contact with, compose , give concerts ,soloist ,Liu fang is an international music star. Shes 9 since she was eleven . When she was 15 , she studied in Shanghai Conservatory of Music. After graduated , she became a pipa 10 of Kunming Music and Dance Troupe. She said Chinese music is similar to the Chinese language . The same is 11 music. She said she would feel a little 12 or lonely when there was no concert for a long time. She also enjoyed the time at once after the concert to 13 friends . Since she moved to Canada, she said , she had opportunities to 14 other master musicians and be able to 15 his own music. She also wished to introduce Chinese music to the every corner of the world. 9 _10. _ 11. _12. _13 _14 _15 _短文填空 3 用所给动词的适当形式填空London was known for its terrible fogs. During my visit, it was terribly foggy. Cars and buses moved slowly, with their lights on and their horns 16 (blow) wildly. When evening fell, the weather got worse. All traffic came to a stop. I had an important meeting 17 (attend) on the other side of the town. I was 18 (be) there at six oclock. It was impossible to find a taxi, so I decided 19 (walk). Minutes later I was completely 20 (lose). I couldnt even find a street sign 21 (know) where I was. Then I heard a voice 22 (come) in the fog. Can I help you? I could hardly see the young woman who had spoken to me, but I was glad 23 (find) someone in the fog. I explained where I wanted to go, and she said she knew exactly how 24 (get) there. I was 25 ( puzzle) for a moment, and then I followed her through the dark streets. 26 (lead) me right to the place where I wanted to go the woman stopped . When I asked her how she could see anything in the darkness, she told me that she was made to 27 (blind.) for many years by the disease.16 _17 _ 18 _ 19 _20 _21 _ 22_ 23 _24 _ 25 _ 26 _ 27 _II. 完型填空 1Yesterday I totally changed my views about life after a talk with one of my friends. He told me despite being 1 , he was happy and 2 that it was because of something he saw in India. A few years ago he was 3 feeling sad and was touring India. He said right in front of his very eyes, he saw an Indian mother 4 her childs right hand With a knife. The helpless 5 in the mothers eyes and the painful scream of the 6 four-year-old child still remained in his mind. The 7 mother made the child handicapped (disabled) 8 he could go out on the streets to beg. 9 by the scene, he dropped a small piece of bread he was eating.And almost at once, several children 10 around this small piece of bread covered with sand, 11 bits from one another. It was the 12 reaction Of hunger. He then went to the nearest bakery and bought every single loaf of bread. 13 he gave out the bread to the children (mostly handicapped), he 14 cheers and bows from these 15 children. For the first time in his life, he understood 16 people could give up their 17 for a loaf of bread. He came to 18 how fortunate he was to be able to have a sound body, have a job, have a family, have the chance to 19 about food that didnt taste good, and have the many things that these people in front of him 20 dreamed of having. Perhaps life wasnt bad at all.1. A. in poor healthB. on a dietC. in debt D. out of work2. A. explained B. recalled C. mentioned D. insisted3. A. certainly B. really C. seriously D. absolutely4. A. took off B. carved from C. scratched on D. cut off5. A. expression B. despair C. impression D. anger6. A. guilty B. tiresome C. innocent D. numb7. A. merciless B. upset C. desperate D. crazy8. A. unless B. so that C. in case D. because9. A. Puzzled B. Attracted C. Disgusted D. Shocked10. A. gathered B. looked C. sat D. turned11. A. sharing B. takingC. offering D. giving12. A. mental B. physical C. natural D. emotional13. A. Since B. Until C. If D. As14.A. received B. accepted C. heard D. rejected15.A. polite B. unfortunate C. energetic D. greedy16.A. whom B. what C. how D. when17.A. honor B. identity C. morals D. dignity18.A. acknowledge B. realize C. conclude D. recognize19. A. complain B. comment C. argue D. decide20. A. even B. ever C. never D. hardly完型填空 2A boy selling magazines walked up to a house people seldom visited. The house was old and the owner 1 came out. When he did come out he wouldnt say hello to anybody 2 simply stared at them.The boy knocked on the door and 3_ . as he was ready to 4 away, the door slowly opened. “What do you want? ” the old man said.“Uh, sir, Im selling these magazines and I was 5 if youd like to buy one.” The old man 6 stared at the boy. The boy could see the inside of the house and 7 some dog figurines (小雕像). “Do you 8 dogs?” the boy asked. “Yes, I do. Theyre my family here and theyre all I have.” The boy felt sorry for the man, as he seemed to be very 9 . “Ive a magazine here for collectors. Its perfect for you. I also have one about dogs since you like dogs so much.” But the old man said, “I need 10 of the magazines, now goodbye.”The boy was sad. He went home and then an idea 11 to him. He had a little dog figurine. He walked back to the old mans house with the 12 . He knocked on the door again and this time the old man came right to the door. “Boy, I 13 I told you no magazines.”“No, sir. I know that. I wanted to bring you a 14_ . ” The boy handed him the figurine and the old mans face 15 . “Its a Golden Retriever. I have one at home. This one is 16 you. ” The old man was 17 ; no one had ever shown him so much 18 . “Boy , you have a big 19 . Thank you!” From that day on the old man 20_ coming out of the house and talking with people.1AregularlyBneverChardlyDnearly2AbutBwhenCasDso3AhurriedBremainedCwaitedDleft4AdriveBrunCescapeDwalk5AwonderingBsayingCdoubtingDhoping6AeverByetCstillDjust7AlovedBnoticedCcontactedDsensed8AhelpBraiseCcollectDlike9AlonelyBcruelColdDterrible10AnothingBnoneCeitherDsome11AhappenedBreachedCbroughtDoccurred12AfearBmagazineCfigurineDidea13AimaginedBthoughtCwishedDexpected14AfriendBdogCgiftDbook15Awent upBturned upCgrew upDlit up16AwithBforConDin17AsurprisedBcalmCdisappointed Dencouraged18ApityBkindnessCpolitenessDhappiness19AhandBeyeCheartDhead20AcontinuedBstartedCavoidedDrisked完形填空3 When someone says, “Well, I guess Ill have to go to face the music.” It doesnt mean he is planning to go to a concert. It is 1 less pleasant, like 2_ in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you did not do this 3 that. Terrible music, indeed, but it has to 4 . At some time or 5 , every one of us has had to “face the music”, especially as children. We can all remember fathers 6 voice, “I want to talk to you!” And only 7 we did not obey him. What an unpleasant business it 8 ! The phrase “to face the music” is known 9_ every American, young and old. It is at least 100 years old. Where did the 10 come from? The first 11 comes from American novelist James Fennimore Cooper. He said, in 1851, 12 the expression was first 13 by actors while _ 14_ in thewingsto go on stage. After they got their clue (暗示) to go on, they often said, “Its time to go to face the music.” And this is 15 what they did face the orchestra (管弦乐队) which was just below the stage.An actor might be frightened or 16 as he moved on to the stage in front of him. The audience might be friendly, or perhaps unfriendly, especially 17 he forgot his lines. But he had to go out. If he did not, there would be no play. So, “to face the music” 18 to mean: having to go 19 something, no matter how unpleasant the 20 might be, because you knew you had no choice.1.A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything2.A. call B. called C. calling D. being called3.A. or B. and C. but D. with4.A. face B. facing C. being faced D. be faced5.A. other B. the other C. another D. others6.A. loud B. angry C. calm D. worried7.A. because B. since C. unless D. in case8.A. is B. had been C. was D. has been9.A. by B. for C. to D. of10.A. questionB. proverb C. informationD. expression11.A. saying B. method C. explanation D. point12.A. when B. why C. whether D. that13.A. used B. said C. taken D. sent14.A. gathering B. waiting C. singing D. dancing15.A. perhaps B. exactly C. mainly D. also16.A. satisfied B. proud C. nervous D. mysterious17.A. if B. while C. before D. until18.A. went B. came C. continued D. got19.A. through B. by C. on D. into20.A. problem B. experience C. incident D. eventIII. 阅读理解 AINDLANAPOLISDoctors and health advocates (提倡者)have warned for years that American children are getting fatter. Now even some kids teddy bears are packing on the pounds.But these heavy toys aim to combat(对抗)obesity, not add to it.Researchers at Indiana State University in Terre Haute tried a small experiment to test the effects of having kids play with heavier toys. They found that 10 children aged 6 to 8 burned more calories and had higher heart and breathing rate when they moved 3-pound toy blocks instead of unweighted blocks.So could adding a small weight to stuffed animals and other toys help kids get fit?“This is not going to solve the obesity problem,” said John Ozmun, a professor who did the study with graduate student Lee Robbins. “But it has been possible to make a positive contribution.”Some experts cautioned that children could hurt themselves by trying to lift too much too soon and said more activity is preferable to heavier toys. But all agreed that childhood obesity is a big problem.Obesity rate has become three times over the past 40 years for children and adolescents, raising the risk of diabetes(糖尿病)and other health problems. Federal health officials say more than a third of American children are overweight, and about 17 percent are considered obese(肥胖的).“Squeezing activity into daily routines can be a good way for children to get more exercise and shed unhealthy pounds,” said Aicia Moag-Stahlberg, who heads Action for Healthy Kids.“By adding weights, youre adding some intensity to the action,” she said.Kara Tucker, youth development coordinator for the National institute for Fitness and Sport in Indianapolis, said active playing helps youngsters work out without realising it.“Giant soccer is one of my favorites,” Tucker said. “If we told the kids, Hey, youre going to run up and down the court 20 times, they would completely be uninterested. Yet when we put a big soccer ball out there, they will just run forever. Theyre having a great time.”1What does the passage mainly tell us?AAmerican children are getting fatter.BNew toys are needed for overweight children.CHeavier toys help children to combat the obesity problem.DDoubts about heavier toys for obese children.2What does John Ozmun think of the measure of using heavier toys?AIt can solve the obesity problem. BIt is of little use to the obesity problem.CIt may be of some help to the obesity problemDIt may hurt children.3Some experts think it would be better for obese kids to .Aplay with light toysBplay with less heavy toysCbe on dietDhave more activity4Which of the following is true about obese children in the US?AObesity rate has risen by 30% over the past 40 years.BThere are now three times as many obese children as 40 years ago.COne are fewer overweight children than obese children.DThere are fewer overweight children than obese children.5What Tucker said in the last paragraph suggests that .Ahe himself likes playing giant soccer balls bestBhe prefers kids to have active playingCkids have no interest in runningDan activity will not work if kids know the purpose of itBWhen Charles Strattion was five, he stopped growing. His mother took him to see the famous showman, P. T. Barnum, and thought a small person would be the perfect addition to his show. He hired Charles parents along with him, and they traveled around the world together.He gave the two-foot-tall Charles a new name, general Tom Thumb. He taught Tom how to sing, dance, act, and tell jokes. When he felt Tom was ready to perform on stage, he made up ads. To stir up great interest, he said that Tom was eleven years old and had come from England.Toms act was very popular and brought in a lot of money. By the time Tom was an adult, he had grown very rich. He had become a billionaire at the age of twenty-five.Fortunately for Tom, Mr. Barnum added more little people to his show, and Tom became lucky in love as well. One of the little people was Lavinia Warren, a school teacher. Tom was able to win her love, and they married.The ceremony and reception were the talk of the town. They were attended by many rich and famous people and by about two thousand guests. Crowds filled the street of New York to have a look at their tiny wedding carriage. The couple even met with President Abraham Lincoln on their honeymoon, just before going to live in Toms house in Connecticut.Their wedding, which took place during the Civil War, provided a welcome escape from the sad problems of war. Not willing to let this bit of sunshine fade, communities throughout the country held Tom Thumbs weddings. In these weddings, small boys and girls, all dressed up, went through marriage ceremony for fun.6“the talk of the town” means .Athey were in the newspaper Bpeople spread mean rumors about themCthey were the most popular things happeningDthey were discussed in a city meeting7What does the author think about Tom Thumbs wedding?APeople gave it too much of their attention.BIt helped people cheer up in a dark timeCIt was funny and ridiculousDTom and Lavinia were stupid.8Which of the following is the best clue to the fact that Tom was smart?AHe became a billionaire at twenty-fiveBHe learned how to sing, dance, and act at a very young age.CHe met with President Lincoln during his honeymoonDHe married a school teacher.9It was very funny when Tom danced on a wooden plate held by a person who was eight feet tall because .Athe wooden plate would make it sound as of Tom were tap dancingBit made Tom feel tallerCthe eight-foot-tall man was the only tall person Tom trustedDthe difference between them would make Tom look even smaller10What does the author imply in the last paragraph?AWeddings always make people feel full of sunshineBPeople are always disappointed during wartimeCEntertainment can serve an important purposeDPeople should be married even if they are smallCThe fighting against youth smoking since I took office Ive done everything in my power to protect our children from harm. Weve worked to make their streets and their schools safer, and to give them something positive to do after school before their parents get home. Weve worked to teach our children that drugs are dangerous, illegal and wrong.a nationwide campaign(运动)to educate them about the dangers of smoking, to reduce their access to tobacco products, and to severely restrict(限制)tobacco companies from advertising to young people. If we do these, well cut teen smoking by almost half over the next five years. That means if we act now, we have it in our power to stop 3 million children from smoking and to save a million lives as a result.11What has the author done in his power?ATo look after our children.BTo clean the streetCTo clean our childrenDTo protect our children from harm.12Compared with other disasters, what kills more people every day?ASmoking BCar accidents CDrugs DMurders13How many children start to smoke every day illegally?A1,000 B3,000 C90 D1814For more than five years what have they done to stop their children from smoking?ATo educate them about the dangers of smokingBTo reduce their access to tobacco productsCTo restrict tobacco companies from advertising to young peopleDAll of the above15How many children will be stopped from smoking if we act now?A1 million B1.5 million C3 million D3,000DChildren who drink more milk do not necessarily develop healthier bones,researchers said on Monday in a report that stresses exercise and modest consumption(消耗)of calcium-rich foods such as tofu and broccoli. The report drew its conclusions from previously published studies and was written by researchers from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine,which advocates a strict vegetarian diet. “Under scientific study,the support for the milk myth(神话)is defeated. This analysis of 58 published studies shows that the evidence on which U. S. milk intake recommendations are based is scant,”said study author Dr. Amy Lanou in a statement. The U. S. government has gradually increased recommendations for daily calcium intake,largely from milk products. But the Physicians Committees report said increasing consumption of milk products was not necessarily the best way to provide the necessary calcium intake of at least 400 milligrams per day. Other ways to get the absorbable calcium found in one cup of cows milk include a cup of orange juice,two packages of instant oats(燕麦),two-thirds cup of tofu,or 1-23 cups of broccoli,the report said. And it also pointed out that milk products provide 18 percent of the total energy and 25 percent of the total fat intake in the diets of American children. who are developing increasing rates of obesity(肥胖症). F

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