高中英语新人教版必修二《Unit 1 Cultural relics》练习题

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111Book 2Unit 1Cultural relics.单项填空(建议用时8)1On no account_do anything that benefits ourselves but harms the interests of the state.Awe should Bshould weCwe are to Dare to we2The biggest whale is _ blue whale,which grows to be about 29 meters longthe height of _ 9story building.(2011莱芜月考)Athe;the Ba;aCa;the Dthe;a3To_ the long bitter winter,Soppy had tried many ways to get himself arrested by the police,but all in vain.(2011聊城模拟)Aremain BsurviveCbear Dendure4Im thinking of the test tomorrow.Im afraid I cant pass this time._! Im sure youll make it.AGo ahead BGood luckCNo problem DCheer up5The department store will_ forty employees after the holiday rush.Ahire BfireCremove Dboth B and C6What do you think of his talk on Information Technology?Oh,excellent.Its worth_.Alistening to Bbeing listened toClistening Dto be listened to7This road is not in a good state;you know,it wasnt _ for such heavy traffic 10 years ago.Amade BdesignedCbuilt Dwanted8The police _ the prisoner to see if he had a gun.(2011日照统考)Asearched forBsearchedCwas in search ofDwas in their search of9To all the people here_ the honour for the other day.Abelong BbelongsCbelongs to Dis belonged10I dont think such a young child will be able to_ the two Italian visitors apart.Asay BspeakCread Dtell11Yang Liwei is regarded as our national hero,who is_.Athinking high of Bthought high ofChighly thought of Dthinking highly of12Some women_a good salary in a job instead of staying at home,but they decided not to work for the sake of the fAmust make Bshould have madeCwould make Dcould have made13We are expected to arrive at the village before dark.I dont doubt _ we can make it by then.Awhether BthatCwhen Dwhere14Has she ever asked for the reason_ may explain his coming late?(2010青岛一中模拟)Awhy Bfor whichCthat Dfor that15About two hundred people are working in his company now,most of_ were once out of work.Awhich BwhoCthat Dwhom学习策略经典例题Only when the fire was under control_ to return to their homes.Athe residents would be permittedBhad the residents been permittedCwould the residents be permittedDthe residents had been permitted错因分析考生易误选B项。分析句子结构可知,本题是对倒装结构的考查。根据语法知识可知,“only状语”位于句首时,其后的句子要用倒装结构,故选项A和D可以首先被排除。在时间状语从句中,当从句用一般过去时态时,主句要用过去将来时态,故C项为正确答案。得分笔记(1)当“only状语”位于句首时,其后的句子要用倒装结构。该结构中的状语通常由副词、介词短语或状语从句充当。该语法点是高考英语中的常见考点。(2)当否定词或否定性短语位于句首时,其后的句子应采用部分倒装结构。常用的否定词和否定性短语有:not,little,few,never,rarely,seldom,hardly,scarcely,barely,by no means,in no way等。.完形填空(建议用时17)Recently,I began seeking my dream of becoming a motivational(激励人的) speaker.After a fouryear relationship with Fortune 100 Company _16_ as a sales trainer and ending as a regional(区域的) sales manager,I left the company at the _17_ of my career.Many people were _18_ that I would leave after earning a sixfigure _19_.And they asked why I would risk everything for a _20_.I made a decision to start my _21_ company after attending a regional sales meeting.The vicepresident of our company delivered a _22_ that changed my life.He asked us,“If a god would _23_ you three wishes,what would they be?”After giving us a _24_ to write down the three wishes,he then asked us,“_25_ do you need a god?”I would never forget the power I _26_ at that moment.I realized that everything I had achieved in the past had _27_ me for this moment.I was _28_ and didnt need a gods help to become a motivational speaker.A motivational speaker was _29_.Having made that decision,I was immediately _30_.One week after I gave notice for engagements(签约),I _31_ my cellphone.Worse still,half a year passed and I didnt get any engagements _32_.But I held fast to my dream.The wonder _33_ began to happen.About seven months later,I was able to book quite a few _34_ engagements with new customers.I discovered the incredible (难以置信的) _35_ of dreams.16A.acting BbeginningCconsidering Dworking17A.crossroad BedgeClength Dheight18A.disappointed BmovedCsurprised Dworried19A.income BwealthCposition Drespect20A.dream BpersonCpromise Dspeaker21A.good BbigCnew Down22A.message BpassageCspeech Dletter23A.answer BofferCshare Dtell24A.hand BpaperCmoment Dsecond25A.Why BWhereCWhen DHow26A.felt BgaveCmade Dsent27A.comforted BpreparedCchanged Ddriven28A.happy BproudCready Dwell29A.made BformedCbrought Dborn30A.tested BcheckedCpunished Dshocked31A.bought BsoldClost Dfound32A.at last Bat allCat most Dat least33A.almost BreallyChardly Dgradually34A.speaking BtrainingCselling Dwriting35A.force BhelpCeffect Dpower学习策略完形填空题型的解题技巧(一)1读懂句子意思,选择正确答案这是此题型设置最简单的一种,它相当于一道单项选择题,不需要通读上下文,而只需读懂设空处所在的句子便能判断出正确答案。经典例题.“You are 40_(wrong)This is not the worst boy at all,_41_ the smartest one who hasnt yet found an outlet(释放的途径) for his enthusiasm.”41A.but Bso Cand Dor答案解析A本句是“not.but.”结构,表示“不是而是”。解这道题时考生不需要联系上下文内容仅根据这句话的意思就可以选出正确答案。2利用语法关联,选出最佳选项熟悉引导词(关系词)的用法,解题时要善于分析句子结构。经典例题In one of the darkest times _37_ his strongminded grandfather was nearly 38_(penniless),he loaded his family into the car and 39_(took) them to see family members in Canada with a 40_(belief),“There are more important things in life than money.”37A.when Bwhile Chow Dwhy答案解析A分析句子结构可知,the darkest times后接一个定语从句,引导词在从句中作状语,表示时间,故用when。3明确语境,辨清词语差异4突破句子的限制,捕捉篇章信息.阅读理解(建议用时7)A new research has uncovered that culture is a determining factor when people interpret facial emotions (情感)The study reveals that in cultures where emotional control is the standard,such as Japan,the focus is placed on the eyes to interpret emotions.Whereas in cultures where emotion is openly expressed,such as the United States,the focus is on the mouth to interpret emotions. “These findings go against the popular theory that the facial expressions of basic emotions can be universally recognized,” said University of Alberta researcher Dr.Takahiko Masuda.”A persons culture plays a very strong role in determining how he will read emotions and needs to be considered when interpreting the facial expressions.” These cultural differences are even noticeable in computer emoticons(情感符号),which are used to convey a writers emotions by email and text message.The Japanese emotions for happiness and sadness vary in terms of how the eyes are drawn,while the American emotions vary with the direction of the mouth.In the United States the emoticons) and) show a happy face,whereas the emoticons( and( show a sad face.However,the Japanese tend to use the symbol () to indicate a happy face,and (;) to indicate a sad face.“We think it is quite interesting and appropriate that culture tends to mask its emotions.The Japanese would focus on a persons eyes when detecting his or her emotions,as eyes tend to be quite subtle(微妙的),”said Masuda.“In the United States,where an open emotion is quite common,it makes sense to focus on the mouth,which is the most expressive feature on a persons face.”36The text mainly tells us that _.Acultural differences are expressed in emotionsBculture is a key to interpreting facial emotionsC different emoticons are preferred in different culturesDpeople from different cultures express emotions differently37Which emoticon is used by Americans to show a happy face?A(;) B)C( D(38If a Japanese wants to detect whether a smile is true or false,he will probably _.Aread the whole face Bfocus on the mouthClook into the eyes Djudge by the voice39People used to believe that _.Asome facial expressions of emotions were too complex to be recognizedBpeople in the world interpreted basic emotions in different waysCpeople could only recognize the facial expressions of basic emotionsDpeople all over the world understood basic emotions in the same way40The computer emoticons used by Americans show that_.Athey express their feelings openlyBthey tend to control their emotionsCthey are good at conveying their emotionsDthey use simpler emotions to show their feelings学习策略在阅读理解中遇到推理判断题,如何进行推理和判断?(一)在解答推理判断类问题时,一定要注意确定推理判断所依据的内容,应清楚所要解答的问题是针对某个细节进行推断的,还是针对主题思想、作者的意图进行推断的。针对细节的推断可运用scanning方法,迅速在材料中确定推断所依据的内容的位置或范围,然后再进行推理判断;针对主题思想作推断时,则要综观全文。1隐含意义推理判断题这类题题干中常含有infer,suggest,imply,conclude,intend,purpose,be likely to等标志性词语。解决这类问题时要理解文章潜在的含义和作者所给的提示。同时,要对文章的含义和作者的暗示作出合理的猜测和推断。此类试题干扰项的设置特点:或是文章中无关紧要或推出的片面结论;或是与文章内容完全相反的结论;或是不合常理或不合逻辑的结论等。答案1.B2D3B4D5.D6.A 7B8B9B11.C 10D12D13.B 14C15D16B17D18C19.A 20A21D22C23B24C25A26.A27B28C29D30A31C32B33B34A35D36B37B38C39D40A111

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