高中英语课时精练Unit 5《Music》单元测试(人教版必修2重庆专用)

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高中英语课时精练Unit 5《Music》单元测试(人教版必修2重庆专用)_第3页
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111Unit 5 Music 单元测试(人教新课标,重庆专用)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1We had to be patient because it _ some time _we got the full results.Ahas been;since Bhad been;untilCwas;after Dwould be;before解析考查连词和动词时态。在“itbe一段时间before/after/since从句”句型中,before从句中的动作经过一段时间后才会实现;after从句中的动作发生后已经过去了一段时间;since从句中的动作完成后到现在已经有一段时间了。结合题意可知,答案为D。答案D2When I moved into the new house, I felt that the happy life I had been dreaming of_ at last.Acoming Bhaving comeCcame Dwould come解析考查非谓语动词。句意:当我搬进新房时,我感到我一直梦想的幸福生活终于来了。 I had been dreaming of是定语从句修饰the happy life。空缺处缺少谓语动词。故选C项。答案C3This special school accepts all disabled students,_educational level and background.Aaccording to Bregardless ofCin addition to Din terms of解析考查介词短语。由此处语境.educational level and background.可知特殊学校接受的残疾孩子的情况,故此处意思“不顾;不理睬”。答案B4The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months,_the sailing time was 226 days.Aof which Bduring whichCfrom which Dfor which解析考查定语从句。关系代词 which指代 the journey。定语从句恢复为独立句子应是:The sailing time of the journey was 226 days. 故选 of which。答案A5They have earned lots of money,so I_believe that the business is a success.Amildly Bfirmly Cactively Dtightly解析从They have earned lots of money可知,“我”坚信(firmly believe)生意是成功的。mildly温和地,轻微地;actively积极地,活跃地;tightly紧紧地。答案B6The hurricane damaged many houses and business buildings;_, it caused 20 deaths.Aor else Btherefore Cafter all Din addition解析考查介词短语。句意:飓风毁坏了许多房子,还有商业大楼,此外,造成了20人死亡。in addition “此外”,强调附加。答案D7Some plays are so good that they _for years on end.Arun Bperform Cact Dplay解析考查动词。句意:某些剧本太好了以至于它们经历了数年不衰。根据语境此处有“运行”的意思。答案A8In order to continue to learn by ourselves after leaving school, we must _ learn how to study in the school now .Aafter all Bin all Cabove all Dfirst of all解析考查介词短语。句意:为了在毕业后能继续自学,重要的是,我们必须先在学校里学会学习。after all“毕竟,终究”;in all“总共,合计”;above all“重要的是”;first of all“首先”。答案C9What do you think of their marriage?_, if I were Kate, I wouldnt marry him.AGenerally speaking BI have no ideaCTo be honest DTo my surprise解析考查插入语。句意:你对于他们的婚姻有什么看法?说实话,如果我是肯特的话,我就不会嫁给他了。根据答语可知,答话人并不看好这桩婚事。To be honest“实话实说”,符合语境。答案C10During the busiest season like National Day, the Spring Festival, the traffic company provides_ buses for the travelers.Aextra Bspare Cvarious Dunusual解析考查形容词。句意:像国庆节、春节这样的最繁忙季节,交通公司为乘客提供了额外的车辆。extra buses指“额外多增加的车”。答案A11Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.With so much work filling my mind, I almost _. Abreak up Bbreak out Cbreak down Dbreak off解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:来吧!请给我一些关于这个项目的主意吧!头脑中充满了太多的工作,我快崩溃了。break up“打碎,破碎,结束,解散”;break out“(战争或火灾)的爆发”;break down“出故障,坏掉,失败,垮掉,分解”;break off“中止”。答案C12The elder need special care in winter, as they are_to the sudden changes of weather.Asensitive Bsensible Cflexible Dpositive解析考查形容词词义辨析。句意:老年人在冬天需要特别的照顾,因为他们对天气的突变很敏感。sensitive“敏感的”;sensible“明智的”;flexible“灵活的”;positive“积极的”。答案A13We attach great importance_computers, because we rely _them to organize our work.Ato;on Bon;on Cof;on Dto;to解析考查介词。句意:我们非常重视计算机,因为依赖他们组织我们的工作。attach importance to“认为重要”;rely on“依靠”。答案A14Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it_yesterday.Awas happening BhappensC.has happened Dhappened解析考查虚拟语气的用法。句意:Eliza清楚地记得每一件事,仿佛它是昨天发生的!as if“仿佛,好像”,其后的从句可出现虚拟语气;句中remembers为一般现在时,故as if从句中用一般过去时来表示虚拟语气。答案D15Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures_ in your mind instead of before your eyes.Ato form BformCforming Dhaving formed解析考查非谓语动词。句意:读书是一种和看电视不同的经历。读书是在你的头脑中形成图画而不是在你的眼前。picture和form之间是主谓关系。to do表将来;having formed表示动作已发生。答案C二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面两篇短文,掌握大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(A)One night I decided to spend some time building a happier and closer relationship with my daughter.For several weeks she had been_16_me to play chess(棋)with her,so I suggested a game and she eagerly_17_.It was a school night,however,and at nine oclock my daughter asked if I could_18_my moves,because she needed to go to bed;she had to get up at six in the morning.I knew she had strict sleeping habits,but I thought she ought to be able to_19_up some of this strictness.I said to her,“Come on,you can stay up late for once.Were having_20_.” We played on for another fifteen minutes,during which time she looked_21_.Finally she said,“Please,Daddy,do it quickly.”“No,”I replied.“If youre going to play it well,youre going to play it slowly.”And so we_22_for another ten minutes,until_23_my daughter burst into tears,and admitted that she was beaten.Clearly I had made a(n)_24_.I had started the evening wanting to have a happy time with my daughter but had_25_my desire to win to become more important than my relationship with my daughter.When I was a child,my desire to win_26_me well.As a parent,I_27_that it got in my way.So I had to change.16A.guiding Basking Ctraining Dadvising解析女儿一直在请求(asking)和我一起下棋,说明女儿急于和我一起下棋。guide指导;train训练;advise建议。答案B17A.followed Bexpected Creplied Daccepted解析当我提议下棋的时候,女儿立即就接受了。答案D18A.change Brepeat Churry Dpass解析从下文中的“Please,Daddy,do it quickly.”中的quickly可知道答案。答案C19A.put Btake Cpick Dgive解析从下文“you can stay up late for once”可知,虽然我知道女儿的睡眠习惯,但是我想女儿可以临时改变一下固有的习惯。此处只有give up有“放弃,改变”的意思。put up意为“举起,搭建,张贴”;take up意为“从事”;pick up意为“拾起”。答案D20A.patience Bluck Cfun Dsuccess解析have fun表示“玩得高兴”,固定搭配。答案C21A.excited Bproud Canxious Dangry解析由于女儿急于想去睡觉,所以看起来很着急(anxious)。答案C22A.discussed BcontinuedCcounted Dargued解析从for another ten minutes看出,又下了10分钟,表示没有让女儿去睡觉,故用continued。答案B23A.nervously BimmediatelyCstrangely Dsuddenly解析从最后一段作者的自责可以看出,作者根本没有意识到女儿会因为不能去睡觉而哭泣,所以是突然(suddenly)哭泣了。答案D24A.mistake Bdecision Cattempt Deffort解析从下文可以看出,作者本意是想和女儿好好地相处,结果由于自己想赢棋,让女儿哭泣,事后觉得这样做不对,显然是犯了一个错误。make a mistake意为“犯错误”;make a decision意为“作出决定”;make an attempt意为“努力,企图”;make an effort意为“努力”。答案A25A.managed BrecognizedCallowed Dreduced解析allow sb./sth.to do sth意为“允许某人或某物做某事”,其他三项不能这样搭配。答案C26A.offered Bserved Ccontrolled Dtaught解析小时候想赢的欲望对我很有用。serve me well意为“对我有用”。答案B27A.realized Bapologized Cimagined Dexplained解析根据最后一句“So I had to change.”可知,作者已经意识到这种欲望妨碍了自己(in my way)。答案A(B)Every_28_something is happening in our lives.And every moment we make a decision or a judgment about what happens.By choosing to become more_29_of how we react to what happens,we can_30_towards what we really want in our lives._31_following habitual,reactive patterns which lead to more of the same,we can recognize and_32_our old habits to move powerfully in the_33_of creating the life we really want.Yet to do this,we must first find the_34_to look at some of the disempowering,often unconscious_35_which get in the way and dont serve to increase our quality of life.But by continually reminding ourselves of our intention to be creators,we can transform our life.28A.time Bperiod Cdate Dmoment解析每时每刻,而不是每一次。下句有提示,是排比句。答案D29A.conscious BsensitiveCreasonable Dactive解析be conscious of意识到。句意:通过更有意识地选择怎样应付发生的事情,我们可以接近我们生命中真正想要的。答案A30A.alter Bshift Cdiffer Ddistinguish解析shift改变,移动,shift to/towards;alter改变;differ是difference的动词形式,意思是“不同”,differ in.意思是“在某方面或某事上不同”;distinguish后面常跟介词from或between,意思是:“从中区别出来,不同”。比较这四个词的意义及用法,可以看出只有B才是正确答案。答案B31A.Other than BRather thanCAs well as DAccording to解析不再采用很少变化的习惯性地应对方式,这些方式(会)导致同样的结局。答案B32A.transplant BtransformCtransport Dtransmit解析句意:我们可以意识到并将我们的旧习惯有力地向创造我们真正想要的生活方向转变。答案B33A.edge Bway Cdirection Dcenter解析in the direction of朝方向。参考上题解析。答案C34A.hope Binterest Cchance Dcourage解析然而要做到这一点,我们首先必须有勇气审视某些消沉面,通常无意识/潜意识行为会过来挡道,阻碍我们提升生活的质量。答案D35A.patterns Bframes Clandscape Dexamples解析pattern指“模式,行为”;frame指“框架”;landscape指“风景”;example指“榜样”,可见A为正确答案。答案A三、阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ASomewhere in the world, right now, students are hard at work in school. With over 190 nations spanning(跨越) the globes 24 time zones, students and their academic years come in a variety of forms. Heres a sampling of the typical school year in 13 nations throughout the world.Students in Australia attend school for 200 days a year. Their school year lasts from late January to midDecember. Since Australia is in the southern hemisphere(半球), it experiences summer while its winter in the northern hemisphere. Summer vacation for Australian students is from midDecember to late January. Their school year is divided into four terms, with each term lasting 9 to 11 weeks. Students then have two weeks of vacation between each term. The typical schoolday is from 9 am. to 3:30 pm., and lunch is eaten at school. Students are required to attend school for at least eleven years, but they usually attend for twelve years. The average class size is eighteen students and there are about six computers per classroom.School grades in Australia are called years. Kindergarten is the first year of formal schooling, followed by year 1 through year 6;secondary school is from year 7 to year 12. A 6yearold begins in year one, while an18year old finishes school by year 12. From year one to year six, students spend about 12 hours a week working on math and English. Many schools integrate subjects, meaning they combine two or more academic subjects. For instance, say your class is studying coral reefs. A nonintegrated approach would have students study coral reels only in science class. An integrated method incorporates math, by taking measurements, for example, and language arts. Students would then use that information to write a report about coral reefs.【语篇大意】这是一篇说明文。主要讲述了澳大利亚人的教育情况:学制、学时等。36Whats title of the passage?AThe World School Years. BAustralian School Years.CAmerican School Years. DForeign School Years.解析主旨大意题。全文主要介绍澳大利亚的教育学制、学时,故答案B正确。答案B37When Australia is in winter, which season are we in?Awinter. Bspring. Csummer. Dautumn.解析细节理解题。依据第二段第三行“it experiences summer while its winter in the northern hemisphere.”可知南北半球季节不同,故可知答案C正确。答案C38Which statement of the following about Australian school year is TRUE?AIt lasts more than 45 weeks a year.BStudents can have two months holidays.CThere are many modern teaching tools.DEach class can hold eighteen students.解析细节理解题。由“Their school year is divided into four terms 以及Students then have two weeks of vacation between each term.”可知澳大利亚的学时一年分四个学期,中间学生有两周时间假期,一共八周,故答案B正确。答案B39What can we learn from the passage?AStudents dont have to go to school at night.BStudents neednt eat at home at all.CAn eleven boy must go to school.DThere are 6 years spent in kindergarten.解析推理判断题。依据第二段第六行“The typical school day is from 9 am. to 3:30 pm., and lunch is eaten at school.”可判断澳大利亚学校没有晚自修。答案ABBuck did not read the newspapers,or he would have known that trouble was coming,not only for himself,but for every big dog,strong of muscle and with long,warm hair in California.Men had found gold in the Yukon,and these men wanted big,strong dogs to work in the cold and snow of the north.Buck lived at a big house in the sunkissed Santa Clara valley.Judge Millers place,it was called.There were large gardens and fields of fruit trees around the house,and a river nearby.In a big place like this,of course,there were many dogs.There were house dogs and farm dogs,but they were not important.Over this great land Buck ruled.Here he was born and here he had lived the four years of his life.He was not so largehe weighed only one hundred and forty pounds.But he had saved himself by not becoming a mere housedog.Hunting and outdoor delights had kept down the fat and hardened his muscles.He went swimming with Judge Millers sons,and walking with his daughters.He carried the grandchildren on his back,and he sat at Judge Millers feet in front of the warm library fire in winter.During the four years,he had a fine pride in himself which came of good living and universal respect.He was king of Judge Millers place.But this was 1897,and Buck did not know that men and dogs were hurrying to northwest Canada to look for gold.And he did not know that Manuel,one of the gardeners helpers,was in bad need of money for his hobby of gambling (赌博) and for his large family.One day,the Judge was at a meeting and the boys were busy organizing an athletic club.No one saw Manuel and Buck go off on what Buck imagined was merely an evening walk.Only one man saw them arrive at the railway station.This man talked to Manuel,and gave him some money.Then Manuel tied a piece of rope around Bucks neck.Buck had accepted the rope with quiet dignity (自尊)He had learned to trust in men he knew and to give them credit.But when the ends of the rope were placed in the strangers hands,Buck roared,and was surprised when the rope tightened around his neck,shutting off his breath.In extreme anger,he jumped at the man.The man caught him and suddenly Buck was thrown over on his back.Then the rope tightened cruelly while Buck struggled,his tongue out of his mouth.Never in all his life had he been so badly treated.Never in all his life had he been so angry.For a few moments he was unable to move,and it was easy for the two men to put him into the train.When Buck woke up,the train was still moving.The man was sitting and watching him,but Buck was too quick for him and he bit the mans hand hard.Then the rope was pulled again and Buck had to let go.That evening,the man took Buck to the back room of a bar in San Francisco.The barman looked at the mans hand and trousers covered in blood.“How much are they paying you for this?”he asked.“Only get fifty dollars.”“And the man who stole himhow much did he get?”asked the barman.“A hundred.He wouldnt take less.”“That makes a hundred and fifty.Its a good price for a dog like him.”Buck spent that night in a cagelike box.He could not understand what it all meant.What did they want with him,these strange men?And where were Judge Miller and the boys?The next day Buck was carried in the box to the railway station and put on a train to the north.【语篇大意】 作为一条狗,Buck曾经生活得幸福而自豪,但是后来,他非常信任的Manuel因为钱而把他卖掉,彻底改变了他的命运,使他在身体和精神上受到了双重打击。40What information about Buck does Paragraph 2 suggest?AHe was satisfied with his life and felt proud of himself.BHe won great respect due to his nice figure and strong muscles.CHe was not different from the other dogs in Judge Millers place.DHe kept the Millers company to set himself apart from the other dogs.解析细节理解题。难度中等。短文第二段最后两句提到“During the four years,he had a fine pride in himself which came of good living and universal respect.He was king of Judge Millers place.”。由此结合上文可知,Buck对于当时的生活非常满意并引以为豪,A选项符合文意。故答案选A。答案A41Buck burst into anger when _.Aa rope was tied around his neckBthe rope around his neck was pulled tightChe was taken away from the MillersDhe was left behind with a stranger解析细节理解题。难度中等。短文第四段提到“Buck roared,and was surprised when the rope tightened around his neck,shutting off his breath.In extreme anger,he jumped at the man.”。由此可知,Buck是在脖子上的绳子拉紧时感到非常愤怒。故答案选B。答案B42At the end of the passage we can infer that _.ABuck was hopeless about his futureBBuck got both his body and his pride hurtCBuck was sure that the Millers would come to his rescueDBuck realized he was being sent to the north to help people seek gold解析推理判断题。难度中等。短文倒数第二段提到“He could not understand what it all meant.What did they want with him,these strange men?And where were Judge Miller and the boys?”。由此结合上文可知,Buck在身体和精神上受到了双重伤害。因此,B选项内容与文意相符。故答案选B。答案B43What is the writers attitude towards Buck?ARegretful. BCritical(批判的)CPositive. DIndifferent(冷漠的)解析推理判断题。难度中等。答案CCWhen you have a question about something, where do you go? For many people the answer is simple. They go online to a search engine like Google or Yahoo. But what about people in rural or underdeveloped areas who may have no way to get on the Internet? Luckily, Rose Shuman, a business and international development consultant in California, has found a way for them. Her amazing solution is “Question Box”Question Box is a service that provides answersfree of chargefor people who cannot search the Internet directly. They might not be able to read, or they simply have no access.Question Box began two years ago in India.People use a metal call box with a pushtotalk button to connect to a live operator, as Rose Shuman explains, “You just push a button, a big green button, and that will connect you directly to our operators who are sitting in front of computers, and speak your language. And you can ask them any sort of question you want, and theyll look it up in English or in Hindi, or whatever the main language is, and translate the answer right back for you.”The service is currently offered in two villages. The latest version of the box uses mobile phone technology and solar panels in case the electrical power fails. Rose Shuman says the aim was to make the box as easy as possible for users.“Rather than try to bring a lot of infrastructure to them and expect them to learn how to use the Internet, the idea was to make a technology that even Grandma could use, figuring that Grandma could probably walk up to a box and push a button,” added Shuman. In April, Question Box expanded to Uganda.Forty community workers with mobile phones connect villagers to call center operators in Kampala.The community workers go around telling people about the service. They wear Tshirts that say “Ask Me.” But Internet service in Uganda proved slow and undependable. So Question Box teamed up with a local technology company to store information on a local server. That way, the researchers in Kampala can quickly search the database for answers when users ask about current events and many other subjects.Rose Shuman continued, “When was Mahatma Gandhi born and how long is the Nile River? Whats the tallest mountain? The funniest one I think we got was, Did the pyramids ever move to another place?, which we found pretty funny. But we did look it up, and they havent moved.”【语篇大意】全文介绍了“Question Box”这项服务以及人们对它的看法。44According to the passage, “Question Box” is a service intended to_.Ahelp improve the living standard of the people in poor areasBpromote the computer technologyCprovide answers raised by the people who have no access to the InternetDenrich the local peoples life解析细节理解题。根据第二段可知。答案C45Which of the following is true about Question Box according to the passage?AUganda is the original place where the service started.BSome modern technologies have been used for improving the service.CQuestion Box wont be able to work if there is no electrical power.DIt was impossible for a grandma to use Question Box.解析细节理解题。C选项可以根据第四段“The latest version of the box uses mobile phone technology and solar panels in case the electrical power fails.”判断,A选项根据第三段的第一句“Question Box began two years ago in India.”判断,D选项根据第五段“the idea was to make a technology that even Grandma could use”判断。答案B46We can learn from the passage that in Uganda_.Aforty call center operators helped make Question Box kno

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