2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业23:Unit 3《Life in the future》(人教版必修5湖北专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业23:Unit 3《Life in the future》(人教版必修5湖北专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业23:Unit 3《Life in the future》(人教版必修5湖北专用)_第2页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业23:Unit 3《Life in the future》(人教版必修5湖北专用)_第3页
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111课时作业(二十三)必修5Unit 3 Life in the future限时:30分钟.多项选择1In our childhood, we were often_by grandma to pay attention to our table manners.Ademanded BremindedCallowed Dhoped2Tom takes a(n)_view of passing the test next time although he has failed in the test for three times.Ahappy BoptimisticCpessimistic Dnegative 3He is tearing up what he has written _and beginning over again.Asimply BconstantlyCgradually Dgenerally4If we want to arrive at the village on time,wed better _.Asweep up Bspeed upCcall up Dturn up5The young man worked with us for nearly a year and made an excellent _on us.Aexpression BinstructionCimpression Dinspection 6Sir,please _ off your mobile phone!The meeting has begun.Sorry.I forgot.Achange Bswitch Cbend Dskip7Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _ of exercise.Alimit Black Cneed Ddemand8More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities_space.Ain search of Bin place ofCfor lack of Dfor fear of 9After the meeting was over,the secretary _ the new worker to the managers office.Aaimed Bpointed Cguided Dimitated10When I saw the cars crash on the road,a frightened feeling _ across my mind.Aflashed Bstruck Chit Doccurred.阅读理解A“Billy! It is February 25, 2099, seven oclock. Time to get up and go to school,” said the clockrobot in a mental voice. Then the kitchenrobot gave him toast and eggs. Billy was amazed. While he was eating, the whole wall became a TV screen and Billy thought that it was great having robots to do everything for him. Billy ate his meal, watching a TV show. When he finished eating, the clothesrobot gave him his clothes very fast and dressed him. Then Billy went off to school. When Billy went outside, he saw a car with no driver waiting for him. The car said, “Hello, I will be driving you to school every day. Now would you please show your school ID card?” said the car. So Billy showed the car his school ID card and got in. The car began to talk to Billy about his school and his schoolwork. After that the car said, “I will check your homework today because you will have a very, very important lesson to learn in school today. Please put your homework on the blackboard.” Billy did so.The car checked Billys homework and then said, “Well done! You are a great student. All of your homework is correct.” When they got to school, Billy said to the car, “Goodbye. See you later.” The car said to Billy, “Good luck in your school.” Billy got into the classroom and took his seat at the front of the room. Then his teacher came in and said, “Welcome, children! Today we will have a hard but important lessonHow do robots help a human being?” 11Whats the best title of the passage?ABillys Daily LifeBHow Billy Go to School CHow Do Robots Help Humans in the FutureDRobots12Who cooked breakfast for Billy?AHis mother. BHis father.CA robot. DBilly himself.13When did Billy have to show his school ID card?ABefore getting to school.BBefore getting into the car.CBefore entering the classroom.DBefore classes were over.14Which of the following is NOT true?ABilly liked having robots to do everything for him.BAt first Billy was very surprised.CBilly was glad that the robot teacher would give a very, very important lesson.DThe car itself drove Billy to school.BThe plan: turn Mars into a blue world with streams and green fields, and then fill it with creatures(生物) from the earth.This idea may sound like something from a science fiction (科幻小说), but it is actually being taken seriously by many researchers. This suggested future for the “red planet” will be the main topic for discussion at an international conference hosted by NASA (美国宇航局) this week.Leading researchers as well as science fiction writers will attend the event.It comes as NASA is preparing a multibilliondollar Mars research programme.“Turning Mars into a little earth has long been a topic in science fiction,”said Dr Michael Meyer, NASAs senior scientist for astrobiology (太空生物学)“Now, with scientists exploring the reality, we can ask what are the real possibilities of changing Mars.”Most scientists agree that Mars could be turned into a little earth, although much time and money would be needed to achieve this goal. But many experts are shocked by the idea.“We are destroying our own world at an unbelievable speed and now we are talking about ruining another planet,” said Paul Murdin, of the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK.Over the past months, scientists have become increasingly confident they will find Martian life forms.Europe and Americas robot explorers have found proof that water, mixed with soil, exists in large amounts on the planet.In addition, two different groups of scientistsannounced on March 28 that they had found signs of methane (甲烷) in the Martian atmosphere (大气)The gas is a waste product of living creatures and could be produced by microbes (微生物) living in the red planets soil. But scientists such as Dr Lisa Pratt, a biologist at Indiana University, say that these microbes will be put in danger by the little earth project.“Before we have even discovered if there is life on Mars, we are talking about carrying out projects that would destroy all these native life forms, all the strange microbes that we hope to find buried in the soil,” said Dr Pratt.This view is shared by Monica Grady, a planetary scientist at the Natural History Museum, London.“We cannot risk starting a global experiment that would wipe out the precious information we are looking for.” she said, “This is just wrong.”15The passage is about_.Aa plan turning Mars into a little earthBthe necessity of changing MarsCMars supporting lifeDfinding water in the Mars16Which of the following is NOT the reason why some scientists are against the plan?AThe project would wipe out all the native life forms on the Mars.BThe project will cost too much money and work.CWe would ruin Mars.DWe are destroying our own world at an unbelievable speed.17We can infer from the passage that_.Awater is a crucial factor for lifeBthe project will have little effect on the native life forms supposed to live on the MarsCMonica Grady is in favour of carrying out the little earth projectDthe idea turning Mars into a little earth is nothing but a science fiction18Which of the following supports the conclusion of microbes living in the Mars soil?AScientists found liquid water in the Mars.BScientists found signs of methane in the Martian atmosphere.CScientists found a lot of good soil on the Mars.DScientists found some creatures living on the Mars.完成句子阅读下列各小题,根据每句后的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。19_these, he spread some food on the table.(say)说完这些之后,他在桌上放了些食物。20_the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.(worry)因为担心这次旅行,起初的几天我都心神不宁。21_in 1910, the museum is more than 100 years old.(build)这个博物馆修建于1910年,它已经有100多岁了。22Mrs White showed her students some old maps _.(borrow)怀特夫人给学生们展示了一些从图书馆借来的旧地图。23I am calling to enquire about the position _in yesterdays China Daily. (advertise)我打电话是为了询问昨天中国日报上刊登的职位。24The nurse had him _in the waiting area.(take)护士让他在候诊室坐了下来。25I have a lot of readings_before the end of this term. (complete)这学期结束之前,我还有许多书要读完。26The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already laid for a meal_. (serve)起居室干净整洁,餐桌已经摆好,等着上菜了。27This is the only way we can imagine_the overuse of water in students bedrooms.(reduce)这是我们能想到的减少学生寝室过度用水的唯一的方法。28Im going downstairs. Do you have any clothes_to the laundry? (take)我要下楼去了。你有什么衣服需要带去洗衣店吗?答案课时作业(二十三).1.B考查动词词义辨析。句意:在儿时,祖母经常提醒我们要注意餐桌礼仪。remind 意为“提示,提醒”。2B考查形容词词义辨析。optimistic意为“乐观的”。句意:尽管汤姆已经三次考试不及格了,但对下一次通过考试非常乐观。pessimistic悲观的;negative否定的。3B考查副词词义辨析。句意:他不断撕掉写下的东西,再重新写。由题意可知,应选constantly“不断地”。4B考查动词短语辨析。speed up意为“加速”,符合题意。sweep up清扫,掠过;call up给打电话,使回忆起;turn up出现,找到,调高(音量等)。5C考查名词词义辨析。make a/animpression on sb“给某人留下印象”,为固定用法。6B考查动词词义辨析。句意:“先生,请关掉手机!会议已经开始了。”“对不起,我忘了。”switch off关掉(手机、电灯等)。7B考查名词词义辨析。a lack of exercise缺乏锻炼。8C考查介词短语辨析。句意:因为缺少空间,越来越多的高层建筑在城市中被建造。A项意为“寻找”;B项意为“代替,替代”;C项意为“缺乏,短缺”;D项意为“担心,害怕”。据句意可知C项符合。9C考查动词词义辨析。句意:会议结束后,秘书领着新员工去经理办公室。guide sb to someplace“领某人去某地”,符合句意。aim瞄准;point指明;imitate模仿。10A考查动词词义辨析。strike与hit都能直接接宾语,无需用介词;occur需要与to连用。句意:当我看到公路上汽车相撞时,恐惧感涌上心头。.A未来的生活会是什么样的呢?文章通过一个学生未来的生活,向我们展示了一个全自动化的未来世界。11C主旨大意题。文章所叙述的是,在未来社会机器人帮助我们人类处理日常事务的故事。12C事实细节题。由第一段的Then the kitchenrobot gave him toast and eggs.可知。13B事实细节题。由第二段可知。14C事实细节题。由最后一段可知,作者并没有说上课的老师也是机器人,所以C项错误。 B本文是议论文,描绘了把红色火星改造成蓝色的“生命天堂”的宏伟规划,综述了科学家对这个火星改造工程所持的不同观点。15A主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句The plan: turn Mars into a blue world with streams and green fields, and then fill it with creatures from the earth.可知这篇短文主要讲的是火星改造计划的设想。16B细节理解题。根据短文所述,科学家反对这个设想的理由有:“We are destroying our own world at an unbelievable speed and now we are talking about ruining another planet”和that would destroy all these native life forms。因此B项不是反对的理由。17A推理判断题。根据第四段scientists have become increasingly confident they will find Martian life forms.Europe and Americas robot explorers have found proof that water, mixed with soil, exists in large amounts on the planet.的内容,我们知道科学家越来越相信火星上存在生命,因为有证据表明火星土壤中存在大量的水,故可断定水是生命存在的关键要素。18B推理判断题。根据倒数第二段The gas is a waste product of living creatures and could be produced by microbes living in the red planets soil.可知,火星大气层中存在甲烷的迹象,而甲烷是活着的动物产生的废物,据此科学家推断这可能是生活在火星上的微生物产生的。故可得出结论:火星上可能存在微生物,主要证据是在火星大气层中发现了甲烷的迹象。.19.Having saidving的完成时形式作时间状语,有先发生之意。20Worried about21Built过去分词短语表时间。22(which had been) borrowed from the library23(which was) advertised24take his seathave sb do sth是不带to的不定式作宾补,意为“让某人做某事”。25to completehave此处是“有”的意思,后面用带to的不定式作定语。26to be served不定式的被动形式作定语,修饰meal。27to reduce/of reducing28to be taken动词不定式的被动式作定语,修饰clothes。111


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