2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业21:Unit 1《Great scientists》(新人教版必修5广东专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业21:Unit 1《Great scientists》(新人教版必修5广东专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业21:Unit 1《Great scientists》(新人教版必修5广东专用)_第2页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业21:Unit 1《Great scientists》(新人教版必修5广东专用)_第3页
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111课时作业(二十一)必修5Unit 1Great scientists限时:30分钟 .完形填空It was the afternoon of December 24, the day before Christmas, and as the newest doctor in our office, I had to work.The only thing that _1_my day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree in our waiting room and a _2_ sent to me by a fellow I was datinga dozen red roses.As I was cleaning my room, our receptionist came and said there was a(n) _3_ in the front office that urgently needed to speak with me.As I stepped out,I noticed a young, tiredlooking woman with a baby in her arms.Nervously, she explained that her husbanda prisonerwas my next _4_.The guards were made to bring him to the office that afternoon.She told me she wasnt _5_ to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son.Her request was for me to let the boys father sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible before I called him for his _6_.Since my schedule wasnt full,I agreed.After all, it was Christmas Eve.A short time later, her husband arrived, and two _7_ guards followed him.The womans _8_ face lit up like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her.I kept looking out to watch them laugh, cry, and share their child.After almost an hour, I called the prisoner back to my office.While I worked, the guards stood just outside my door.The patient seemed like a _9_ and modest man.I wondered what he possibly could have done to be held under such conditions.I tried to make him as _10_ as possible.At the end of the appointment, I wished him a Merry Christmasa difficult thing to say to a man _11_ to prison.He smiled and thanked me.He also said he felt _12_ by the fact that he hadnt been able to get his wife anything for Christmas.On hearing this, I was _13_ with a wonderful idea.Ill never forget the look on both their faces as the _14_ gave his wife the beautiful roses.Im not sure who experienced the most joythe husband in giving, the wife in receiving, or myself in having the _15_ to share in this special moment. 1A.completed BpassedCbrightened Dcelebrated2A.gift Btree Cbook Dcoffee3A.man Bdoctor Cofficer Dlady 4A.officer Bpatient Cprisoner Dguard5A.allowed Bwilling Csurprised Dpleased 6A.question BargumentCdefense Dappointment 7A.astonished BarmedCpleased Dexcited 8A.excited BtiredCencouraged Dinterested9A.gentle Bwild Crough Dsevere10A.strict BwellbehavedCsensible Dcomfortable11A.sentenced back Blooking forwardCpaying attention Dheading back12A.angry BworriedCsad Dunsettled13A.encouraged BinspiredCinterested Dpleased 14A.officer Bsomeone Cprisoner Dguard15A.opportunity BpresentCgift Dwork .阅读理解AWomen should not drink any alcohol during pregnancy. A report released by NICE says if they must drink, they should not do so in the first three months and should limit consumption to one or two ounces once or twice a week afterwards. It replaces previous guidance of saying small daily amounts were fine.NICE decided to tighten its guidance partly because of the concern that people are now drinking more than in the past. Previous draft guidance suggested women should drink an ounce of alcohol a day once they were past the first three months of pregnancy. The Department of Health in England changed its guidance last year, calling for no drinking while pregnant or while trying to get pregnant. Drinking heavily in pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol syndrome(酒精综合症), which can leave children with features like small heads, widely spaced eyes and behavior or learning problems.The experts said there was no evidence that several ounces once or twice a week would do any harm to the baby but could not categorically rule out(排除)any risk. National Childbirth Trust agreed women should limit their drinking during pregnancy. “Pregnant women who have had a few drinks often worry a great deal about whether they have harmed their baby. In general, it is believed that if a light infrequent drinker, in good health, drinks to the point of drunkenness on one occasion, the risk to her baby is small.”NICE also made a number of other recommendations for the care of women in the UK who were pregnant or planning to get pregnant. It said vitamin D and folic acid(叶酸)supplements should be offered by health staff to help avoid conditions such as rickets(佝偻病)and spina bifida(脊椎裂). Officials called for local health bosses to ensure equal support plans where mothers encourage new parents to breastfeed are set up. NICE also called for improvements in the care of pregnant women with diabetes(糖尿病). About 20,000 pregnancies each year are affected by diabetes and, therefore, carry higher risk of miscarriage(流产)and stillbirth(死产). The guidance said women should get access to advice and support, in particular to achieve good blood sugar control before they get pregnant.16What is the advice made by the Department of Health on drinking alcohol during pregnancy?ALittle in the first three months and a gradual increase afterwards.BAn ounce a day after the first three months.CNo drinking for pregnant women.DThose who drink regularly need not worry about the harm to their babies.17Whats the meaning of the underlined word “categorically” in Paragraph 4?AHonestly. BAbsolutely.CPhysically. DDoubtfully.18According to the passage, miscarriage is caused most probably by _.Athe lack of vitamin D and folic acidBrickets and spina bifidaCthe lack of doctors advice and supportDdiabetes19National Childbirth Trust found that _.Aa pregnant woman drinking alcohol infrequently has little risk to her babyBpregnant women who drink a little occasionally are always afraid of the effectsCthere is no evidence that a pregnant woman drinking alcohol might harm her babyDgetting drunk once wont harm the baby20In this passage, the author mainly intends to _. Ashow NICEs new guidance on pregnant womens alcohol drinking and its advice for the care of pregnant womenBwarn pregnant women against any alcohol during pregnancyCshow the present situation of pregnant womens drinking limitDcall for more care for pregnant women in societyBHe is regarded as having one of the brightest minds on the planet. But outstanding astrophysicist(天体物理学家) Stephen Hawking has admitted that he did not learn to read until he was eight years old.In a public lecture at the Royal Albert Hall,Professor Hawking also admitted that he was not active in studying while at Oxford University,where he studied physics,and that only the diagnosis that he might die young from motor neurone(神经元) disease made him concentrate on his work.Professor Hawking said “My sister Philippa could read by the age of 4 but then she was definitely brighter than me.”He said that he was unexceptional at school and was never further than halfway up his class.“My classwork was very untidy,and my handwriting was the despair of my teachers,”he said.“But my classmates gave me the nickname Einstein,so presumably they saw signs of something better.”But he said that it was when doctors told him that he probably only had a few years to live at the age of 21 that galvanized him into focusing on his work and a period of productivity that resulted in some of his early breakthroughs. He said,“When you are faced with the possibility of an early death,it makes you realize that life is worth living and there are lots of things you want to do.”21. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AStephen Hawking is the second Einstein in the world.BStephen Hawking couldnt read at the age of 7.CStephen Hawkings handwriting was once terribly bad.DStephen Hawkings sister once performed much better than him.22. We can infer that Stephen Hawking was _when he was a child and studied in Oxford University.Aclever BlazyCbright Dmean23. What made Stephen Hawking devote himself to his work?APatience. BKnowledge.CDisease. DLaziness.24. What can we learn from the last paragraph?AStephen Hawking didnt realize his dreams in physics.BIt was possible for Hawking to face the early death.CThe purpose of the doctors diagnosis was to encourage him to work hard.DHis life might be taken away by long hard work.25. From whom did Hawking get a relatively just estimation when he was at school?AHis sister. BHis classmates.CHis teachers. DHis parents.答案课时作业(二十一) .本文为记叙文。作为一位新医生,作者在圣诞前夕接待了一位特殊病人,并把玫瑰花送给该“病人”,而该“病人”将其送给了妻子。1C圣诞前夕,作为一名新来的医生,作者必须工作,因此不会太高兴,而唯一令作者高兴的是候诊室里那棵装扮得很美的圣诞树和。brighten vt.“使愉快”,符合语境。2A根据下文(破折号后内容为该空的同位语),可知应选A。3D参考下文,可知此空为lady,下文a young, tiredlooking woman为线索。4B两个提示均可判定为patient。作者为医生,医生约见的是狱中的犯人,亦为其病人;第四段有提示:The patient seemed like5A从语境可知,因不被允许,她才找到作者通融。6D下文(第五段)At the end of the appointment为提示。7B其丈夫在服刑,故有全副武装的人看守。8B前文(第二段)noticed a young, tiredlooking woman为提示。9A根据下文what he possibly could have done to be held under such conditions(他会因做什么事而被羁押在此呢)以及后面与之并列的modest可知,作者的想象与实景似乎有出入作者眼前所见的是一位“温和而谦让的男人”。10D根据上下文,此处应为comfortable(舒服的)。作者对该犯人表示同情,尽量在帮他。11D根据语境,作者难以启齿,向一个要回到监牢的人祝贺圣诞快乐。head back“返回”,即“犯人”看完病后再回到监狱。12C根据上下文,该犯人笑着谢了作者,并说“因不能为妻子准备一份圣诞礼物而感到难过”。13B听到此处,作者灵机一动。be inspired with此处指“突然来了灵感,突然想起”。14C根据上下文,递给妻子美丽的玫瑰花的只能是那个犯人。15A根据上文,此处应为opportunity。.ANICE建议孕期女士不要饮酒。文中涉及了英国不同健康机构以及英国政府对孕妇饮酒事宜的不同规定,但是同时指出了孕妇饮酒会对胎儿有不良的影响,从而呼吁孕妇限制饮酒甚至不要饮酒。同时,NICE还对怀孕和准备怀孕的女士保健工作提出了一些其他的建议,提倡社会各界来关注孕妇的健康。16C事实细节题。题干考查the Department of Health关于孕妇喝酒的建议,由文中第二段说到的The Department of Health in England changed its guidance last year, calling for no drinking while pregnant or while trying to get pregnant.可以看出,该机构现在呼吁孕妇不要喝酒,因此C项正确。17B词义猜测题。根据词汇所在的句子The experts said there was no evidence that several ounces once or twice a week would do any harm to the baby but could not categorically rule out (排除) any risk.的句意:专家认为没有证据表明一周内喝一次或两次几盎司的酒就会对胎儿造成伤害,但是不能categorically排除任何危险。根据下段的最后一句中的the risk to her baby is small可知少量饮酒对胎儿会造成比较微小的伤害,所以categorically在这里意为“完全地”。18D细节理解题。根据文章第六段的About 20,000 pregnancies each year are affected by diabetes and, therefore, carry higher risk of miscarriage(流产) and stillbirth(难产)可以看出,患有糖尿病的孕妇有着很高的流产风险,所以应该选D。19B细节理解题。第五段是National Childbirth Trust的发现Pregnant women who have had a few drinks often worry a great deal about whether they have harmed their baby.可以看出,即使喝酒不多的孕妇也会很担心喝酒会对胎儿不利,所以B正确。A项是不完整的,文中说In general, it is believed that if a light infrequent drinker, in good health, drinks to the point of drunkenness on one occasion, the risk to her baby is small.可知对胎儿造成比较微小的危险的怀孕妇女有以下特征:light, infrequent drinker, in good health, on one occasion,而此选项只是断章取义,所以错误;同理D项也由此判断为错误选项。20A作者意图猜测题。作者刚开始介绍了NICE关于孕妇饮酒的新规定,然后第六段NICE提出了一些关爱英国怀孕妇女的建议,所以应该选A。B文章向我们介绍了传奇科学家霍金。21A细节理解题。由But my classmates gave me the nickname Einstein,so presumably they saw signs of something better.可知绰号“爱因斯坦”是同学给起的,但并不意味着他就是第二个爱因斯坦。故A项不符合文意。22B推理判断题。由第一段特别是“But outstanding astrophysicist(天体物理学家) Stephen Hawking has admitted that he did not learn to read until he was eight years old.和第二段开头句可知,他小时候和在大学里是非常懒惰的。故选B项。23C细节理解题。由第二段最后一句only the diagnosis that he might die young from motor neurone(神经元) disease made him concentrate on his work.”可知,是“运动神经元疾病”促使他有所作为。故选C项。24B主旨大意题。由最后一段,特别是信息句He said,“When you are faced with the possibility of an early death,it makes you realize that life is worth living and there are lots of things you want to do.”可知,他有可能要面对英年早逝的不幸事实。故选B项。25B细节理解题。根据第三段最后霍金的话可知,尽管老师不看好他,同学仍给他“爱因斯坦”的绰号,他们从他身上看到好的一面。111

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