2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业7《Unit 2 The Olympic Games》(新人教版必修2江西专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业7《Unit 2 The Olympic Games》(新人教版必修2江西专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业7《Unit 2 The Olympic Games》(新人教版必修2江西专用)_第2页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业7《Unit 2 The Olympic Games》(新人教版必修2江西专用)_第3页
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111课时作业(七)必修2Unit 2 The Olympic Games限时:30分钟.单项填空1You must keep it in mind that nothing can _ a mothers love.Arestore BremoveCreplace Drenew2I _ early and_ an hours walk before breakfast.Aused to get up; takingBused to get up; takeCwere used to getting up; takeDwere used to get up; take3Much knowledge as well as many abilities _ from our teachers.Yes.We should love and respect our teachers.Aare learned Bis learnedClearn Dlearns4I am in _ charge of the class which was once in _ charge of my wife.A/; the B/; /Cthe; / Dthe; the5A tree was planted along the road_.(Choose the one that is NOT proper for the blank)Aevery ten metres Bevery tenth metreCevery other metre Devery the tenth metre6Our teacher often tells us only by working hard every day _ a better university at last.Awe will admit to Bwill we be admitted toCwe will be admitted to Dwill we admit to7They found themselves competing_ foreign companies_ a share of the market.Awith; for Bfor; againstCin; for Dagainst; in8Jack has gone to Australia, but Im wondering why he _ in such a hurry.Aleft Bhas leftCleaves Dwas leaving9“Pay me the money for my work, _ Ill beat you flat,” he shouted angrily to the boss. Aand BbutCor Dor rather10The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only_, but students became more interested in the lessons.Asaved was teachers energyBwas teachers energy savedCteachers energy was savedDwas saved teachers energy11As far as Im concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, _.Athe more for life you are equippedBthe equipped more for life we areCthe more equipped for life we areDwe are equipped the more for life12TV talk shows have covered every inch of space on daytime television. And everyone, who watches them _, knows that each one is different in style.Aregularly BgenerallyCpatiently Dnormally13Considering his contribution to our company, Mr. White_ better treatment than this.Aobserves BpreservesCpretends Ddeserves14If we use the new recycling method, a large number of trees_.Aare saved Bwill saveCwill be saved Dhave saved15Please_the book on the shelf when you have finished it.Atake place of Btake placeCout of place Dreplace.阅读理解“Our aim is to take our art to the world and make people understand what it is to move,” said David Belle, the founder of parkour(跑酷).Do you love running? It is a good exercise, yet many people find it boring. But what if making your morning jog a creative one? Like jumping from walls and over gaps, and ground rolls? Just like the James Bond in the movie Casino Royale? Bond jumps down from a roof to a windowsill and then runs several blocks over obstacles on the way. It is just because of Bonds wonderful performances that the sport has become popular worldwide.Yes, thats parkour, an extreme street sport aimed at moving from one point to another as quickly as possible, getting over all the obstacles in the path using only the abilities of the human body. Parkour is considered an extreme sport. As its participants dash around a city, they may jump over fences, run up walls and even move from rooftop to rooftop.Parkour can be just as exciting and charming as it sounds, but its participants see parkour much more than that.Overcoming all the obstacles on the course and in life is part of the philosophy(理念)behind parkour. This is the same as life. You must determine your destination, go straight, jump over all the barriers as if in parkour and never fall back from them in your life to reach the destination successfully. A parkour lover said, “I love parkour because its philosophy has become my life, my way to do everything.”Another philosophy weve learnt from parkour is freedom. It can be done by anyone, at any time, anywhere in the world. It is a kind of expression of trust in yourself. It is only a state of mind. It is when you trust yourself that you earn energy.16Parkour has become popular throughout the world because of _.Aits founder, David BelleBthe film, Casino RoyaleCits risks and tricksDthe varieties of participants17The underlined word “obstacles” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “_”.Astreets Bobjects Cbarriers Droofs18Which of the following is true of parkour?AIt challenges human abilities.BIt is a good but boring sport.CIt needs special training.DIt is a team sport.19As its participants move around a city, _.Athey can ask for helpBthey may choose to escapeCthey should run to extremesDthey must learn to survive20Which of the following is the philosophy of parkour?ASports and extremes.BExcitement and freedom.CDreams and success.DDetermination and freedom.阅读表达阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到相应的横线上(请注意问题后的词数要求)。1Swimming is one of those activities that can be learned early in life. Little children can learn to swim as soon as they walk. In fact, you need the same skills in walking as in swimming. However, I believe that five is the best age to learn. By five or six, a child knows fear of water, a very important thing to know. Its wise to be afraid, to recognize true danger. Young ones understand that the water can sometimes be very dangerous.2To really benefit from swimming, every swimmer should learn _:butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and crawl. I feel that one of thesethe breaststrokeis different from the others, since some young swimmers use this stroke(游法) naturally, without any training.3In swimming, there are certain rules every swimmer should follow: Never swim alone! No matter how good you are in the water, dont risk drowning by swimming alone. If you swim by yourself, with no lifeguards or friends with you, you may get into trouble.Dont go beyond your abilities. Most swimmers know enough not to swim too far from the bank or the beach. Showing off by doing dangerous tricks is no good. Swim safely and you will continue to swim.Dont smoke. Swimming depends on a healthy body; good lungs are part of it.Work at any activity that builds muscles.21What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10 words)_22What can prove that a child is clever according to Paragraph 1? (no more than 9 words)_23Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 7 words)_24Why should not you swim alone according to the passage? (no more than 10 words)_25What does the word “it” (Line 12, Paragraph 3) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)_课时作业(七).1.C考查动词辨析。replace “代替”。句意为:你必须记住:什么都无法取代母爱。2B考查used to的用法。used to表示“过去常常做某事”,后面跟动词原形;句中get up和take是并列关系,所以均使用原形。句意为:我过去常常起床很早并且在早餐前散步一小时。3B考查主谓一致。当主语后面跟有with, together with, like, except, but, as well as 等词引导的短语时,谓语动词与这些词前面的主语一致。本题much knowledge作主语,谓语用单数。4A考查短语结构。in charge of 的意思是“负责,管理”,其主语通常是人;in the charge of 的意思是“由负责/管理”,其主语通常是物。5DD项中冠词the是多余的。其他三个选项没有语法错误。6B考查倒装结构。only by引导状语放在句首时,句子要使用部分倒装,所以排除A、C;be admitted to为固定短语,意为“被接收,录取”,所以选B。7A考查compete后所跟介词的用法。compete with sb. for sth表示“为与某人竞争”。compete with sb. in则表示“在方面与某人竞争”。8A考查时态。由has gone to可以看出,杰克已经动身了,所以leave已经发生,由此可知应该用一般过去时强调动作的发生。9C考查连词辨析。空格后“我要揍扁你”,是对方不按照他所说的“Pay me the money for my work”的结果,故用or,意为:否则。10B考查句式结构。句意为:计算机应用于教学,结果,不仅能节省教师的精力,而且学生对课程也更感兴趣了。考查“not onlybut also”, 当连接两个句子时,如not only位于句首,其后的句子要部分倒装。11C考查“the 比较级, the 比较级”的用法。从所提供的情境the more you learn,并结合所给的选项可以确定这是“the形容词(副词)的比较级陈述句,the形容词(副词)的比较级陈述句”句型,表示“越,越”。句意为:我认为,教育是关于学习的事,你学得越多,你对生活准备得就越充分。the more equipped for life的意思是 “对生活有充分的准备”。12A考查副词辨析。regularly “定期地,定时地”;generally “一般地,通常地”;patiently “耐心地”;normally “正常地,通常地”。从语境看,只有regularly符合语境,此处指定时看电视谈话节目的人。13D考查动词辨析。句意:鉴于他对公司的贡献,怀特先生应该得到比这更好的待遇。A项意为“观察”;B项意为“保护,保存”;C项意为“假装”;D项意为“值,应该得到”。根据句意,选D。14C考查动词的时态和语态。句意:如果我们利用新的循环方法,大量的树木将会被拯救。trees与save是被动的关系;又因为if引导的条件状语从句中用的是一般现在时表将来,主句要用一般将来时。故选C项。15Dtake the place ofreplace意为“替代”;out of place意为“位置不当”;take place意为“发生”,replace除了有“替代”的意思外,还有“把放回原处”之意。句意:当你看完后,请把书放回书架上。故选D。.文章向我们介绍了跑酷这项运动风靡全球的原因。16B细节理解题。由文章第二段的“Just like the James Bond in the movie Casino Royale? Bond jumps down from a roof to a windowsill and then runs several blocks over obstacles on the way. It is just because of Bonds wonderful performances that the sport has become popular worldwide.”可以看出,跑酷之所以风靡世界是因为电影Casino Royale。17C词义猜测题。obstacles意思为“障碍物”。 street意为“街道”; object意为“物体;对象;目标”; barrier意为“栅栏;障碍物”; roof意为“房顶”。再结合obstacles所在句子语境不难看出与“obstacles”意思最接近的为barriers。18A推理判断题。由第二段的“Do you love running? It is a good exercise, yet many people find it boring.”判断B项错误;由最后一段的“Another philosophy weve learnt from parkour is freedom. It can be done by anyone, at any time, anywhere in the world.”可知C项错误;D项中a team sport与文中对parkour的描述相矛盾,所以排除B、C、D三项,选A项。19C细节理解题。从第三段中的“Parkour is considered an extreme sport. As its participants dash around a city, they may jump over fences, run up walls and even move from rooftop to rooftop.”可以看出最佳答案为C项“他们应该跑到极限为止”。20D细节理解题。从文章倒数第二段的“Overcoming all the obstacles on the course and in life is part of the philosophy(理念) behind parkour. This is the same as life. You must determine your destination,”和最后一段的首句“Another philosophy weve learnt from parkour is freedom.”我们概括出跑酷的理念精髓为:决心和自由。故选D项。.本文为说明文,针对游泳作者给出了自己的建议。 21Some advice on how to swim.22Fearing the water and knowing its danger.由第一段中“By five or six, a child knows fear of water, a very important thing to know. Its wise to be afraid, to recognize true danger.”可知答案。23these four basic strokes/the following four swimming styles句子填空题。由设空后面的“ butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and crawl.”可知,在游泳时我们应该学会以下四种游法。24Because you may drown by swimming alone. / Because you may risk drowning by swimming alone.25A healthy body.代词指代题。由划线词所在句子的前面的“Swimming depends on a healthy body ”可知答案。111

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