2013届高考备考一轮复习精选课件英语人教版Book6 Unit 1《Art》练习 新人教版

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2013届高考备考一轮复习精选课件英语人教版Book6 Unit 1《Art》练习 新人教版_第1页
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2013届高考备考一轮复习精选课件英语人教版Book6 Unit 1《Art》练习 新人教版_第2页
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2013届高考备考一轮复习精选课件英语人教版Book6 Unit 1《Art》练习 新人教版_第3页
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111Book 6Unit 1Art.单项填空1Hows your tour around the North Lake?Is it beautiful?It_ be,but it is now heavily polluted.AwillBwouldCshouldDmust2The poor mother,who had been ill in bed,had to have her little son _ at his uncles.AadaptedBadoptedCadjustedDapplied3Of the two apples,which one do you prefer?_ bigger one.Its _ most delicious one,I think.AThe;aBThe;theCA;/DA;the4It is_ of him to be so gentle just like a girl.AtraditionalBtypicalCtechnicalDtolerable5Shelly had prepared carefully for her driving test so that she could pass it at her first_.AattemptBintentionCdesireDpurpose6Can you show me Mr.Jaffers office,please?_.But I dont know if he is in at the moment.AThanksBGo onCSureDYou are welcome7The car Tom was_ was once_ his uncle.Ain possession of;in the possession ofBin the possession of;in possession ofCin possession of;in possession ofDin the possession of;in the possession of8This disease is specific_ this area.It hasnt been found in other areas.AforBtoCaboutDover9If I_ plan to do anything I want to,Id like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.AwouldBcouldCought toDhad to10The design _ to all ages and social groups.AattractedBappealedCstruckDdrew11On the one hand,we should develop our economy;_ we should protect the environment.Aon the other handBfor anotherCon the contraryDby hand12What about listening to the English program on the radio while learning English?Personally,_.Aits up to youBit makes senseCits a shameDits out of the question13Lets make it a rule that the latest_ pays the money.We cant agree with you more.Ato arriveBto have arrivedCarrivingDarrives14How I wish every family_ a large house with a beautiful garden!AhasBhadCwill haveDhad had15He went to Australia to learn English_.Which of the following is WRONG?Aevery other yearBevery the second yearCevery two yearsDevery second year.完形填空 “Two books per visit per week,” said the unsmiling librarian as she handed a library card.Neither the limits nor her attitude_16_me,a 9yearold Jewish girl growing up in Berlin in the 1950s.I needed those visits.The books were filled with stories in which,however_17_things seemed,everything_18_well in the end,_19_justice,bravery,and wisdoma striking contrast(对比) to my everyday experiences.Thirty years later,I,a recent immigrant to the US with a daughter aged 13,stood in front of another librarian.This librarian was_20_.“What did she say?”I asked my daughter,who already knew a little English and often_21_as my interpreter.“She said,Can I help you?”“Ask if they have any books in_22_,”I requested.“No,they dont.” translated my daughter.While hunting for a job,I was told that the library needed people to_23_books.The interview was shortthe job didnt require much English,just a_24_of the alphabet.I started the next day.Every day,I handled hundreds of books whose meaning was_25_from me,mentally dividing them by size and color.One day,while shelving,I found English for Beginners and began studying it on my own._26_English letters started forming words I could_27_,words combined into phrases,andoh,_28_!I was reading.It was a slow process,supported by dictionaries and_29_by tears,but it was progress.Afterwards I got promoted to the front desk_30_books in and out and answering simple questions.Every day I receive dozens of people.Sometimes I spot new immigrants.They come from all over the world,so they look different,but the hesitant expression on their faces and their_31_manners are similar.My heart goes out to them,_32_they are people like me.I fully understand the_33_roads on which they have stepped.“Theyve come to the right place,”I think to_34_.Then I smile and sayjust the_35_a librarian said to me a long time ago“Can I help you?”16A.surprisedBcomfortedCpuzzledDshocked17A.attractiveBdullCterribleDstrange18A.went outBturned outCended inDcame up19A.rewardingBaffectingCcompletingDdenying20A.chattingBstaringCreadingDsmiling21A.introducedBinstructedCguidedDserved22A.SpanishBFrenchCRussianDGerman23A.shelveBregisterCrecordDmark24A.listBknowledgeClineDcompetence25A.vagueBsimpleChiddenDclear26A.All of a suddenBIn no timeCStep by stepDNow and then27A.recognizeBrealizeCdefineDinterpret28A.challengeBwonderCopportunityDnews29A.inspiredBaccompaniedCblockedDexcited30A.checkingBclassifyingCborrowingDlending31A.roughBelegantCpoliteDshy32A.thoughBuntilCforDunless33A.difficultBsmoothCendlessDstraight34A.meBmyselfCthemDthemselves35A.meansBapproachCmethodDway.阅读理解Is there something that youve always wanted to try but just never had the time?Well,make plans to try it now since you are on summer vacation.Not all vacations call for taking a tour bus to take photos of famous landmarks.Some vacations allow you plenty of opportunities to learn.The most difficult aspect of a learning vacation may be choosing one because the possibilities are endless.If you enjoy cooking,various companies can take you to Italy,France,Spain,Mexico or even Peru.Once there,you can learn to prepare the local cuisine(烹饪)Trips are often planned to fit in with local food festivals or special events.The term “learning vacation” often brings language to mind.The best way to learn a language is in an environment where its spoken.Study Spanish,French or English.Or attempt a more unusual language like Polish,Estonian or Thai.Youll be able to learn about the country and absorb the culture at the same time.If you are fond of sports,you can polish your skills or learn new ones.Golf and tennis schools welcome players of all levels.If you want a bigger thrill,you can learn to surf,go climbing or race cars.Its even possible to learn the art and techniques of bull fighting while on vacation!You can also discover your inner artist.Many places offer painting classes in different mediums.The scenic locations of the schools offer plenty of subjects that provide inspiration for practice.If you prefer capturing the world on film,take a photography vacation.Travel with a small group to photograph beautiful animals or scenery.You can also practice your technique on people or at historical sights.Once you decide on a vacation,choose a company carefully.Request names of recent customers you can contact,and then ask them for an evaluation (评价)The more you know before you go,the better prepared youll be.Then go out and learn something!36Why is it hard for you to decide on a learning vacation?ABecause it is hard for you to make plans.BBecause the possibilities are unlimited.CBecause there are many good foods from abroad.DBecause therere too many food festivals or events.37The advantages of learning a language in its native country is that _.Athe environment is fit for you to use the language Byou are able to learn the original foreign language Cnative speakers offer you a lot of chances to practice Dyou can learn the language and experience its culture38Which of the following sports suits you if you dont like thrills?ACar racing.BPlaying tennis. CRock climbing.DSurfing.39The structure of the text would be_.40The purpose of writing the text is to_.Aadvertise some popular summer programmes Bencourage readers to have a good time relaxingCoffer some tips on how to enjoy a learning vacationDattract more readers to spend summer time learning1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.A 14.B15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.D 21.D 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.A 31.D 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.D 36.B 37.D 38.B 39.A 40.C111

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