【把握高考】2013高三英语最新专题综合演练《Unit 1 Friendship》单元强化训练 新人教版必修1(全国课标卷)

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【把握高考】2013高三英语最新专题综合演练《Unit 1 Friendship》单元强化训练 新人教版必修1(全国课标卷)_第1页
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【把握高考】2013高三英语最新专题综合演练《Unit 1 Friendship》单元强化训练 新人教版必修1(全国课标卷)_第2页
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【把握高考】2013高三英语最新专题综合演练《Unit 1 Friendship》单元强化训练 新人教版必修1(全国课标卷)_第3页
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111.单词拼写1.Our workmate has been in danger.Were all _(关心) about his health.2.I have _(打包) up my clothes;Im ready to go on a holiday.3.I was really _(心烦) by the news.4.Some drivers simply_(不理会) speed limits when driving on the road.5.We all _(分享) in her happiness when she won the scholarship.单项填空3._his roommates up, Mr.Smith, who worked in his office until midnight, walked into the room quietly.A.In order not to wakeB.In order to not wakeC.So as to not wakeD.So as not to wake4.This area soon _from the effects of the earthquake.A.hidB.recoveredC.concernedD.set5.Can you imagine what _we had _for the Asian Games?A.difficulty;to prepareB.difficulty;in preparingC.trouble;to prepareD.troubles;in preparing6.Dont waste lots of time looking for the answer to one question.Leave it and come back to it later _.A.if it necessaryB.if you are necessaryC.if is necessaryD.if necessary7.Tom felt shocked when he saw his Aunty Polly standing in his room with her arms _.A.crossB.crossingC.crossedD.to cross10.People should stop using their cars and start using public transport._.The roads are too crowded as it is.A.All rightB.ExactlyC.Go aheadD.Fine13.As a result of the 8.8-degree earthquake in Chile, people there_great losses.A.have suffered fromB.sufferedC.have sufferedD.suffered from 14.It was the first time that he _ to the party.A.invitedB.had been invitedC.has been invitedD.was invited15.“Dont make so much noise.” said the teacher.The teacher asked us _ so much noise.A.dont makeB.not makeC.not to makeD.not making.完形填空What are some of the _(15) of friendship?The greatest is the attraction to expect too much too soon.Deep relationships _(16) time.Another “major difficulty” is the selfishness to think one “possesses” the other,including his time and attention.Similarly,friendships_(17)actions in return.In _(18) words,you must give as much as you take.Finally there is a question of taking care of the friendship.Unless you spend _(19) time together,talking on the phone,and writing letters,friendships will die _(20).1.A.KnowledgeB.TeachersC.ExperienceD.Parents2.A.understoodB.formedC.realizedD.produced6.A.disagreementsB.friendshipsC.expectationsD.relationships9.A.ownB.oweC.shareD.spare10.A.thatB.veryC.notD.quite11.A.make sureB.rememberC.expectD.check out12.A.includesB.to includeC.includingD.included13.A.canB.needC.willD.must17.A.requireB.requestC.dependD.suggest18.A.someB.manyC.otherD.different19.A.enoughB.comfortableC.lessD.a lot20.A.forB.awayC.outD.from厚积薄发在本篇文章的阅读过程中,你有没有发现自己尚未掌握的或比较重要的词汇、短语或者句型?赶紧动手,把它们记下来吧!单词:_短语:_句型:_.任务型阅读根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Informal conversation is an important part of any business relationship_(1) Latin Americans enjoy sharing information about their local history, art, and customsThey expect questions about their family and are sure to show pictures of their childrenThe French think of conversation as an art form_(2) For them, arguments can be interestingand they can cover pretty much or any topicas long as they occur in a respectful and intelligent mannerIn the United States, business people like to discuss a wide range of topics, including opinions about work, family, hobbies, and politics_(3) They do not share much about their thoughts, feelings, or emotions because they feel that doing so might take away from the harmonious business relationship theyre trying to buildMiddle Easterners are also private about their personal lives and family mattersIt is considered rude, for example, to ask a businessman from Saudi Arabia about his wife or children_(4) This can get you into trouble, even in the United States, where people hold different viewsSports is typically a friendly subject in most parts of the world, although be careful not to criticize a national sport_(5) AInstead, be friendly and praise your hosts teamBYou may feel free to ask your Latin American friends similar questionsCBefore you start a discussion, however, make sure you understand which topics are suitable in a particular cultureDIn Japan, China, and Korea, however, people are much more privateEIn addition, discussing ones salary is usually considered unsuitableFThey enjoy the value of lively discussions as well as disagreementsGAs a general rule, its best not to talk about politics or religion with your business friends【答案全解】.单词拼写1.concerned2.packed3.upset4.ignore5.shared.单项填空3.解析:in order to和so as to都是“为了”的意思,但是so as to不能位于句首,故排除C、D两项;in order to的否定形式是在不定式前面加not,故正确答案为A。句意为:为了不吵醒舍友,从办公室工作到半夜的史密斯先生静悄悄地走进室内。答案:A4.解析:句意为:该地区受地震影响后不久就恢复正常了。recover指通过努力恢复以往的样子。答案:B5.解析:本题是将短语have difficulty (in) doing sth.“做某事有困难”放在疑问句中考查。have trouble with后面可接名词或代词,其中trouble是不可数名词,have trouble in后面通常接doing。答案:B6.解析:状语从句中的主语和主句中的主语一致且含有系动词be或从句主语是it时,常把从句主语和it省略掉。if necessary=if it is necessary“如果必要的话”。答案:D10.解析:考查情景交际。Exactly“的确如此”,表示很赞同对方的看法,与后面的“路太拥挤”相吻合。All right“好吧”,用于回答对方的提议。Go ahead用来回答对方的请求,意思根据语境来翻译。Fine一般用来回答“状况良好”。答案:B11.解析:考查动词短语辨析。set down“写下,记下”;set off“出发,燃放(烟火、爆竹等)”;set up“设置,创立”;set on“突然攻击,袭击”。句意为:他在日记中记下他所有的重要的想法。根据句意可知答案为A项。答案:A12.解析:句意为:因为获得了大丰收,农民们过着舒适的生活。a series of good harvests“大丰收”。答案:A15.解析:考查直接引语变间接引语。此处为ask sb.to do sth.“告诉某人做某事”的用法。根据句意“老师告诉我们不要总是发出噪音”,可知正确答案为C。答案:C.完成句子1.upset about2.Its no pleasure3.settle down4.calm;down5.It was not until he came in that I recognized him.完形填空1.解析:由语境可知。“A true friend is someone who stays with you for life.”是由生活经验总结出来的。所以选Experience。答案:C2.解析:友谊(friendship)是form(培养)出来的,而不是understand(理解),realize(实现)或produce(生产)的。答案:B7.解析:名词辨析。下面几句列举的都是想法,所以用thought“思想,想法”,指一般概念。mind指“思维,理智,注意力”。答案:B8.解析:动词辨析。这里表示的是“使友谊保持一定距离(at arms length)”这一状态,只能用及物动词keep。答案:D9.解析:动词辨析。share ourselves“我们之间相互分享。”答案:C13.解析:情态动词辨析。句意为:尽管别人分享自己的经历能加深友谊,但这一活动必须(must)在对方表现出兴趣或有回报的活动等类似的迹象时才能慢慢进行。答案:D14.解析:名词辨析。sign“征兆,迹象”。答案:D15.解析:语境化选词。该部分讲述了发展友谊的两大困难:the attraction to expect too much too soon;the selfishness,也可以从第16个空后的Another “major difficulty”得到启示。答案:A16.解析:动词辨析。上文提到发展友谊最大的困难就是期望尽快得到太多的东西,也就是说像友谊这样的深层关系需要时间,take“需要,花费”。spend也可以指花费时间,但主语应是表示人的词语。答案:D17.解析:语境化选词。上文提到友谊的第二大困难:自私,想占有对方的时间和注意力。因此要发展友谊需要(require)有回报的行动。答案:A18.解析:“you must give as much as you take”是对上句“friendships require actions in return”的解释说明,所以用in other words,意思是“换句话说”。答案:C111

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