Unit 4《Global Warming》同步练习3(人教版选修6)

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111Book 6 Unit 4Global Warming单元自测题一、基础知识1、消费能量 _ 2、发生、产生 _3、自然现象 _ 4、支持这个观点 _5、做精确的测量 _ 6、导致 _/_/_7、对待全球变暖的态度 _ 8、持续变暖 _9、代表一方 _ 10、改善环境的能力 _11、忍受污染 _ 12、电器 _13、可回收利用材料 _ 14、吸收二氧化碳 _二、单项选择:1. Is it _ to you that the government is having a hard time now?A. of much important B. of much consequence C. of very important D. of many consequence2. Something must be done to _ the river from _.A. stop; being polluted B. stop; polluting C. prevent; pollution D. keep; polluted3. There _ quantities of apples in the basket and there was _ milk in the bucket.A. were; a number of B. was; quantities of C. was; a good many D. were; a quantity of4._ we get good weather it will be a successful holiday. Which is wrong?A. So long as B. Provided that C. So long D. On condition that5. Go for a picnic this weekend, ok? _. I love getting close to nature.A. I dont think so. B. I believe not. C. I couldnt agree more D. I am afraid not.6. Now, where is my purpose? _! We will be late for the picnic.A. Come on B. Dont worry C. Take your time D. Take it easy.7. It was not until 1999 _ regular radio broadcast began.A. while B. which C. that D. since8. Can it be in the restaurant _ we had dinner last Sunday _ you left your wallet?A. where ; where B. where; that C. that ; where D. that; that9. Whats the matter with you? _ the window , my finger was cut unexpectedly.A. Cleaning B. To clean C. While cleaning D. While I was cleaning10. My brother drove his car down the street at _ I thought was a dangerous speed.A. as B. which C. there D. what11. The school has _ a plan for the committee to consider. A. set up B. set aside C. come true D. come into being12. _ is impossible for us to offer him any help. A. This B. It C. That D. which13. Can you tell me what _ her _here?A. stop; from coming B. stopped; from comingC. keep; from coming D. prevent; coming to14. He couldnt make his voice _ .A. hear B. be heard C. hearing D. heard15. They have _ a plan for reducing the daily outcome, which is quite practical.A. put off B. put away C. put down D. put forward三、完形填空Recently I was invited to a friends house for supperand had a meal I have never had before.All the friends invited were a little 16 . Its not that Ben is unsociable , or a bad cook , but its just that he never 17 more than he has to. So how come he was inviting us round for a meal? Had he bought something 18 for his friends? He greeted us at the door and showed us into his dinning room where a 19 table was waiting for us.“Nothing but the 20 for my friends!”said Ben. We all sat down and looked 21 at each otherwhat did he 22 to?Ben returned with four bowls of hot soup.“Its a 23 of carrots , potatoes and tomatoes,”said Ben. The next 24 was also a little strange in that we didnt quite know what it was again. Its just 25 mixture of vegetable.As we ate we chatted and finally the 26 turned back to what we were eating.“Was there a recipe(食谱)for this,” asked Marina ,“or did you 27 it up?”Ben put his fork down. “What I cooked 28 what I could find.”Marina was surprised.“But you can find anything in supermarkets these days.”“But theres 29 choice in what you can find 30 supermarkets.” He replies. 31 that we had all finished the food , Ben decided to tell the truth. He had read recently that supermarkets usually 32 away 5 percent of their food every day. So Ben decided to look inside his local supermarket bins. There he found food that was slightly out of 33 , boxes of throw-away vegetables and fruit.So Ben had 34 provided a decent(不错的) meal for his friends , and made us away of the fact that there are many poor people who need the food , but the amount of food thrown away is enough to 35 millions of people.16. A. excitedB. disappointedC. surprisedD. delighted17. A. takesB. spendsC. usesD. costs18. A. cheapB. specialC. practicalD. usual19. A. newB. separateC. bookedD. laid20. A. worstB. mostC. bestD. least21. A. nervouslyB. carefullyC. sadlyD. happily22. A. think B. considerC. mean D. ask23. A. mixtureB. liquidC. matterD. dish24. A. courseB. foodC. soupD. salad25. A. otherB. others C. the other D. another26. A. dinnerB. ideaC. foodD. subject27. A. pickB. lookC. makeD. take28. A. referredB. depended onC. lay inD. resulted from29. A. lessB. moreC. someD. any30. A. withinB. beyondC. insideD. outside31. A. FeelingB. SeeingC. RealizingD. Thinking32. A. storeB. moveC. throwD. hide33. A. orderB. placeC. seasonD. date34. A. successfullyB. possiblyC. hardlyD. hopefully35. A. enrichB. pleaseC. affectD. feed四、阅读理解AIn ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually was made up of saying poetry aloud and giving speeches.In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced degrees had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing candidates(应试者) for the doctors degree.Generally, however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all students are tested on the same questions, was probably not known until the nineteenth century. Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development of modern industry. A room full of candidates for a state examination timed exactly by electric clocks and carefully watched over by managers, looks like a group of workers at an automobile factory. Certainly, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines.One type of test is sometimes called an “objective” test. It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To make up an objective test, the teacher writes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer. Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answer and also three statements that look like answers to students who have not learned the material properly.36. The main idea of Paragraph Three is that _ . A. workers now take examinations B. the population has grown C. there are only written exams today D. examinations are now written and timed37. The kind of exams where students must select answers are _ . A. objective B. personal C. spoken D. written38. Modern industry must have developed _ . A. around the 19th century B .before the Middle Ages C. in Greece or Rome D. machines to take tests39. It may be concluded that testing _ . A. should test only opinions B. should always be written C. is given only in factories D. has changed since the Middle Ages BLOST AND FOUNDROOMATESFOUND: Cat, 6 months old, black and white marking. Found near Linden and South U.Steve, 800-4661FEMAL ROOMATE WANTEDOwn room near campus. Available December 1st. Rent $80 per month until March 1st.$129 there after. Call Jill for details,8007839. LOST: Gold wire rim glasses in brown case. Campus area. Reward. Call Gregg 800-2896NEED PERSON to assume lease for own bedroom in apt. near campus, $92/mo. Starting Jan. 1st. Call 800-6157 after 5:00FOR SAILHELP WANTEDMOVING: Must sell.TV b/w2 seconds, $50; AM/FM transistor radio A/c or battery, $15;cassette tape recorder,$10; music records.Call John or Pat, 8000739 after 5 or weekends.BABYSITTER-MY HOMEIf you are available a few hours during the day, some evenings and occasional weekends to care for 2 school-age children, please call Gayle Moore days 8001111, evenings and weekends 8004964.USED FUR COATS and JACKETS GOOD CONDITION. $50-125. Call 800-0436 after 12 noon.WAITRESS WANTED:10 a.m.2 p.m. or 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m.Apply in person, 207 s. Mai.Curtis Restaurant. 40. If you want a job of taking care of children, which ad will you answer?A.LOST AND FOUND B. ROOMMATES C. FOR SAIL D.HELP WANTED41. You will call_ if you want to buy a radio.A. 800-0436 B. 8000739 C.8004661 D.800496442. If your aunt wants to rent a room from Feb.1st to Apri.1st, how much money should she pay?A. $160 B. $ 129 C. $ 209 D. $418五、 书面表达假设你班将举行一次英语班会,主题为“如何做一个好学生”。请你根据以下要点写一篇短文。短文中须包括以下要点:1、严格自律,刻苦学习 2、尊敬师长,乐于助人 3、遵守校规,不染恶习4、不无故旷课, 不以强凌弱. 5、不断进步,实现目标Suggested answer:How to be good students ?It is important and necessary for us to be good students. But how can we become good students?In my opinion, first of all, those who are strict with themselves and in their studies can be considered as good students while those with bad behaviors of smoking, drinking or being absent from classes without any reason are admitted to be bad ones. Besides being good students, we should show respect to our teachers and the elderly and be always ready to help others. Finally and most importantly, we must obey the school regulations, and try not to get into the bad habits, such as being addicted to playing computer games, telling lies and teasing and bulling the weak. In a word, good students are always trying their best to make constant progress so that they can achieve their goals.The key:基础知识:1.consume energy 2. come about 3. natural phenomenon 4. subscribe to the view 5. make accurate measurement 6.result in / lead to / contribute to / bring about /cause 7. the attitude to / towards global warming 8. keep on warming 9. on behalf of 10. the power to improve the environment 11.put up with pollution 12. electrical appliance 13. recycled materials 14. absorb carbon dioxide单项选择1-5 BADCC 6-10 ACBDD 1-15 BBBDD完形填空16-20 CBBDC 21- 25 ACAAD 26-30 DCBAD 31-35 BCDAD阅读理解36- 39 DAAD 40-42 DBC 111


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