外研版英语六年级下册Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear教案

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Module 7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear.1教学目标 1、 能听懂、理解会说She could./She couldnt .句型;2、 通过学习可以根据图片描述Helen 的生平事迹,进一步说说自己心中值得学习的人事迹;3、通过学习,教育学生要坚强勇敢地向命运挑战,学习Helen不懈努力的精神。2学情分析 本课对象是六年级12-13岁的小学生,大部分学生对应于学习的积极性浓厚,基础知识扎实,学习方法恰当,已具备英语阅读理解和分析问题的能力,但综合运用英语的能力不够强。3重点难点 教学重点:通过学习简单复述Helen的生平事迹。教学难点:学会用could、couldnt谈论及询问某人过去的能力。4教学过程 1、能理解并掌握句型:Helen couldnt see or hear .Helen learnt to read, write and speak.2、通过学习可以根据图片复述Helen 的事迹,进一步说说自己心目中值得学习的人得事迹。3、通过学习Helen 的故事,教育学生要坚强勇敢地向命运挑战。4.1.2学时重点 理解和掌握本课的重点句型并能复述Helen 的事迹。4.1.3学时难点 能运用could和couldnt说说自己心中值得学习的人得事迹。4.1.4教学活动 活动1【导入】warm up 1、Free talk :Good morning, boys and girls, how are you today? When was you a baby, you could . You couldnt .2、Review the words.3、Guessing game :Who is she?活动2【导入】leadin T: She is Helen Keller, today we are going to learn the new lesson.活动3【讲授】Presentation (一)Activity11 Listen and chant.2 Look at these pictures, lets know something about Helen Keller. (出示有关Helen Keller的文化背景)(二)Activity21 Listen and answer. (听录音,初步感知全文)2 Listen and answer the questions in part 1 quickly.(1) When was Helen Keller born?(2)When was she born?3 Find the answer in part2、part3 quickly.(1)Who taught her to spell?(2)What did she learn?4 Read part4 by yourselves and find out the answer.(1)How old did Helen Keller live to be?5 Read the whole text by yourselves and fill in the blanks.(1) She become _and _.She couldnt _or_.(2) She _ in Helen Kellers hand and taught her to spell.(3) Later Helen learnt to _、_and_.(4) She _about herself and _all over the world.6 Listen and repeat the whole text.7 Read with your partner.8 Read by yourselves.9 Retell the text.活动4【活动】Practice 1、Lets sing. 原曲两只老虎Helen Keller, Helen Keller.couldnt see, couldnt hear.She learnt to read and write,She wrote a book about herself.A role model for us, a role model for us.2、Talking time自由选择一个问题分组进行讨论。1 、Talk about Helen Keller.2、Use could 、couldnt talk about yourself.3、 Use could、 couldnt” talk about your parents your best friend.4、Do exercises.活动5【作业】Homework 1、Read the text three times ,retell the story to other.2、Write three sentences with could and couldnt .3、 Read the book If you give me three days light.


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