PEP英语四年级下册4 Unit 3单元测试

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Unit 3 Weather 单元测试Name:_ Class:_一、请根据上、下文完成句子。(注意:每格一词)1. _ warm _ Lhasa.2. _ the weather _ today ? 或 _ _ the weather _ today ?_ sunny . 或 It _ sunny .3. _ I wear my jacket today ? No, you _.4. Its _ today . You can wear your T-shirt . 5. _ is the weather _ London ? _ _ London .6. _ _ windy ? Yes, _ is . / No, _ not .7. Its _ today . _ play _. 或Let _ play _ .二、请根据实际情况判断下面句子是否合符情理,如合符情理请打“”,否则打“”。1Its cold today . I cant wear my T-shirt . ( )2. Its rainy today . Lets play football . ( )3. Its windy today . Lets fly kites . ( )4. Its cool today . I can wear my shirt . ( )5. Its snowy today . I can make a snowman . ( )三、请根据上、下文或图片的提示,完成下列天气预报。Good evening , this is the _report . Its _ and _ in Moscow. You can wear your _. Its_ in London . So you cant _ _ in London tomorrow. Its _ in Hong Kong . You can wear your _ . Thank you . 四、请根据图片写出正确的问题或答句。(请注意开头大写和标点喔)1Its _ . Lets _ .1.2. _ 2.Its windy today .3. _ 3. Yes, it is .4. Can I wear my sweater today ? 4. _ 5. _ 5. Its rainy in London .6. _ 6. Its white .7. _ 7. They are on the bed .8. _ 8. They are yellow.9. Is it hot ? _ 9.五、请根据上、下文选择正确的句子,并把其字母编号填在横线上。A:_ A. Whats the weather like today?B: No, its not . B. Lets play football .A: _ C. Where is the kite ?B: Its windy . D. Is it sunny today ?A:_ E. Let us fly kites .B: No, you cant . Its cool ,too. F. Can I wear my T-shirt ?A: _ G. OK.B: Good idea . H. Can I wear my shirt ?A: _ B: Look ,its on the wall . 六、阅读理解。请你细心阅读短文并对短文下面的句子进行判断。Hello, I am Amy . I am from New York . Today is Saturday (星期六) . Its sunny and warm .I wear my pretty shirt. I go to the zoo with my father and mother. Tomorrow(明天) is Sunday(星期天). The weather report says tomorrow will be rainy . So I have to read books at home . ( ) 1. Amy is from America. ( ) 2. Its sunny and hot on Saturday . ( ) 3. Amy has a pretty skirt . ( ) 4. It will be windy on Sunday . ( ) 5. Amy has to watch TV at home on Sunday .5

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