英语:Module 2《My New Teachers》单元课件(外研版必修1)

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Module 2,My New Teachers,高中第一册,Answer the questions about the words in the box.,Listening and vocabulary,choice exam headmaster headmistress library period revision translation timetable topic vacation,1) How much revision do you do before an exam? 2) Do you do a lot of translation in your language classes? 3) Do you have any free periods in your timetable? 4) Is the head of your school a headmaster or a headmistress? 5) How much time do you spend in the school library? 6) Do you do different topics in your language classes? 7) How much vacation do you have?,(St=Student Mr S=Mr Stanton) Mr S: Okay, _, as you know, the exams are _ soon, so we need to start work on revision. This afternoon Im going to give you a choice. We can either do some revision or we can do some translation. _,Listen to the conservation and fill in the blanks.,kids,coming up,Its up to you.,St: Id rather do translation than revision, Mr Stanton. MrS: How many people would like to do translation? Chorus of voices: I would/Me/Id like to do translation. Mr S: Thats eight of you. So the rest of you would _ to do revision, is that right?,prefer,Chorus of voices: Yes. Mr S: Thats sixteen of you. So _ _. Well do revision. Im going to give you a choice of topic, too. Do you want to revise Life in the Future or Travel? St: Id rather _ Life in the Future. St: Id prefer to do Travel.,thats,settled,do,Mr S: _ Life in the Future. (Students raise their hands) Eighteen of you. The choice is made. But before we start, there are a couple of things I need to say to you. Firstly, have you all got your new timetables?,Hands up for,Chorus of voices: Yes. Mr S: Good. Can you _ them? OK. Now, at present you have a free period on Tuesday afternoons. Well, thats been changed and youve got French _. Have you got that?,take a look at,instead,Chorus of voices: Yes. Mr S: _. And theres one other thing. The headmaster wants to see everyone in the library at three this afternoon. OK? Chorus of voices: Yes. Mr S: Right. Lets begin our revision of Life in the future.,Excellent,Complete the sentences with words in activity 1.,This afternoon Im going to give you a _. 2. We can either do some _ or we can do some _. 3. Firstly, have you got your new _?,choice,revision,translation,timetables,4. At present, you have a free _ on Tuesday afternoons. 5. The _ wants to see everyone in the school _.,period,headmaster,library,Listen to the conservation again and choose the right answer.,Students will have _ soon. (a) a vacation (b) exams (c) a test 2. Most of the class want to do_. (a) revision (b) translation (c) comprehension,3. The topic that most students want to study is “_” (a) Life in the future (b) Travel (c) Life in the Past 4. Students are going to do _ on Tuesday afternoons. (a) geography (b) history (c) French 5. The headmaster wants to see the students at_ oclock. (a) three (b) two (c) one,grammar,translation,vocabulary,conversation,listening,reading,writing,Think about which of these English language areas is the most difficult for you and which is the easiest. Write down the reasons why.,Example: If you do well in an exam you will pass; if you do badly you will fail.,2. senior school junior school Senior school is where you go after junior school; it is for older students.,Explain the connection between these words and phrases.,3. teacher subject At senior school you usually have a different teacher for each subject. 4. playground students The students go into the playground at break and lunch time; it is where they can play games, talk and walk.,5. excellent good If you are very good at a subject, your teacher will say you are an excellent student. 6. test revision When you have a test, you need to do some revision to check whether you know everything.,7. result exam When the teacher has marked your exam you will get the results for example 75 out of 100. 8. textbook schoolbag When you take your textbooks home to do your homework, you put them into your schoolbag.,Everyday English,Complete the conservation with these expressions.,Have you got that Take a look kids thats settled a couple of things its up to you,1. A: Shall I go to the meeting? B: You decide _.,its up to you,2. A: _ at this picture. Isnt it beautiful? B: Yes, its lovely. 3. A: There are _ I need to do. B: Do you need help with them? 4. A: Your history classes are now on Monday at eleven, Tuesday at three and Friday at 9:30. _?,Take a look,a couple of things,Have you got that,B: No. Could you repeat it please? 5. A: So _, well start at nine tomorrow. B: Fine, nine tomorrow. 6. A: Come on _, lets go. B: Wait for me!,thats settled,kids,1. Its up to you 由你来决定。 be up to 1) 想做, 从事于 如: What are you up to with that hammer? 你拿铁锤想干什么? 2) 能, 胜任 如: Shes not up to the job. 她不胜任那个工作。,Language Points,Are you up to reading such difficult books? 你能看得懂这么难的书吗? 3) 应由负责;由决定 如: Its up to you to carry out the plan. 由你实行那个计划。 Its up to him to decide it. 那件事由他来决定。,2. a couple of 1) 两个,一对,一双 如: I saw her a couple of days ago. 我两天前看过她。 2) 两三个,几个人 如: I asked him a couple of questions. 我问了他几个问题。,1. Surprisingly, all the students got good marks. 2. Im doing maths, chemistry, physics, and biology. 3. Its sometimes difficult for me to understand him, but I do my best. 4. Theyre intelligent, hard-working and lively students. 5. It was a difficult problem, I disagree.,Read out the following sentences.,Writing,What is a good teacher I dont think there is one answer only to this important question because good teachers can be strict kind lively quiet amusing or serious however there are some things that a good teacher must do for example he or she must plan,?,.,H,.,F,Now punctuate this paragraph. Use full stops, capital letters, question marks and commas where necessary.,his or her lessons carefully and must explain things clearly if not students will have problems also its very important for teachers to have discipline in the class dont you think so finally a good teacher needs to like his students and enjoy teaching I believe thats very important,.,I,.,A,?,F,.,.,Mr Wus only been teaching us for two weeks and hes already very popular I think this is because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature he loves it in fact hes got so much energy this is one class you do not fall asleep in hes about 28 I think and is rather good-looking,Please punctuate a paragraph from reading and vocabulary.,.,!,H,!,H,.,he talks loudly and fast and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited hes really amusing and tells jokes when he thinks were getting bored even things like compositions and summaries are fun with Mr Wu I respect him a lot,H,.,H,.,E,.,.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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