英语同步课件:人教版必修5Unit4《Making the news》Section Ⅰ Warming Up & Reading-Preparing

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英语同步课件:人教版必修5Unit4《Making the news》Section Ⅰ Warming Up & Reading-Preparing_第1页
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英语同步课件:人教版必修5Unit4《Making the news》Section Ⅰ Warming Up & Reading-Preparing_第3页
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Section Warming Up & ReadingPreparing,预习多维感知,Section ,预习多维感知,Step One:Ask and Discussion Look at the following pictures, and guess what their jobs are?,_,_,_,_,_,答案:(1)They are journalists. They interview people and find out about events from lookers-on(旁观者) (2)He is a photographer who takes photographs of important people or events. (3)He is an editor who makes sure the writing is clear,accurate;checks facts. (4)They are designers who lays out(安排,布置) the article and photographs. (5)He is a printer who prints the newspaper.,Step Two:Fast Reading 1Read the text and find out how many questions Zhou Yang asked? _ 答案:Seven.,2Scan the text and choose the best answer according to the text? (1)The purpose of writing the passage is to _. Ashow us the skills necessary to become a good reporter Btell us how Zhou Yang became a journalist Cshow how to have a good interview Dtell us how to make a good photographer,(2)Which one is FALSE about“what a reporter needs to remember when going out to cover a story?” AHe needs to be curious. BA good reporter must have a camera. CHe has to listen to the detailed facts. DIf necessary he can use a recorder.,(3)“A good reporter must have anosefor a story.”probably means a reporter _. Ahas a sense about what is going to happen Bis able to hide a story that may reflect badly on him Cis able to ask the truth from the one who is interviewed Dcovers a whole story from the interviewee,(4)According to Hu Xin,which statement doesnt belong to the list of donts? ADont miss the deadline. BDont talk too much. CDont be rude. DDont take any notes while listening.,(5)Why can not Zhou Yang go out on a story at once? ABecause he is not experienced yet. BBecause he cant get a scoop. CBecause he is not curious enough. DBecause he doesnt know the list of dos and donts. 答案:(1)(5)ABADA,Step Three:Careful Reading 1Read the text and divide the text into three sections according to the duties of a journalist. Section 1:_ Section 2:_ Section 3:_ 答案:Section 1:to work in a team; Section 2:to get an accurate story; Section 3:to protect a story from accusations,2Listen to the tape and then fill in the blanks with proper words. (1)The first time he will be sent with an _. (2)There is no need for him to take a _ with him.He will have a professional _ with him to take photographs. 答案:(1)experienced journalist (2)camera;photographer,Step Four:Discussion What a journalist needs to remember when going out to cover a story? (1)He needs to be _. (2)A good journalist must have a “_” for a story. (3)He has to listen for the _. (4)If necessary,he can prepare _ to make sure that he gets all the facts straight. 答案:(1)curious (2)nose (3)detailed facts (4)a recorder,Step Five:Summary If you get a job as a 1._,you cant go out on a story on your own 2._.At first,you should work as an assistant of an 3._journalist.You can have a 4._photographer with you to take photographs.Your colleagues can be very eager to 5._you.,When covering a story,a journalist must be 6._.Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.7._ is important.You have to listen for 8._.Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question 9._on what the person says.If the interviewee agrees,you can use a recorder to get the facts 10._and thats the evidence to support your story.,Do be careful so as to make sure your story is right and accurate,or people may accuse you of making a false report. 答案:1.journalist 2.immediately 3.experienced 4professional 5.assist 6.curious 7.Listening 8details 9.depending 10.straight,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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