英语人教版必修12.4Unit2《English around the world》课件

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新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修1-2.4,revision,Unit2 English around the world Amy 06.9.26,Retell the story according to time,At the end of 16th century 5-7million In the 17th century begin to move Today the largest number of English speaker Many kinds of English AD450-1150German 1150-1500French Changes of English in the 1600sAmerican laterAustralian As a second language in south Asia 1765-1947India,Translation 1.众所周知,电脑在我们的现代社会里起很重要的作用. As we all know, computer plays an important role in our modern society. 2.我们将利用每一个机会讲英语. We will make use of every chance to speak English. 3.信不信由你,他可能在考试中作弊了. Believe it or not, he may have cheated in the exam.,4.吉姆喜欢发号施令,但是我们没人愿意听他的.(give commands) Jim likes to give commands, but no one willing to listen to him. 5.他去年出国工作了半年,因为有病没能结束工作就回来了.(because of) He went abroad and worked for half a year, but came back before he finished his work because of his illness. 6. 他们已经请求国际援助.(request) They have made a request for international help.,even if even though,1._we have money, we couldnt go abroad for our holidays. 2. we had to go out _ it was raining.,3. I know this one is different _ that one, but I cant tell the difference _ them. A. from; between B. than; about C. to; about D. from; in 4 why havent you bought any butter(黄油)? -I _ to but I forgot about it. A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected 5. We wont give up _ we should fail ten times. A. even if B. since C. whether D. until,6. Lucy _ the role _ the princess in the play. A. plays; in B. plays; of C. takes; as D. takes; in 7. They _ another song from Joyce because he sang so well. A. ordered B. asked C. needed D. requested,转换句型,1.I said to her, “Dont worry about your son.” 2. “where can we find the missing child?” he asked Mary. 3.He said, “Dont make so much noise, boys.” 4 .“Make sure the door is shut, please,” she said to her little son.,Homework 1.完成英语双语报的阅读和改错 2.完成书上P16的summing up部分 3.复习第二单元(周四晚上单元测试),Play a(an).role in, because of, such as, in fact, for example,1.she doesnt like him much_, i think she hates him. 2.the government has reduced spending in several areas,_, in the construction of highways. 3.the farm grows various kinds of crops, _ wheats, corn, and ice. 4.he eats _greed(贪吃),not hunger. 5.parent_important _in their childrens education.,诊所,1.The father told his children to not move. 2.He asked me to please sit down.,单词 包括_ 请求_ 承认_ 闪电_ 本地人_ 地铁_ 现代的_ 国际的_ 实际上_ 平的_ 统治_ 文化_ 身份_ 现在的_ 讯速地_ 词汇_ 政府_ 指令_ 标准_ 口语_ 街区_,1.English was _more on German_ _present day English. based; than B. based; at C. basing; than D. basing; at Specially especially People,_ young people, dont seem so polite these days. I came here _to ask you a question. 3.mr. Brown is _ a teacher to us, we look on him as our friend. More than B. more or less C. Less than D. more and more,4. The _ they played in the film is very important. A. activity B. part C. character D. roles 5.He commanded that we _ direct the youth. A. should B. must C./ D.A or C 6.The fish is native_ mountain Tai. A. for B. of C. to D. with,7.will you return? Only time will _. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk Come up; come across; come out Come true; come up 1.The boss _a suggestion. 2. His dream of joining the army_. 3. I _my old teacher when i got on the bus. 4.The book he had written for years_ at last. 5. The question to answer _in the next meeting.,9. They had a pleasant chat _a cup of coffee. A. for B. with C. during D. over 10.-who called just now? -I dont know because i didnt _his voice. A. listen B. recognize C. get to know D. realize,诊所 1.Shanghai is the city which he was born. 2.Some teacher, included the headmaster joined the club. 3.She played an active part of the factory.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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