英语课件:人教版必修三 Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”Unit5SectionⅣ

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Section Grammar & Writing,写作专题突破,Unit 1,语法专题突破,Section ,语法专题突破,同位语从句 一、定义 同位语从句就是跟在某一名词后,进一步说明该名词具体内容的从句。 同位语从句一般跟在某些抽象名词的后面,用于解释或说明前面名词的内容。可带同位语从句的抽象名词有: news,answer,message,doubt,possibility,idea,reply,reason,belief,hope,promise,suggestion,question,certainty等。,二、连接词 可引导同位语从句的有从属连词that,whether;连接代词who,which,what;连接副词when,where,why,how等。 1连词that和whether引导的同位语从句。该类引导词只起连接作用,在从句中不作任何成分。 There is no doubt that prices of cars will go down. 毫无疑问,轿车的价格会下降。,2连接代词和连接副词引导的同位语从句。该类引导词在从句中作相应的成分。 Next comes the question what you want to put in the box. 其次就是这个问题:你想在盒子里放些什么。 Nobody can explain the mystery why he suddenly disappeared. 没人能解开为什么他突然消失了这个谜。,三、学习同位语从句应注意的要点 1表达“是否”的概念时,要用whether而不用 if引导同位语从句。 I have no idea whether you are interested in working for her. 我不知道你是否有兴趣为她工作。 2分隔式同位语从句:有时同位语从句与其先行词被其他成分隔开,这种分隔主要出于修辞原因,即为了保持句子结构平衡。,His promise was along with the letter that he would visit me this coming Christmas. 信中他承诺在即将到来的圣诞节他会来拜访我。 3在某些抽象名词后的同位语从句中,其谓语动词应用虚拟语气形式,即(should)动词原形。常见的这类名词有:advice,order,demand,plan,proposal,suggestion,request,requirement,decision,recommendation等。 The suggestion that a new bridge (should) be built was accepted. 修建一座新桥的建议被采纳了。,4名词doubt(怀疑)后的同位语从句用whether引导;no doubt(不怀疑)之后的同位语从句用that引导。 We have some doubt whether they can complete the task on time. 我们怀疑他们能否按时完成任务。 There is no doubt that he will keep his promise. 他将遵守他的诺言,这一点是毫无疑问的。,四、同位语从句与定语从句的区别 1同位语从句属于名词性从句,它对先行词作进一步的解释或补充说明;而定语从句则属于形容词性从句,它对先行词起修饰或限制的作用。 The foreigner expressed the hope that he would come to China again.(同位语从句) Ill remember the hope that the foreigner expressed to me.(定语从句),2同位语从句的先行词通常是抽象名词;而定语从句的先行词无此限制。 The possibility that socialists clone a man may come true.(同位语从句) This is the horse that the scientist cloned.(定语从句) 3引导同位语从句的that只起连接作用,往往没有任何意思,在句中也不作成分,通常不被省略;而that引导定语从句时为关系代词,它除了起连接作用外,在从句中还充当某一成分(如主语、宾语等),作宾语时可以省略。,He made a promise that if anyone set him free he would make him very rich.(同位语从句) I still remember the promise (that) he made.(定语从句) 4当when,why,where和how等引导同位语从句时,它们为连接副词,虽然在句中充当句子成分,但前面没有与其意义相当的先行词;而在定语从句中它们为关系副词,在其前面分别有表示时间、原因、地点或方式意义的名词作先行词。 Then arose the question where we were to get so many chairs needed.(同位语从句) Thats the reason why he didnt come to the meeting.(定语从句),.完成句子 1(2011年高考天津卷改编) Modern science has given clear evidence _ (吸烟能导致很多疾病) 答案:that smoking can lead to many diseases,2(2011年高考辽宁卷改编)When the news came _(战争爆发了),he decided to serve in the army. 答案:that the war broke out 3There is much chance _(比尔很有可能从伤病中恢复过来,及时参加比赛) 答案:that Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race,4A warm thought suddenly came to me _ (我可以用我的零花钱给妈妈买些鲜花作为生日礼物) 答案:that I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday 5Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class _ (他不得不去机场接他的叔叔) 答案:was that he had to meet his uncle at the airport,6Dorissuccess lies in the fact _(她善于合作以及渴望从别人那里学到东西) 答案:that she is cooperative and eager to learn from others 7(2011年莆田高一检测改编)The question came up at the meeting _(我们是否有足够的钱) to do it. 答案:whether we had enough money,8(2011年盐城高一检测改编)Dandy left word with my secretary _(他下午将会再次打电话的) 答案:that he would call again in the afternoon 9(2011年南京高一检测改编)Do you have any idea _(教室里正在上什么课) ? 答案:what is actually going on in the classroom,10I have the same opinion as you _ (应保护一个人的生活隐私) 答案:that the privacy of ones life should be kept secret 11People have the belief _ (我们能够除去这种致命的疾病) 答案:that we can manage to get rid of the deadly disease,12We got the news that_ (无论谁有音乐才能都将上这节课) 答案:whoever has a gift for music will attend the class 13They have some doubt _(我们能否爬上这座高山) 答案:whether we can climb the high mountain,14The fact that a new kind of virus threats peoples life _(使人们很担心) 答案:worries people much 15They expressed their wish _.(他们能够买一座大房子并定居下来) 答案:that they could buy a big house and settle down,.选词填空 that,what,when,how,whether,why,which,whose 1He often asked me the question _ the work was worth doing. 2I have no idea _ the project will be finished. 3The thought occurred to him _ he left his notebook in the reading room.,4The reason _ he did it was not clear. 5The problem _ city we are going to,Qingdao or Dalian is not decided. 6The teacher had no idea _ was going on in the classroom. 7No one has any idea _ bag the red one is. 8I have no impression _ he went home,perhaps by bike. 答案:1.whether 2.when 3.that 4.why 5.which 6.what 7.whose 8.how,写作专题突破,突破话题Canada,【写作内容】 请根据下面表格内容,用英语写一篇短文,介绍加拿大的有关情况。,参考词汇:尼亚加拉大瀑布the Niagara Falls;圣劳伦斯河the St.Lawrence;肥沃的fertile;木材timber 【写作要求】 1只能使用5个句子来表达全部内容。 2可以适当增减细节,以使行文连贯。,【要点词汇】 1.位于,座落于_ 2.流动,流水_ 3.奇迹_ 4.提供_ 5.向出口_ 答案:1.be situated in 2.flow 3.wonder 4.provide sth.for sb./provide sb.with sth. 5.export.to,【句式结构】 1尼亚加拉大瀑布是世界奇迹之一。 The Niagara Falls _ of the world. 答案:is one of the wonders,2这里最大的河流是圣劳伦斯河,它流经湖区,而后进入大西洋。 The largest river is the St.Lawrence,_ the lakes and _ its waters _ the Atlantic Ocean. 答案:which flows through;afterwards discharges;into,3这里土壤肥沃,小麦和木材出口到英国和其它国家。 The soil of Canada _ the wheat and the timber are _ in large quantities _ England and other countries. 答案:is so fertile that;exported;to,【连句成篇】 _ _ _ _,【佳作欣赏】 Canada is situated in the north of North America.In the south of Canada there are lakes and there is also one of the wonders of the world between two of the lakesnamely,the Niagara Falls.The largest river is the St.Lawrence,which flows through the lakes and afterwards discharges its waters into the Atlantic Ocean.,The soil of Canada is so fertile that the wheat and the timber are exported in large quantities to England and other countries,which provides jobs for thousands of people.Whats more,Canada is rich in oil and fish.,【名师点评】 这篇范文能够按照写作要求,对加拿大的地理概况及其物产进行了简单的介绍,符合说明文文体的要求。短文注意运用较高级词汇(namely,afterwards,discharge,fertile,in large quantities,provide.for.,be rich in等)和较复杂句式(定语从句等),运用了whats more等过渡词汇使行文连贯,层次清晰。同时,词汇和语法运用正确,句式结构变化多样。是一篇较成功的说明文。,【佳句背诵】 1In the south of Canada there are lakes and there is also one of the wonders of the world between two of the lakesnamely,the Niagara Falls. 2The largest river is the St.Lawrence,which flows through the lakes and afterwards discharges its waters into the Atlantic Ocean.,3The soil of Canada is so fertile that the wheat and the timber are exported in large quantities to England and other countries,which provides jobs for thousands of people.,As an exchange student,I had a chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery and rich traditions of Canada last year.I was deeply impressed with them. Canada borders America in the south and its population is only slightly over thirty million.Canada has also rich natural resources,such as fresh water and wood.It is a mixture of cultures and races.,It took me approximately seven days to travel across the continent from west to east.After settling_down in Montreal,I began my journey with little baggage_aboard the train rather_than the aeroplane.On the train,I chatted with other passengers while enjoying the scenery along the way.I saw many mountains,lakes,and forests,where some trees measure over 90 meters.I also arrived at Vancouver,surrounded by mountains and water,where I skiied in the mountain and sailed in the harbour.In the Rocky,作为一名交流学生,去年我有机会欣赏了加拿大的美丽风景和传统。它们给我留下了深刻的印象。 加拿大在南部与美国接壤,它的 人口有三千万稍多。加拿大有着 丰富的自然资源,如淡水和木头。 它是一个文化和种族的混合体。,我花了大约七天的时间从西向东游览了这块大陆。在蒙特利尔安顿好后,我就带着行李坐火车而不是飞机开始了我的旅程。在火车上欣赏沿途美丽景色的同时,我与其他乘客聊天。我看见了很多山、湖泊和森林,在森林里有些树木高达90多米。我也到达了温哥华,这是一个被山水环绕的城市,在那里我在山上滑雪,在港口乘船。,在落基山脉,我还设法看到了远处的野山羊,甚至还有一只鹰。继续往东走,我到达了卡尔加里,在这里我参加了“大西部赛马会”。遗憾的是,我没有骑马的天赋,差点从马上摔下来,但我没感到害怕。相反地我感到非常高兴。最后,我到达了多伦多,这是加拿大最大,最富有的城市,我去市区买了一些纪念品。我过得非常愉快!,本部分内容讲解结束,点此进入课件目录,按ESC键退出全屏播放,谢谢使用,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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