人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4《WIldlife protection》-Reading task [课件]

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人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4《WIldlife protection》-Reading task [课件]_第1页
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人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4《WIldlife protection》-Reading task [课件]_第3页
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Reading task on P65,We call it _.,Milu deer,like other deer but with large horns,live together, eat grass and tree branches; like cool, wet weather,Information for research into Milu deer,live happily and number increased,in 1985 the government of China asked for some to be returned to China, the Duke of Bedford was happy to agree,over-hunted and killed,great increase in number and several Milu deer centres have been set up,an increase in the friendship and understanding between China and Britain,Writing Task on Page 67.,Sample writing Plan to encourage more birds to visit the waste area near the park There are few birds in our town and we would like to encourage them to return to live here. We found there was a dirty area near the park. We cleared all the,rubbish away. Then we began to plan our new design for the area. First, we made a plan and a drawing to show what the area would be like when it was finished. Then we asked our parents to make the birdhouses and feeding trays.,We decided that the bird tables should be made of wood because they will need to last a long time outside. The feeding trays should be put on the tables or hung from the braches of the trees so the birds can easily get at them. Also the bird watchers need to see the birds,eating. The nesting boxes should be hung from the trees so the birds can feel safe about their eggs. Bird nests should not be put close to the ground or cats or other animals will be able to take the eggs. The water containers,should be put in the open sir so they can be changed without the birds getting upset or too excited. The observers should be put behind low bushes so they can see the birds but not upset them.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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