人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4《WIldlife protection》-Listening[课件]

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人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4《WIldlife protection》-Listening[课件]_第1页
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人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4《WIldlife protection》-Listening[课件]_第3页
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Listening,Listening on P62,Aunty Gladys is a writer for the teenager magazine Animals. She usually answers letters from the readers who worry about the wildlife around them. Listen to the three letters without stopping. Then listen to each one in turn and fill in the chart.,Li Kun,He doesnt know which fish he can eat.,He cant understand why man attacks and kills animals like him.,Zhao Jing,She doesnt understand why the best animals and plants are kept in zoos and parks.,Listening task on P66,Hu Xiao is interviewing Alice Jones, a volunteer for the International Bird Rescue Research Center (IBRRC), about her work. 1. Look at the pictures and predict what the listening will be about. Then listen once all the way through and see if you were right.,2. Listen to Part A again and then write down what is the most difficult part of the work according to Alice.,Its saving wild birds covered in oil.,3. Go over the following passage guessing the meaning of the unknown words. Listen to Part A once more and fill in the blanks. Write one word for each blank.,Feathers are like _ to keep out _ _. Oil that _ on the water makes their feathers _ _ and makes the birds skin _ _. When birds try to remove the oil with their beaks, they _ _ _ and _ _.,raincoats,cold,water,flows,stick,together,get,cold,may,eat,oil,get,sick,4. Listen to Part B again and write down the two steps the IBRRC usually takes to help those birds. Step 1:_ Step 2: _,We comfort the birds.,We clean the birds.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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