人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 3《Computers》-Extensive reading[课件]

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Welcome!,算盘 计算 计算机器 笔记本电脑 5.有许多共同点 6.依看;据认为,abacus,calculate,a calculating machine,a notebook computer,have a lot in common,in ones opinion,Words and Expressions,7. 分析机 8.头脑简单的 9.意志坚强的 10.近视的 11. 远视的 12. 技术革命,an analytical machine,simple-minded,strong-minded,near-sighted,far-sighted,the technological revolution,13. 通用计算机 14. 人工智能 15.为人类服务 16.走过,过去 17.处理,对付 18. 做决定,artificial intelligence,serve the human race,go by,deal with,make a decision,a universal machine,Android,Pre-reading,ANDY- THE ANDROID,Reading,Listen to the tape once and think of the following questions.,1. What does Andy serve as on the football team?,2. Who is Andys coach?,He serves as a striker.,His programmer.,Second reading,Read the text carefully to find the answers to the following questions.,How often are the androids allowed to get together to play a football game? Where did Andy first compete ? What does Andys programmer programs him with?,How often are the androids allowed to get together to play a football game?,About once a year.,2. Where did Andy first compete ?,In Nagoya, Japan.,3. What does Andys programmer programs him with?,With all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.,Read the text again to find out the following phrases.,1.和人一样大小 2.在足球队里 3.用计算机语言 4.获第二名 5.在某种程度上 6.编造,补足 7.毕竟 8.在的帮助下,as big as a human,on the football team,in computer language,get second place,in a way,make up,after all,with the help of,Read the text loudly to find some difficult sentences.,1. I need to shout in computer language to my teammates to give me the ball when Im open and have a good shot for a goal.,当我的对面没有人防守, 可以好好射它一个球的时候, 我需要用计算机语言向队友喊把球传给我.,2. After all, with the help of electronic brain which never forgets anything, intelligence is what Im all about.,1) intelligence is what Im all about,智慧就是我的一切。,2) after all 毕竟,,他非常调皮,但毕竟他还是个孩子。,He is very naughty, but after all he is a child.,3) with the help of 在的帮助下,在电脑的帮助下, 我们的英语课会变得越来越有趣的。,With the help of the computer, our English class will become more and more interesting.,3. Personally, I think the team who won first place cheated.,1)personally 就个人而论,Personally, I am for the new law.,2)cheat sb (out) of sth,The prince cheated the princess (out) of her castle.,4. I think we can work together to create an even better system.,even 可以用来修饰形容词的比较级,Yesterday was cold, but today is even colder.,Although she is in her forties now, she seems to be even more beautiful than before.,尽管她现在四十多岁了,但她看起来好像比以前更漂亮了.,Notice:,much, far, a lot,a little等也可以修饰比较级.,This apple is much smaller than that one.,He is far more excited than I expected.,5. In fact, I would really like to play against a human team sometimes.,play against = compete against/with,play with,与 玩耍,Dont play with fire, its too dangerous.,6. In a way, my programmer is like my coach.,in a way,= in one way,在某种程度上,从某种程度上来看,他为我们国家做出了巨大的贡献。,In a way, he made a great contribution to our country.,7. In this way, I can make up new moves.,make up 编造,补足,化妆,make up a fairy story,make up the loss,弥补损失,Discussion :,Imagine that you are an android, you are asked to do the housework for a family , and also to watch over their baby. What would you do? How would you feel?,Android thoughts:,Im an android; I look like a girl; I work day and night. GIRL,COME HERE! GIRL,GO THERE! GIRL, DO THE DISHES! GIRL, MOP THE FLOORS!,Im here to serve; Im there to serve; But my mind is free. My mind wanders. In my mind I am a real girl; I play with the other girls; And I run in the fields. I am treated like a real person; I am a real person!,Summary,1. We reviewed the main words and expressions we have learned, then learned some new words and expressions.,2. We learned the story of Andy, an android.,Homework,Memorize the words and expressions we learned today.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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