高中英语同步教学课件(人教版选修6) Unit2 period ⅱ learning about language

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Section Learning about Language,The forms I liked best convey their meaning by using the,bare.我最喜欢的方式通过使用仅有的传达它们的意思。 1bare,解析 (1)adj.赤裸的;光秃的;稀少的,Its better to do yoga with bare feet. 练瑜伽最好赤脚。 (2)n.最基本的要素,Readers want more than just the bare facts. 读者想要的不仅仅是基本的事实。,拓展 lay bare 揭发,暴露,the bare bones 基本内容,with ones bare hands 赤手空拳,运用 完成句子,He killed a tiger _ (赤手空拳),The boy likes to walk on the sand _ (赤足),with his bare hands,with bare feet,Match the beginning of each sentence with the appropriate ending.给每个句子的开头连接一个恰当的结尾。 2appropriate adj.适当的;正当的 典例 She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion. 她挑了一件适合该场合穿的衣服。,拓展,(1)It is appropriate that.(从句谓语用“should动词,原形”,should 可省略)是适当的 It is entirely appropriate that his music should be played at the festival. 他的音乐在这个节日里演奏是完全合适的。 (2)be appropriate for/to sth. 对某事是适当的 Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding. 运动 服不适合在正式婚礼中穿。,运用 完成句子,I think _ ( 是 适 当 的 ) I raise the,question of my promotion at the moment.,Jeans are not _ ( 适 合 于 ) for a formal,party.,it is appropriate that,appropriate for,If there had not been an exchange programme, he would,not have found a sponsor to help him study abroad.如果没有这 个交换项目,他将找不到资助人帮助他去留学。 3exchange,解析 (1)n.交换;交流;互换,Our school did an exchange with a school in France. 我们学校与法国的一所学校进行了一次交流。,(2)vt.& vi 调换;交换,We exchanged our opinions about the event at the meeting.在,会上,我们就此事交换了意见。,拓展 in exchange for 以交换 exchange.for.以交换,运用 用上面所提供的短语的适当形式填空 I gave her a sweater _ a skirt.,Can I _ pounds _ dollars here?,in exchange for,exchange,for,4sponsor,解析 (1)n.C赞助人;主办者;倡议者,Mr.Robert Brown was announced as the sponsor.,罗伯特布朗先生被宣布为赞助人。 (2)vt.发起;举办;倡议,Two Virginian Congressmen sponsored the bill. 两位弗吉尼亚国会议员提出了这一议案。,拓展 sponsor 作名词还可意为“担保人”。如:,If I go and live in the US, I must get an American sponsor. 如果我去美国并在那里居住,必须有美国人作担保。,运用 完成句子, In order to carry out his experiment, he must have,_ (很多资助人), The meeting _ ( 由 发 起 ) by 16,countries.,many sponsors,was sponsored,虚拟语气,1主语从句中的虚拟语气,(1)“It is important (necessary, strange, proper, possible, necessary 等)that 从句”句型中,从句的谓语动词常用“should 动词原形”,should 可省略。如:,Its important that this task (should) not fail. 至关重要的是这项任务不能失败。,(2)“It is ordered (decided, suggested, requested, required 等) that 从句”句型中,从句的谓语动词用“should 动词原 形”,should 可省略。如:,Its required that the students (should) learn a foreign language.,学生们被要求必须学一门外语。,2表语从句和同位语从句中的虚拟语气,在表示建议、命令、要求、愿望等名词后面的表语从句和 同位语从句中,谓语动词用“should动词原形”。这类名词 有:advice, suggestion, order, demand, request 等。如:,He made the demand that we should go at once.,His demand was that we should go at once. 他要我们马上就走。,3错综时间虚拟条件句,在错综时间条件句中,虚拟条件句中从句和主句动作发生 的时间不一致,因此主句和从句的谓语动词要根据各自所指的 不同时间选用适当的虚拟语气形式。如:,If I were not busy, I would have come.,假若我不忙,我早就来了。(从句说明现在,主句说明过去),If it had rained last night, the ground would be wet now.,要是昨晚下过雨的话,现在地面就会是湿的。(从句说明过,去,主句说明现在),4.含蓄虚拟条件句,有时假设的条件不通过条件从句表达,而是暗含在单词、 短语或上下文中,这时需要根据句中所表述的意义以及某些特 定的信息来决定需要采用的形式。如:,(1)在不定式短语中,To have studied harder, you would have passed the exam.,(If you had studied harder, you would have passed the exam.) 你 学习要是更用功些,你早就考试及格了。,(2)在分词短语中,Walking alone in the dark, Mary would be terrified.,( If Mary walked alone in the dark, she would be terrified.) 要是一个人单独在黑暗中走,玛丽会感到十分害怕。,Born in better times, he would have been a scholar.,( If he had been born in better times, he would have been a,scholar.)如果出生在好时代,他早就成为学者了。,(3)在介词短语中,Without air, no one could live.( If there were no air, no one,could live.)没有空气,人就不能活。,But for her help, he would have failed.(If it hadnt been for,his help, he would have failed.),要不是有她的帮助,他就失败了。,(4)在连词(如 or, or else, otherwise 等)中,I didnt know that he was a cheat, or else I wouldnt have,believed him.(or elseif I had known he was a cheat)我不知道他 是个骗子,不然我也不会相信他了。,Im really very busy, otherwise I would certainly go there with,you.(otherwiseif I were not so busy),我真的是太忙了,不然我就会同你一起去了。,5.as if/as though 引导的方式状语从句或表语从句及 if only,后的句子常用虚拟语气,如:,They began to talk warmly as if they had known each other for,long.,他们开始热烈地谈论起来,好像他们已相互认识很久了。,He coughed twice as if someone should come. 他咳嗽两声好像有人要来了。,If only I were better looking.要是我长得漂亮些就好了。,6It is (high, about) time.句型要用虚拟语气,其虚拟语气的结构为:It is (high/about) time that主语动 词的过去式/should动词原形,表示“早该干某事而已经有些 晚了”。如:,It is time that I went to pick up my daughter at school. 我该去学校接我的女儿了。,It is high time that you should go to work. 你早该上班了。,一、用所给单词的适当形式填空,1 If we _ (consult) him on the question,yesterday, we should know what to do now.,2 We didnt know his telephone number, otherwise we,_ (telephone) him.,3 Its very important that you _ (behave),yourself.,4The general made the order that all the soldiers _,(keep) silent.,had consulted,would have telephoned,(should) behave,(should) keep,5Given the opportunity, he _ (become),a successful singer.,6Its high time that some effective measures _,(take) to stop the pollution.,might have become,should be taken,二、完成句子,1Hurry up! Its time that _ ( 我们,该上学了),2Without your help, we _ (不,会完成工作) ahead of time.,3Its suggested that _ (我们 明天去那里) 4He talks as if he _ (曾经出过国) 5_,(假若你服了药) yesterday, you would be all right now.,we went/should go to school,would not have finished the work,we (should) go there tomorrow,had been abroad,Had you taken the medicine/If you had taken the medicine,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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