高中英语人教版必修5课件【福建专用】Unit 4《Making the news》SectionⅢ

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高中英语人教版必修5课件【福建专用】Unit 4《Making the news》SectionⅢ_第1页
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Section Learning about Language & Using Language,Step One:Words and Phrases .词汇知识 1_ (n.) 部门;部;处;系 2_ (adj.) 精确的;正确的 3_ (adj.) 年长的;高年级的;高级的,department,accurate,senior,4_ (vt.) 擦亮;磨光;润色 5_ (adj.) 主要的; 首席的(n.)首领;长官 6_ (vt.) 赞成;认可;批准 7process (vt.) _ (n.)过程;程序;步骤,polish,chief,approve,加工;处理,8edition (n.)_ 9appointment (n.)_ 10crime (n.)_,版(本);版次,约会;任命,罪行;犯罪,.重点短语 1_在前面 2_同意 3_比级别高 4_ 与约会,Ahead of,Approve of,Be superior to,Make an appointment with sb.,5_做研究 6sort out_ 7teach sb.to do sth. _ 8in the process of. _ 9blame sb.for. _ 10submit.to. _,Do some research,分类整理,教会某人干某事,在的过程中,因为某事而责备某人,将提交给,Step Two:Fast Reading Scan the text and try to get the main idea of it. _,The passage tells us the process of writing and printing for a newspaper article.,Step Three:Careful Reading .Read the text and then answer these questions. 1Where will the news be placed in the newspaper? _,It will be placed on the front page.,2What was Zhou Yangs first work? _ 3What did the copyeditor begin to do? _,To write the story.,She began to edit the piece and design the main headline and smaller heading.,4Who determined the story at last? _ 5Why did they need four negatives? _,The chief editor did.,They needed them to make a coloured page.,.Read the text and then find out the main idea of each paragraph. AHis story was passed on to different editors of the newspaper. BZhou Yang found a famous film star lying. CThe news was ready to be printed. DZhou Yang began to write his story carefully.,Paragraph 1:_ Paragraph 2:_ Paragraph 3:_ Paragraph 4:_,B,D,A,C,1ahead of. 在前面 (教材原句)We need it in this edition to be ahead of the other newspapers. 我们这一版就要用,这样我们就抢在其他报纸的前面了。 ahead of time/schedule 提前,go ahead 前进;继续,开始,干吧;先行,先走,请 We must finish up this business ahead of time. 我们必须提前把这件事了结。 With your help we can fulfill the plan ahead of schedule. 有了你的帮助,我们可以提前完成计划。,Well,now you can go ahead with your plans. 好了,现在你可以继续你的计划了。 May I use your computer now? Yes,go ahead. 我可以使用你的电脑吗? 可以,用吧。,【点津提示】 in advance of 也可以表示“在前;提前”。 2accurate adj.精确的;正确的 (教材原句)He would have to be accurate. 他必须做到准确无误。,The designer produced an accurate copy of the plan. 设计人员制作了一份准确的计划。 He has made an accurate measurement of my garden. 他准确地丈量了我的花园。 He is always accurate in what he says and does. 他说的和做的总是正确无误。,易混辨析 accurate/exact/precise,【联想】 accurately adv.精确地 巧学活用 11 补全句子 在大连上大学时他比我高一班。 He was_ in a class at Dalian University.,ahead of me,12 翻译句子 (1)You go ahead,and well follow on. _ (2)干吧!没有什么可怕的。 _,你先走, 我们随后就到。,Go ahead!Theres nothing to be afraid of.,21 补全句子 他对这个事件的报道的全部细节是正确的。 His report of the event_every detail.,was accurate in,22 单项填空 His pronunciation is not_but he can manage to make himself understood by the foreigners. Afresh Baccurate Cclear Dmistaken,解析:选B。句意:他的发音不是很正确,但是他能够设法让外国人听懂他的意思。accurate是“正确的,精确的”之意,符合语境。fresh意为“新鲜的”;clear意为“清楚的”;mistaken意为“错误的”。,3senior adj.年长的,高年级的;高级的 (教材原句)The first person who saw his article was a senior editor from his department. 看他文章的第一个人是他们部门的一位年长的编辑。 be senior to. 比年长;比级别高,He is senior to me by seven years. 他比我年长七岁。 Only one manager is senior to me now. 现在职位比我高的就只有经理了。 Many people are senior to me in this company. 这家公司有很多人资历比我深。,【联想】 junior adj.低级的;初级的;地位较低的 be junior to.比级别低;比年少 4polish vt.擦亮;磨光;润色 (教材原句)Then as the article was going to be written in English Zhou Yang also took a copy to the native speaker employed by the newspaper to polish the style.,因为这篇文章要用英文来写,所以周阳拿了一份稿子给一位母语为英语的外国雇员,请她对语言风格进行润色。,Polish your shoes with a brush. 用刷子把你的鞋子擦亮。 He polished the leather with cream. 他用上光油把皮革打磨光。 If you polish the article,we will print it in the newspaper. 如果你把这篇文章润色一下,我们就在报纸上发表它。,【联想】 polished adj.擦亮的;抛光的 5approve vt.赞成;认可;批准 (教材原句)Last of all,the chief editor read it and approved it. 最后主编审读了这篇稿子,并且批准发表了。,approve of. 同意;赞成 Father approved our plan to visit New York. 父亲同意了我们访问纽约的计划。 Everybody approves of the plans for a new school building. 大家都赞成建造一所新校舍的计划。,If my plan isnt approved of by the committee,all my work will have been wasted.如果我的计划得不到委员会的批准,我的功夫就白费了。 【联想】 disapprove vi.& vt.不同意 approval n. 批准,认可,赞成 approver n赞成者,31 翻译句子 他比我年长十岁。 _ 32单项填空 Although he only joined the firm last year hes _ me already. Asenior than Bjunior than Csenior to Djunior to,He is ten years senior to me.,解析:选C。句意:他虽然去年才来公司,却已经是我的上级了。senior意为“年长的,高年级的;高级的”;be senior to.意为“比级别高”,符合语境;be junior to.意为“比级别低”。,41 翻译句子 他的作文需要润色。 _ 42 单项填空 He tends to_his shoes before he goes out to work every day. Apolish Brub Ctidy Dwipe,His composition needs polishing.,解析:选A。句意:他每一天出去上班前总是把鞋子擦亮。polish是“擦亮,抛亮”之意,符合语境。rub意为“摩擦”;tidy意为“整理,使整齐”;wipe意为“擦掉;消除”。,51 翻译句子 我不赞成在床上吸烟。 _,I dont approve of smoking in bed.,52 单项填空 The plan_,what is most important is to carry it out. Ahaving been disagreed Bhaving been agreed Chaving been approved of Dwas approved of,解析:选C。句意:计划被批准后,最重要的是付诸实施。approve后面接介词of表示“同意某物”;此处the plan与having been approved of构成独立主格结构作状语;而agree是不及物动词,多与介词with连用表示“同意某物”。,6process vt.加工;处理 n. 过程;程序;步骤 (教材原句)All the information was then ready to be processed into film negatives. 此后,所有的报道材料就要被加工成胶片。 process.into. 把加工成为/制作成为 in the process of. 在的过程中,归纳拓展 In this way the milk is processed into cheese. 用这种方法牛奶被制成了奶酪。 Happiness is in the process of looking for truth but not in finding the truth.快乐在于寻找真理的过程中,而不在于发现真理。,7appointment n. 约会;任命 (教材原句)Practise in pairs making appointments. 两人一组练习约会。 make/fix an appointment with sb. 与某人约会 keep the appointment 守约,cancel the appointment 取消约会 break the appointment 失约/违约 归纳拓展 I made an appointment to see him in my office on Tuesday morning.我约定星期二上午在我办公室见他。,I cant keep the appointment because Im sick. 我无法如约会面,因为我生病了。 You mustnt break the appointment. 你不能失约。 【联想】 appoint vt. 任命;指派;约定,61 翻译句子 他们正在设计桥梁的过程中。 _ 62 单项填空 Could you tell me how milk is_ and delivered to the market? Adealt Bprocessed Cmanaged Dtransferred,Theyre in the process of designing the bridge.,解析:选B。句意:你能告诉我牛奶是如何加工并运送到市场的吗?考查process表示“处理,加工”之意的用法,符合题意;deal意为“经营,处理”,多与with连用;manage意为“设法对付”;transfer意为“转移,转交”;均为干扰项。,71 补全句子 (1)我太忙了,不得不取消这一次约会。 I am too busy and have to_. (2)我与史密斯大夫约好了在下星期二见面。 Ihave_Doctor Smith next Tuesday.,cancel the appointment,made an appointment with,72 单项填空 I couldnt _the appointment because I had to work overtime. Alose Bkeep Cmatch Dbreak 解析:选B。句意:我不能去赴约,因为我得加班。keep the appointment是“守约”之意,符合语境;而break the appointment意为“违约”。,(教材原句)His first task was to write his story,but he had to do it carefully. 他的第一件事是写报告,但他必须认认真真写。,句法分析 动词不定式短语to write his story在句中作表语,解释主语task的内容。 (1)主语be to do的用法:是以aim,duty,hope,idea,happiness,job,plan,problem,purpose,thing,wish等为中心的名词,或以what引导的名词性从句,不定式表语对主语起补充说明作用或者解释说明主语的内容。,(2)表示目的或打算。译为“要,打算,为了”等意义。 (3)表示一般将来时的意义,“将要,要,会”之意。 (4)表示一种趋势或倾向,“注定会”之意。,归纳拓展 The goal was to gather information. 目标是为了收集资料。 The purpose of charity is to help people in need. 慈善活动的目的就是帮助那些有需要的人。,He is to leave at eight oclock this evening. 他要在今晚八点钟离开。 He is to be a teacher after graduating from Normal University. 从师范大学毕业之后,他会成为一个老师。 You are to lose the game if you dont prepare it fully. 如果你不充分准备,你注定要失掉这场比赛。,巧学活用 11翻译句子 (1)His duty is to take care of his sick mother. _ (2)如果把这种植物置于寒冷的天气下,注定会枯死的。 _,他的任务是照顾他生病的妈妈。,This kind of plant is to die if left in the cold weather.,12单项填空 Either you or he_to the Middle East. Aare to be sent Bis to be sent Cwill sent Dshall sent 解析:选B。句意:或者是你或者是他将被派到中东去。be to do表示将来时态的意义,译为“将要”之意。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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